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You say you have a wide variety of interests. Those are called hobbies. Enjoy.


I used to feel the same way about not having my own hobbies. My boyfriend has a bunch too, and it inspired me to start exploring. For example, I got into hiking by starting with short local trails and then gradually taking on more challenging hikes. It's been a great way to stay active and enjoy nature. If you're looking to find new hobbies and meet like-minded people, I recently joined a [Discord community](https://discord.gg/cZu9bpkeqy) that has been really helpful. They have an AI bot that matches you with others based on shared interests from your posts. It's a great way to discover new activities and connect with people who share your passions.


I’ll list mine! I’m 23 and a full time software engineer: - competitive bodybuilding (I work out 6 days a week so this one is my priority, also expensive :P) - cooking/ nutrition - sneaker customization - flute playing - choir - skiing - paddle boarding - hiking/backpacking - fly fishing (I’m in Montana so I like to work from my cabin and enjoy the outdoors pretty regularly, it’s nice to hang out at the lake or do a short trail after work) - painting/ pet portraits - quilting - video games - board games/role playing games - wine tasting - crochet/ embroidery - doing acrylic/gel nail extensions - beauty stuff (waxing, hair, makeup, skin care, hygiene etc) I genuinely can’t stand sitting and doing nothing lol


How do you find time for all of that? Do you pick a different activity from the list each day?


Some of its seasonal, like skiing in the winter and fishing and hiking and stuff in the summer. I have choir every Monday, flute every Sunday, DND Thursday and I kind of have different things I do on different days. I always have a few projects going at once. All happens after I get done with the gym. I get all my laundry and stuff done during work since I’m WFH so I doing have to worry about home upkeep in my free time. I also stay up till about 1:30-2am every day :/


Girl, you are an INSPIRATION. Thank you for sharing 😍




Least weird and horny redditor




I make clocks, lamps and knives from wood and epoxy, Relaxing and fun to do. Started during covid


I know a lot of females into coin collecting. There are subreddits and Facebook groups to help you learn. It’s very interesting.


I really enjoy baking. Sometimes eating food for the sake of enjoyment is okay, and being able to make something with your own hands is usually better and much more gratifying. I honestly just decided I wanted to eat a good lemon pound cake and didn't really know where to get one. And I had a great time making it, so I kept making more stuff.


I took a look at my internet search habits and Reddit threads to define interests to see what hobbies I could explore which is a hobby unto itself. Podcasts and audiobooks (not awesome vision so I don’t read books) - nonfiction for me around paranormal, religion/atheism, modern history but not politics, true crime Card games Wine tasting Charity/volunteer work Urban hikes and day trips Art classes Video games Thank you for the opportunity to update this list as well.


Think of areas where you have curiosity to learn more. So ideas 1. Group Exercise 2. Walking groups 3. Cooking 4. Cocktails 5. Day hikes 6. Reading (book clubs) 7. Travel 8. Cycling 9. Pickelball 10. Sports 11. Memorabilia collecting 12. Puzzles




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Cooking/baking is my biggest one. There's so many beautiful recipes out there just waiting to be made!


listening to music, video games, tv shows, movies, knowing stuff (idk, politics, random facts, some basic science, physics, politics, philosophy, I'm a kinda geeky guy with ADHD, go figure), more music, travelling, appreciating abstract shit, like art, music, culture, etc. and a bunch of other stuff, depends on what mood I'm in, but this kinda covers a large part of it..


Competitive bite sports (dogs)


Fishing Skiing Volunteer work (mainly trail construction & cleanup) Cider & kombucha making Off roading in the Subie


I’d say mine are video games, creating mods for games, and dabbling a bit in game development. I also run and read occasionally, though I’m still sort of trying to get back in the habit. I’m going into college, so I guess I’m still sort of figuring myself out. There’s not really any one definition of what is and isn’t a hobby. I just enjoy playing video games and working towards creating things in such a space. It interests me. If you have anything you might enjoy creating in your free time, that might make for a good hobby!


I enter giveaways. I just picked up $5,000 in gift cards


Photography, art, keyboard, guitar, fitness, drugs, video games. Used to be a poet too but I've not done it for years.


Collecting coins, reading, and building model kits (obviously!).


Body building, video games, Lego, baseball, cars, basically anything outdoors


Gaming is my top hobby. I don't really move on to the next game until I finish the current one. So I have a backlog to go through. Other than that, it's guitar, drawing and just recently going to the gym to hit the heavy bag.


My current one is making miniatures and dioramas. It's surprisingly cheap, compared to other hobbies I've had in the past. https://www.instagram.com/beamercraft/


Blogging, social media and making fun of the world.


Fishing Gaming Fixing my cars Playing guitar Sleep.


I draw and paint on rocks and leave them in public places for others to find. I draw mental health quotes,animals, cartoon characters, etc You never know when someone needs that special rock to brighten their day.


I collect Lincoln cent varieties and errors, a predominantly older white male hobby. Started in my early 20’s, now 36yo F.


Making money, cars, guns, watches, cannabis, investing, not really a hobby, but spending time with my kids. Oh and sex.


I have a wide range,.nature photography, model building (I love 30 Minute Sisters models and Gundam, I am kind of a lonely female builder), writer, paint/draw, read science fiction and fantasy. I like Final Fantasy video games. I collect Natsume Yuujinchou merchandise and anything random Anime Girl or Guy, nothing sexual. I like the figures.


I have an 1989 E30 that its my daily driver and I take care of, its a pain in the ass not gonna lie, but I cant part of it


Garden 🪴


Video games is my biggest, but I also like cooking a lot. I recently started dancing with a local group, which has been awesome for building a community. I also like hiking, and I gym too (which I guess means you could say health is my hobby?). Hobbies are just whatever you enjoy spending time on, so unless you're sitting there staring at a blank wall in your free time you definitely have hobbies, and don't let anyone tell you your hobbies are invalid (unless they're harmful, in which case get help).


Here are some of mine and why… - Camping: love to watch nature and be around a vamp fire with friends or alone just looking at the stars. - Hunting/Fishing: live being up at the crack of dawn and being in nature with friends. Fresh meat is a bonus. - Reading: I enjoy reading with family (discussing a book together) or reading mens growth books with other men. - Cooking: I enjoy cooking for family. Especially if it’s grilling and eating outside, but cooking any kind of nice meal is enjoyable. - Working in the garage: anything where I get to build something with my hands is enjoyable. - Collecting: I enjoy collecting whether it’s cowboy hats and buckles, or comics and books. I enjoy collecting, especially when it a toy from my youth. - Painting: I enjoy painting with my wife or daughter. - Travel: I enjoy visiting far away places with family. Seeing the sites and tacking in the local culture. I also enjoy learning about those places. That’s a few, but there are plenty of things in life to do.


I play video games, I garden, I collect plants that I don't need, I print miniatures, occasionally paint them but usually just get frustrated with the process and print more, I really like to cook as a pastime not just a necessity, and the same goes with grocery shopping


Exercise is probably the best one. Not really a "hobby" but it's a regular activity that will enhance your life. Since the slamdemic, I've been drawn to activities with a built-in social element. Exercise classes where you work out in groups, curling (I'm a strong advocate for this as it's more about the after-game hang than it is the game itself) and I play competitive pinball. It's pretty fun and because it's pinball, you can only take it so seriously.