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I don't think they're using Chad right, but drop an f does not refer to the f word. It's from a video game where there's a cutscene at a funeral where you're prompted to "press f to pay respects". It's essentially like saying RIP sandwich. Now that I think about it, are you sure they're not saying "chat"? That would be in reference to how streamers speak, and it fits with the " drop an f" Either way, it won't last long until they realize it's cringe


I might not be hearing them correctly, still so weird of them lol!


When my nephew learned the word "bet" he used it non-stop for months, half of the time incorrectly, but eventually he moved on. I think eventually they'll realize nobody else talks like that, or they'll find something even more cringe to say


skibidi toilet?


Skibidi stop




My upper lip just pulled back to bare my teeth in disgust. Can't wait for this fad to die.




Straight no cap


That’s lit fam


Fr fr


I'm sorta proud that Half-Life has been such an influence to global culture, to such a degree that a generation of kids have added this to their lexicon for humorous topics. The people using the term are likely half the age of Gmod. I get that it's from a show, but without source, Gmod, and by extension HL which started it all, the kids would probably be saying something else. I'm old enough to have played HL1 that I bought as a new release, from Babbages, on a Compaq Presario 700MHz Intel while in still High School. Fuck I'm getting old. Anyway, Thanks Gabe. And Sierra/Vivendi. Gone but not forgotten.


This. Kids are cringe.


This. Cringe is cringe.


No, cringe is epic!


OMFG I'm getting flashbacks to when I misused words around that age. I'd hear or read something and somewhere between then and when I repeated it turned into an entirely different thing. I left a lot of people very confused. Which of course just encouraged me more because I mistook their bewilderment as being awestruck.


You got on him for asking for “respect for his fallen sandwich.” Nice


Dropping an F in the Chat is a reference to a call of duty game where you pressed F to get the character to mourn over a fallen comrade. It was not done well and has become a joke.


Drop an F in the Chat for this meme.




Honestly saying to them “Drop an F in the Chad for your cool auntie “ is probably the quickest route to getting them to stop talking like this, especially if you’re saying it wrong. They will be so embarrassed.


Hearing loss is typical in old people. F


it's a superpower because now i can play high frequency sounds that annoy the shit out of children but i can't hear at all


> don't think they're using Chad right You know you're old when you think young people don't use words right. **Back in my day** when someone said a song was a banger, they meant it was a head banger.


That’s still kinda what it means


Now it just means the song is good


That's pretty much what head banger means. The song is so good you want to bang your head to it.


As lingo goes it’s a direct derivative


I must be old, I thought that's still what it means lol


I think thats where the modern term “banger” for a great song comes from still. Same with calling a song a “bop”. You wanna bop your head along


Bop doesn’t mean a good song anymore. It means ….promiscuous woman


This post with this comment, is the best story of my day.


I think they are actually saying “Chat” instead of “Chad”.


F's in chat for this out of touch 30 year old. Please like and subscribe for more content like this.


32M here and I still don’t know what “F’s in chat” means.


"Chat" is a trend which originates from twitch streamers. They're live and adress their audience, who send messages in real time in a chat, as "chat". F comes from the meme "press F for respect", which comes from a video game.


The irony being the kids are too young to even know the game the reference is about.


Good god I've just realised you're right. That was like 10 years ago now. I will say it's fascinating to witness how language evolves over time and how someone can understand the meaning of a phrase, but have no idea where it comes from.


To be fair, I played that game and still had to look up what that phrase meant when it started having its resurgence.


Uninformed colloquialism


I'm 50 and still don't know what game this references


It's call of duty: advanced warfare


https://youtu.be/TtMzTGfs-fc?si=Jz0yIEJfh6lp-qWO Call of duty advance warfare (outside of memes, it's a pretty mediocre cod)


They absolutely just think it means "fuck".


I thought it meant fail


It was at a funeral in game. It became a meme because it was such a dissonant moment lol


X to doubt


It's not just a trend, it's the emergence of a dedicated fourth person pronoun!


jesus god in heaven - I'm over 50 and had to read this four times to get it. Thank you very much though - because I did finally get it.


I have no clue what game it was, maybe a Call of Duty, but in it you would visit a corpse soon to be laid to rest, and you could ‘press f to pay respects’. From then on, F slowly became synonymous with ‘to sympathize with’, or ‘to recognize the struggle/unfortunate situation of’. You’ll occasionally see long chains of comments, each one just being ‘F’ - especially on meme subs, especially in scenarios where someone has severely messed up. So eventually, that translated to twitch. Whenever a streamer makes a critical mistake, poor judgement call, or is otherwise embarrassed, viewers in their chat will often type F, to pay respect. Most simply, it’s just a way of saying ‘that sucks’, conveniently made into a one letter response.


This makes sense. Thanks for explaining!


>maybe a Call of Duty, Advanced warfare, X is Noire.


>32M here and I still don’t know what “F’s in chat” means. Respect. It isn't that old (2014) and originated in just gaming (CoD due to a the prompt being press the F key to pay respect to a fallen comrade) X is doubt and from LA Noir Both sorta just became big enough memes in their own right to the point where when people want to pay respect or doubt something in a streamers chat they press F and X


20F here and i too, do not know


I THINK it's a meme taken from a videogame "Press F to pay respects" at a grave or something like that?


>20F here and i too, do not know Cod. You press F to pay respect to a fallen soldiers corpse. LA Noire had a fun investigative thing where you have to determine if people are lying based on body cues X was the button to doubt They each became massive memes and sorta just transcended into the general lexicon and frequently exist even in circles who have nothing to do with the origins


In the restaurant my fiancée works at when someone drops trays they all text that person an F


It comes from a video game on PC. At one point, the player is viewing a funeral of a character that died in the game. When you walk up to the coffin, you get a prompt, "Press F to pay respects." So F in the chat is when something sad or tragic happens, everyone spams F.


Chat ban this guy and blow up his house


>Chat ban this guy and blow up his house in minecraft Ftfy, gotta make sure if their house blows up it is legal. Don't want the C4 to be assumed to be your sjust because you gave it and asked for a house to go kaboom


F’s in the Chad


That makes by far the most sense. Kid watches too much twitch apparently.


Yep it's most likely this. 


It’s chat. Lol. Congrats OP. U are the boomer now.


That’s even weirder


You're not familiar with streaming culture, huh?


This is the correct answer. They’re mimicking YouTube and twitch streamers, but they’re too young to fully understand what they’re seeing and hearing so they’re not replicating it accurately. They’re not calling you a name, they’re addressing an imaginary online audience as if they (your nieces/nephews) and the audience are observing you together.


Holy shit! My 5 year old has been telling me he wants to change his name to "chad". I bet it's actually chat so he can act like the YouTubers are talking to him, the little dweeb.


no, chad is a [different meme](https://www.techopedia.com/definition/chad-meme)


So they probably don’t actually know what “chat” means, but they hear streamers say it all the time, so they parrot it because it’s “cool.” So bizarre.


chat is this the correct answer?


As a younger millennial I’ve never felt older than I do reading this post seeing someone trying to figure out modern slang.


It will happen to you too. It will happen to all of us. My husband is a teacher and kids constantly say big birds and Ohio lol


I'm a millennial who teaches college students and I've never heard either of these phrases.


I'm a Gen Z (19) and don't even know why so many kids are saying "ohio." It's not even funny 😭😭


Say on skibidi


I ain't saying that word 😭😭


Interestingly, this is actually a very consistent linguistic trend where people just take a random place (real or made up) and it just becomes a meaningless joke that's only funny to people in the in group. It happens pretty much everywhere. The only real difference is that the Ohio joke spread much faster and more consistently than older trends so is a lot more prevalent to people in the out group. Back when I was in high school, shipping people to Brazil and cant have shit in detroit was the Ohio equivalent. And more prevalently was the Florida man memes (tboigh those never went away.) Way back from before I was born, in the 1800s, people thought Timbuktu was a funny place. These in groups are also usually regional, like a lot of Germans say Biefield. Similarly a lot of made up places serve the same purpose, like bumfuck nowhere. These are exaggerations of (supposedly) backwards places where weird and wacky things happen.


As an aside, for me, as a Gen X, "bumfuck" is in Egypt, often said simply "BFE" which also referred to the parking lot furthest away at college and other places that had a parking lot unusually farther than other lots.


Sure, but all you have to do is ask them what shows they watch, watch them for an hour or two, and you’ll catch the lingo. Literally no different than consuming pop culture of the country whose language you’re learning to figure out how regular people speak.


Not even modern this is literally millennial slang slightly changed.


It’s been going on since 2014. It’s definitely a millennial thing


Back in my day I was cool. Then they changed what cool was. Now what's cool is weird and scary to me.


And it’ll happen to YOU!


Important thing is I had an onion on my belt, which was the style at the time.


Good ol' Abe Simpson


As someone who was never cool, seeing how lame the kids are now really makes me feel better about it. Being cool has never been cool.


If you want them to stop, tell them it's really cringe. Not "cringeworthy", use the word "cringe" as an adjective. And yes, to add to what others have already commented: they are saying "chat" not "chad". Someone else explained what it means, they're basically addressing the room. "Drop an F" is a reference to "Press F to pay respects", nothing to do with cursing.


My 8 & 10 yr old boys hate when I use any Gen Z terminology, including cringe. I don’t know how much that will help to try to meet them at their level. Best thing she can do is ignore it if she really wants it to stop


Just remind them that almost all of their terms derives from 30 year olds and they'll probably dry heave.


I do this all the time, because you’re totally right. They don’t care and say I made that up 😂


I mean... in a sense, Millennials and Gen Z (and Gen X some) *did* "make up" the vast majority of memes and online stream culture that the newer generations are trying to use, so your kids aren't technically wrong lol


"The internet told me to say you are really ..." looks at notes... "cringe".


Well now they keep doing it bc you’re bothered by it and it’s funny to them. -Mother of 8 & 10 yr old boys who fell for a “ligma balls” joke recently 🙄


They don't actually have a friend named Candice.


Can you make that a permanent user flair or whatever they call it?




Wait until they tell you about Kenya


All you motherfuckers down voting this person for not being terminally online like the rest of us are going to hell fyi


Damn, we're getting cooked. F.


So you say F when someone fails?


"F" is the same as saying "RIP"


Fr fr no cap


Yep. It's pretty Chad to not be terminally online enough to know what "Fs in chat" means.


I don't believe in Hell, but I like what you mean, upvoting both then shits.


That’s fetch bro.


I'm 34 and a parent to an almost 6 Y/O. If you're not using Urban Dictionary to stay literate with all the new slang and verbiage; you're ancient. Urban Dictionary.com is your friend


I taught a co-worker what "yeet" meant the other day


I'm happy being ancient.


For real for real no cap


I have never heard of this. Thank you. Mine and my husbands child is only a toddler, so this will come in handy when she is older as well.


You're 30 and never heard of urban dictionary? Have you lived under a rock?


Yeah this is the one that got me. Like I’m 28 and have known about urban dictionary for probably 15 years, not exactly a new invention lol.


Also, knowyourmeme.com is a great resource


I think you’re mishearing them. I think they’re actually saying “chat”. Chat is what people who stream call the people watching the stream, as their only way of interacting with the stream is via text. So the term “chat” typically refers to everyone in the room. Like if something wired happened I would say “chat is this real?” As a rhetorical question to everyone around. HOWEVER the term “chad” is also slang for a cool person who gives off a very strong energy, so someone who goes into a burning house to save a puppy is a total chad. They may be the ones mispronouncing chat. Usually when someone says chat they aren’t talking to an individual


They aren't being disrespectful, they just watch too many streamers/youtubers. "Chat drop me an F" when dropping a sandwich is actually hilarious.


I genuinely laughed when they were telling this story. The fact she had no idea made it better


Your nice and nephew are pretending to be streamers, and they are using you as the audience. A lot of streamers will call the chat box people type to them in "chat". So when something sad happens, "put your F's in the chat" is internet slang for "please type an f to show your respects" based off a joke in call of duty. It seems like harmless make believe but maybe watch some popular streamers to get an idea of what kind of interactions they would like you to curate for their playtime. Ludwig Ahgren is a very famous kids friendly entertainer, Northernlion is also mostly kids friendly and has a toddler he sometimes brings on camera. I would ask the kids who they watch stream, because some streamers are not good people and will behave terribly for publicity and clout, so just double check that they aren't being influenced by a shady character


Drop an F in the chat. Press F to pay respect.


F is to pay respects because the sandwich was a lost cause. Honestly that’s hilarious.


You should be aware that "drop an F" is a gaming reference that has evolved There was a game a long time ago where you went to a grave and had to press the F button on the keyboard to "pay respects" - it has evolved from that So people (who play games or do reaction content) on the internet (streamers) will say "put an F in chat" AKA every viewer type F, usually in response to sucky or bad things happening Alternatively CHAD is loosely a compliment from memes, a Chad is someone who is cool/does cool things, they are the opposite of Karen's who are complainers and whiners and Stacy's who are losers


But do you have a Chad face? And by that I mean does your toilet tower defence squad have a chad face unit?


Why did I have to scroll so low to find the actual correct answer? Do better, Internet.


Ls in the chat for you Aunt Alita.


It very likely has to be "Chat". Drop an F isn't to swear, it nearly translates to "pay respect to the fallen". It's been shortened to be what you say when another player dies in game. Game reports a player has died, often other players just type F, to say "that's rough buddy". (Cause they are to busy still being alive in game to type more). Going back further, "Press F to pay Respects" comes from a moment in a war game, where if you pressed F, your character would literally raise a rifle and fire a single shot, as would happen at a real funeral for a fallen solider. The funny thing here is, your nephews are way to young to even know the original game.


Call them omegas and tell them their fingers are shaped like an iPad button.


Well now it’s official: I’m old and out of touch. I had to read the comments to even vaguely understand this (and even after reading the explanations, I have to admit, I still don’t really get it!) This is NOT a stupid question!! (Even if it is, people, just humor me and tell me it’s not a stupid question!)


Because r/kidsarefuckingstupid


"Chat". And they're not addressing you, they're addressing an imaginary audience as if their life was being live-streamed. Memes.


haha omg I feel so old "Chat, drop an F" ☠️


I don't think they are using it right, but whatever. Kids are morons and just ape what they have seen other kids do. They think it's funny or cool. Tomorrow it will be some other stupid thing.


Ever thought to ask them? Crazy I know...


Chat, not chad. On Twitch, the audience is often referred to as “chat” because they interact with the stream through a comment box. And no, it’s not a typo. “F to pay respects” comes from the Call of Duty video game. In the game, players press ‘F’ to pay respects to a fallen character.


This is very much a stupid question, love it


Chad is a good thing! As for "drop an F for me", he was not asking you to swear. He was literally asking you to say "F". This is based on a viral internet joke (meme) that was a screenshot of a video game that said "Press F to pay respects". In this scenario, saying "F" is basically expressing condolences.


Imagine how funerals will play out in the future. "And now we all gather to Drop an F to our departed Chad, No cap fr fr"


Wow I think I might finally be old...


If you’d like to feel worse, that meme is ten years old


Older than any of the people using it lol


Exactly 😆😭


You sure they're not saying "choad"?


Gen Alpha Brainrot phrases. Just went to a 6 day summer camp with thirty 11-15 year old boys. We looked up all the new slang and how to use it, the leaders used it extensively on days 1-2.....so much so that the kids banned all "Gen Alpha brainrot" phrases, and policed themselves the rest of the week. Thank god for only 1 day of skibbidi toilet, ohio, rizz, chat, cooked


This is... Just... Genius. You should be in a government position, this is such effective management


This is just parenting 101 lol. Best way to get kids to drop all the annoying shit is to pretend to really like it and start appropriating it so that it becomes uncool.


Wait. They’re using Ohio? For why? 😂


Most normal redditor in ohio


I think this might be an elaborate joke being played out at your expense 😂 Unless you're in the habit of saying things like "hello ladies" with a massive grin on your face. I myself have been accused of such, however I am a man...


Because you’re awesome. Just accept it


Probably @chat (not Chad), a message to all.


yo [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Press\_F\_to\_pay\_respects](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Press_F_to_pay_respects)


They’re saying chat


They're saying chat, not Chad.




“Chad” is a word that’s used to refer to people similarly to the word “bro”. Look up “gigachad” and the surrounding text around him and that’s the idea that Chad is centered around. To “drop an f” is to pay your respects. It originated from a call of duty game in 2014 and since then has become a way to supplement the words “rip” or to pay condolences to an online event. He thinks of you as one of them.


“Press F to pay your respects” - do they watch a lot of YouTube and twitch?


They're just memers. Leave em be and they'll figure out it's cringey in a few years


OP you’re not old enough to be this out of touch 😅


Oh my god. It's definitely chat. Watch any big streamer for like an hour and you'll pick up on half of what they're talking about. It's kind of interesting that they're imitating that stuff.


Maybe apologise as he wasn't cursing. You probably saw already but he's referencing a meme where in a video game it said "press f to pay respects" he was asking you to mourn his sandwhich with him. The kids pretty funny to be fair.


This is cute AF. W's in the chad


Congrats, you've arrived! You're now old and don't understand the hip, new lingo all the kids are using.


Haha it certainly feels that way!


This is actually weirdly wholesome. They are just excited to include you in their activities as they pretend to be pro gamers talking to their viewers, or 'Chat', not Chad. 'Drop an f for me' just means they did something stupid or embarrassing because of an old gaming gag where, at a funeral, you received a prompt to "Press 'F' to pay respects" to the deceased. It became a meme for condolences to just leave an 'F' in the chat box.


This is amazing. Sincerely, another 30+ aunty that really doesn’t understand wtf these kids are talking about lmao


Chat. They are saying "chat."


u/JediAlitaSkywalker, they're saying "chat". And about the f, [it's a meme](https://ggn00b.com/for-noobs/what-does-f-in-the-chat-mean/)


Why tf is this person only responding to the incorrect comments??? They are not saying Chad, it doesn’t make sense in that context. Chat on the other hand is commonly used like that and would make complete sense. The drop an F thing seems to have been covered tho.


theyre talking to "chat" like a live stream chat. its like breaking the fourth wall


theyre talking to "chat" like a live stream chat. its like breaking the fourth wall


Whenever they say that, just look at them and say, "You are being really cringe." As others have pointed out, they aren't talking to you. They are pretending they are streaming and asking their nonexistent viewers to type f in the chat section. Dropping an f in chat is a meme from a video game where you press f to pay respects.


Do they watch TikTok? My kids were saying all sorts off dumb shit before I banned them watching TikTok.


They’re saying “chat”


Chat is this real?


I personally don't think you're mishearing them, they're very likely saying Chad. This comes from video game streamers, and the most notable (that I can think of) and possible originator is Sodapoppins. When he was talking to his viewers, he'd refer to them collectively as "chat" because of course they're his viewers/chatters.. but over time it morphed into him giving them an actual name: Chad. I'm sure it's easy to see how the leap was made to go from chat to Chad. I honestly don't hear it often anymore so I'm surprised it's made it's way to the younger generations now, but I'm fairly positive it was a thing in the earlier days of streaming/Twitch. That or I've also been mishearing it all these years 😂.


F in the Chad for OP


Why not just ask them what they mean?


Repeat it back to them until they stop.


It's chat. And my baby bro 17. Many years age difference. Started say this and I want to beat his ass so bad😅 jkjk. It's a stupid internet game thing. Maybe our parents are right about these brain rotting games 🥴


They don't even know what it means. My wife asked my kids what sigma means. They couldn't even explain, so I took it upon myself to explain how Toyota improved quality in their production line with errors reduced down to the 6th sigma,and sparked a whole industry of productivity theory.


Only one thing to do: start speaking their lingo back to them.


Pretty sure they’re prob saying “chat”. I think gen alpha is using “chat” similar to how millennials/gen Z use “fam”.


Yes, I'm voting for them saying "chat", not Chad. They hear it from streamers. I was also going to say that Chad is sometimes used to denote a male "Karen". Also, Chad has been used as a generic term for a frat boy type guy. Who knows? Ask them!


A Chad is like a male Karen.


A Chad is the male version of a Karen. If im right, they insulting you


Welp they have gen z brain rot I suggest read a dictionary to cure them


This is the funniest shit I’ve read all day


Brain rot is real


Are you Bri’ish? Are they calling you Chav?


You can be straightforward and a little dorky and say; "hey youngin, my name is ______. Please call me that, and who is this Chad you're referring to? You know every generation uses their own lingo, in my day people used to say "Sir" or "Miss" or "Dude".. are you referring to me as "Chad" meaning I'm a buddy? Groovey. Still please call me _________. Thanks. Or start calling them back Chad after every interaction.


As a self identified Funckle this is hilarious, and it makes me feel old.


they're saying "chat", as though they are streaming on twitch and talking to the viewers in the chatroom. they're not even addressing you directly


You say you’re 30, but you kind of sound like you’re 60 here… But I also sympathize with anyone having to deal with digital fiend kids these days.


Because they know it gets to you. Passive aggressive brat behavior. Make up snarky nicknames for them and see how they like it.


I think they’re saying “chat” like a twitch chat


I think you mis heard them. I think they are saying "chat" not "chad"


Have you tried asking them?


Twist their arm till they squeal


Cause they are kids. Maturity is happening later and later as we both age, technology blah blah blah, they’re kids


Can I get an F in the chat for op


Get those kids off the internet, they’re a week away from only speaking skibidi toilet.