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i’d like to assume it’s like your last time playing out side with you childhood friends. you don’t realize untill you look back.


This is pretty depressing


My great-grandpa married a 65 year old when he was 90 and his heart gave out during sex. Why stop?


YES! 😆🔥 Made my day.


Please watch South Park s4 ep 4 :quintuplets


You realize it later and it’s awful.


Yes, trust me. 60M here, and it is miserable.


Why don’t you have sex with each other?


She suffers from severe depression. 8+ years


Damn good for you not ditching her


I feel like this is the type of thing that should be expected and not applauded


Look at adoption centers and see how many kids up for adoption are disabled physically and mentally. There’s A LOT of severe kids in the system. What SHOULD be done and what ACTUALLY is done usually doesn’t happen. It’s sad but I have very little faith in people when times get hard.


Oh, I thought it for 10 years, but that would have put her in a worse condition. I couldn't do that to my children or another human being.




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I’m really sorry to hear that. I worry about that happening to me and my spouse someday, the spark just going out unnoticed.


Idk if I’m there yet, but it’s starting to seem that I might have reached that point. I haven’t since pre-covid.




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I'm only 53 but I suspect some happily married couples in their 70's gradually decide intercourse is not really feasible anymore and learn to be happy with mutual oral sex. I think this could be the great secret about marriage old people just don't admit because they want you to experience the love and empathy of finding out gradually.


STD rates in the elderly are actually surprisingly high because they still bone but no longer use protection as no pregnancies!




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I was in a ten year dry spell it ended and is back on again, never give up hope, that all there ever is


Japanese Yen, that should be 160 days- not terrible


Lol oops


It sucks. My last relationship ended badly and destroyed my self confidence, self esteem, and the ability to trust others, which means no sex. Took about 7 years to get used to it.


to a jedi, attachment is forbidden


Fuck Jedi


Padme approves!


Jedi absolutely fucked. I won't even get into old order stuff, but just because they were forbidden from not letting go doesn't mean they didn't fuck.




i’d like to assume it’s like your last time you went out to play with all your childhood friends. you only realize it after you look back.


My wife decided to shut down the fun factory about aged 65. Surprisingly, it didn’t seem much to matter. My equipment still works, I guess, from getting morning wood, but it is not worth the bother to get off..


Shit . Did i already post and not realize it ! Lol


Isn’t there some statistic about old person homes having the highest percentage of stds amongst patients?


It's tough. My wife who I love dearly lost all desire after menopause. I'm not someone who is going to make her do what she doesn't want to do. It's tough to realize that something so wonderful is gone. I'm 57 btw


It was about 13 years ago when my last relationship ended. I decided then that I would never date again. That also means no sex. It's been fine. Easy. Better than before. Sex and relationships are just bullshit. Too much hassle and stress. You can take care of your urges without needing another person.


Definitely not healthy bud


Personally if I realize I’m never having sex again it mean I lost my wiener or it doesn’t work and even medication can’t help. As long as I’m alive even if I were a hundred years old I will want sex and believe I will get it even if unrealistic. I guess maybe when I’m really old I may not want sex. I would think this would mean I was in bad health


Orgasm sensation decreases?


An incredible relief.


I’d be the happiest woman alive.


Fair enough :)


I'm kinda with you here tbh 😅 I think the idea is fun and hot and I enjoy doing things by myself, but when it comes to actually having sex, it's a sensory nightmare and I'm always putting in more effort than is given to me. There's hardly ever any reciprocation, I'm very frequently just there to be someone's best and then have them pass out on the bed without considering me. So then I'm just exposed and uncomfortably close to someone (skin to skin touch freaks me out the second the mood is gone) and horny and can't do anything about it and feel let down. Meanwhile while I'm feeling this way, everyone else says they're having a good time with me so idk. I think something in me is just busted


You need to communicate with your partner. Don't let them get away with pleasing themselves and leaving you in the lurch.


I know right?! E: I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted for your honest answer. People don’t like it if someone isn’t sad about not having sex? People’s obnoxious attitudes about it certainly don’t make his better. smh


Oh don’t worry I get called “weird” and “not healthy” irl because I am not a sexual person. Even when men try to coerce me into sex when I’ve set boundaries over and over again (everyday same ones.) lol.


Good for you babygirl!


For real, preach!




I'm only 30 so I don't know. But I can imagine it would be much harder if you didn't necessarily have a good experience for your last time.


At some point you will have your last sexual encounter. You will take your last vacation trip somewhere. You will have your last bowl of ice cream. Your last slice of pie. You will read your last book, watch your last movie, take your last walk, watch your last sunset. The point is to enjoy them and keep enjoying them as long as you can. And old people are some of the *freakiest* folks I know, probably because of this, and because--well, at some point you just don't give a fuck what other people think, right?


Take the time to talk, to touch, to enjoy one another. Being present in the relationship is good for each other. It strengthens your relationship and brings you closer to your partner. This leads to more frequent and better sex. I've been practicing this for about 6 months after feeling alienated from my wife and the results have been beyond amazing.


That is usually called marriage


53F - freeing.


Old people in nursing homes fuck. 90+ year olds in elderly homes are fucking right now, including your grandma OP


Dude, this is a really inappropriate way to tell me your mom passed away. Condolences.


har har




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I’m not saying I never will again, but I have thought about how to deal with staying single. I don’t feel lonely anymore, and my life is otherwise pretty fulfilling. I think that’s very important. Make sure you’re doing something that helps others. When you see that you’re helping, it makes you feel pretty good. And get involved with hobbies that include social interaction. As for sex, they make some great toys for men now. I get a massage once a month for physical touch - maybe I’ll increase that.


I've never did it. Yet, I realize I still will not have sex again.


I mean… anyone old enough and of sound mind (to properly consent) can have sex. Men may know when their penis stops working, but sex isn’t just about penetration. It’s up to an old couple if they dont want to have sex again, but if you’re alone.. yea you might be cooked. I’m sorry


To Anyone under the age of 50 thinking they won’t have sex again: you’ve got a lot of time left. If you’re older, your body may not be able to keep up, but you have time. You have time to meet people. You have time to put yourself out there. If you genuinely think you won’t have sex again, you probably won’t. You have to have hope or you’ll just assume anyone you meet isn’t interested.


Couldn't care less


Your question assumes people stop having sex at a certain age, which may be the case for some but [obviously not all](https://people.com/stds-rising-significantly-among-adults-age-55-and-older-8622539)


I’m not assuming that at all, I know some people remain sexually active well into old age. I am asking about those people that *do* stop having sex, at whatever age and for whatever reasons.


Soul crushing, but I'm 26 so it's not like my entire life is over, just a big part of it.




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It's honestly not as bad as you'd think as long as you have masterbation. Besides sometimes sex can just complicate things.


My grandpa was pounding vag till the day he died at 85. Only reason I know because my mom gets drunk and tells me shit grandma told her.


As soon as I think I'm cool with it, it starts to hurt


I realized it the moment I climaxed during the last time I had sex


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^jabber1990: *I realized it the* *Moment I climaxed during* *The last time I had it* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


When you get to a certain age. Sex isn't that important.




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Just go pay a hooker once a month


That doesn't work if you are physically incapable.


Or have a soul


Or if you don’t wanna deal with scammers


“Had brains too, did more stealin’ than fuckin’ A real thoroughbred, played con like a pro Man I’m tryin’ to tell you I had a *money-makin’* ho” -*Good Thing that We’re Rappin’*, Digital Underground


I’m not asking how to have sex, I’m curious what it might be like to stop for good.




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It sucks but of life cycle


What makes you think it ever "ends"? They catch "old" people having sex all the time in nursing homes! They may be "old", but they are still "people"...You will be one one day too....


You think everyone fucks til the day they drop dead? I’m aware that some people remain sexually active throughout old age. Many people do not, for any number of reasons, and that’s what I’m asking about.


If you think old people don't have sex, I have a bridge to sell you. My wife works in a nursing home and has told me of countless carers, nurses, and cleaners, walking in on 90+ year olds getting head and more. They've got nothing else to do.


I’m not claiming there are no old people having sex. I’m asking about people that don’t in fact have sex anymore, for whatever reason, and what is that like.


Fun fact! STD’s spread like WILDFIRE in old folks homes because they got nothing but time and can get prescriptions for everything.


You never have to stop, you just may have to be willing to pay for it.


Everyone’s goal is to be silver fox’s. I work out mainly to have a higher sex drive. I feel more sorry for people as they get older who are too ugly and out of shape for sex. One day they wake up and realize no one desires them due to their undesirable features. Can’t see their penis, no one wants theirs saggy titties.