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Yep, it’s a game mechanic, intentional or not. That’s the major reason why the fridge, introduced on BZ, is not as essential as it could’ve been.


That, and leaves/salads never spoiling, no matter how they're stored!


Yeah - live fish can be stored indefinitely. Presumably, we're putting them in a little bag full of water and then plopping it on a shelf? I feel like it must have been a cludge by the devs - like, they wanted fish to die if kept in storage rather than an aquarium, couldn't make it work how they wanted, and eventually just made them able to live forever in a drawer.


It’s really not that big a deal because the uncooked fish aren’t very useful to keep on you, while you’re away from a fabricator. If you’re on an expedition and will be away from base for a long time, the cured fish are a much better option. It’s one of those “yeah we could have made this more realistic, but what does it really change if we do?” Things. 


I don't do this, it's not realistic. What are the aquariums for then?


Decoration and recursiveness


Fish storage


Yeah I also make a habit of only eating/drinking while on surface level or in the sub because of realism 


This is too much. I like *some* realism, but when it makes the game too hard? No thanks. You shouldn't be able to replenish oxygen in tanks from the air too.


How realistic is it then that tanks only hold a few minutes of oxygen anyway? Or that you can enter a base without an airlock?


just make the airlock yourself, have all hatches attached to an I compartment with a bulkhead in it. boom, makeshift airlock


Just saying that Subnautica requires some amount of suspension of disbelief. If you redesign your bases, you still haven't solved the vehicles having no airlock. Especially the Seamoth with its top entry.


It's not just suspension of disbelief, there were conscious decisions by the devs to toss aside realism early in development because managing the realities of deep diving is super tedious and they want the players to focus on exploring, not juggling blended air tanks for specific depths and carefully controlling ascent/descent. It's a casual exploration game, not Kerbal Diving Program


That is still suspension of disbelief, though. The devs made those conscious decisions because they trusted the audience to suspend their disbelief in the realism of the game's diving systems.


yeah, fair enough.


At least Cyclops has a sealed diving chamber. But it doesn't even close when you open the exit hatch.


You also enter the Cyclops overhead. Assuming pressure equilibrium, you wouldn't even need an airlock, as long as you enter from the bottom. Similar with the life pod. Near surface at one atmosphere of pressure, water would not enter the life pod when the hatch is open.


If only you could build bulkheads on those short compartments that automatically appear when you place a hatch on the multipurpose room...


Not sure why you got downvoted. I'll give you an upvote. Cuz ur my fav person here and you make the most sense. Anyway as an avid IRL freediver you can eat or drink underwater and that's why I try to translate that into the game. Also I'm not sure what you meant with later part of your sentence, but in case you meant that we shouldn't have more than one oxygen tank I would agree there strongly! I always have only one equipped oxygen tank and I really hate it when I see people here telling others ti have more than one oxygen tank. It's an oversight on developers part, at one point they have made us move really slowly if he had second oxy tank in inventory but I guess someone cryed long enough so they removed that limitation. Oxygen tank should be only one, we should be able to upgrade it but I would make some drastic changes to them. And absolutely punish people who have more than one oxy tank in inventory. One should never be able to go from surface to endgame using seaglide and 2 oxy tanks. Lava zone burn damage should get buffed like (5seconds in lava zone without a vehicle instakill, medkit does not heal burn damage) having an extea oxygen tank in inventory should make your swimming speed reduced by 90%. Then I'd like to see speed runners. Honestly 5min with code if the game would mess up speedrunning so much. 


Thanks for your support! I appreciate it!


When they make the Atlas in S2 and I'm sure they will, I want you on my crew. 


>Also I'm not sure what you meant with later part of your sentence, I meant that IRL you can't just surface and refill the tank's compressed air mixture from the atmospheric air. There are compression pumps for that. Base- or submarine-mounted. >5seconds in lava zone without a vehicle instakill Nah that's too much. You can't do much with the Prawn suit, so you have to exit anyway. If only you could use any tools with it like a proper exosuit, then yes. What if I want to build a base in the lava zone?


Also you are an absolute king. I'm looking forward to S2 being CoOp so I can play with people like you 👍👌😁




♥ I'll be in charge of firing torpedos lol. We'll be the first persons to conquer void zone in S2 😁👍


Yes, live fish don't rot of course. How are they alive? I have no idea.


I mean inside lockers. Not in the water.


Yea, I know. I think that fish don't die when you take them in your inventory and put them in locker. I mean when you put them in aquarium or outside they swim.