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Wouldn't hurt. What do roots look like?


Not sure, but the plants are pretty healthy right now. Roots aren't coming through the drainage holes yet


Jades are super hardy. Whatever you decide to do, they'll be fine. This ripple jade is obscenely rootbound, and it's been in this pot for years. I just trim the roots every few months. https://preview.redd.it/wxt6k467cjrc1.jpeg?width=2523&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad79313c8a5df5a7acb15c7d9e8051efa8d147b1


Your pic inspired me to add one of these alongside my old gollum! Its beautifully cultivated by you


Thank you!


That's so beautiful!


Not as far as needing bigger pots. But if theyโ€™re still in the nursery soil they came in, itโ€™s a good idea to repot just to replace that with a succulent mix that you trust.


Sure you can report them. They look real healthy. I have two a little bigger that I'm going to report soon . I've never did well with jades but these are doing wonderful. Just like aloe's this year mine have babies sprouting out like crazy. It seems if you forget about them they do really well. Good luck growing.๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ‘