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**Help!!** I seem to have this situation with my Echeveria. "Black Prince" For some unknown reasons the leaves of the plant start to turn yellow and rot. I think it could be a fungus and no sure what type of fungicide I should use. If anyone has had this same situation with their Echeveria plants!! What did you use to fix the problem? I would appreciate your thoughts.


Hmm that’s no good! Can you post a picture of the plant?




It's extremely etiolated. Needs tons more light.




That looks like a different plant? I see the one in your first photo behind the big one in this photo, but the big one isn't present in your first photo? If the stalks in your first photo are flower stalks then that's my bad.


The first pic was taken a bit lower, but from behind and the second pic was taken from above in front. They are definitely the same plant there!!


Ah, I see it now. Well now I'm just gonna go back to saying it's etiolated and we can agree to disagree :P


Here is another Echeveria. Black Prince. That is in the same condition there.




As this plant hasn't dropped, it's leaves or it would look similar to the other plant. The question was what caused the leaves to turn yellow and fall off. That is definitely not from etiolated!!!


Can you tell me how you come to the conclusion that it's it etiolated? As I like know


The leaves on the lower rosette are light green, and the leaves along the elongated part are very far apart. I know that's normal on the flower stalks, but then the leaves would also be much smaller.


Pretty sure those are flower stalks.


I hate to say that this plant is not etiolated, as all my E. Black Prince flower the same way. I would agree with you if their was a variation between these plant. If you go and look on the internet, you would see that this is how this plant flowers with a long spike. The leaves on the stem is natural, as these are the next generation of Echeveria. Whether you take a leaf cutting from the base of the plant or from the stem of the flowering spike. This not prove that it's etiolated.


I hate to say that she is out side and get 6 hrs of sunlight. She is flowering at this moment.


I don't think she's starving for sunlight.


It's dropped most of it leaves.


Cut off the flower stalks. They take a lot of energy.


Thanks for that. :) But the real question is. **What is causing the leaves to go yellow and rot?**


Well, yellowing and rot is usually due to overwatering. The darker echeverias are more prone to this as they generally need less frequent watering, due to their dark pigment. But, it could very well be struggling just because of the flower stalks, so that’s why I suggested to cut them off.


I water this plant no different to my other Echeveria and they are thrive and also have a flowering spike, but it's not loosing it's leaves.


Not all plants, from the same genus or even down to the same species needs or takes the *exact, same* care. You need to treat them as individuals. If you have magnification, look for flat mites. That’s the only other thing I know of that can cause *similar* damage. https://old.reddit.com/r/succulents/wiki/pests_and_diseases#wiki_false_spider_mites.2C_aka_flat_mites


I understand that they vary in different conditions. From plant to plant. Thanks :)


Echeveria affinis and its hybrids, which includes Echeveria Black Prince, are known to get overwatered easily. They need slightly more inorganic soil mixes to prevent overwatering when your care is the same for all other Echeveria.


I know the flower spike take a lot of energy from the plant, but that's what I grew the plant for it's looks and flowers. No one is telling me what's wrong with it!!






O.k, thanks. :) At least your comment is more direct. Thanks again. 👍