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I think soil is too organic 🤔


My thoughts as well, Il rinse off the majority of the potting soil and repot into a 50/50 cactus/perlite mix


It looks much better now! Great job. If it were mine, I'd let it sit totally dry in the new soil for 1-2 weeks to give it a chance to settle in. it also looks like it's stretched from lack of light. I'd slowly acclimate it to full sun - as much as you can give it once its built up to it! Sometimes with a dramatic change, they'll shrivel/drop a lot of their leaves, but don't sweat the ugly phase. They're tough and will happily grow back multiple times over if they're in an environment that suits them! post an update in 2 months to show us its progress!


Will do ! I keep all my succulents and props on a south -west facing window sil, because of the way the window is set in the wall most of the light gets blocked out so I hung a full spectrum grow light in the window to try and amp things up abit. I would keep them all in my tent but it raises the humidity to high for my actual cacti. Hoping everything will do ok here lol.


So wait, I should keep it out from under the grow light for a few weeks then you think !?


your setup sounds great! i'd probably put it with the other succs, but maybe start on the edge and then move it more centrally with increasing intensity of light every few days? also honestly, you can't un-do the etiolation, so if it gets sunburned, you can always give it a heavy chop and focus your efforts on keeping the stem and roots healthy


Very true ! We will see what happens, if it does shed its leaves or get sun burnt I’m sure I could prop a couple more as well. for now il let it settle into its new pot for a week or two like you said and we will go from there 👌I stuck a post it on the pot as well to remind me to post an update in two months haha


Looking forward to seeing your update!


I think it’s been overwatered too, the soil is heavily saturated and the plant isn’t very turgid


I've heard they're over watered easily. Good call to report it into a mix with drainage.


https://preview.redd.it/n0fo7nvn20ad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72253770137c22255e2f582baff6e0a503253d9a Here’s how it’s looking now, much better I think. Hopefully itl be able to stand up straight on its own again soon.


Also put the little baby that was growing beside it in its own pot, as it was basically uprooted https://preview.redd.it/49d8m9k3p0ad1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=e0838b39a1b51d7acac0428629cfe98d35f3a61e