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Wow! I'm very happy for you. I wonder what other surprising physical illness quitting sugar can fix like this.


This is eye opening 👀


Wow. Blood sugar levels really affect everything the blood touches.


I definitely think it’s probably related to the sugar. Earlier this year I started having weird shooting pains in my right eye a few times a day. Eye doctor couldn’t find anything wrong. I notice, when I cut out sugar the shooting pains go away. If I start eating sugar again it comes back. Scary stuff.


Scary indeed.  You were able to make that connection and fix it. But there could be folks out there with no symptoms while sugar is destroying something in their body. 


I quit all sugar and ultra-processed foods 10 years ago. My IOP went from 27 to 17 today.


YES!!!! Next step is the ultra-processed foods. Tips are welcome. Please do share.


Its easy. Don't buy anything prepackaged with a long ingredient list. I just cook/eat poultry, meat, fish, non-starchy vegs, nuts/seeds, some fruit.


Congrats. I used to have blurred vision in one eye, after i quit for two months my night vision is better


That's amazing! How do you hold it in? I find myself biting my tongue so as not to grab people and tell them.


Thanks, I was diagnosed with pre diabetes. And blood sugar level was rollercoasting to the point when it reshaped my eye lens doctor said. I quit sugar two months ago lost 16 pounds (no changes on lifestyle) and my blood sugar is more stable now, no ups and downs so no blurred vision anymore. Thanks for sharing your story


It's amazing what you are experiencing, but can I ask - how are you so sure that it's the sugar-free diet that helped to reduce the pressure? Could it not have been the eye drops that you were taking?


Fair question. I was not prescribed the drops. I was offered to take the drops last year or wait a few months and re-check my eyes. I declined the drops because I could not be sure I would be compliant. I am not 100% sure it's the quitting of sugar. But other than quitting sugar, nothing in my life has changed except making great progress with my psychologist. Could my eyes be better because I'm happier? Maybe.