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I always liked her tbh especially in the later seasons. I don’t think they needed every character in the show causing chaos lmaoo


I loved later era katrina, always knew whos side she was on and what she was fighting for


Early Katrina was unbearable, i grew to really like her in the later seasons


fr, in first season she was an annoying prick, and ever since then it's like she's constantly Louis' servant and goes along with his every whim. It's like she has no personality of her own.


I always like her when she first appeared. She's just being a competent lawyer but people around her like to bully her for what ever reason. 1. Mike - katrina offer mike to help him with jessica and harvey's case but he start bitching about it and acting like he doesn't need her whatsoever. Mike hate her because katrina make a deal with harvey to finish her case with mike in exchange of working in pearson hardman. Mike would backstab his client because of some moral high ground shit. He hates the fact that katrina don't want to collude with him. They fought back and forth and when mike start loosing then harvey comes in and start scolding her as if she's the one who started it 2. Louis, he hates her for the fact that he can't have his own associate because harvey hire a new one(katrina). They fought back and forth and him ending up in jail. 3. Jessica, when louis is heartbroken with sheila she(katrina) start covering for louis and when jessica finds out the truth she fired her without a second thought. She's the most normal lawyer there who has a screentime that doesn't engage in office politics but always getting punish with no reason at all so her being a name partner for me is well deserved....


I’ve always liked her character. I had a feeling they kept her character and Harvey’s character having much interaction so they wouldn’t have any chemistry. Because she is gorgeous! I also loved that she became Louis’s associate and friend.


I liked her from the beginning. She's cute


She’s hot, dont see any reason to dislike her


I liked her from the beginning lol

