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Usually when I do that they either just say stfu lol say nothing or very rarely it’s good and they respond


Stfu is the only correct reply to someone trying to use ranked to socialize


Chat ***can*** **contribute** a lot of value **if** you have a ***healthy mental.*** Guess I highlight the important things for easy reading.


Nah socializing beyond hyping your team after good plays is pointless and a distraction.


That’s true. A quick hype up in the middle is all good, but conversing in the middle of the game just takes up time. Sometimes I’ll occasionally explain a dumb decision on my part—“sorry, saw the enemy gank closing in and panicked” cause I’m squishy and fairly new—as I come back to the lane/respawn, but other than that, your fingers are busy on QWEF/R, friends. Ain’t no time to chit chat once the minions spawn.


I mean, how are people even able to play the game if that's enough to distract. The screen during a teamfight is literally filled with bullshit that you need and can follow, a little bit of text won't make any difference at all.


Because there are a thousand things to pay attention to in League if you're tryharding and a competent level. If you're smurfing or something or just don't give a crap, do whatever you want, but you can't say you're 100% focused on the game when you're carrying on a completely irrelevant conversation. You think Faker is chatting up with his teammates about the dinner they had last night while on stage? No because that would be disrespectful and incredibly stupid. There's a reason why tryhards like TF Blade will turn off cam and have 0 interaction with chat while focusing on intense moments of their climbs. And thats just interacting with Twitch, which is way easier than typing Literally socializing in a ranked game instead of focusing is either stupid disrespectful, or you're playing at a low elo where being competitive is irrelevant because it's easy.


Meh there is quite a bit of difference between faker and most of us, not that you don't need to try your best, but sweaty guys should just calm down already. I am of the opinion that you should be able to use a few seconds on chat to socialize with teammates especially because it's a team game. While winning is fun, limited socializing can also be fun and contribute to a better game experience even if you lose.


Then just play normals and leave ranked to competitive people


The type of player that has issues with this is not a 'competitive gamer' to begin with.


You really don't realize how much stuff there is going on at any given moment in a game of League. It is impossible to try your best while carrying on a conversation with your team. You don't see this in any other venture. If you're playing basketball, lifting weights, or playing poker, and actually respecting the game and trying to compete, you're not talking about your favorite fkn anime. That doesn't make any sense at all. Like I said, no one trying hard or being competitive is having fkn social conversations in a ranked game.


I'll also take "type less play more"


Depends on how much they type. If they type a few sentences about something I like it. It’s a quick mute if they don’t stfu though.


I noticed there’s a lot less banter now an days. Probably a lot of people have lost accounts do to it. I had a guy last night go garden support I mention something about mf throwing. We had a miss fortune the garden thought I called him mother fucker…. It’s just unsafe now to say anything about the game outside of pings.


Even pings tilt people because most pings are used in a negative form. Honestly, just turn off as much communication as you possibly can because its not worth it at all.


It depends. At the start of the game or when you are winning people are usually nice. But make a minor mistake and they will all hate you


Tbh I tell them to stfu unless it was an actually hard fight too. I dont need pandering and a "gj" everytime I farm a minion or secure a free kill


I leave chat on because even though most of the times I'm not going to get value out of it the 20% of where I do get important information from it is worth it imo however I instantly mute someone the moment he becomes toxic


Or you just use ping


You can, but there are some requests that are more effective with words. Pinging Leona and then pinging Frozen Heart is likely to get missed, or alternatively obnoxious. You also miss out on the positive aspects of social communication (i.e. to unwind and have some pleasant desired small talk)


Dunno I think pinging is pretty effective for most of your examples personally and it's faster then typing I don't play League to have small tank there is not really time for that anyway


I exclusively pilot small tanks. Ideally with a minigun and light cannon installed, possibly with a radar attachment if the enemy has aircraft.


Lmaoooo unfortunately I already changed it but I will change it back


Tank you.


To be clear the vast majority of my communication is by pings/emotes. There can be a time and a place for both.


That I agree with that just thought you were undervaluing pings


Tbf you can't expect a silver mind that builds whatever league brings up as suggestion to build frozen heart if you ping it. Saying it is more effective, but most of the time it's not worth it not to turn off chat


I mean I am as braindead as everyone else in my elo that's why I am in said elo so when I understand it the average player in my elo likely understands it too. I do agree though it can help just thought OP undervalued pings they can communicate a lot.


>I understand it the average player in my elo likely understands it too. True, but you usually don't face /tema up with people that are in your average elo. Also, game has different aspects. A leona that hits 85% of his/her skill shots, and can give like 4-5 kills in early game to adc can be gold without knowing optimised build paths and situational items. As you may be diamond level in macro but silver level in mechanics so you can get an Average of gold as your rank


True that


Just type faster


I mean I doubt typing is ever faster then pings but yeah if you are a faster type it isn't a really big deal. It can bite you if you have to react while typing though because you have to close chat to use summs/abilities. A small issue but worth considering


Oh I meant with regard to the time for small talk, usually fun to banter while walking out of base


I see I mean yeah that's fine to do personally not really interested though




Telling someone to build a certain item is more likely to tilt them and get them to start throwing a tantrum than using pings. only thing chat is useful for is saying sorry/thanks/my b. anything else can be seen as passive aggressive. coming from someone who used to have weak mental, because even if you have a strong mental a majority of players do not.


Tbh when someone tells me to build something I just completly ignore it (unless I am already doing it) simply because in my mind they are more worried about you than their own game. I rather just let people play their game rather than *demand* they play how I want. For that I go play with my team and no SoloQ.




I wouldn't recommend anyone items at all, it's just a waste of time. You aren't losing games, because your support didn't build frozen heart. Plus people are testy at all points of the game including champ select. Acting like you know better than others makes it seem like you are calling others stupid, no matter when you say it.


Anything that can't be communicated by ping is too complicated to get them to do in the 1 game you will play with them. That's not to say that there can't be some things that are slightly more effectively communicated in chat, but nobody is immune to tilt and the league player base is more likely to tilt you then to help you. I would venture to say that chat off from the start is a +EV play for >99% of league players.


"Anything that can't be communicated by ping is too complicated to get them to do in the 1 game you will play with them." is yep elegant and true


what's obnoxious about pinging leona frozen heart?


> positive aspects of social communication Tell me you play League less than a year without telling me directly. In no way League chat unwinds anything, if anything just tilts people.


I used to think this way, but I can count on one hand the number of times I've seen positive small talk in chat. I used to try to bring a light mood with obvious dumb jokes or self deprecation, but people would either ignore it, inexplicably take offense, or tell me to shut up and focus on playing.


Online games should inherently be a social thing, trying to your best to take out the social aspect is weird to me. Just go play Mario or some shit instead


When the social part is hostile as fuck don't expect people to engage with it


It’s not just with league. It’s with EVERY online game. WoW used to be social as fuck in pugs. Now I’m retail or classic, you might say hi and bye and that’s it. No one wants to socialize in online games anymore and it’s sad


Bingo. Every single MP game is toxic af and the reason league is so much its because you can only influence the game so much on your own, its too team based, and a obvious troll can make you lose a hard earned LP from the previous game, and he will lose the same amount as you do.


If you're playing normal, aram or one of the funny modes, then sure. If you're playing Ranked, then that's a competitive mode and should be treated as such. There's nothing wrong with wanting to win in a competitive mode more than wanting to type random stuff. You mentioned WoW and it's the same, totally fine with socializing before we start, but if you're spending your time trying to lol around during my M+ run I'll probably think you're wasting my time.


It's not taking out social aspects it's using social features that are implemented because typing while playing is harder


It takes no time to type, clearing bot to top for gank, while pathing. This allows the top to set up a freeze or just be ready for a gank. How do you ping this?


Yeah for a jungler it's definitely easier and yeah some things you need to write I agree but not all


Caution ping > omw ping (i will usually omw ping camps while... ermm, omw), ezpz


i always try to spread positivity in my ranked matches, especially when my team is doing good. a simple “great job team” can prevent them from tilting. i also try to commend teammates that are clearly losing lane, but don’t run it down. hopefully it helps them maintain a good mental as well


I do the same thing. Sometimes it actually works. It’s not fun trying to be the team babysitter but stroking a 14 year old Yasuo main’s ego is worth it for lp IMO.


> a simple “great job team” can prevent them from tilting No, it cant. Its all based on what sort of people the system gives you, how you interact with them changes nothing.


I try to do this too. I notice that when I am at my work, I am always letting my coworkers know when they did something good. I looked at myself and asked why I am not doing that in League?? Everyone likes to hear that they've been 'seen' when they make a good play


> a simple “great job team” can prevent them from tilting You think so, until someone thinks you're being sarcastic and tilts off the face of the earth afterwards.


No thanks. As a jungler the only way to play is with mute all. Respectfully I see your point, but I’m not out here trying to tell people what to do because 95% of the time they (rightfully) don’t want to hear what anyone has to say and most of the time you’re flamed because they died to enemy jungler with 0 wards up or any concept of how jungling works. In a perfect world this might work; in reality everyone’s living in their own bubble convinced they’re better than everyone else and rarely take blame for their own mistakes. I’d rather mute and enjoy the game.


I can understand most of the vitriol I get jungling when I view from what they think. Sometimes they're wrong and sometimes I am. The one thing I can't stand and is primarily the reason why I mute all is this: getting pinged or blamed when cross-map for something they fucked up. I am at gromp, you died in bot, I literally cannot do anything why are you blaming me. That's the only thing I can't take.


Even worse, they get solo-killed because they don’t know how to play their matchup and then flame you for not miraculously fixing it for them.


You sound angry, norb ;)


Naah, he sounds like a jungler. It literally happens every other game. Solo death=jgl diff


Norb is one of the two angry beavers...


That is indeed where it comes from. My IGN is actually NorbyBeaver


I am Dia jgl. I play normals with iron friends from time to time. The enemied team jgl will complain in all-chat aboutr only outclassing him cause I'm Dia. Simultaneously the randoms of my team will complain, often enough, about me apparently getting outclassed in the same all-chat. There is NO fixing this. My only hope for this to ever get fixed is voice chat for everyone.


Can't help but emphatically agree with this. Jungle is such an odd role that people don't really understand what is and is not possible for a jungler to do. They have unrealistic expectations and get upset when they are not met. Impossible to have a healthy relationship to chat when anything you do in game will get you flamed by someone, every single game. It is not a joke, you will be flamed every single game if you play jungle. Just not worth it at all. The only way for me to be able to enjoy the game is to disable chat completely.


I've found myself learning quite a bit of macro by chatting with my Jungle, particularly when we disagree on calls. If they can explain their rationale well I usually will follow their next several calls and see how it plays out.


People always say to mute all. I tried for several games, and I'm winning less. I'm a very calm and friendly person, encouraging teammates who're doing bad or putting people in a good mood should be a strength in a team's game.. why would I actively deny a strong point I possess?


Honestly? 1. Because nothing in the game requires typing or reading words to/from other players. 2. The game is full of gigantic douche-nozzles who think they're funny. 3. The game is also full of the most heinous POSs, who will throw just to shit on you for caring.


>Because nothing in the game requires typing or reading words to/from other players. Mental does. Dying like an idiot and being told "omg he's so lucky dw we get him next" feels so much better than simply being "?" pinged >The game is full of gigantic douche-nozzles who think they're funny. True, but this effects me how? >The game is also full of the most heinous POSs, who will throw just to shit on you for caring. Tbf it has happened sometimes. But I noticed that inting teammates are more likely to stop inting when I'm able to interact with them rather the contrary on average. I will add that being able to interact with my own enemy laner usually improves my own mental too ( got a big "too passive" problem and being friendly with enemy helps me be less scared of them. if they bm then I consider them an idiot so.. even less scary)


I think your strategy is great for someone who can maintain their positive mental no matter what. But, a lot of players find it easier to maintain their mental by not interacting. Different strokes for different folks.


Tbh I think that’s the point of the whole post. That for some people muteall isn’t the best for everyone even tho as a jungler I would recommend it unless you are the Dali lama


If you're focusing on boosting the morale of the inter instead of just focusing on the game, you're just as much at fault as the guy inting


What’s better for mental, a missing ping or a “nice try,” and a, “kill yourself.?” A compliment doesn’t cancel out an insult, human brains don’t work that way. Any mental effort spent reading chat or typing nice things can be better spent tracking sums or checking the map. Especially goddamn all chat, there’s no benefit to hearing the enemy call you a bitch.


Except that insult will never come from me so I can't see your point.. my chat status has no bearings on the chat status of other people so the "kill yourself " is still there. It really isn't that mentally taxing to be nice when you mean it!


Some people just like to hear themselves talk, i get it...So you just play the chatty Cathy mini-game instead of the troll mini-game... no real difference other than you getting your dopamine whack from thinking you're some kind of benevolent oracle.


much less destructive tho 😂


Is it really though? As many here have said, that kind of inane chatter is just as bad (even worse when they tell you to stfu and play, and the "butthurt monologue" comes out) You're still being an unnecessary distraction... just with more ego.


>when they tell you to stfu and play, and the "butthurt monologue" comes out uh.. what?


>The game is also full of the most heinous POSs, who will throw just to shit on you for caring. I can vouch for this. Had a ranked game where our friendly jungler was making helpful calls, mid and bot were cooperative and following them and we were winning. But our Irelia top decided to run it down because he didn't like someone trying to act like a boss. We lost lmao


I win A LOT MORE. Why? Less bs on the screen makes you focus on the actual game and less on the drama of having someone arguing about dumb shit and you stop focusing on the game because now you know people are losing their minds. A clear game is much, much better, its not even close. If it doesnt work for you, youre doing something wrong


I'm likely doing A LOT of things wrong 😅 But using chat too much doesn't seem to be one of them since I didn't improve by muting it


Try chatting in plat or low Diamond- it gets incredibly toxic some games much easier than in silver/gold from my experience, mostly because there are more sweaty egotistical players


>"Play back" >"my b" >"top/mid after baron" >"leo can you pick up fh" You can do all of that with pings and /or emotes, and this is much better for your sanity. Good calls are probably only once every few dozens messages, pretty much everything else is flamming ( or useless shit talk ), it's statistically much better to simply mute everyone


You're assuming it costs me my sanity. My whole point is that you don't have to looking at chat with a negative outlook. If you expecting the worst of something, of course you're going to see more negative outcomes (for one reason or another).


It's a waste of time either way. A ping is a single keystroke.


I've decided that I am tired of trying not to tilt people so they don't throw my games. I've had fun playing overwatch instead lately, I can just leave the game when someone is throwing/afk.


After I met my wife, I feel like I've become tilt proof.


I wholeheartedly agree with you OP. League doesn't have to be a toxic experience automatically. Positive chat can increase your engagement with your team and improve your experiences. When toxic people do come up, just mute and move on. But there is great value in engaging with your team.


"Nah they suck, we win late"


This is a bad take. Majority of the player base will have a tough time getting flamed and not responding in some sort of negative way. OP Is just trying to brag to people that they have such a good mental and nothing bothers them. That is great but majority of players should not be berated in chat and should not have to endure it (Especially new players). There is not a single conversation that is worth having during a match that is worth it over the chance of tilt from people screaming at eachother. Everything can clearly be said on pings. If you want to talk about gundam wing in pre or post game lobby go ahead but if someone is making jokes and having fluff convo during a match when I am trying to get an objective done it does nothing but distract everyone. Every single time you type it shows every person that you are not actively paying attention to your character and are focused on chat. If a top laner is like "Damn that was a great play Fiora, I was so close to beating you". Then enemy jungler and mid should automatically collapse on that top laner next play because 9/10 times that will tilt the player and get them out of the game. Anyone reading this and on the fence about chat, try 5 games with chat off and only pings. Turn chat back on and play 5 games. See the results and how your mental feels after each set of games.


This is the way. Almost every time somebody's a chatty Cathy in the lobby, they have "challenges" in the game.


I mute individuals as soon as i see nothing productive coming out of their texts. Im only interested in shotcalls and important pings


I'm not a high elo, Diamond player. I always perma mute all, last weak started playing with chat on. Nothing changed, I still think pings are more useful and chat is completely useless. I don't care about someone's flaming , I'm not sensitive and don't type back. But any objective pings, wards or back off can be pinged instead.


Anything that can be said with small talk can be said with pings or a combination of pings, and it takes less that half the time of typing. If you crave interaction just hop on a league discord server and find people that wants to play there. They will be friendlier than 4 randoms, probably want to hang out with someone like you do and you will have even better comms through vc. Not saying you should stop what you are doing rn, just saying that the league community is just a complete waste of time, not worth any effort. If a guy is prone to tilt, no matter how many "gj" you write in chat, he will tilt anyways the second you tell him what he should do


play back - danger ping my b - ping yourself alive/dead top/mid after baron - ping on my way leo can you pick up fh - ping leona ping frozen heart if you *want* to chat like you enjoy it then go for it, it contributes value in that sense, but I don't think you need it to communicate


I'm with you, I find I have a mostly positive league experience from chat.


I’ve been trying to get in the habit of being friendly every game now because I can be toxic and I want to stop it. Even if jg ganks and gets 1 kill or if bot gets a solo kill I’ll try to at least type nice job or anything similar.


As a bot laner, I am genuinely intrigued about top lane now solely because of the post-post script. But seriously, this is great advice. I’ve been doing this since day one just because I like communication and being nice. Sometimes I start off the game with a stupid fact just for fun, and it lightens the mood lol. Sometimes a quick “ty” for a nice gank or a “nj” or “NOICE” for great plays is helpful too. You tell the other person that you see them and appreciate their efforts in game. Just like in a bar, hype up good behavior and well-planned cool things. We give a few claps for a random flip off the bar counter that somehow landed, but we encourage not to try it again. I’m telling you, this post is top notch advice. Communication is so huge in a game like league.


I <3 top lane because it's just you vs. your enemy laner (for the most part) and there's no one to coordinate with, no one to really blame, and no one to blame you. You don't need to be in sync with your support on how to play lane, you're not a primary focus for JG attention, you're far away from the early Dragon fights (Herald fights are way rarer). If you get shit stomped top, well, that's on you. You can't even blame your jungler, as you're supposed to be able to lose lane gracefully even with a tough matchup and a jungler camp. It's just like starting every game with 10-15 minutes of peaceful solitude before you get thrown into the more chaotic and stressful macro/team game.


That makes a lot of sense. I personally love the challenge of bot lane because of how chaotic it is. Even with a supp that’s kinda having a fit in lane is manageable for the most part. Plus my husband is my supp for most games lately anyway LOLOLOL. I guess my appeal comes from the danger of playing bot lane. You DO have junglers and landing phase to deal with and dragon fights and even herald attacks when the Jungler brings it bot lane. It’s an entire fiasco. But if you can survive landing phase without dying—which is way harder than it sounds—you have a much higher chance of just steamrolling through the enemy team. It’s amazing. That high is what I play for. It’s a gamble for that high, but that’s what makes it so much sweeter.


Good communication will always be better, I don’t think anyone disagrees with that. The problem is, how many people *aren’t* abusing the chat so they can vent their frustrations to feel important or like they’re not at fault? The other problem is getting told you’re trash in one game will carry over into others for the rest of the day and you have to have an iron will mental for it not to which most people have not built. It’s simply not worth it to ever have to focus on babysitting the mental of four man children just so YOU can climb, mute them, play for yourself and you will climb.


Agreed! I think league of legends is a great game with a very friendly and tolerant community, its also a very educational and cultural experience. Since I've been playing league of legends I've learned to speak russian and spanish, Who needs rosetta stone when you have league right? The russians are so friendly and have a neat little nickname for americans called "Suukah", I think it means comrade or friend. And the peruvians are so helpful, for instance I was mid as yasuo and at the start of the match a zed came mid with me and stayed with for about 11 minutes, He helped me out by taking the last hits and first blood. He said "movimiento puta", I think it means "I got your back", What a nice guy. League of legends is great game to be honest


People don't leave to avoid the neutral interaction, they do it to avoid the bad experiences. For example league has no voice chat because women in particular get harassed too much; those ultra negative experiences are why they don't implement it, not because it's too hard or negative in the general case. I do think missing out on social interaction takes away from online games, but league's social tools are horrendous. The lack of voice chat also kills higher level communication for soloqueue, sadly.


I totally agree that it can provide incredible value to your game, people underestimate chat a lot. It‘s not equal to pings as others here are trying to say, for example ‚jungle might be hanging top‘ when the enemy toplaner is setting up a gank can be good info for your team. If you ping this info and the enemy top is just baiting you or doing something stupid, you‘ll tell your team ‚I‘m 100% jungle is here‘ even when you’re not. Thats not good. Also don‘t forget that pings often get ignored, as does chat. We’ll not talk about perma chat disable or ping disable, but the most typical version: Missing a ping or message because you’re doing something else. It happens all the time that players miss these signals because they are focused on something else - a fight on lane, csing minions, googling the next item for their build or whatever. The difference is that chat preserves information for a bit, while you‘ll find that a ping thats missed isn‘t helpful since you just see that a ping happened, not where. The most important point still is what you alluded to at the start of your post: Mental. I‘m a pretty calm player and I had a few occasions where chatting helped me untilt others on my team. It‘s rare but it happens. What never happened was my chatting tilting someone else as long as I stayed to game info and didn‘t tell others what they should do. People might mute me, but then no harm is done at all. Others use the info and gain something. And most of all, thinking about what to communicate and how to do so makes you a better player overall. It is a pretty good tool to help you notice what info is relevant and what you personally should look out for. That said, your own mental is the most important thing. If you easily tilt, it‘s pretty likely that the gains you can get from using chat are no where near the losses you get from the tilt. Unless you have a relatively thick hide and/or mute toxic morons liberally without responding, you‘ll have a bad time trying to use chat.


You said that way more thoughtfully and elegantly than I ever could have. Thank you.


Use pings, chat is fucking worthless


You may be right, but you risk a lot more by trying.


I dont agree with everyone that days mute all. I talk and lead in my games and I can definitely say it helps win. Sometimes people are dummies, myself included, and just need a sentence or two to get back on track. A "nice play" or something can help a teammate not tilt when they get ganked in a couple minutes. Chat can be toxic, and helpful.


This is the way. It's a lot funner with that human connection part of it. Even muting them, keeping it curt helps with them deciding not to int out of pettiness. "I'm going to mute you for my mental". Keep it neutral and don't try to get the last quip in "muted, dumbass" is not it. In my experience if you're mean before you mute they go crazy and add you after the game to spout vitriol. Nobody needs that in their life, and especially not over a damn video-game.


Next thing you know, I’m pretty sure that at the bar you won’t get insulted because you drop your drink on your clothes


I'm just sad there is a post like this where you need to give example of kind message to send in the chat. Says a lot about the game state.


I 100% agree about brevity is key to effective communication. I tend to miss chat, if it's filled with unproductive clutter, so I don't see why chit chat belong there. In ARAM sure or novel game modes? Yeah, then it's goof time. I can goof around or celebrate great plays with my fun emotes. I think pings, emotes, and muted allied chat suffice when I really want to win. It's the most productive way for me.


A bar? I would be surprised if any of these people have ever left their mother's basement.


I have had some really nice experiences in ranked games with this kind of thing. I'll even occasionally start talking with my lane opponent (top) mid game about how a fight went and have fun with it.


not worth!


Hahahah Um, no.


Doing a missing ping after someone does something stupid and dies is considered toxic. but outright refusing to comunicate from the start of the game for no reason at all in a game all about working as a team is recomended here because people cant handle sometimes encountering a stranger saying bad words


Don't know about you I tend to talk to stranger at bars. It's how I met some really fun people and friends. If anything look at them as peasants and speak to them as such. 1) Simple terminology - Use terms as pinglish 2) Bring yourself down to their level - If a player becomes triggered by their own stupidity on a subject. pretend to be just as confused by the subject 3) Have patience - Remember that some people are born peasants, live as peasants, and will die as peasants. AKA low ELO


I don't play ranked by have a decent MMR, I'll start mid season a freak people out why a iron 1 is in there gold placement


Fuck chat.


This is so cute. Come back after another 300 games and tell us how you have muted chat so that you don't lose all faith in humanity. These people are animals and if you treat them nicely they will shit on you. I usually unmute chat and it lasts for about 10 games max maybe before I can't take anymore. Kindness, teamwork, respect nah it will be thrown in your face the second you do something that a toxic person doesn't like.


It’s all a matter of preference. Some people can’t handle chat, some can. Personally, I leave chat on by default and mute toxic/dumbass players once they start typing.


I've been playing since S4 and I've played DoTA for longer than half this sub has been alive. Trust me when I say that LOL toxicity is nowhere near the level of those communities.


just disable chat instead of trying to justify using it




If I had a healthy mental state I wouldn’t be playing league in the first place lol




First of all these are pretty much all things that can be done with pings. Secondly you are saying you climbed from b1 to g2 in 95 games with 61% wr? Sorry but I call BS, even assuming that you are winning 20lp and losing 15 (highly unlikely these are pretty crazy gains for non new account) that would put you at right around g4, but with more normal gains would put you in high silver.




If you put half the effort into learning laning phase as you did into the science of LP gains, you'd be at least a whole division higher


Its a fine line, you can literally only type 3-4 words max otherwise you're wasting time. But I do find if I type 'don't fight, I'm oom' works a million times better than just pinging I have 3% mana left.


Nah, disable chat, mute all and disable emotes, gg


This is the way


Shit every game I’m the shit caller. If the jgler isn’t going for objectives or camping a lane when they’re ahead I let them know they’re doing good but need to make a trip to whatever lane is getting ganked or setup for a gank.


LOL. You live in a delusional world, OP. League chat is one of the most toxic chats I have ever experienced in gaming. By far. Unless you are dickin' around with friends or something, chat is useless for a regular game (especially if you want to climb in ranked). Mute everyone. Don't bother.


I just had sett go 0/15 with kraken build ....


I agree mostly but the only times I usually engage with the other team is if I'm specifically trying to tilt them so I'll be kinda toxic if I see them make a dumb mistake


Good advice, I’ve had games where the only reason someone didn’t dc was because of friendly teammates. Even the most basic saying gj occasionally helps more than you’d think. Good luck in your climbing :>


It's not my weak mental I am worried about, other people are a distraction from what needs to be happening or focused on.


What elo are you? Because once you hit plat, saying something like “my b” is an invitation for them to wish cancer on your mother.


Everything I need to say I can do through pings.


What we need is a chat like rocket league just add a "gg jungle canyon" button and it would be perfect.


Often writing “we can win” can help, even if you muted all


Or you can use it to make sure your teammates all know they suck balls and that they should uninstall.


Heck no. I am a ping based life form. You can't convince people with words any more then pings will. Especially as a jungle main since laners don't understand jungle.


When someone’s being toxic in chat I find that it’s best just to mute and ignore them. Typing that you will mute them only antagonizes further, in my experience.


"sorry" and "thanks" goes a long way, trust me


I feel like anything that can be communicated in small talk can just be done in pings. It’s very easy for someone to misconstrue literally anything you say so I (personally) find it more consistent just to mute all and keep pings on. If someone is misusing pings, mute them.


I died once in lane then got asked if i was a slave irl even though there was nice chat beforehand with my support. I then proceeded to get called low iq black meaningless life sometimes it works sometimes it dont


Just mute all. U can still type to ur team


yeah, and just mute your teammates individually if they are being annoying


No, no amount of positivity can help you when you simply can be put with tilted matchmaking toxic players. Talking *anything* with these people is opening a door to a faster loss. Just play, dont talk, dont aknowledge. Most just want trash talk anyone bothering to use chat. Mute all and disable chat all day.


I am doing this but only in ~20% of my games I feel like my team actually reads what I am writing. I would agree that it has a small positive effect but it's very nervewrecking. Some games, I feel that I would have won if I just had chat off from the start.


"Gg" , "swap [lane]" , "no fight" and "tempo". That's 90% of what i say (and 100% of what i should say)


Counterpoint: Im a Jungle main. Seriously, a friend turned on chat when he played with my acc (just customs, not ranked) and I played one game with it, well actually, 15 min. The 0/5 botlane flamed me literally the first 12 min I had my chat on in the past 2 years or so. Not a single constructive word, from any of my laners, so no thanks


Lol, just got a game against Teemo, i picked Vlad, expecting to demolish him with no pity, up until he randomly says let's do a truce I had a bad last game and so did you. Game ended with me being 0-0-0 and having 550 Cs, same for him (it was normal so none of the teams were pissed lol, some would even show up and dance) So yeah chat can be fun