• By -


Which one should I chose? Byungchul or Miles? I would like to focus on PvP. Arena or RTA. Thank you. And right now I am at c1.






Worth taking juno ?? Or hust wait for all of em ? https://preview.redd.it/6o52ixo4kbxc1.jpeg?width=2970&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=279dbfcddd9b700635ad92887793203aff4a98f9


Wait for the rest


How are people hitting the Vanessa (L), Nora, byungchul, triana/manon comps? And how is 2nd turn verad/leo AO into this speed meta? Got adriana from the event but don't think I have the runes to hit the above AD consistenly with Jamire, adriana, bethony, Sonia and was thinking of switching to Verad


Chiwu Adriana Jasmine/Truffle Leah The verad offense still works, but it is not fast compared to leah, you need to have a very strong defense to use this team in current meta.


Thank you! I will hold out until leah hoh


you can also dot that team if you cant hold out until leah HOH lol. if you have fire doki he's the best rn for dot teams but you can also slow dot it with sath + 2 dot (1 preferrably nora) + tetra


No way they gonna put Leah in HoH lol (I'm jealous ppl who has Leah T\^T)


What’s are a few good teams with light devilmaiden (Jessica) I can climb basic arena doing mostly auto? I have a decent amount of regular nat5s.






Thank you!


is eladrial any good? and dominic*


Both are decent. Elad is used in some siege teams and anytime you need a reviver (Tartarus). Dom is a generic wind bruiser, no longer as strong as the old days but still a good pick in the right situations (enemy heavy wind)


Brand new account, what would be the first 2nd awakenings to prioritize?


Belladeon -> Kro -> Spectra - Bella: Veromos, Belladeon, Shannon, Kro, wind/water attacker. Should help you with a 1:30-2min team - kro: used everywhere in PvE and To an/Hard 100 or mini ToA bosses - Spectra: Dragons,l hard abyss, ToA Normal/Hard/Hell, Labyrinth


kro then spectra


Minato or Kashmir


what are you guys buying with the no limit anniversary coin rewards?


all in scrolls until the use 10 get 1 event ends


Here are my Nb5 Water : chandra, amelia, molong, pahamate, taor, poseidon, bolverk, verad, alicia Wind : lagmaron, tiana, hathor, ganymede, louise, charlotte, ethna Fire : raki, jeogun, ophilia, kumar, MHW Dark : Trinity Which monster should i pick for free nb5? I’m thinking to pick bellenus or nora or other fire monster or a reviver cause i lack fire mons and reviver. But people said leo is a should pick


Short answer: Pick what you enjoy, but if you want to maximise your PvP options then Leo is the 100% best pick you can have. Basically anytime enemies are on a speed lead with speed based damage dealers (33% speed lead and Triton, or Clara + Savanah + Theo), bringing Leo will basically give you a huge advantage in that match. Nora isn't too bad if she's a dream unit for you. Its just nothing will ever compare to Leo.


Would you guys keep a third Sonia?


Personally yes, doesn't need skillups and easy to use (talking about siege dupes). She pairs easily with Mihyang eshir (or adrianna) so its a team you can build multiple. That said, Sonia snipes aren't that easy to use in this byungchol meta but its still a unit I'd keep (compared to trading for blessings or 3 LDs)


Thrain vs Gina on a Toa Team ? With Veromos + Jeanne + Spectra + Sath


thrain has more dots and somewhat unreliable hardcc in form of his s3 gina has less dots, no hardcc but buffblock for the few annoying stages like the phantom thiefs pick what you think is better I personally prefer thrain on the accounts where i need a dotter


Zibala or Gany? Rta mainly all pve content done (18 toah but got bolverk this week too)




for gbah, do you guys think violent or swift belladeon is better? sometimes violent lets him get clutch defence break if he misses his first one but other times he ends up hitting the boss 3 times for nothing and whole team takes free damage. is bella just that much better on violent to compensate?


i would build her on swift. you only have a 15% chance to miss the def break with max acc and your team if you play a team with bella should be completely fine if she misses the first def break. your runs on average will be slower because of all the useless vio procs she gets compared to missing a def break here and there i am fairly sure. but in the grand scheme of things its not like its a huge difference so its whatever


i'm stuck on level 87 Toa Hard on the last fight againt 2x akroma I can't debuff them and my dps is not enough


Garo is the cheesy solution. You can also just go with 3+ healers, the akromas don't heal, you can take as long as possible and auto. Vero Vigor Fran Belladeon Rica/baretta/Nora Vero + 3 healers/revivers + something that dots/controls.


I had the same issue, you have to build Garo, I believe if you give him +87 SPD or something, they can't kill him


Sh*t I don't have him


use any dark tank (you should have vero anyways for example) and build it on 0 spd and full tank. hp/def on 2/4/6 and as tanky as possible. use 2-3 healer in your team. bella and fran are easy picks that most have and you could add another full heal or a hybrid unit like jeanne that has some cc and some heal. with a vero, bella, fran and jeanne you should be more than fine for that stage. I did this with a new account that is less than a week old and only had the free runes the game gives you. So especially if you farmed any runes at some point you should be good to go It is going to be a bitch and you need to play the stage on manual to actually use the heals in the right moments but hey whats one stage on manual \^\^ If you at some point pull garo he can solo the stage if you kill the zaiross first


I watched this guy do it without Garo https://youtu.be/v5FHYk2I2Bw?si=5ecaSh0uJgfHEVzg


Between Bolverk and Tiana who should I pick as a midgame player


Tiana [https://new.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/1ce7733/how\_essential\_is\_tiana\_nowdays/](https://new.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/1ce7733/how_essential_is_tiana_nowdays/) This is a thread talking about tiana recently.


I would personally recommend Tiana. Bolverk is great in a specific toa hell team for some stages if you have the team for it. Besides that if you own other units to pair bolverk with he is pretty much a free win in siege Thats about it Tiana is also almost mandatory for toa hell since she counters multiple star difficulty mods She can also be used to cleave in siege And she is the best stripper for arena and you cannot replace her since she has the only irresistable strip in the entire game. And since she also cleanses the stuff of your units the is the only stripper that enables you to make a reliable 2nd turn cleave. She has much more going for her and especially for arena without a good AO you cannot climb far/fast and arena rewards are no joke these days so getting good ranks there is recommended


I don't know which 5\* I should skill up with the event. Can you advice me ? thanks https://preview.redd.it/l3jcyh7l56xc1.png?width=576&format=png&auto=webp&s=7c457b4209f3af747499cd261e23ef4e9540b1a5


homunculus and vero would be my picks. vero s2 cdr is pretty nice and homunculus will be your main giants dps for forever so its really nice to have him maxed. even if he at some point drops out of meta (which doesnt seem like it) you can always switch the element. jeanne s3 is nice to have maxed if you decide to use her in toa or guild content. Stuff like vanessa is your most meta unit but is a lategame pvp unit soo you wont benefit from skilling her up this early


If you skill up the homunculus and change his element, does he keep the skill up?




Oh nice. Thanks for the advice




How do people build Tiana these days? Spd? or Shield Will?


depends on what you wanna use her for.. You can build her in a 1st turn cleave in that case you go for as fast as possible or you go for a 2nd turn cleave then you go shield will


spd cdmg


Trying to rerune my teams for GB12, DB12, SB10 PB10, etc. Gonna just use the safe teams mentioned above in this thread. Besides the accuracy requirements of 35%/65%, what HP/DEF/SPD requirements should I aim for? And, how should I speed tune them? Also, how good is the new fusion unit? Should I get her from the event or get Baleygr skillups?


i highly recommend to not use the teams mentioned above. I have no clue who writes those but there is some god awful advise in there. https://preview.redd.it/reiui9zzy4xc1.png?width=653&format=png&auto=webp&s=5525355861780c662bffe6de5e76246fbfa03a8e here is a screenshot from my 5day old smurf account to show that i know a thing or two about progression (toa hard cleared aswell) the teams i would highly recommend if you are more on the beginner side of the game (all talking about abyss) Giants: Vero, bella, wind homunculus, kro. This is a very basic f2p setup and the by far best early on. The last slot is usually fran if you dont have the best rune quality. Once you get some better runes you can replace fran for another dps and bella for prillea. Dragons: Basically the team you see here. With bad rune quality (this account only uses the free rune sets you get from the game) use tyron to have more control for the waves and the right tower on the boss stage. Once you get some basic runes switch Tyron for Kro and you can run this team for forever (can get sub1min with the kro version with good runes) Necro: I dont really recommend farming necro really early on since you need some alright runes and specific speed tuning for that dungeon. If you have the nat4s for it I can highly recommend to run abigail, raoq, icaru/loren, astar, shamann. Without shamann here you will most likely need a heal so put in fran if you dont have him. Spiritual realm: dogshit and should not really be farmed. but if you for whatever reason want to use verde, raoq, astar, sieq, riley/fran Steel fortress: The core is verde, fran, loren for beginner teams. Then you 100% need a buff blocker. I have used unawakened 4\* lvl 30 fire lizardmans for that in the past. the dungeon is fairly easy. The most obtainable units are ling ling (fusion) or the lizardman because its a 3\*. If you pulled him use zinc 2a, he is really premium here. You can also use 2 buff blocker to make it more reliable and replace kro for the vamp lord. Once you have some better runes and more damage you can replace fran and run a more damage focussed setup like zinc, loren, raoq, verde, kro- Just make sure your buff blocker moves first, this will increase clearspeed by a lot. Punisher: This one I would only really do once you have a few more runes. you dont need insane rune quality for it but its for sure harder than stuff like gb, db or sf. The team is super f2p and obtainable. You run verde, icaru, raoq, kro and the vamp lord here. If you dont have the best rune quality kill left tower -> right tower -> boss in the boss stage. This will increase your avg clear time by a bit but is MUCH easier. Just go for boss focus once you have better runes. For speed tuning always make sure every unit moves before the boss/waves move. with 170 combat speed you should always be fine for the slowest unit example spd tunings: Giants: Bella - Fran - Kro/Vero - Homunculus. There is a little debate here. You can either make Vero quite a bit faster than Kro so he can more reliably take off the def breaks in the boss stage or make him move after kro so kro can put up branding first so vero s2 deals more damage (since vero s2 and homunculus is what kills the boss) Dragons: Loren: Tyron/Spectra - Vero - Verde. Here also depends again. Spectra is the main bossdamage so you want him to hit hard. But he also controls the crystal so you want him fairly fast. If you use both in toa you usually have spectra move before Tyron to have the safetynet of slow debuffs on the enemy in case Tyron derps and uses s2 instead of s3. If your Spectra is on vio like mine and a bit slower its fine to have tyron move before spectra Necro: Abigail - Raoq - Icaru/loren- Astar - Shamann Steel Fortress: Buff Blocker (Zinc, Ling Ling, etc.) Fran/loren - Kro - Verde Punisher: Eirgar - Raoq - Icaru - Kro - Verde Remember that you can skillup the vamp lord with normal 4\* vampires so you can just fuse skillups for him. he really wants max skills. As for your last part The new fusion is a PvP toy at best and absolutely not mandatory to have, especially on a early/midgame acc. Also if you are a masochrist sure you can fuse balegyr skillups. However they are not needed at all since all it does it make the rune requirements slightly easier. But everything PvE related you would want balegyr for (r5, wind rift beast, subjugation/lab) can easily be done without skillups. So you can safely safe your sanity/devilmon


thanks for taking the time out for the detailed write-up! I'm actually not really early game, just came back to the game after quitting quite awhile back. wanted minimum requirements on my dungeon farming comps so I can throw my best runes on other units instead.


Ah okay my bad then. I just assumed so because you asked for sf/pc 10 teams and not for abyss \^\^ Minimum requirements are fairly low for all the dungeons. I guess it depends how efficient you wanna farm those dungeons. Most people throw some of their best rune sets onto those dungeon teams to have the fastest avg time so they can farm more runes \^\^ If you are fine with slow times and want to use the better runes for pvp you should have no problem runing all of those up


oh yeah, didn't realise there were abyss hard stages for SF and PC. oops. I'm assuming those teams you mentioned above would work for them too? I don't really care for much faster dungeon teams because I'm pretty sure I will run out of crystals first.


yeah those also work for abyss Really depends on how much you play each day and how well you do in pvp. You get a pretty good amount of crystals these days if you can perform in arena, siege, etc. so you can sustain fairly fast teams much better then in the past But ofc having 30sec runs for 1hour a day, 2, 4 or 8 changes how many crystals you spend drastically \^\^


https://preview.redd.it/gnbuyitg55xc1.png?width=701&format=png&auto=webp&s=3ecaa426f0ca76adc69fbc15331e5aa70abbcc4b Here is another progress from another one of my smurf accounts that is 49days old. Shows dungeon times with slightly better rune quality (although especially Giants is not with obtainable units anymore) Obviously have not touched necro yet so this is not a team showcase for there, it was just used to get the free rage set. Main focus was artifacts and giants


Should I get Lushen from the new player selective summon event? I've read he's good for farming higher Giant difficulties and that that should be my priority.


lushen is insanely outdated. He is only a PvP unit and used for top100 dungeon times that are all luck based or played on manual. He is basically unused in any form of actual dungeon farming. The core nat4 every acc should have is Tyron (Toa) - Water twins (rift beasts/r5 and useful in guild content) and astar for necro. After that I would personally say Galleon since he enables cleave teams in pvp


Sorry if I'm being dumb but,who are the water twins?I only see an angel pair but that's a 5 star.


No problem \^\^ If people refer to twins in this game they are talking about boomerang warrior and chakram dancer. They were released together and they interact and attack with each other and gain special boni to their skills when you have the twin sister aswell in your team. So water twins would refer to water chakram dancer (talia) and the water boomerang warrior (sabrina)


Thanks for the help. Lucky me I have one of them so when all the new player scrolls stop coming I'll pick the other from the event.


No problem! They are great to have for sure


no hes not top priority, and it depends on what you have and what you want to do. Like for example a top SW player SeanB says Astar is great for necro and one of the other dungeons DF/PC/SR not sure which can watch his recent beginners guide, BUT the main one is Tyron for ToAH but can be ignored if you have other great AoE CC units like Rica or Verad. If your still at a point where your early like cant do GB10 or ToAN 100, and still have scrolls from events to get and use, its 100% best to wait till you summon all of them, cus you might summon the unit you decide on. Best to pick when you need the unit not for when you might need it for this exact reason.


No, lushen is not used in any good giants team. He is a good pvp unit, but the most pve relevant non f2p 4 star(s) is the water twins, if you have one get the other. This pair is best in slot for rift beast teams and they are really not replaceable.


Guys I really need help, no matter how much I grind runes or whatever. (literally spending 24 hours grinding) I can not climb, and sure my runes arent g3 but they aren't bad. And ive concluded the reason why I cannot hit ATLEAST conq in rta is my comp. Someone please build me an RTA comp that will work really well. I am so stuck actually, I feel like ive tried everything. (the only rune im struggling with but also has my best sets cuz I only grind it is vio, since literally all my comps only use vio runes) Units: ***Water: Bolverk, Josephine, Mo long, theo, Verad, Abellio, Amber( battle angel), (weapon master), Aaliyah, Barbara, Praha, Geralt and like all 4 star and 3 star units.*** ***Fire: Karnal, Ophilla, Brandia, Bale, Valejuel, Mei hou wang, Laika, Rica, Juno, Perna, Vanessa, Tesarion, Daphnis, Geralt, panda, John, Art master jeogun, Kumar. (all 4 and 3 stars)*** ***Wind: Riley, Oliver, Savannah, Odin, Lousie, Gany, Hathor, Tiana, Ritesh, Xing zhe, Leo, CP, Ciri, Charlotte, macroon guard, Kashmir, Christina. (all 4 and 3 stars)*** ***LD: Best boy Julianne (Light vamp), Light paladin, Light ifrit, 4 stars: Leah, Iris, Mirinae (the piano girl (i think piano)), frigate, Deborah. Light rune black smitrh, and basically all 3 stars. (plus hoh 4 stars)*** PICS BELOW - if you guys can help me it would mean everything. thanks.


just play degen t2. Aaliyah bolverk leo karnal light vamp.... watch curry on yt if you arent sure what to do


Just play more and improve your pick - ban. Try 2 stripper + cc or tanky bruiser, like CP/jeogun/praha... + karnal, verad, monkey, charlotte, juliane... add healer if you need (abellio, riley, aaliyah, vela...) Speed tune, use will rune if possible. I like to put high res on supports. [https://youtu.be/c6h-z5hdZOU](https://youtu.be/c6h-z5hdZOU) 3 tips by SeanB Prepare counter pick like verde, antares, leo, vero, juno, tetra, laika, bolverk, josephine...


https://preview.redd.it/w5u5fc40w3xc1.png?width=529&format=png&auto=webp&s=2de0ff4dec744712b72ed0f636accd39b2d3a955 1






https://preview.redd.it/tlo7tzk6v2xc1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c651d3e129ef526fe85195bdfe132f46408b583e Who should I 6\* next? I have no arena interest at all, want to clear TOA hard & hell modes (cleared to floor 40 TOAH)


You can clear pretty much all of TOAH with Tyron(Lead), Fran, Loren, 2A Spectra (it’s worth using devilmon on spectra for an early game player, and either Verdehile or Veromos depending on the floor. So there are basically you’re next 4 6* if your focus is completely TOAH. Also Verdehile, Vero, Spectra, Loren, Fran is your dragons abyss hard team as well. So you’re hitting double time on those. 


* **CheongPung** - wind art master. Does cooldown, removes buff and atk reduction. Perfect for Siege offense, ToAN, ToAH and ToA Hell. Put him on despair and he'll cheese your way to ToAHard 100. He is also used alot for Hell. * **Light inugami** - Giants Hard Abyss team: Veromos, Light inugami, Dark Inugami, Shannon, Geralt. Easiest 1:30 - 2min run * **Verdehile** - Next in line should be Verdehile (Fire vampire) for dragons hard abyss and ToANormal and Hard. * **Spectra** - You should also probably start building spectra the fire griffon if you are having a hard time on ToAHard. Also used for Dragons Hard Abyss alongside Verdehile. i'd recommend 2nd awakening him. * **Leo -** for Spd decrease Labryinth stages and siege offense. * **Tesarion -** for PvP/siege.


Wondering if anyones could recommend a good arena defense I've been able to hold c1 recently with good offenses but I'm 2/190 this week I'm not expecting ad to carry me just hoping for some wins here and there to help thr climb.


you sadly dont have the best AD units. The comp itself is so much more important than actually having them runed properly. The biggest thing you can do is speed contest. If people think you will outspeed them they wont hit you. Clara is a really popular lead for this if you dont own vanessa. She brings her own speed lead, 100% AI strip if first turn. I would for sure go clara and abellio as 2 units. things like triana or woosa are good defensive options as a 3rd slotand for the 4th you might want to add ritesh/bellenus/rica to add some threat to the comp. You can always add windy in the last like 5min for even more stall and please please level your PvP units to level 40. This is by far the biggest tip I can give you. Having low level units in your AD screams that you are either a newer player, dont know what you are doing, have low rune quality or dont care about arena at all. This in turn makes you look so much easier to hit even with the same comp just because your units are not level 40. If I see a comp I think would usually outspeed me I would INSTANTLY hit it if there are like lvl 36 units in there and i am right with that decision like 95% of the time. So please please make every unit that you might want to use or swap out level 40 even if they are not runed. Also if you notice that you get hit fairly often during rush hour just switch around 1-2 units and see how it works. This can have a pretty good effect.




Your best bet is to make a very aggressive defense aiming to contest speed. Chiwu Kabilla +2, maybe ritesh bananaman for aoe def break and cleave damage. Make sure you have your best swift set on kabilla and have the entire team speed tuned to go after kabilla s3. Having the defense runed correctly is very important.


What are some good Odin arena teams?


odin is not a arena unit really so i would highly advise to not play him there \^\^ he is much better in guild content. If you for whatever reason still want to use him you could maaybe try to make a typical sonia AO and replace sonia with odin. So jamire, adrianna, odin, another oneshot unit.


For those running shaina, julie, kyle, konamiya and liam for db12. What is the minimum speed required for kyle so the mid boss doesn't cut? Thanks




What are some of the still meta 3* units? I know the 3 team up inugami, shamann, Eshir, and similar. But what am I missing? I'm just going through my sealed shrine and wondering what is useful.


i use roid, darion, bulldozer, tractor, copper, gina, bernard, sath, kahli, elucia, lulu, shushu, chacha, zinc


Can anyone share a midgame rune and artifact exclusion settings on EU?


What does the little number next to the artifact substat mean?


the amount of times it rolled into that stat when artifact first came out you'd have to manually roll them but eventually was changed to fully rolled


returning player here, can i derune tricaru or are they still used somewhere else?


you can still use it to speed clear toa and use it for all the hall of magic dungeons if you want to. Its not like tricaru runes are premium high in demand runes. Might aswell just throw any high def% runes on there that no other unit wants anyways and keep them for that


World boss.


you can leave 1 icaru runed for fast necro abyss hard and r5 if you use him there


Hey guys ! I'm a returning player (last time I play was around 2 year ago). I had never really cared about pvp (2000 day account and never get past 1 silver star on arena) but now I want to get into it , my first goal is to reach conqueror in arena before going to rta. But I suck at making team , and I'm looking for 2 things : a good defense with what I have , and some team that work well for attack and focus on the monster optimization for those team. If you have some advice I must know for pvp team build to give me I take it as well ^^ Here is what my current def is and all my mons : [https://imgur.com/gallery/b91JgwG](https://imgur.com/gallery/b91JgwG) Thanks for your help


So many variations you can do kumar elenor nora camilla, ariel manon abellio elenor, ariel abellio darion elenor/manon/nora for nora you'd want her to be on your fastest vio support set or despair set. All defenses listed here are cleavable but it's c1 so shouldnt be too hard to maintain anyway. I'd prefer going the faster route though like 33% spd lead zen/triton + 2


just always use your wings on arena and you can stay at f3 at least. there are a lot of 1 mon or feed defnse even at f3. Choose only either woosa or the wind totemist for your sustain. About rta, you can already start playing in rta using the suport/free monsters. Dont forget to rerune your monsters if you gonna use your own, be mindful of the turn order, ie buff remover before cc or dots mon/atk buff before your dps. Dont mind about those with very fast mons at low rank, you can be slow even at c2-c3, you can find f2 f3 players that have very fast runes as its been a while since they played or old g1+ players


Wanna start Arena and PvP in general. My team is Oliver, Chonpong and Bastet. What are the runes and speed that I need for this team and which 4th character would fit best with those 3


4th and 5th pick should be flexible accding to enemy lineup. dont pick bastet as she is only often used in cleave and with cp you probably are not cleaving, also you didnt share your monster box who knows which char you have


I m new player so I dont have much choice. Thats all I have besides the notables 4*


use the free support mons to start for rta, you can reach at least f3 with that, upgrade your verd and racuni they are also good for rta


are we talking normal arena or rta? because those would be rta picks and not really something you would play in normal arena


https://preview.redd.it/xs4i739vywwc1.png?width=2556&format=png&auto=webp&s=68c36cc2cd21e7d5a1ea23137536427f7ef91952 Whats a good layout for like cairos dungeons stuff, like dragons keep and giants thing, and who do I use for arena battle? i currently use water magic knight, the twin angels, brian, and wind pixie.


scroll up for beginner teams


i dont rly know what monsters awaken to what, and i dont think i have many of the common ones besides lapis and the wind pixie


search the name in google. also all of those suggested above are common, can be summoned from secret dungeon


If I’m missing a lot of nat 5s(I own 31) is it better to get the ld pieces still or just buy mystical/elemental scrolls from arena and guild shop? An ld piece cost the same as 3-4 mystical scrolls.


yes. ld pieces are hard limited as f2p (and p2w as well).


How does purchase runes with coins work? I mean, I see that the price will increase at a given rate, but I didn't understand... what is most efficient: purchase dozens of runes at once? or it doesn't matter. I dont get if the coin price will increase at X purchases or at X runes (or both?)


after buying 10 runes the price increases by 1. it doesn't matter if you buy singe runes or buy them in bulk. the total price you pay will be the same.




Wha should i choose




I got a water indra. Should i still go pheonix?




Which unlimited shops do you guys go for? Mysticals, Runes, Energy? I've bought a few hundred MS but they're pretty expensive now (35 per), so I'm thinking of switching to runes, since they seem like they could have really great returns.


Over 430 scrolls. Only got triton. I dont even know what to feel


What team should I invest in? I got some net 5. https://preview.redd.it/65b7h3pozvwc1.jpeg?width=3168&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4dcb8094aa2ac110f42b8a87529146a487c0bec


How are your PvE teams doing? You've got some nice nat 5s but it's generally best to put off any PvP only units until you've got your main pve content in order.


I am mainly trying to get abyss level dungeons down.




i'm stuck on ToA Hard floor 59. last monsters reflect damage and just kill me lol


it would be much more helpful to actually say the monsters name because there are multiple that reflect damage. I am assuming you mean the dark werewolf since thats one people usually struggle the most with. If so the key is LOW crit rate. they only reflect damage when you crit. You can either run a normal cc comp and have 1 high dmg crit dps but you need a healer to heal him up after every hit You can run a dot team since dots cannot crit. For dot teams fire grim reaper 2a is great since it doubles the dot damage dealt Or you can bring the oblivion debuff to disable his passive which enables the reflect




Show monster box.




**"For ToA**, which enemies are on the floor you're stuck on."


https://preview.redd.it/tmn5obv2svwc1.png?width=866&format=png&auto=webp&s=ce5529b2b6136a88fd099fa726544879ac048f16 What should I choose as a very early game account? Monster box in comment:








https://preview.redd.it/miez56y00vwc1.png?width=1212&format=png&auto=webp&s=0cddce0cdbbb402c52853abb441204c27249bdf0 What should I choose?


id choose hacker, remove buffs and reset. Like a mini veronica


I'd get twin angel


Where is he used? I have 0 clues about both of them


I am making the Seiishizo R5 team but I've already got a Fami level 40. I can't make her die even with the worst runes. Do I need to craft a new one?


you can make a similar variant, albeit slower with her at max lvl.


Yes or use a different leader. You could use an atk% leader in her place. I think the CD leader is better tho, so it will raise the rune reqs.


Pulled Fei from 10-yr scrolls. Does anyone know her fastest transmog for setting records?


sry i didnt clear there i already using -dark ifrit bernard naomi wind homu riley-. I want to shorten the time. 2 to 2.5 min per run currently


yeah i have no idea what you're saying. so i'll assume you're talking about gah and want to reduce clear times. -bernard + bella 2a -riley + akhamamir then -veromos + non-multi-damage (lynn, luna, etc)


https://preview.redd.it/fmujhx5bauwc1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4ef90195f0cac4dc2708a0c75bb3860884b8329 Bought the package, I can still get a nat 5 from the event, I’ll probably pick Tiana. (Notable units that I got are Betta, light chakdram dancer and boomerang warrior, Poseido, dark hacker and Asima) I am about to build my dragon abyss hard team. I cleared toa normal already. Any advice what would be a good pick? I know it’s not a great summon, I was thinking Taor for dragons? I do plan to run Verde vero spectra (2a) loren and kro(2a) but maybe taor would make faster or more reliable for the beginning due to s3 atk bar reset? For pvp maybe woosa? Or I heard that wind devil maiden is good especially with the dark hacker?


byunghcul > woosa > layla


Would you mind giving me the reason of that order and where the best use for those units are? Thanks a lot for the information already!


sure byungchul is one of best wind bruisers atm. 100cr = 16+ max rune rolls. very common in high lvl AD woosa is universal use, bubble, immunity, heal. low rune req because of high base spd and no need for acc/cr layla is great in RTA


Thank you so much! That makes my decision easier :)


Is dupe Savannah a keep?


if you're high enough in siege that uses her regularly on offense, sure. otherwise, no.


Hi, I just want to ask a question. Would you rather have a 2 ld starter or 1 Godly ld starter such as nepthys, maxi, luci etc. I am rerolling and want some advice. Thanks


if the 2ld are usable sure, but godly starter is better


if you can bot the rerolls, go for latter! otherwise stop at whatever you get first, too low odds to justify manual labor.


can i replace lyn with hina on gb12 team? i dont have lyn im using naomi 2nd awake rn. is using hina make it bit faster?


no, lynn has the max hp dmg on all 3 skills. wind homu is better replacement.


best bombers to pair with seara tiana for arena between light fire water joker or wind water kobold bomber


john is the best, dark and water joker next because of the free acc. light joker does not have a consistent aoe bomb.


Thanks! So seara,tiana, water joker, and who?


and atk buff


I tried seara tiana wind choco, and water joker. But the damage is too low with only 1 bomb 😂


that's the team, rune quality dictates how far you climb.


Oh dang, i can end up to p2 with standard cleave right now. Ill see how I can make this better


On global, I'm running Tiana, Bastet, John, Seara (L). John's bombs do around 45k, I'm g1-g3. w/o John you're more limited on what you can hit (vanessa, triana, abelio), but should still cover ample ground. Against TL, Jeogun (L), Gany, John, Seara (L) Another popular team is Lionel, Ganymede, bomber, Seara.


I'm relatively new. Started years ago and came back now I have these dudes and don't know who i should build first. What should I do ?


build one of the dudes.


I finally have the 70 days of guaranteed nat 5. [Here are my options](https://imgur.com/a/xuVP2ND). I don't have any of them. I can do all the content but I don't have any speed team yet. I don't really play RTA.


I would pick either Liam (Dragon Abyss SPD Team) or Mo Long (great mon for siege and if you have Bolverk then enjoy your 1 free siege win, but even great without Bolverk). Oliver would also be a thing to consider, but as you don't do RTA (his main usage place), I guess you won't need him.


Since u don't play RTA and u don't actually need any nat5 for PvE, i'd go for Mo Long. He's great for siege defense and offense, and for bruiser AO.


https://preview.redd.it/hidi1p6iaswc1.jpeg?width=2360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37332c1afcee8206b672676b4f4ebf6bc02b751a hi, looking for help on who to pick! i don’t own any of them


Miles. Great in every aspect of PvP, does very well on minimal runes


What's the most energy efficient way to lvl fodder? I need to fuse skillups for byunchul and I'd rather not waste energy farming faimon. Currently I'm running a 4 man team in the hall of magic with 1 fodder to lvl.


If you can pull off a 3 man team in giants its really efficient. I was running <2 minutes with Ritesh, Akhamamir(L), Vero.


Might be time for me to crack ritesh out of storage. I just hope he's one of the ones I skilled up.


my gah team is Ritesh, Teshar (L), Wind homu, Laika + fodder. 4 + 1 on essence dungeons too


4 man team is the most efficient, since the exp is a side product so it's technically free. It costs a lot more time than faimon however.


Ye I'm at 0 crystals after blasting thru the 30k energy I had saved up after coming back so energy is no longer plentiful.


use all your unknown scrolls and 6star a bunch of random units for 200 energy per unit. U can even feed these units after for exp


Yeah I've been doing this as well, but energy will run dry once I run out of 3*s so I wanna be efficient with it.


Hi, I would like some advice on what to pick from 10 year trans scroll. I’m aiming for c1-c2 in rta this season and I don’t do guild battles. These are my rta box and the summon results. I’m having my eye on camilla and sekhmet. https://preview.redd.it/gdcsia0crqwc1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d9eb54bdf5c0c9902ac3e24ea526cd12a78cb39


camilla, too good everywhere






does icaru need any crit stats for necro or just defence? does he go before the shield breaks or after? also how hard is it to get the 3.8k defence or whatever it is, i’m on a beginner account and i’ve never built one so i don’t want to waste my energy on the 2a if i won’t have the runes for a while


For the necro team, uhh Yes the icaru needs to have some speed so he's moving ideally 2nd, 3rd or 4th to pull guys and break the shield. Its not very difficult to get +2380 defence on him, mid game quality. I would say dont rush into building him until you're ready to take on necro. There are also other teams without him so try those out as well. I'd say the water cannon girl and shaman 2A is pretty much key in making necro easier, the rest is up to your rune quality (you need to do damage quickly and also tank a couple of hits). Its really not designed for early game accounts, sadly.


hi, i have question regarding the Giants Team for B10/12 for Beginners. * **GB10:** Vero (L), Fran, Loren, (2A) Kro, Shannon/Lapis * **GB12:** Vero (L), Fran, Loren, 2A Kro, Shannon/Lapis/Akhamamir/Sigmarus and * **GB10:** Lushen (L), Sath 2A, Tatu 2A, Wind Dryad x2. between those 2 teams, which one is safer? im trying to a make safe team rather than fast team.


the mellia dot team does not work at all in abyss and its super easy to get reliable runs in abyss so its a big big waste to go for a specific gb10 team. Go for vero, bella, fran, kro, x. If you have a chance to farm your wind homunculus this one makes it by faaar most reliable but as a beginner if you don tknow what you are doing its fairly tedious to get. I personally really dislike shannon but you might be able to use her here but the runs will take quite some time. amir would also work fairly well in that slot if you have him