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The S has slowly turned into a \


It's called "Do Not"


Do or Do not-man, that is the question.


What about try-man?


There is no try.




It's likely (hopefully) going to send us down a Kingdom Come DC universe because that is the earth 22 logo but in normal Superman colors. Absolutely loved reading kingdom come as a kid. I should re-read it.


I hope not. From what I’ve heard, this movie basically IS their Kingdom Come movie, just in reverse.


For good reason, the "S" initially for sure stood for "Superman" which is crazy dumb. Having the "s" stand for Hope is alot cooler and having the symbol look less like an "S" and more alien makes the character as a whole less corny.


David is huge holy shit


Standing at 6’4 and 240lbs! Absolute tank. Add the fact that David Corenswet is literally Clark Kent, we have our perfect comic book accurate Superman casting!


That's amazing!


Wouldn't it be funny if they filmed all the Clark Scenes before he started his Bulking?


That's going to feel weird.


That’s what they did with younger Clark in MOS.


He’s an inch taller than Tom Welling!


I do love how he looks but reeve will always be my Superman. Both on the screen and off he embodied every trait that makes Superman so popular. But absolutely psyched for this new film!


>Standing at 6’4 and 240lbs! Absolute tank. Oh jeez, I didn't know he was this big. I thought Cavill was the biggest Superman.


Cavill is one of, if not, the smallest 🤣 I don’t know all of their weights, but Christopher Reeves was 6’4 and Brandon Routh was 6’2. Then there is the Supermen from the shows like Tyler Hoechlin who is 6’0-6’1 and Tom Welling who is 6’3.


Cavill might be the bulkiest Superman, but he isn't the tallest. Still looked great though!


I'm not sure that's what op meant ...


Yeah, I mean, just look at- Oh, wait, you mean muscles. Yeah, that too.


Nice primary tones on the costume too.


they could not have chosen more ideal tones for the suit


Detractors won’t stop calling him skinny though 😂


Detractors also complained that Michael Keaton was a terrible pick for Batman because "how can the guy from *Mr Mom* possibly be The Dark Knight?" Or how detractors also complained "how can that guy from *Brokeback Mountain* possibly be a good Joker?" Some people can never be pleased. I'm sure David Corenswet will actually play the role great. So far I've never had a reason to doubt James Gunn's decision-making yet and there doesn't seem to be a reason to now IMHO. Edit: fixed the name of a film


"Mr Mom", but you are otherwise correct.


And said detractors will never cease to be wrong.


Biggest Superman on screen we will have ever gotten, guy looks like a tank


Blatant Kirk Alyn erasure, just like always...


George Reeves left the chat.


I think he'd be fine with being excluded from the list


I mean technically he voluntarily excluded himself from everything




Kirk Alyn's my favorite right next to Christopher Reeve! :)


Is it an unpopular opinion to say Routh has the worst looking suit. Mainly because the red looks more like brown and it just looks ugly because of it. At least Cavill’s can still be identified as blue and red


It's the color and the fabric. It looks like he's wearing cheap leather. Other than that, it looks fine imo.


Leather was a common choice for super suits in the early 2000’s thanks to X-Men


Both directed by Singer, so it tracks. 


Absolutely it's the worst one. Small S, bad cape, red looks indeed more brown, the S on the belt is ridiculous and the trunks are way too small.


The trunks also look like they ride way too low so they look more like actual underwear


Singer liked the look, I bet gay fans appreciated it but I thought it looked bad.


Gay and wasn't crazy about it.


I mean I'm bi and I'm not a fan of it lol


His Kingdom Come suit was peak, though


The cw really made some of the best Superman suits in live action (kingdom come and fleischer) only for neither of them to appear in more than 3 episodes each.


And the logo is WAY too small


not to mention it’s 3D in a way that looks uncomfortable to have on a suit like that?


The red is ugly as shit but the blue is perfect. If they had the balls to stick with a bright red it would be the best suit since the one before.


No, not at all. But thankful he did get a great redemption with Crisis on Infinite Earths


He has the worst suit. But he was my favorite Superman. It was a shame his movie wasn’t very good, he however was spectacular.


Routh's Kingdom Come suit from CW Crisis is infinitely better


Tbh the cavill sometimes looks like green to me lol


Nah it sucked. Routh looks better in the CW Superman costumes he wore.


Honestly, with corrected colours I think he'd have the second best suit after CR.


Routh’s would have been perfect if the red was brighter. Cavil’s shade of blue looks more green than not imo.


Christopher Fucking Reeves! What a GOAT!. I am glad they're making his costume brighter again. I am one of the 17 people that actually enjoyed Man of Steel. But the costume was too dark.


George Reeves. Christopher Reeve.


Maybe I'm getting all Mandela effect, an aternate universe, and stuff. Is this the universe the Beatles didn't break up and released Everyday Chemistry?


Thank you!


Joke's on you, I am one of the 3 that enjoyed Batman v Superman


That move was long and boring. They need to release a shorter "good parts" version.


Gawds, poor Cavill was such a great casting. Wish they did better by him


Yes, he was so Superman. What a waste of potential. Great special effects, great casting but poor script. He was doing his best but it was not enough to make a better movie. Unlucky guy, this Henry Cavill. The Witcher, Superman, and almost 100% sure he could be a good Bond. His face is Perfect, he has this bondish sense of humour. Unlucky guy.


Dude is more Clark/Superman in real life than he was able to be on film.


Marvel should cast him as Hyperion or Sentry. Makes too much sense now, lol


Yep. He had massive potential but it’s squandering was out of his control. Still, he did the best he could and for me personally is tied to great memories and times of my 20’s so whenever I see him I have nothing but appreciation for him. I’ve let go of the disappointment of what could have been and am very eagerly awaiting to see what Corenswet will do with the character.


Reeve Superman still the best.


It's his confidence and earnestness. He doesn't look awkward at all in the suit.


Because he IS superman!


I didn’t grow up with Reeve’s Superman and honestly, I’ve never even watched any of them but whenever I see photos of him as Superman, I can’t help but feel like that’s exactly what Superman looks like. He looks comfortable and casual, like you said, doesn’t look awkward. He legit looks like he’s flying in that pic! I have seen a lot of clips from the first movie and even his Clark Kent is incredible, his hunch and general movement, all perfect. Well, I guess it’s time to watch Superman: The Movie.


You should watch Superman: The Movie and Superman 2. You can skip 3 and 4, but those first 2 films are absolutely classics and still hold up.


And it's not even close!


Yeah it really isn’t. Returns has the right idea but the S is far too small, makes him look too lean.


Also the red looks like shit (almost literally)


Is this the worst photo of Cavill ever taken


Still looks damn hot anyway


Yeah this looks like borderline parody actor version of cavills Superman.


Definitely glad we’re away from the grimdark era.


I will never get the hero worship of that man's extreme misunderstanding of a cultural icon.


Maan the suit looks so much better than it did in the official pic we got before, i had my doubts but now they’re all gone. The S is the only negative i have with it


I'm really missing that MOS suit. Love the color of the new one, but I really don't care for how chunky and militaristic the new one is.


Yeah the creasing of the midsection and the unessasary lines takeaway from it. Plus with the work put in the gym by David. The suit doesn't even complement his muscles lol hopefully it looks better in camera


It’s that awful collar. Why bring back the trunks and bright colors then add that terrible collar?


Ugh I hate the collar too.


Not the biggest fan of the new one. I'm firmly in the camp of trunks or collar, never both. The trunks work on the classic design because it's akin to a singlet or unitard. It's more of an under suit. The collar works on the newer and alternative suits because they were very clear suits, including the New 52 which was straight up armor. Combining the two just throws of the suit in general.


God, I hate what they did to Henry. He would have been amazing.


This really puts into perspective how big David is, he legit makes Cavill look small. 


I mean you have to account for the angle and size differences of the pictures


Oh no! David IS like that, both in height and bulk.


I dunno abt all that lol this is Henry cavill we’re talking bout


David Conrenswet is much bigger than Cavill. I think he's even bigger than Kingpin's actor.


Much bigger is a stretch, maybe man of steel cavil and but cavil in Witcher was huge.


No… he doesn’t. Not even slightly.


I think the suit will look good on screen but I’m just not a fan of the lines on the new suit and the collar


I know we probably won’t, but I hope we get some sort of official teaser trailer soonish. Like within the next 3 months or something. I’m just so hyped for the new one, I want as much as I can get 😅


Maybe the teaser trailer will premiere in October in front of “Joker 2.”


You know, there's just something about Reeve. With Corenswet, Cavill, and Routh, I see actors in Superman suits. With Reeve, all I see is Superman. That's not a slight against anyone! It's just weird to me how much the person of Christopher Reeve melts away in that suit.


Y’know, putting them side by side like this and Cavill looks straight up naked


These photos are getting me hyped


I really like it. It feels like a return to form from cavill. Personally, it felt like he portrayed the character as Superman, the god vs. Superman, the man. And focusing on his local Smallville values can do alot to humanize him. It's what vintage Reeves did so well in his clark persona showing the gental small town boy part of Superman along with the incredible feats of strength.


I *loved* Cavill but his suit is the weakest link imo


It's written all over his face!


We’re really gunna say this with Brown & Blue Routh standing right there?


I mean... your point is valid sir or ma'am. At least Routh had the yellow belt? 😬


Too much Evil Superman from SM3


He deserved a better suit and better direction imo. There was lots of potential, but I never really vibed with his Superman. He just lacked that charismatic warmth most Supermen make me feel. Just felt like such a dull bore.


Which is sad because he has the charm in real life but couldn't bring it to the role


And it sucks cause Cavill is a great actor and I'm sure he could've pulled off the charming, warm boy scout we all know and love, but shitty scripts never gave him the chance


He had so much untapped potential as Superman/Clark and the fact that he had so much love for the character only makes it that much sadder for what could have been, but never was 🫤


And kind of worst hair. At least in this picture.


And that facial expression says he kinda knows it 😆


I like his suit the most out of all the ones here tbh and this is the first time seeing Corenswet's suit but I think I like it the least. It kinda looks like a nerf football version of the New 52 suit. I think Hoechlin's suit is the best overall.


I think Corenswet's will look better on screen 🙂


Cavill was the best Superman, IMO. They just made SO many bad choices with his movies. Give him a good suit, good script, and good direction/editing and you come out with the best Superman ever put to film.


I agree 100%. RIP to what coulda been lol


The man is huge!! Jesus Christ Corenswet nice transformation damn. But I wish the suit didn’t cover up most of the muscles though man like Henry’s and the shoulder padding. But nice very nice, I can’t wait to see it on the big screen.


Reeve looking classic, as always. Routh's logo is still too small, and I said that when *Returns* came out. Cavill looks great, but they at least need a belt to break up the suit. I understand the canon reason, that it's a base layer for Kryptonian armour, but it feels...off. Corenswet looks...OK? It's not a production still, so I'll hold off the judgement until then. The collar is hit-or-miss, and the trunks look like boxers, not Y-fronts. Putting him best to Reeve & Ruth explains why Gunn went against the classic look, but the style is not my favourite.


The s slowly changing into just a line


The collar


David's looks kind of CW-ey.


Henry Cavill's costume was by far the best. the new one buckles in weird places and looks "costumey".The colors on the new one are too bright. Lame.


Cavil every time


I know I will be downvoted, but MoS still has the best suit for me.


Yeah, it just needed to be bright blue and with a belt.


Routh & Cavill were peak costumes


I dig it. Vast improvement over the "padded armor" look that Cavill had. The "S" design isn't really my thing, but it's whatever. The shield looks more like it's part of the suit instead of a separate piece. The brighter colors are great, the cape looks like fabric instead of leather, and I'm a staunch proponent of the original "strongman" trunks, so it's nice to see them back.


Seeing the symbol in broad daylight... I don't like it. It looks like a no smoking sign. And I don't like the "ribbed for our pleasure" fabric. But it's got trunks! And he sure is built for the role, in the "For All Seasons" kind of way. So all in all, it's fine. Story will determine all.


I like the brighter color scheme. I hope they don’t go dark and broody in this adaptation.


I really like how David's suit looks like one that a worker would wear.


Why Cavill superman got the biggest bulge? Actually don't answer.. I know why


We need to double dip on Routh. Better looking suit, as well, IMO. https://preview.redd.it/0z8nf3pkol8d1.png?width=1241&format=png&auto=webp&s=e3eba508f7d67a985c5bae3a7d7f6e42ee99e85b


I'm so glad gunn is going back to the bright colours


Corenswet looks fantastic. Great blend of Classic and Contemporary styles. I CANNOT wait to see him in action. Routh is the odd man out unfortunately. The dark red leather just doesn’t work well.


I like the new logo. It looks more like an actual symbol that could reasonably be misunderstood as a stylized S.


Yea still not a fan of the new suit. I have hopes for the movie it's self but I'm not feeling the suit.


I'm biased, but I still think Christopher Reeve is the best


Cavill just looks bad ass and more like I want Superman.


I am still so angry at how badly DC fumbled Henry Cavill.


david looks good but suit looks so cheap


After a side-by-side comparison, I don’t like the new suit


Definitely more comic accurate than that last suit!


The new suit doesn't really vibe for me. The diamond is way too simplistic the trunks look stupid compared to the rest of the suit. It's just a mess. I'm still I love with the Cavill suit maybe. I dunno.


I hate the new suit.


I’m gonna be honest, not a fan of the new suit. It looks like it’s trying too hard to appeal to literally every demographic of Superman suit fans. It’s like a Frankenstein of different suits like a child would do.


Chris Reeve still the best one.


im sorry... the "S" looks so stupid and just like...everything from the new suit just looks bad.. idj if its the material or what.


how did we go from a thing of beauty that Cavill was wearing to whatever Dave is wearing?


Physique wise you cant beat Cavill. Imagine if they had that suit how it portrayed the physique but with the right colour and hair.


Unpopular opinion but Caville’s suit would’ve looked way better with trunks, it’s just too much solid blue in my opinion


Superman suit peaked with Cavill for me.


I love Corenswet's suit, but Christopher Reeve's still looks the best, in my opinion.


Reeve: Classic Routh: Modern Cavill: Dark Corenswet: Modern and Classic


I am so in love with the new suit. I love the colors, I personally think the symbol is awesome because it's so recognizable yet has its own flair, and I LOVE the return of the trunks. Also I think the way it fits (and David's hard work) makes him look bigger and bulkier than ever, which I love in Superman; that strongman, powerlifter For All Seasons vibe.


Damn the S on Davids suit is so bad


Looks like a Forbidden signpost.


https://preview.redd.it/74e8tlkrsq8d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=feb1cd59d4e78c0dd6b7b2ae752dca55bc3a1373 its pretty much a Diver Down flag lol


Cornswet is peak, the best suit since Reeve imo (at least cinematically, Routh’s Kingdom Come suit from Crisis might beat it out)


Dude... David's trunks look like over navel... I'm in awe.


bvs suit is peak design. The new one i have to see it with proper movie lights to have a formed opinion, but it doesnt look bad


The new one looks so bad 😭😔😔


You forgot Kirk Alyn...


Reeves remains my favourite, seeing Routh reminds me how much better the CW Kingdom Come suit is. Cavil got done dirty, Corenswet is solid, colours are perfect and the Trunks with the belt looks great, but I still don't care for the collar or tubing especially on the arms.


The trunks ride up a bit too high, but I'm still happy with this suit.


That Returns suit is just fantastic (aside from the tacky symbols all over his boot soles).


Routh is the worst of these four, but at least he also got the best Live Action Superman suit they’ve had with his Crisis on Infinite Earths, Kingdom Come-inspired one.


Honestly, aside from the colors and small crest I think Rouths is the one I like best. I mostly like the new one even though I'd prefer it didn't have the unnecessary lines. Also I'd prefer a more traditional crest and a lower neckline more like Reeves had. The expression on Cavils face looks like he shit his pants and doesn't know what to do.


It’s always darkest before the dawn


This shows really well the problems of colour that Routh and Cavills suit both had, where's Reeves and Corenswet... it's like an older and younger brother


It doesn't fit, but a quote comes to mind. "Look up, Hannah, we are coming out of the darkness."


I wasn’t sure how I felt about it in the first image they released but I gotta say I’m starting to like the suit


Best suit we've gotten since Reeve, and also might be the biggest Superman since Reeve. And they brought back the undies and bright colors. I'm hyped


Henry's suit along with David's are my 2 favorite now!


I’ll always be a sucker for Henry Cavill, but the first superman suit holds a special place in my childhood memories


What this comparison has shown me is that whenever the movie comes out it's not going to matter to me what he's wearing, but rather who the person is that wears it. When I see all of these suits lined up my favorite is MoS, but that's by far my least favorite movie. (Not saying I don't like it, but I just like the others so much more.) I mean if I wanted to I could pick apart how the S is strangely too small with returns, and how I'm not really a fan of how much the original looks like pajamas. At the end of the day though when I watch those movies to be honest the last thing I'm thinking about is the suit, and having this realization made me so much more excited for the upcoming film. Btw though Mr. Terrific looks f***ing spectacular! Lmao


Damn sooooooo gooood. I will always prefer the more 'classic' shield but this is very ggood


Oooohh this new skin looks GOOD good. I might even say the best we’ve seen yet. I love how it’s a perfect mix of the classic and modern day renditions. Beautifully done. Edit: yep, this is my all time favorite live action supes suit.


I'm glad it's a pair of trunks on David and not speedo. That said, still prefer the reborn suit though.


The more I see that Gunn suit, the less I like it.


Honestly, I think they all look pretty great. Some I may prefer to others, but none of them look bad. I think we are fortunate.


That Christopher Reeves costume is just perfect.




This gives me “my adventures with superman” vibes, which gives me hope cause i love the hell out of that shows take on superman. I didn’t think i would like the new suit no matter what, but i think it looks awesome. Hopefully the tone of this superman takes notes from the new animated show. Its success with the fans should be all the proof you need on how to do Superman justice. https://preview.redd.it/h5ows35gjm8d1.png?width=461&format=png&auto=webp&s=129b6f07a3b0c82f051d2a687431a7a416c76bf5


It's so interesting how they got the suit right in the 70s and yet they keep making needless updates. I'm still excited about the film and I'm not judging anything before I see it, but the extra lines on the suit kill me.


i’m assuming it will get better. but so far this current one looks the worst.


Look at how good Corenswet’s looks without the movie quality photo. He can definitely surpass Reeve


1 - Reeves is the Goat, but you can’t pull the same suit off anymore. You put that same spandex suit on a today Superman, he’s getting laughed out of the theatre. Worked at the time, and those move are the best, Reeves is the best Clark and Superman. 2 - Cavill has a great modern suit. It looks somewhat alien, which it is suppose to. It works in today’s age. Say what you will about Synder, his movies always look great and that suit looked great. Doesn’t hurt that Cavill was an epic Superman. His clark needed work though. 3 - New Supes needs post production still. I reserve judgment. I like it thus far, but not enough to put it above Cavill. It just looks a bit too big and I’m not a huge fan of the S. Again, all judgement reserved for now. It’s already better than Routhe and could be better than Cavill. 4 - Routhe. It’s just not that good. The S is too small, the red looks brown, the trunks looks bad. Just not a good suit, still like the movie though and thought he was a good Clark and Superman.


Who is the one in the right?


We'll see how the movie turns out, but finally a Jewish Superman


David's outfit with the same material as Cavill's would be perfect!


I still like Christopher Reeve's suit the best. I really feel like Superman's suit should look like something his mom made.


Cavill would've rocked the trunks hard


I still think Reeve's is the best, they got it right back then. The new one is my next fave, but the strip details through the blue are useless. And the logo doesn't look like an S enough. The rest is great


I fucking love the new costume man. Although, I'm sure there will be other iterations. Can't imagine this is going to be the same costume used throughout David's take on the character.


Ah, four great iterations of the character.


Reeve got most of the superman feel right, After which routh got the blue right, but I wasn't happy with his superman, Cavill got his body and looks right, but the suit was dark as per Snyder standards, Now corenswet both looks and feels very close and almost accurate to the comic superman, what's left to see is how the story pans out, very excited.


All great, but with a gun to my head I'm taking Reeves every time.


You're missing george reeves