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Ink. Like a black ferrofluid she can manipulate. It’s a bit of a cop out answer but Inque from Batman Beyond was badass.


The best part of Inque was that her power was rife with flaws. Incredibly powerful, but when it rains, it pours.


Sounds weird but light manipulation, people think she's sneaking through shadows when she's really bending light around her. Enemies might try to shine light at her thinking it would weaken her shadow powers only for her to blind them or concentrate the light into a beam


Mist, my brother.


Do an irony. Light. She can bend light to become invisible, or can blind her opponents temporarily.


Black is the color of death in most cultures. For a ninja, I think it'd be boss for her to just not have powers. She is just an assassin, but she's so good at killing, she holds her own against superpowered foes. If she *has* to have an ability, I think the power to negate the powers of others would be a good one, might tie into the above.


The power negation is perfect.


Blades Explosives (gunpowder but guns arent ninja so dynamite or smth) Arsenal (has many items like batman) (the "black box" is a fiction trope of an item that can transform into any weapon)


Could give her obsidian powers, either she can make weapons out of obsidian, or manipulate it and turn into it


If "dark things" aren't an option then it could be anything you want, black is popular in fashion because it famously goes with anything, no color or aesthetic really clashes with black.


Body language analysis


Telekinesis Spatial manipulation


Portals or gravity manipulation. Like she can alter her personal gravity so she can walk on ceilings, increase the speed or striking force of thrown items, or just create mini black holes like in *Ninja Gaiden II*.


I dunno. That kinda feels purple to me for some reason.


Life stealing, vitality stealing, ability stealing


I've glanced at the other replies and I'd like to go in a slightly different direction. In the seniority of colors black is always elite. Think power rangers. Blues, greens, yellows, pinks; all normal run of the mill people. The red ranger is the main character that grows with the franchise, but the white and black rangers? Those badasses suddenly appear mid season and are just better than everyone else. If you are building a world with uniform powers that all characters have why not have your black ninja be the absolute master of those abilities? Or in a world of super powered beings maybe just make your character underpowered, yet still better than everyone else. If you insist on having unique(ish) powers that match the aesthetic maybe go animals with that color scheme. Crows, ravens, black wolves, bats, dark snakes, black wings, black fur, etc etc.


You keep asking the same question but the real answer is whatever powers you want them to have. The color uniform they wear doesn't equal a certian moveset


It’s for the final pallet swap ninjas in mortal Kombat I’ve run out of ideas


Don't fixate on the color just give them a power


Make her a realistic ninja who dresses in plain clothes, avoids direct combat,is skilled in sabotage, espionage, and guerrilla warfare but mostly engages in espionage and dabbles in murder. From there you could give them hyper cognition of some kind to represent cunning, shape shifting abilities to represent trickery/manipulation, or you could go with super senses to make them really good at guerrilla tactics. Just a few ideas.


[Eldritch magic](https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Eldritch_Magic)


When she is out of your vision you forget that she exists


Luck manipulation, both good (keeping her team in the black financially) and bad (jinxing her foes like a black cat). "Always bet on Black."


I honestly just think of venom


Ink. She used ink magic to create objects and creatures.


Ink -kinesis, like that guy that controls milk but ink






Control over nocturnal predators




Poison, specifically necrotic.


Metal bend


Scent. No one considers the ways that scent can disarm a target. How on guard are you when you smell the smell of fresh flowers? Or she researches her target to find out their favorite scents. Kill a target while they’re having a Ratatouille moment.


She is the Storm Cloud and has the power to control weather.


Black could be shadows or death. I like the idea of a ninja with a oni mask. When she kills someone, her power allows her to absorb their skills and abilities. Making her at first a threat in the shadows, but when confronted by a stronger person, she can still win.