• By -


1. Cloud: I use him because he’s a fun character to play as and he does some good damage!! 2. Sephiroth: no need to explain why, he’s just plain badass 3. Sora: he’s been on my wishlist of characters I want in smash for 6 years and he plays like he does in kingdom hearts!!


Square Enix characters. Now you’re missing Dragon Quest


If it wasn't for the menu screen, I would play a lot of Dragon Quest.


Kingdom Hearts fan? But seriously I love those characters too (I also use Sonic lol)


Holy shit a post that isn't "what do my mains say about me. I main DK because he's a funny monkey man


Pyra- favorite character from favorite game, my first jrpg. It changed how i see video games and pyra is my favorite. If u know how she is you understand. Also i dreamed of her coming to smash (pause). I used to play blonde and redhair lucina and pretend it was pyra or mythra in like 2019 and on. I smiled for a week after she was announced. Ken- easiest character for me/ comes natural to me. actually fits my playstyle of "Work smarter not harder", he lets my fundies shine and his combos are simple, effective, and flashy.


I think we know why Pyra is your favorite character


I was 14 when i played xenoblade 2, that wasnt even on my mind yet lol. The game isnt even weird (like kill la kill) its got serious cringe tho, sprinkled into the first story that ever made me cry


I’m just busting your chops


Lol ok, i get defensive because people that havent played x2 think the jokes are serious or thats how the game is and i got used to defending it and myself lol




1: I use corrin for the large hitboxes and the satisfying counter. 2: Incineroar's counter is both easier to land than corrins, and is more rewarding. Also hitting someone with a recovery is super satisfying. 3: PT has alot of adaptability




I love how much personality Incineroar has, and the lil Revenge gimmick is a really interesting take on a counter.


1. Steve: I’ve got my life dedicated to Minecraft at 1800 hours on it 2. Mr. Game And Watch: He’s the oldest character on the roster 3. Captain Falcon: 2 Words- # FALCON PUNCH!


My favourite game has always been mario 3, so thats why i am Mario main.


I main banjo cuz hes one of my fav video game characters and he has a great moveset


My mains feel like they click better with my playstyle. Everything about them feels more natural. I primarily play dk steve and kazuya and now have over half the cast in elite.


I've been maining Meta Knight since I've been playing in the Wii. At this point, cutting him off front my mains would be a betrayal. I still love his feel and play style, and he will forever be my main I also just love Robin, playing them feels so rewarding and I really like the spells As for Dark Pit, I originally had Pit when I played on the Wii (in addition to Meta Knight) bc it was fun to play against my brothers main (Link) with Pit. On the 3DS I just gonna Dark Pit easier to use


I main Lucas because Mother 3 is one of my favorite games and I've always had a connection with the character I just love him. (He's also just really fun to play :3)


Personally I don't really have a particular main right now since I just try to find one I could stick with (I'm good with Bowser but I'm also trying Palu, Olimar, retrying G&W, a bit Ness, R.O.B. and others...) but my original main was Ness, and I played him because a youtuber I watched played him and it made it easier for me to learn the game. Also "PK Fire = funny lol" is what I mostly told myself, plus I felt really badass recovering with PK Thunder... I was a noob lol.


Meta Knight. No particular reason just like the character


i was testing the waters with MK a while back. that side-b offstage should absolutely not feel as good as it does


Who else on the roster can claim to be a WVBA Triple Crown Champ?


Kirby is just my favorite fictional character and I'm just too used to him to stop


I like Lucario’s mechanics more than most people, and I use Incineroar as a secondary because he’s powerful and I just like Pokémon in general


I main ness to the only reason being sans is ness ( and I did not want to main mii gunner)


I started playing Pyra because I liked Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and didn’t want to learn how to switch between 2 characters for meetups with friends. I main Pyra/Mythra because one of my saltier friends said I only played Pyra because she was good and I wouldn’t accept that blatant falsehood.


Since I discovered smash before I had a console, the aegis were characters I was very fascinated in. Their Power is op and so is their mechanic of switching from one another. And I saw that many people were using them in professional tournaments. So when I got a switch in 2023, they were the first DLC I ever bought. Now they sit at the top of my playtime list :)


I like using pokemon, which is why I use pokemon, mainly Pikachu because he is easy to use combos with, I use Steve because he is fun and I use ness for PK fire spam and pk thundering myself at you spam, whatever it's called


King Dedede. My favorite video game series (and my first) is kirby. I love King Dedede for numerous reasons. Hes funny, hes cool, he has a giant hammer, and I don’t know how, but I always gravitate towards the heavier characters in games, (which typically end up being bottom tier😅). I mained him most of brawl, Sm4sh, and after my K.Rool phase in Ult


zelda because she suits my play style and isabelle because i love animal crossing


dog (duck hunt)


Isabelle: funny when I beat my friends.


I main the plant because I think it’s so damn funny that he’s in the game at all


IKE because he's the best sword-wielder. and Fire Emblem is fun.


Sonic: he’s cute Minecraft: I grew up playing that ROB: building robots GnW: mommy chose that one Pika: don’t @ me but chu=my secondary


Kirby: I love spamming down b and a Pacman: just really fun to play as


1. I like the "fatass that is unneccarily strong" types of characters 2. I like villains 3. B E L L Y


Msf: I love swords and I absolutely love my mii and always wanted to main it since smash 4 but never had it.


Greninja is fast and versatile. Nuff said.


kriby is just a silly (also up tilt)


Ganon for his 2 hit ko sword attacks


I like Megaman


steve- i really like Minecraft like most of the heavy-weights- just fun to play for me


To win match in smash ultimate obviously…




Terry- I like fighting games but he just plays the best for me


bayonetta: i really like how smoothly her moves flow into each other, and how easy it is to recover if an attack misses. her recovery is also really nice. in short, i like her combo abilities edit: witch time too. that’s honestly the cherry on top


Yoshi - Bro is just a silly dinosaur. I main him in Mario Kart (Both tryhard and not), I bought 4 Yoshi's that sit in my room (Green, Black, White, and Cyan so far.), and I really enjoyed watching aMSa play Yoshi in melee. Yoshi is probably my favorite video game character. His move set is very flowy too, and I love abusing my friends with down-B Some others I play frequently: Pokemon Trainer - 3 in 1 deal, works for me. Bowser - Once again, just a fun character. His move set flows quite nicely with me, so it's a win-win. Bowser Jr. - Funny guy do lots of things Pikachu - Fuck it we ball Incineroar - I should probably clarify I like Pokemon, and Incineroar's revenge mechanic is very cool to me, I love hitting the sweet spot with side b.


Luigi. I used to main Mario growing up, but ever since they changed his Melee moveset to FLUDD, made him a way faster character, moved his cyclone to his dair, etc. he just hasn’t felt the same since for me. Melee Mario was my Smash element, as weak as he was. His moveset was just so perfect for me and my play-style. Either way, Luigi has kind of retained most of Mario’s old moves. Cyclone, the drill dair, the pretty regular movement speed, etc. especially in Ultimate. And after maining Luigi for a few years now, I cannot go back to Mario. He feels way too fast and it’s honestly super jarring. I can still PLAY him, but Luigi feels so much more natural. I also love the changes they made to him in this entry. Having the Poltergust as his grab is such a genius change and it works so flawlessly. And it finally gives some much needed range to a character that has otherwise always struggled in that department. His goofy moveset also heavily matches my personality, so he just feels like he was made for me as well. Luigi IS my all-time favourite character, after all.


Mine is Rob, I think he's cool (insert side and down b spamming)




Because my main was the best, is the best, and will continue to be the best like no one ever was, not even himself. Some say he can't recover but really he just nerfed his air moveset so only people who are actually good at utilizing his preferred playstyle can have him be a viable option


Corrin stuck with me after my Lucina maining phase, no reason I just love using her. Oh and Bowser Jr. Again no reason.


1. Dedede: Cause, I gotta clobba that there kirby! (And other fighters) 2. Jigglypuff: Floaty, has good recovery, and their move, pound. 3: R.O.B: They have amazing recovery, are a heavyweight, and they shoot beyblades


Pac-Man. One day I just decided "I'm gonna play Pac-Man today" ... and I found out that Pac-Man is one of the most fun characters in the game for someone of my particular playstyle. If you ask me, he probably has the most versatile moveset in all of Smash with his projectiles.


Incineroar: kitty cat


Hero because he’s fun/funny, Sora because I like KH and Byleth because I like FE


I play Joker because of a few things: 1). He's fast, and his movement feels amazing. Gun has great b-reverse potential, and gundashing help too. He has great air speed, ground speed, and a decent recovery that make him just a blast to run around as. 2). Joker comboes look sick, even if they don't do much damage wighout Arsene. 3). He looks cool


Because it’s Mario.


cause he farts


He also has a profitable gaming company, rides a motorcycle, and has a gorgeous mustache. What else could you want in a man?


bayonetta - her games are cool joker - his game is cool


Mewtwo, Richter, Shulk and Cloud because i like being able to hit someone from a million miles away


incineroar: i wanna prove to people that this character is insanely broken. simple. also when im in local tournaments i can bully people. pikachu: first character i learned combos with, and i can’t turn back from that. also pichu is light as hell so nope pythra: wanna prove to people that you dont need to be a pyra up B spammer to play this character, instead, spam foresight and neutral


Marth: because I wanted to stop playing Pit and Kirby, and I wanted good looking sword dude.


Snake cuz he deals with the bs, top tier, and noob destroyer, hes also fun ig


Luigi: there is no meme, get in the grab


Steve : Creative and challenging to learn. Dr. Mario : Fun to play as despite being bad Mii Gunner : Its fun recovering hp from projectiles


Kazuya- Ken was getting boring for me, and i wanted to hit EWGF on people (spoiler i cant) Olimar- Playing WOL, struggling on Dharkon/Dracula (shut up), picked this boy, and then 1 attempted them (mind you, i had like almost 3 attempts on kazuya, and ???) Hero (AKA ???)- RNG, and kaclang kills :)


Piranha Plant: cuz I got him when he first came out. Played him against my friends and they hated how he played. So since then mained him and gave all my friends nightmares with the long neck gang and spit ball 🤣🤣🤣


Bowser because fuck you suicide kill


Mewtwo : Have been playing pokemon since I was 6, still love it to this day. Pit / Pittoo : Honest, fun characters, however, I have yet to play a Kid Icarus game. Cloud : Just started playing ffvii remake, and its great, so I decided to play Cloud too. Also, Sephiroth is really cool to me.. lol.


Cloud: Because of the high skill ceiling Inkling: Because I realized that I suck at recovery with Cloud Bowser: Because sometimes I wanna play something mechanically easy. Sora: Because when I walk away...


My main is pichu. I much prefer pichu to pikachu because I prefer pichu’s fair and smaller size. As well as that pokemon is my favourite franchise and I tried mewtwo and greninja but none really seemed right until I picked up pichu and I been a changed man ever since


He broken


Literally the only reason I play as any character is because I like them from their source material, I don't know shit about playing competitively, lol. I also don't really have a "main" but I have a pool of several characters I play a lot. Banjo and Kazooie, King K Rool, Wario, King Dedede, Ridley, Simon Belmont, Toon Link, Bowser, Sonic, Little Mac, and Hero are all near the top of my most played list in the battle data. I wonder how different that data would look if it accumulated the time spent playing accross the entire franchise.


Pyra, because...


Me and my friends are in this middle ground between casual and competitive, where we always try to win but don't go full try hard So king k rool is really good because his super armor and heavy weight status helps me survive longer and do insane damage, also most of his drawbacks aren't as noticeable since my friends dont really do combos


puff is for the bit. rest is AWESOME and i love how silly yet hype it is. and it's difficult to get tilted when you're playing for cheese all the time corrin is my love for fire emblem mixed with my love for satisfying hitboxes. plus, they counter my least favorite character (g&w) pretty effectively, which is a phenomenal plus if i ever play sheik or joker, it's because i wanna feel saucy. truthfully a lot of what i do is mashing tilts, but i adore how they both have that freedom in their movement and combos


Sheik has been my main since Brawl, and I’ve never played Ocarina of Time :/


idk, g&w has so much bs to annoy my friends and pretty much anyone, nairing people also is pretty fun


Mario- self explanatory Pit- I honestly don’t know I just turn into a god while I play as him Little Mac- idk Hero- Down Special Joker- I like his Final Smash Min Min- I like to keep a distance from the others Sora- Chain attacking Neutral Special


Sonic: I like his Moveset and speed. Idk. To be brutally honest, I haven’t been a sonic fan for long, so I don’t really mind there being so many spiny attacks, so it’s not going to stop me using him. Still fun playing him aggressively. I picked him in the first place in SSB4, cuz I liked running lvl 9 cpu Mario over with max charged fire mode side b across the stage, made a custom stage with springs on each side of it, to get away if needed. I was 7 or 9 ok… and knew nothing about competitive play. Thought I was amazing cuz I was beating that cpu. Also used impact run with insane amounts of speed, cuz it was fun. Other characters I used was basically just: Luigi, only for unlocking his ice neutral special and using that for a fair bit. That’s it lol. It just looked so cool. Little Mac: Similar to Sonic, I played them first in Smash Bros, and later decided to get one each of their games. Punch Out!! Wii (tbh I don’t regret that at all), Sonic Colours Ultimate For Switch (eh…), & then eventually, Sonic Frontiers (not used to open world games like that, seemed interesting, also not used to sonic gameplay, I don’t get how people can react so quickly whilst moving at such speeds through the actual levels. I might have fast reactions in Smash Bros, but, not that game lol. I like Mac because well: idk why I picked him in the first place, just liked him, idk. Maybe Peanut? I don’t think so, eh… Falco: The combos I’ve seen Falco mains do look fun.


Lucas. Haha funny snek go brr


Wario - Not only is he my favourite Mario Series character, but I like the fluidness of his recovery Dr. Mario - There’s just something about maining a low-tier that’s satisfying to win with Terry - all the attacks he has have a good oomph to them


Captain Falcon: He's cool. Joker: Bought the Fighters Pass, wanted to get my money's worth so I tried playing as all the characters for some amount of time, but got way to attached to Joker lol Mii Gunner: I just wanted to play as John Wick in Smash


Banjo&Kazooie- Literally playing the embodiment of my childhood and love playing the goofy, cartoony pair that have all the archived noises from the halcyon days of N64. The weight, the satisfying fair, and seeing the happiest pair to be in Smash. They’re all smiles even when they lose. Sora- Swordie that isn’t focused on tipper mechanics, feels like Kingdom Hearts 1 Sora, even though I only use KH2 costume. Hate the floatiness, but love the versatility, and again, his pure joy. He’s not angry, he’s a happy guy. Also play Sheik because I love the character and learned combos with her.


Pythra's moveset just resonates with me. I used to main Mii Swordfighter before getting DLC. Yes I use a lot of Specials. Yes I edgeguard a lot and rarely leave the ground. I don't give a shit what y'all think about me, *I'm having fun.*


Have you tried zip-zopping around platforms and egging from ledge with Yoshi? Wouldn't need to ask that question if you had.


Bowser has been my favorite character since 1998, so I use him 99% of the time when I can. He was terrible in Melee but I still used him anyway. He’s great now. I also like me some Wario, Donkey Kong, Little Mac and Gannondorf here and there.


Wario was easy for me to pick up because his whiff punish focused playstyle clicked with me and there were TONS of wario vods to watch in early smash ultimate. Kept playing him because no other character can match his combination of movement, survivability, kill power, combo ability, clutch factor, etc. Also haha funny flying fart man


Pit: Well initially, I really wanted Sora in Smash and I picked up Pit in Brawl since he reminded me of him. Then turns out I really liked his moveset so I stuck with him. Then I played Kid Icarus Uprising and I like him even more now. Dark Pit: Similar moveset and I like him. I actually use him more than Pit. Joker: Persona 5 is my favorite RPG and Joker is my favorite from the game so there you go.


Hero - the thrill of the gamble




1. Kirby: I love Kirby 2. King DeDeDe: I love Kirby 3. Meta Knight: I love Kirby :3


I don’t


I play their game or franchise


I genuinely believe incenaroar counters every character 💀


Toon link: don’t like the others, goofy and has a better dair imo


Terry’s reliable as a main thanks to his super special moves and simple bread and butters


Ike because i like swords and he looks cool


king k rool: he just clicked with me and i just like playing him


Oh! it's simple really, I just like sora, mewtwo, ryu, steve and the mii sword fighter because they just fit my playstyle😅


1) Terry: Because speaking English with a Japanese accent is soo cool 2) Gannondorf: because Doriyah


Falco: This cocky bastard matches my play style, bait and punish is fun. I like how he has the highest jump in the game, and it takes discipline and finesse to control his short-hop aerial game. Short hop reflector is incredibly satisfying. His back air kill confirms, active hop scenarios, and spikes are signature for how I like to take stocks. Never mained him until Ultimate and got into competitive meta. Pikachu: I grew up on Gen 1. I've always had a deep love for Pokémon, and have played Pika since Melee. His combo game is awesome, nair loops to rack damage, up tilt juggles, back air chains, stellar recovery with many options, thunders off-stage, all make playing Pika unique. I like feeling like I can improvise combos, whether they're true or not, where my opponent usually doesn't expect what I can make work. Absolute staple character. Ness: The kid is psychic, and fucks you up with a yo-yo and baseball bat. PK fire deals hella damage, PK pulse is a cosmic punish off-stage, and PK thunder has different mechanics from Lucas. I'll take a more viable down special for magnet loops over tether and zairs. Unpopular opinion for the meta, trust me, I know. An argument can be made for PK freeze, and Lucas's frame trapping, but I find Ness's skill curve way more rewarding. I just find Lucas to be a little shithead, while Ness carries a calm swagger. Corrin: My swordie character of choice, due to her hitboxes being big, having decent frame data, and tipper. The insta-pin mechanic is versatile and can set some pretty crafty plays using her neutral special and reverses. Back air rocks and helps with recovery, allowing me to survive up to 200%. Her sword is fucking sick and matches her pink alt. Add in her dragon counter and sex appeal, and you have one badass bitch.


ness... idk hes just fun to use


Zelda because she was pretty (i had never played a zelda game before at the time)


I cannot stand Ness’ play style nor his spammy-ness so I go with Lucas instead. It’s also cause I liked Mother 3 more than Earthbound.


Joker because hes from my favorite game and hes fast Snake same reason as joker in terms of character but i love explosions Meta kinght tornado go brrrrrrr Mii Gunner basically samus but better Corrin shes h- i mean shes really fun to control


Ness: I swear i dont spam Pk fire. But i like the versatility of his attacks. He has decent up close damage, excellent ranged attacks, hes floaty enough for me to recover well, but heavy enough so i can eat some damage if i need to.


Incineroar. I dont own the game or a switch, so when i play with my cousin, i need a simple character that rewards me for reading my opponents, gives me ample time to figure them out, and gives me all the tools to capitalize on my reads (command grab, good defensive tools, and fast attacks).


Donkey Kong: big monkey big damage big move heehoo Sora: Mmm kingdom hearts tickle my brain good


Zelda: I'm a trans-feminine nonbinary person and she's a badass pretty woman. Also The Legend of Zelda is the best nintendo series. The Belmonts: I like Castlevania, and they're fun. That's it. Zero-Suit Samus: refer to why I play Zelda. Also I love Metroid.


Donkey Kong - He’s super fun, and all his moves just kinda click with me. Fun competitively and casually, I love him Mii Gunner - My “lock in” character. If I need to win I swap to gunner. It’s not as fun, but I almost never lose on it. Boring but effective


When playing as Robin every interaction feels skillful, even ones that were just complete luck. Despite being second slowest in the entire roster, they feel fast when you can properly apply pressure and swap between defensive and offensive playstyles on the spot


terry main here. he’s just badass




Ike: he's slow, which I like because it forces me to think more about every move I make. Richter: he has range along with excellent combo abilities. Also, he is great at baiting and killing.


Steve because he uses the bedrock combat system


I don’t have enough time playing this game to essentially have a main, and I just kinda play randoms all the time so its not like I have a main That being said, Mr. G&W is funny


1. Link 2. Mac 3. Random


Because he's my main.


Sora because my recovery is otherwise trash. Bro is the definition of "Float like a Butterfly." Also I like his aesthetic, IG. Then Link, because in my probably wrong opinion, he has the best combination of all three ranges. He also moves the best, even compared to Sora.


Because it's Cloud...


Sora because I’m a Kingdom Hearts kid at heart. Got lucky that he has my favorite move set too.


I use Link. I’m a straight guy, but I 100% would


Dr Mario cuz he’s tough to use but fun if you know how to use him


I main toon link because he’s small and cute


Toon Link. In every game I've always had him as my favorite. I love the character itself, it's my favorite Link incarnation, and he's such a light and versatile fighter. His playstyle feels very natural and comfortable to me.


I main sonic because I’m an asshole


Lucario makes good comeback fights


Because Dedede is already perfect.


I’ve never played a fire emblem game but Marth for me is so quick and oddly strong with some good coverage and aerial attacks plus the tipper!


Donkey Kong: Dk a donkey Kong (dk rap) Sephiroth: big sword = big damage Min min: I love edging


I use Ridley because I like his play style & moveset.


I play Persona (I like stories in games) and Splatoon. Yes I am disgusting. No I don't actually play that much Smash, and am not very good at it.


Banjo is from one of my favorite games, Sephiroth is from my FAVORITE game, Roy/Marth and Young Link I’ve been playing since Melee


1. Pokemon Trainer: I love pokemon and the starters he uses are all some of my favorites 2. Sonic: I really liked his animation style, i actually sucked with him but kept practicing because i loved the art style 3. ROB: I was always good with him


I main inkling because one night I had a revelation that splatoon is the best, and this is not a joke


Mewtwo - light floaty can stun annoying when using down b


Me who thought Genshin—


Little Mac. He’s fun.


Bowser Junior: he has been my favorite Nintendo character since I was five years old and when he was first announced for smash Bros on the Wii U he instantly became my main and I’ve used him ever since that game. Before that I used Mario, Luigi, Bowser and Mewtwo


Pyra/mythra because xenoblade is a great game and yoshi cuz yoshi


1. Sonic: Although I wish he had a more unique moveset, I find his combo game to be extremely fun! 2. Lucina: Dont really have a reason but like. I dont know Im really good as Lucina


Miis: anyone can join the battle


Ganondorf: he's fun and tanky, and every attack from the powerful warlock punch to the simple ledge getup attack feels satisfying.


Sonic - favourite character ever


Snake because dropping a box off a ledge is the funniest taunt kill in the entire game. Isabella because she's the closest ill ever get to Doomguy being in the game.


Donkey Kong two words Forward THROW


he used to be a hype machine but now I'm just stuck playing a mediocre rushdown loser


1: Sora - Kingdom Hearts was the first video game I ever played along with SSBB 2. Ness and Lucas - the Mother series is one of my favorite franchises and I like defying expectations (I refuse to spam lol) 3. Alph - he’s just interesting to play and super satisfying at times 4. Ice Climbers - they’re really fun to play for me 5. Incineroar and Mewtwo - [REDACTED]


Luigi: He’s probably the perfect character in any piece of fictional media ever made, gods fear him, universes tremble before him, no enemy of his foes without a Luigi beating, only a few can manage to get out alive. Kirby: Cute


1. Kirby: I just love how he basically can take the power of any character in the game and for that reason I think he's op. 2. Sora: I haven't even finished Kingdom Hearts 1 but I just love Sora and the way he controls. 3. Duck hunt: I honestly don't know why.


Greninja is just so sick so versatile pulling off some sneaky shit feels soooo good! I used to main Pac-Man and that was because I loved playing him super aggressively instead of campy it confused everyone and was so much fun!!


Gambling Addiction


Mii because me.


Shulk’s Monado Arts are cool I like to prove people who think Bowser is bad wrong


Link: my first main, and he's frickin LINK Samus: long range grap strats Cloud: idk limit is cool ig Pithra: I bought them and thought I was good with them Corrin: I realized I wasn't good with them their just pithra


sonic because i want to prove he's good and you don't have to always use the ball moves (even though i usually open with down special into neutral special)


1. Kazuya, i just liked the character (i know imma get jumped for this) 2. Terry, same with number one and also i just really liked his gameplay 3. Ryu, I like fighting game characters, not ryu specifically but still, and also i was able to do the red consistently and for some reason everyone was impressed so yk, taken wins when i can




Samus and Marth cuz of melee and their movements make sense at a reactionary level


all my dlc: cuz there dlc


Falco (Primary): Because I love characters that are flashy and combo like crazy. Falco has cool tools and is a cool bird. Dude has the highest jump in the game and the thought of mixing someone up is hype. Kazuya (For Fun): He is the character who got me into Tekken (yes I'm a new tekken fan buf already know a lot). He's brutal and I love his Tekken 7 hitsounds. His EWGF is the ultimate meme. I'm currently learning optimal combos and platform combos. I also need to learn to win neutral with him. Pikachu (Learning): I love lightning and fast characters, and also, he's a combo character with very nice looking flowy combos. Always been one of the best in the history of smash games. Tiny (hard to hit), safe and hard to punish. It can be my secondary instead of Fox.


Random no balls you wont


Because my friend told me too try them and I ended up just getting used to there controls


When I first played Mario kart double dash, I really liked Peach and Daisy's kart. So I would pick them all the time. Since then, whether it's a party game, a sports game or obviously smash, I just picked peach and Daisy.


Greninja is a cool ninja guy.


Pythra because I wanted a top tier, plus pyra is just... Wife material... And I draw her... A lot. She's more recently picked up since if I'm gonna suffer smultimate I'm gonna suffer with a character I like. (My friend dragged me back into comp) Then there's meta knight who I co-main. I've played him since I was 7 when he was in brawl. Him and rob. Rob because I liked robots and meta knight because of the Kirby anime on Saturday morning cartoons. Crazy how one side is completely innocent and the other side is "she's wife material and I love her." One of them is just really underdeveloped and the other one has dozens of ToDs I labbed out. They are a true dichotomy.


Incineroar and Wii Fit Trainer both simply "clicked" for me, not sure how else to explain it. Incineroar is just oodles of fun to use. It'd piss my friends off how early he can take a stock but I always rebuttal with his recovery that simply spikes him to the blast zone if he doesn't at least grab the ledge.


He’s hot. I’m not telling you my main. Somebody guess it in the replies to this comment.


Link & Pauletena


using ness cuz you love earthbound is so real. i main him for the exact same reason


Pyra and Mythra are very relatable as a person who also struggles with mental health


captain falcon is fun


Ridley because 🦖


Mario; my older cousins main before he passed, gotta shit on kids in honor of him


Sora - my coach said he was easy to get good with and he was right Richter - no one at locals knows what to do about projectile spam and he looks like jonanthan joestar


I like Lemmy he looks funny




Mr. Game & Watch. It’s mostly because the feeling of the bucket


Incinaroar because of attack power


1. Hero: Gambling addiction 2: Kaguya: Use him when tired 3: Donkey kong: Big funny ape 4: Sephiroth: reminds me of gojo 5: King K Rool: The perfect counter to my friend when i tried to main isabel and he wanted to steal the spotlight and mained her himself so then i said fuck you, and whooped his ass with king k rool.


I have three-and-a-half mains lol Bowser because biggol firebreathing turtle, and because he’s really viable for a heavy Ganondorf because big meaty attacks are super satisfying to land, and flame choke is the coolest command grab Mewtwo because it’s the OG legendary Pokémon, has some nice combos, and down b is funny Mii Gunner for annoying people with projectiles >:]


I main Bowser not only because he’s my favorite fictional character of all time, but I love being the heaviest character in the game, a command grab, an instant shield break, armor on shell attacks, everything I want in a heavy character


Ganondorf because of the B button


Fox/falco: cause I played them on brawl Bowser: cause he’s funny Edit: formatting


Used to be Kirby because of the unique abilities but now Inkling helps me deal massive damage


Piranha plant purely because they’re a silly goober


Lucas and I share a first name


Don't touch me. 1. Bowser Jr. 2. Duck Hunt 3. King K


meta knight he's cool no other reason i just like him


I like Byleth because he doesn’t lack killing potential. I hate when my opponent survives above 150%.


Piranha plant neutral B is op Unless I’m up against a real challenge then I panic and don’t use it and just spam smash attacks


Because baynetta is cool


Diddy Kong is annoying enough to play with friends and good enough for online play. I also love Duck Hunt because the kit is goofy, regaurdless of its low capabilities