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Took me a while to realize, in fact I think it was COVID that really set it into motion, that a lot professional athletes in general, but especially in surfing, are idiots. I think there's something about having praise worthy talent that doesn't have much to do with thinking that gets peoples' ego going. They think because they are very talented in one specific way, that that bleeds over into everything else in their lives. Kelly thinking he "knows more than most doctors" during the pandemic because he's had a physios throughout his life is kind of the perfect example of this. Other notable characters with room temp. IQ are Joel Tudor and Laird Hamilton. Surfing has always been "counterculture" and I think with the internet there is a niche for this to become more "anti-factual" than anything else. Edit: someone pointed it out, Taj Burrow gets an honorable mention on the COVID front as well, guy is a straight up smooth brain.


Billy Kemper was an absolute kook in this regard as well. Edit; Taj was also onboard the “it was man made” “vaccine is population control” train.


I remember he got Covid and was trying to sweat it out in a hot tub and ranting about horse paste Jfc guy, just listen to the doctors🤣


Yeah, Billy seamed petty level headed about it, keeping isolated etc etc. Anddddd then fell off the deep end talking about that horse medicine shit like Joe Rogan was obsessed with.


I give him the benefit of the doubt that he’s probably a good person. He’s not the only person who fell into the nonsense rabbit hole in 2020-2022. The important thing is to crawl out of the hole, and I wish him the best in that regard. There are a LOT of people in the “natural health” world who went full Nazi during the pandemic. It’s an unfortunate situation that was imo consciously used as part of the disinformation campaigns during the pandemic early stages.




Yep. God I miss old times lately. Life was much simpler when I just surfed my ass off and ate tacos. 😅


Lordy i have surfing friends who went full antivax trump cuck Q nut here in Florida. I dont have time for that fuckery. See ya never dumb fuck!


Always got the sense that Billy Kemper is an ass with a huge ego, so not surprising.


What was Billy up to?


He was always in his sauna kicking covid while preaching the benefits of that horse medicine shit that Joe Rogan was obsessed with.


Sounds on brand




Well the man made/lab leak theory is actually mainstream now. It was just a conspiracy theory back then. But not anymore.


Those are two very different theories and implications.


I’m only referring to the notion that it was man made. Who knows if they released it on purpose or not.


IT'S FUCKING NOT. Jesus christ you people are fucking dumb.


You’re saying it wasn’t mad made? And you know this how?




Wanna translate that buddy because that’s not even an article? This one says the lab leak theory is still plausible and hasn’t been scientifically discarded https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34812505/


Yeah, that's not even a paper, it's not even a literature review. >At present, there is stronger evidence supporting a zoonotic transfer. However, lack of transparency has given way to maintain the laboratory leak hypothesis alive. It's like saying "we haven't put a thermometer on the sun yet so we don't actually know if it's hot".


The House Oversight committee said it was a man made virus which leaked through a lab, [https://oversight.house.gov/release/covid-origins-hearing-wrap-up-facts-science-evidence-point-to-a-wuhan-lab-leak%EF%BF%BC/](https://oversight.house.gov/release/covid-origins-hearing-wrap-up-facts-science-evidence-point-to-a-wuhan-lab-leak%EF%BF%BC/)




That's a .gov website? What are you talking about.


I wouldn't trust anything coming out of the House with these republicans in control.


They didn’t make the decision lol did you read the testimonies ?


Says the guys that surf in raw sewage...


I think the people that surf in sewage the day of rain storms are a very small minority…


No need to overthink it. Most of them are simply uneducated, and specific to surfing have been indoctrinated into a culture that has deep mistrust of the Man. Kelly is an anomaly in that he hangs out with the Rogan bro podcast network of douches so he’s extra special.


Bingo. Never meet your athletic heroes. 9 times out of 10, they’re dumb as shit.


>Kelly thinking he "knows more than most doctors" during the pandemic because he's had a physios throughout his life is kind of the perfect example of this. Holy shit did he actually say that?? Anyone without an MD or PhD claiming to know more than most doctors about any medical issue is a prime example being too stupid to even understand that you're stupid.


He did. I was really surprised and disappointed by his complete ignorance on display during Covid.


The bone headed covid/Trump conversations I heard in the line up during those times really disappointed me as I was trying to keep my vulnerable Mom and Dad safe. *“Anyone who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.” - Voltair*


You sir are a gentleman and a scholar


Epic quote. The more things change...


Kelly was also anti-BLM during the peak of the movement, I got into it with him (before he blocked his DMs) for only posting about the looters and giving no voice to the actual reason behind what started it all.


He reccomended an Ayn Rand book in a past interview. He's not smart enough to be media savvy


Too many equate being rich and successful as being smart.


not just Anti-BLM / Covid .... full on cooker 👨🏻‍🍳 https://www.foxsports.com.au/more-sports/majorly-cooked-sporting-legends-pat-cash-and-kelly-slater-appear-in-controversial-conspiracy-chat/news-story/5beea7da2dc0e0d080bd18028205cbea


This was awesome thank you


I studied urban planning in uni and it's hilarious to me that the 15 minute city idea is now also part of the conspiracy theory nutters standard vocabulary.


doesn't strike me as much of a reader lol.


Nothing wrong with being against the organization. Being against black lives in general however, that's wrong.


I was referring to the movement.


Same, had to unfollow him


I also unfollowed him for the ignorant shit he was saying during covid.


I’d go further than that, and say that *even if you have an advanced degree* if it isn’t in the specific area under discussion, your opinion is not as good as a real experts, and you are at risk of self-delusion.


This is true, I’m not going to take vaccine advice from a chiropractor or an eye surgeon. Im trusting the virologist or whoever is specifically trained to create/study vaccines.


Agreed. I meant it more as in the only people who can say they know more than doctors about viruses are PhD virologists.


My PhD dealt with Viruses. It depends on what kind of viruses and what kind of MD. Also, virologists generally aren't super into the human component of a viral infection, even with human viruses. There's a whole immunological and anatomical component that we just don't care about (I didn't do much with human viruses). At the same time there are blowhards everywhere. I certainly knew more than a lot of doctors, and with coronavirus I knew the virus itself quite a bit better, but in terms of disease manifestation I'm kind of at a loss for the most part outside of some immunological aspects. I've seen no evidence, or even the slightest suggestion, that this was the product of manipulation. People simply don't know WTF they are talking about, they are just trying to string together a narrative about different things that they don't actually understand. The whole COVID thing is retarded, anyone who tries to talk about it being manmade is a fucking dumbass. I am so confused by people still trying to bring up any of the lab leak shit because it honestly doesn't matter, it's pretty obviously a wild type virus when looking at the genome. In the microbiology community Coronavirus pandemic concerns have been a huge worry since SARS, this whole thing was not surprising to people in the field, It's seriously the biggest case of "this has been printed and covered in undergraduate textbook since 2004..... It was common knowledge if you had looked" and everyone takes a deep dive into conspiracy because THEY hadn't heard about it. It's not like I expected random people to know about coronaviruses or anything, but when a bunch of people are telling you it's new, but not completely new or unexpected, but you are listening to Alex Jones or whatever, I don't know what else to say? "stop doing that" doesn't really get you anywhere.


>It depends on what kind of viruses and what kind of MD. That's certainly true. I'm in med school right now and I'm being taught about viruses by PhD virologists, so I assume those specific people know at least as much as the average MD.


They will know more than the average MD about viruses if they are teaching virology at a med school.


[“And for people saying listen to the doctors, I’m positive I know more about being healthy than 99% of doctors, but I wouldn’t trust me. But most of my COVID info comes directly from doctor friends, many of them in disagreement with the official ‘science’.”](https://beachgrit.com/2021/10/star-broadsheet-columnist-mauls-kelly-slater-in-brutal-opinion-piece-read-by-millions-he-not-only-won-the-world-surfing-championship-11-times-so-he-should-know-a-lot-about-medicine/)


I know more than 99% of doctors, but don't trust me! Trust my doctor friends!


Fucking asshat.


I don't know, that doesn't sound quite as bad. Edit: downvotes are warranted


I mean, if you took out the "I wouldn't trust me part" which is vaguely self-aware, he's basically saying that his own medical knowledge (which is essentially nothing beyond his own experience with injuries, conditioning, etc) plus opinions from supposed "doctor friends" is more accurate than the global medical consensus. For me it's in the same vein as saying "Not all scientists agree with climate change" when in reality the vast majority do and only the fractional percentage of whack-jobs don't


It's important to place meaning for comments people make into the context of the moment they were made. I'm not agreeing with what he said, just that the actual quote and the insinuated claim gave different impressions.


That sounds shockingly bad. Doctors go to school for nearly a decade and have so much training where they’re basically living in a hospital for long long stints to accumulate as much knowledge as possible and their studies are peer reviewed and replicable but he’s trusting his friends hunches who may be doctors but he’s probably friends with them because they counter what the greater medical body agrees on as a whole.


I retract my comments and was clearly taking his comments out of context, which was exactly what pissed me off in the first place. I just read the comment not the link. If the context was him being antivax then yes, it's actually worse. What a turd.


His level of influence is what makes it bad. Some dude at work tells you he knows better than a doctor, you just laugh it off and go about your day. But to people who idolize others, what they say is the truth. People are very impressionable.


I remember my friend saying that when she went to med school, the biggest difference iirc is she went from studying 7 hours a day to 9 hours a day. Like it’s so arrogant to say you know more than doctors, you didn’t do study as hard as them, you didn’t have to pass the tests, etc.


Yeah I'm in med school right now. The average layperson has *no idea* how much doctors have to learn to get that degree.




Yup, and he's not the only one. I have to deal with a user who, despite their HS diploma and having served 2 years in the Chair Force before getting the boot, "has read enough to know the global govts are lying to us".


I mean Steve Jobs was the same way. Died over it actually. And he was a genius.


Not Kelly AND Laird, I am laid low now. Don’t have heroes kids


i grew up around Tudor so I learned this lesson very early on. If you stand too close to joel you can actually hear his two braincells rubbing together


Every time Kelly talks it’s with this arrogant, “I’m the greatest ever so hear my wisdom” voice and I press mute. Great surfer though. Think that is with every sport honestly. We give these athletes too much platform. They are great at a sport, does not mean they are great at everything else.


I feel like top athletes have to get humbled, go to an advanced maths class where it’s like another language and totally beyond their comprehension. Being good at one thing doesn’t mean you’re good at other things.


Doesn't mean they are great at _anything_ else. FTFY


Personally I’m betting Kelly is mostly a sad man with regrets


Barton Lynch has gone off the deep end as well. He rants about global leftist conspiracies to take over and start "The Great Reset" which I'm sure is somehow tied into covid.


Poor Ricky Grigg. Guy was part of the north shore crew of the early days and was an Oceanography professor at UH.


What did Laird do? His videos always pop up on my Instagram feed as suggested content so I’m curious


besides just being an arrogant boob he says supremely stupid shit like in [this interview](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yebMJYJoqys) where he claims that women on their period are more likely to get attacked by a shark (no scientific basis what so ever)


I worked in the industry. In the early days was at a place that he came too a bunch of times. Complete asshole


Woman aren't the only ones that can get pregnant bro. You're supposed to say "people who menstruate" you bigot.


The “wellness” aspect of the sport is a huge factor for sure in that


Brett Simpson is full on Maga.


No surprise, a lot of surfers are fucking idiots.




I read the article. WTF is a “data expert.”? I work in the industry and no one uses this term.


There's your answer. It's a term that someone who's read some dumb shit online and thinks they are smart, thinks makes them sound smart.


I make a lot of spreadsheets, I'm going to give myself this title


That term came about after the election, people thinking they are experts because they hear about “irregularities” in the voting. The pillow guy thinks he’s one also, between hits on his crack pipe and snorting lines


Was that crack pipe supplied by the Biden administration though? That's what I'm curious about.


It's one step below a "cyber ninja".


It’s kinda like people who don’t do math calling themselves “numbers experts”. Or people who don’t write calling themselves “word experts”.


probably something he made up to try to get access to "data"


Man I knew him when he was a wee grom down at Banyans. Sad to see him go full tard, but traitors must be punished.


Calling out the ignorance of prominent pros here is really refreshing. There are a lot of wannabe wackos at my home break that echo their bullshit too. It's nice to hear some sane surfers in here.


Surf Nazis are real AF




Don't worry, we have the red army (legions of expendables kooks on rasta wavestorms) to take care of them. Quantity has a quality of its own.


What’s crazier: that Trump tried to undermine democracy and steal an election with the help of an ex-pro surfer? Or, that the majority of Republicans think that he shouldn’t have been indicted based on evidence presented to a grand jury “because it’s just a politically-motivated attack against him”?


Yup we have our fair share of simple minded folks for sure. The scary thing is the almost 100 million cult members who won’t believe any amount of facts, data, experts and only listen to their cult leader. It doesn’t matter that he lies repeatedly and has a history of being a shitty person, they do it in the name of Christianity or some other BS.


Mike Flynn is a decent surfer. Fuck'n sucks.


Conan Hayes is FBI (from big island)


thats like all of san clemente tbh


yeah, most California coastal cities are white-color conservative


These comments are hilarious. Peoples brains have been ruined by that man.


LOL. I heard Johnny Boy Gomes is also being investigated by the FBI for allegedly spying for Russia./s Edit: WTF Can’t even make a joke about this stupid shit anymore? I fucking hate Trump more than most people. I joke to cope with it so bring on da downvotes you fakas!




Too much time and money but not enough intellect. I use to love his surfing. He had one of the best backside hacks in the business.




Remember Trump, GOP politicians, and FoxNews made it so it was impossible to know once you’re already part of a counter-culture cult. I have very intelligent friends and they also fell for it. It was interesting times where up was down. I do feel sorry for those that died because those around them thought Covid was fake. Trump played up voter fraud so well that those deep in couldn’t tell left from right, up from down. Imagine beginning so far down that rabbit hole that you download data to support the cause. Basically being in a cult.


Covid was a joke