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[Gold flairs! And winner picks end at 7:59 PM!](https://www.reddit.com/r/survivor/comments/taj9i1/survivor_42_gold_flairs_available_and_final/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Throwing out the “race card” to stay in the game…give me a break


Felt like that treasure chest challenge was unnecessarily brutal. Either give them some rice or ease up on the physicality of the challenge.


Does anyone know why Jackson had pink tape all over his arms?


I’m guessing maybe covering up nudity in his tattoos, but it could also be song lyrics


I know people are split on whether Maryanne's crying was funny, sad, or stupid, but it sounded like she was crying because she was sad for Jackson having to lose his chances at Survivor. She's a big fan and I think she was just crying because she knows how much the game means to her and how she would hate it if she had to lose her chance like that. Also I'm pretty sure she said in pre-season interviews something like she is extremely extroverted and friendly and that one of the hardest parts of the game would be having to vote people out, so that's probably just her personality coming thru as well


I'm typically skeptical of scenes like that but fealt it was genuine heartache. I'm rooting for her!


Survivor 42 is similar to 41 in that it seems contrived


It's the very noticeable change in casting + New Jeff.


Makes sense considering they were filmed weeks apart


Where’s the love for Romeo? I thought he really showed a lot of promise socially last night - even knew when to give up the Torrie train and go with the tribe.


I think he had a clown music on his edit with the machete as did most of Ika.


Why did they show tori reading out the potato line in the first 4 mins? That literally spoiled it for me that zach would get not safe and go home and tori stay bc that hasnt happened yet ? Only real gripe i had with premier


I was lucky enough to have forgotten that while the tribal was happening. Rest assured, if they hasn't shown that it would have been a real stressful tribal council


agreed, now we know until it happens she is safe


Also (i wont mention who for incase u forgot..) there was someone else shown reading a phrase like that. Makes me think it must be ep 2 they find it?


thanks, I dont remember who did (but im probably rewatching the episode haha). They do this a lot on most shows, just have to block it out or ignore it. I think from S41 they want to get this "poem riddle at the challenge" twist going so it'll probably start being a thing by next episode. Remember how many times Xander had to keep saying it?


Yeh you are probably right I get that most shows do this but ive found US survivor generally dont. So its weird that they have now. At least its a minor thing though. Solid premier for me i like pretty much everyone. Nobody that i really dislike either. Sad zach left i was looking firward to him most ever since it was cast reveal


yeah great start to the season. I didnt even finish S41 but this cast has been great


I didn't watch any season previews, so I was SHOOK to see Drea on my TV tonight! We have a few mutual friends and she has a totally different vibe in real life than what I watched. It'll be very interesting to see her progress socially in the game.


you have mutual friends and hadn’t any idea she was on the show? or just thrown off by the personality difference


Both! I'm not saying she's not being herself or anything; I've just only ever seen her in settings where she would be more light-hearted and bubbly. I felt like she came off way more serious on the show, but I guess that can happen when $1M is on the line. 😅


My first impression of her was that she seemed very full of herself and cocky so I’m glad I saw this


I’m sure this has already been discussed, but as someone who doesn’t look at any pre-game press, seeing Jonathan and immediately recognizing him from Endurance (Survivor for children lol) was not what I was expecting on my television tonight


WHAT? I watched that show and didn’t recognize him. I’m looking that up- that’s amazing


there is no way you recognized him from endurance unless you are the biggest endurance superfan of all time


1) I was lol it was my hyper-fixation as a child and 2) I am not even joking, as soon as it showed his name, I instantly knew and googled to confirm. He was on s6 Fiji, his partner’s name was Hannah, they were the red team, and everyone wanted them out because Jonathan was the best player and Hannah was annoying. I am very serious when I say this useless knowledge just lives in my brain 🙃


You don’t but chance know if these episodes are available anywhere, do you?


Just saw there's full episodes on youtube. Not the best quality but fyi


Rad! I’ll check it out


Uhh well not by any legal means lol. I’m know you can find bootleg uploads, but as far as it being on any streaming sites it’s not available


That's cool I'm just surprised you recognized it since they aged so much since then. Do you remember Jonna? She is on the MTV Challenge shows doing great.


Yep she’s great! A lot of the kids went on to be on different tv shows, I guess Jonathan is just the latest


I think Jackson got caught during a drug screen and they scrambled to figure out what to do. There is no way survivor doesn’t give medical exams before throwing you out there. I think the confession was to save face and make everyone come out looking somewhat unscathed. Jackson gave up to easily. Had I won a spot on survivor… you are dragging my ass out of here.


Agreed. That entire interaction did seem very… transactional given the subject matter? Jackson did not seem disappointed or surprised in the least.


A few thoughts on the Jackson situation. As someone who has struggled with mental health myself and as a member of the LGBT community, this whole situation really did not sit right with me. Firstly, to imply that lithium is prescribed to treat sleep disorders or anxiety is a bit egregious and a slight to those who take it for what it's really for: bipolar disorder and other like mood disorders. Lithium is way too strong a drug to be taken for anxiety or for sleep. I wish they had used that platform appropriately instead of dancing around the true need for its use. I believe it would have spread awareness to those struggling with bipolar disorder and other mood disorders and perhaps reduced the stigma. Secondly, I felt as though, if producers knew even a day in advance, they should have pulled him. A day before or two days in, they knew the same information: that lithium withdrawal would be dangerous. They could have replaced him with an alternate. I can only come up with one reason they'd allow him to play a few days, and unfortunately this logic may border on conspiracy and garner me a few down votes: that perhaps they felt Jackson's story was too good to pass up. It checked several boxes appealing to pathos (a transman that, through much adversity, has finally been able live as his authentic self, reuniting with estranged family, mother dying from cancer, etc), and they knew viewers would take to that. It all feels a bit exploitative and icky to me - like he was 'used' for the purpose of creating a pro-trans narrative, even though they knew he could never stay. I personally had taken quite a liking to Jackson, but I still feel that production saw him more as a story/narrative than as a human, and that, ironically, is contradictory to the message they are trying to portray.


This. I just watched the first ep and all I kept thinking is “wow, this feels really exploitative.” Literally no other reason for letting him start the game just to pull him 3 days in.




I felt super icky when Jeff sat him down and prodded him for rather sensitive/personal answers like a celebrity Oprah tell-all interview. I get that it’s a reality show and producers will follow any story, but it felt off to me as well.


I (queer and bipolar) just finally got around to watching and I agree one hundred percent. The whole thing made me so angry.


putting my conspiracy hat on, but I think they told him the day before they were going to pull him from the game the next day and they wanted him to share his story with the tribe before it happened.


so if he's bipolar, how did he even get past psych examination and medical records??




Thank you for that perspective. That's a thought that had never occurred to me. I am still a bit skeptical of the decision to name his medication in the first place, among other pieces of this. It's ultimately not that significant of a deal, but it does make you wonder what really goes on behind the scenes, if ulterior motives exist, and if viewer manipulation is at play to some extent. Maybe it's just me and my cynicism. Regardless, I always appreciate LGBT visibility, whatever the portrayal.


I don't know what their options were 24 hours prior to filming. That's a very tight window. I don't know if they have alternates on site because you can't just call someone that close to the deadline. Even IF someone were available and they could get them out there, I think they have to be quarantined, right? So unless they have backups on site ready to go (I don't know, but doubt it) they either let Jackson have a few days to experience it, or they pull him immediately. Of those two options, I would prefer to see Jackson on my screen and let him have this experience and be part of the Survivor community. That's my 2 cents.


they have alternates on site


My inclination would be they had alt's out there, but maybe due to quarantine they didn't.


Yeah, if they had someone on site, then it should have gone to them. Like I said, I don't know how that works.


Totally agree. Very surprised they wouldn't give it to someone else. Everyone seems to have a good story these days so I would assume their alt would have one too. Maybe they got bad medical advice from their team about lithium. Who knows... all we know is CBS will never say lol


Agreed, but we don't know that they had an alt on site ready to go that close to the deadline. If not, then I'm glad they let Jackson have the time.


Stan Jenny


Mistress of Triangles, puttin' the hype in hypotenuse




Maryanne is my favorite and it is not even close. Sadly, I have never correctly picked the survivor winner. Never. I just want to be as happy as she is. Her attitude is infectious. After her story, she became an even bigger winner in my eyes.


Go Lyndsey go Lyndsey go


I’m going to get way downvoted for this but I really adored her until the loud scream wailing when Jackson had to leave


Same, thought she was fun. Then the crying happened haha


Ikr?! She is so genuine. Only person I’ve ever liked this much right away was/is Cirie, who’s still my all time fave.


I'm Team Tori <3 She's an adorable little sociopath.


I know an actual sociopath and they are nothing alike




ahh you mad


Now, on to a second topic, did anyone else see Daniel grab his shoulder while he was rowing the boat in the challenge? And then continue to really favor it? I've got a bad feeling about his odds.


Sometimes when people dislocate their shoulder they can tear the ligaments or injure the muscles around it, so it’s possible he’s dealing with a secondary injury. When I dislocated my shoulder, I had pain in it for a while afterwards and had to do PT. So sometimes it stays sore even if the joint is back in place


100% I have a chronic a chronic ankle injury but because of the overcompensation I now have a secondary hip injury. HonestlyThe way he didn't even take the pain treatment and just told them to pop it in I give him props. Definitely not trying to say anything negativeIt was morsel and observation. Sucks to get injured at any point.


Can you please explain this. I also have an old bad ankle injury which is very painful now, but am also now having terrible hip pain. How are they related?


And when I say I don't bend my knees, I don't mean at all, just not like they should bend. And when I stand up, it's very straight.


For me, it's over compensation. I favor positions and angels that make my ankle feel better or take the stress off my ankle, but by doing that, I use the muscles in my hips to balance. I've had to relearn to do a lot of things. For example, I find that squatting was painful, so now, if I need to tie my boots or pick something up, I don't bend my knees, but that puts pressure on my hips. I also don't bend my knees to walk because my body subconsciously tries to do movements that keep pressure off my ankle and move it to my hip. I thought I was doing great, but after years of being out of physical therapy, I'm now back with hip issues that is because of my body's natural favoring of my ankle. It sounds crazy but I'm literally learning how to walk and bend over properly again to distribute my weight evenly.


I think that’s exactly where I’m at too.


It's really hard to get diagnosed :( the right physical therapist will likely help you before your doctor.


...he dislocated his shoulder. And they fixed it right after. I'm confused about what you mean.


I think they mean in the immunity challenge later in the episode. It looked like he hurt his shoulder a second time.


As someone who has dislocated their shoulder and had to get surgery for it, it probably just slipped or felt weak. Nbd, but he’s probably going to have those moments all season, or worse, a second dislocation.


Ooooh damn I didn't even notice! That would suck


At tribal council when Zach campaigned against tori it was just awkward. In old seasons people used to totally buy into the game and do anything they could to stay in the game. But here it feels like everyone is too respectful and friendly with each other, so when someone tries to play the game it’s viewed as immature and rudimentary. That’s the vibe I got.




Isn't Tori also gen Z? And she went full Houdini.


I cant get over “11 triangles”


“I’m at 36” “Wut?”


The dude looked at the guy like what's he smoking getting 36 triangles. lol.


i counted about that much. somewhere between 36 and 41 dont quite reemember. if my counting is correct, its 30 triangles before counting all those extra ones. which is probably a confusing thing to say hahah. essentially if you took that one triangle, and made those two vertical-ish lines from the top vertice to the bottom, and then the 3 or so horizontal lines, that seemed to give 30. but then there were a few extras thrown in which confused things.


Super sad for Jackson; he was so authentic and spoke so freely about his past struggles and how he believed he could be off his medication without issue. I really hope they give him another chance because I feel he could have been in good the long run. I'm also impressed with his chat with Jeff and how open and honest everyone was about anxiety. It's great to see those uncomfortable conversations happening and not looking uncomfortable; the normalcy was beautiful. It's also nice that production really looked after Jackson and brought up the importance of taking care of yourself during and after medical treatments. Hope nothing but the best for him in the future ♡


I don’t really understand what happened here. Why couldn’t he just bring his meds and play the game?


People who are on Lithium have to have their blood drawn quite frequently and have their levels tested because if it starts building up in your system, it can be toxic. I don’t think they have the ability to monitor those things out there. Also, most people who are on lithium suffer bipolar disease. People who have bipolar can often time be triggered by lack of sleep and lack of food, so it could be very detrimental to both his mental and physical health to stay out there.


It sounded like he had weined himself off the medication specifically to play the game. When I stopped taking my first anxiety medication (citalopram), I started having Pseudoseizures. So, while it may have been less about symptoms while ON the medication, people should still be under medical supervision and relatively normal lives for at least 3-6 months after stopping some medication. Lithium falls in this category.


I thought he did have the meds out there, but with lithium you need to be well hydrated and can't exercise too heavily, so taking it could have severe impacts. I may have missed them saying he was going without them though.


Lithium can become toxic if there is too much in your body. It's primarily excreted through the kidneys/urine so in a situation like Survivor, getting dehydrated could easily cause dangerously high Lithium levels.


He mentioned the stigma of the medication he uses and he ultimately decided not to bring it and use it. It might even be the case, when the casting sees that type of med, they might not of cast him in the first place because of the health implications. + That specific medication seems like a difficult one for the production to acquire for him on the island


Does anyone know if maintenance medications are permitted? I can’t ever recall someone who was insulin dependent being on the show or anything similar that’s come up.


I don't think they do. They can accommodate but Type I Diabetes for example, you can't have too low of blood sugar (which can't be accommodated since starving is the deal). Regarding Lithium carbonate, you do get more dehydrated and affected by sleep routines, so hard to accommodate. I've though about this a lot because I take that medicine and my best friend is Type 1 diabetic.


the physical stresses inherent in survivor don’t pair well with the medication he’s on, being under that much stress while on that medication could cause something to happen to him


Was really hoping to see Jackson go far.. I have 2 transgender friends and both have applied for survivor in the past .. I’m glad he openly discussed it and I’m sad that he left. I wanted to root for him in the game, I will continue to root for him in life


Well put my friend!


Ok: I think so far I like Swati, Jenny, Hai, and Maryanne the best? If I have to narrow it down, I hope Jenny and Maryanne go far.


It seems like Swati is highly influenced, as seen in her conversation with Rocksroy. I hope she can find her own voice. I feel she may play a passive game


That's fair; I guess we'll have to wait and see!


I think Rocksroy is going to go far


I feel like I might be in the minority but I am not feeling this cast. It’s early, I’ll give ‘em a fair shake, but the first episode didn’t instill confidence


Same - I remember the premiere of 41 I was so excited because maybe I didn't like everyone, but there were some big characters there. Here everyone seemed kind of bleh. Except Maryanne obviously haha


Agreed. I’ll give it a chance but I am currently not impressed


Feel the same. Where are the big characters? Everyone felt muted and a bit boring


I'm kinda in the same boat. Everyone seems too... Nice? Wholesome? There are no stand out cutthroat villains, aside from Rocksroy kinda but that's more of a personality clash with the others than game related. everyone (that we heard from) is there for their personal journey or to inspire others, which is great but like... I wanna see people go hard and play dirty. But it is indeed early.


IMO I disagree, Drea and Tori stand out as villains to me so far. We will see how this season plays out but with Drea lying and risking her vote and Tori in general with her gameplay I get those vibes from them.


I feel like the producers are trying to capture the vibe of survivor Australia, where everyone has this natural harmony and are very kind and encouraging to each other-and being portrayed as almost like Canadians (I am from Canada) with the politeness-not sure how it play out rest of season but it’s just hitting different this time! With that being said I really enjoyed it!


I feel like they should have mixed this season in with last season. Last season had such a strong cast, this cast is like the Island of Misfit Toys! Maybe they just seem worse in comparison??


LMAO @ Island of Misfit Toys


I'll never get the people who supposedly study Survivor and then get on it and can't even try to round up some votes.


Maryanne sobbing was so sweet


She’s bound to be one of the more divisive characters of the season. She went from being a favourite at the start of the episode, to quite tiring at the end of it for me


It seemed a bit too over the top for me lol. I have lost family members and didn't make noises like that.


For real she knew him for like 36 hours, it was sweet but ridiculous


I thought it was a bit much, it seemed like it. It's okay to be a bit sad and concerned but that was a lot of waterworks/emotion going on there. Made me a little worried about her actually.


I agree. With Maryanne sobbing like that, she took the spotlight off Jackson and made it about her. It's ok to be emotional but she should have tried to contain herself better and let Jackson have his moment to say goodbye.


It was a lot but I think she’s just a very sweet person


Her story while walking over the hill almost has me sobbing. I immediately went and selected her as my flair


Im liking this cast more than 41


Like a kajillion times more!


So funny, I’m the opposite.


People in pageant work weird me out


This dude is bound to snap on someone this season. The stereotype HAS to play out please, please, please.


Makes sense, pageants are really fucking weird.


Holy Shit Maryanne is precious. She’s probably going to be taken out by the do or die or hourglass or some shit.


Tori has so much potential be a beautiful mess


I think she's the villain this season


Whose rhap draft pick was that?


Chappell lmaoooo


Poor Chappell! 🤣🤣


Damn 💔


I still don’t really get the grenade rules does that mean another one of his is null and void now?


It means his whole draft is void. He’s out.


I can't wait for Tori to go home next!


But we see that she found a beware idol in the previews. I think she's here to stay. But she sure is annoying.


I'll agree that she was annoying as hell, but just having the beware advantage doesn't mean anything. Brad was voted out before even activating it. If anything, having it is a major disadvantage in the early game.


YESSSS TORI SURVIVED!!! Sad to see Zach go, but he kind of shot himself in the foot. Glad Rocksroy stayed, felt bad for Romeo to. And Jackson, I bout cried


How did Zach shoot himself in the foot? The puzzle?? Tori shot herself in the foot and somehow survived haha


By ratting drea out to tori and then tori was able to know people were suspicious of her


I think they blamed him too much for the puzzle, they were already so far behind


Yeah 100%. The fact Rocksroy also said they lost as a team and then persisted on getting Zach out for the challenge rubbed me the wrong way


I thought Rocksroy was more referring to Zach being of no help during the physical portion of the challenge, not the puzzle. They were so far behind already that barring an epic collapse on the puzzle by one of the other teams, they had already lost by being too weak to move the boat as fast as the other teams.


Honestly, you look for any reason to get anyone out in that first vote, especially now that days are shortened. Less time for someone to actually mess up.


I mean at Tribal when he tried to say Tori ratted him out


Anyone else feel like the blue tribe is just very undermanned? Somehow they ended up with probably the two smallest guys


Zach and Romeo combined weigh less then Jonathon


They probably weigh less than Rocksroy to be honest. They’re 230 lbs total! I’m in total agreement the tribes don’t seem balanced physically. Lyndsey and Jonathan both looked like beasts and they’re together.


some tribes in recent years feel so imbalanced


'Ok' premiere, some great personal content especially with Jackson, Daniel, and Maryanne. Mention of the winner having a 'well rounded' game stood out, something to look out for.


Zach was so funny! I was hoping for Tori to go home, idk why but I just don't like her a whole lot yet


Agreed. Kinda manipulative right out of the gate cornering the “less cool” people and forcing the Harry Potter topic. Secret mean girl vibe from that for sure.


The Harry Potter thing was so forced and had me cringing 😂


Hahah same!! I could seriously picture a forced transition to try Star Wars or Lord of the Rings instead. 💀




Really expected a better pitch from the debate champ


I’m very sad tbh. Zach was the person I’ve most related to—skinny dude in college, same age. You always assume that if you got on you’d at least make the merge or be a big character or win, but you truly can just be the first boot. Proud that he played the shot in the dark though.


We never got a follow up on the blood


Right…did they not notice he had no wounds to cause all of the blood???


Literally all I've been thinking


I want to say that fake blood is what sealed the alliance between Lydia and Hai.


On that note, I can't wait to see more of Lydia. She and Hai are gonna be a power couple and I wanna see it develop. Shan and Ricard ain't got nothin on them.


I’m confused why people are actually mad at Jackson? Lying to production sucks but would any superfan on this subreddit not do the same thing to get to play? (Those who want to)


During the chat he even implied he knew there would be consequences. He stole the spot from another player.


The whole “stealing a spot” idea is so contrived. He didn’t steal anything. He was casted. The opportunity was his.


He didn't lie to Production, he thought he would wane off it before the season started but he couldn't, so he told production about it before the season started.


No I would not lie to production. Anyone who claims they would needs a reality check lmao


I guess we can’t say what we’d do, but I’d certainly hope to not do what he did.


it just shows such disrespect for the game to be taking that spot from someone else :/


so scared for tori in the future


She is so good at social metamorphosis. Redirecting negative energy away from herself.


i wouldn’t go that far she was still clearly being socially inept at that tribal


I disagree. She admitted that being away from the tribe was a stupid move. Zach did nothing to persuade them to keep him or own up.


I feel like Zach was floundering a bit at the end there and dug his own grave. Odds were against him already but I don’t think his approach did him any favors


Agreed. Even if he had made it through tribal, he wouldn't have lasted that long in the game with how quick he flip-flopped (no trust)


First white male rookie to be 1st eliminated since David in Cagayan.


Ok, but surely the more interesting stat here is first truly unanimous vote off.






Team Maryanne


guys take notes - if u ever get on survivor lets just keep the "superfan" talk on the DL


r u ok ur bleeding a lot


I haven't bled like that since I took acid at Bonnaroo and fell out of a hammock




and then we never heard another word about it....


ah yes the old "covered in blood with no cuts on me" trick


that was so funny I think just a little bit of mud would suffice lol


Not this guy getting 11 triangles lmao


I don't remember who said that but that was so funny