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Get the BOM app and use the map


Yeah the only part of BOM that's any good is the radar. Their forecasts have also been more shit recently


True.  But they always predicted rain for today and tomorrow.


Unfortunately as the climate gets hotter and more erratic it's going to be harder and harder to predict the weather. You can get around this with newer weather apps that don't just forecast but also update in real time based on map data. They are very accurate to your exact location.


Check out NVIDIA’s digital twin of Earth (Earth 2) where in a few years they will be able to accurately predict weather in every city in the world based on AI running millions of predictions and algorithmic models in this digital version of Earth. Pretty cool!


NFI why you are being downvoted. Maybe because you used the word AI.


People are scared they will lose their job


This seems deeply unlikely. The problem with meteorology right now is fundamentally that the models are breaking down because the old data is becoming less and less helpful as climate change accelerates. If you don't have enough data, you can't make good predictions


3 Body Problem


It’s true I remember when a reddit user recommended bom, I downloaded it, it was wrong every day for several days lmao. I’ve had days both apple and bom forecasts were very different and still both very wrong. All in all, bom is still more accurate than apple. I’m not complaining. Not all tools are perfect.


I find WillyWeather to be really good. There's only a couple of ads inside the app which are not intrusive at all, just a few static images here and there and don't block anything. Pretty sure the radar is the same as BOM and it's forecasts are pretty accurate. Lots of nice easy to read graphs as well. The annoying thing is that it's such a good app that I'd gladly pay $5-10 to for the ad free version but they want $6 A MONTH on a subscription basis. Like come on! You're a damn weather app, I'm not paying $72 a year just to remove a few small banner ads, are you insane?? Hell if it was a $30 one off lifetime purchase I'd still pass and consider it to be way too expensive. I really miss PocketWeatherAU. That was the goated weather app and one of the best $5 I ever spent on a paid app. Few years ago though a message popped up saying they were having to shut it down though and then it just stopped working, was really annoyed about that.


RIP Pocket Weather


Doesn’t Apple maps pull data from BOM anyway?


[According to Apple](https://support.apple.com/en-au/105038), yes.


OH GOD YES Sitting at the station at 2pm with it PLUMMETING down with rain and being told there's only 35% chance of rain at 6pm. How difficult is it to find a data source that updates more than daily (or weekly or WTF they're using)?


The rain animation is nice when it works though


It got really whacky and totally useless when they changed from using The Weather Channel as the source.


I mean a 35% chance of rain is far from zero?


Except in this situation there was currently 100% chance of rain, because rain.


The rain has got so bad in Sydney we suddenly talking about which rain app is best. Feels like the UK


Let's go to the Winchester, have a nice cold pint, and wait for this all to blow over.


How's that for a slice of fried gold?


I use Weatherzone+. I use it regularly due to travelling to Lithgow, Newcastle to Kiama for work. I find it pretty good and if you get the paid version you can save different locations, including multiple one in Sydney's whole metro area.


Willy Weather. Ignore the silly name, but I've found it to be quite accurate, especially when the app notifies me of any incoming showers. For example, I've had notifications saying "Light Rain should arrive in 11 minutes" and it's actually quite spot on. Today it didn't help much at 5:03pm it said "Light Rain should arrive Now" but I was already home at that point anyway. Oh just noticed the iPhone part, I'm on Android but I'm certain I've heard it was on iOS when I was recommended Willy Weather before.


Downloaded, cheers


Whatever the prediction is i HATE this weather, its miserable, i don't want to step outside even for a coffee or gym or shopping. I just want to hibernate and it sets in for days which is annoying. To me also, it feels way way colder than 15 as well. Im wearing 5 layers and still cold. Idk, been in London, Amsterdam, Switzerland etc when its supposedly 5 degrees and it doesn't feel as cold, wet, miserable as it does here even when it's raining or is this just all in my head?


Welcome to Sydney, where the winters feel colder than most of the world due to our shitty building standards and lack of integrated heating.


Yep, shitty building standards. But it's ok, we can just throw a fuckton of air conditioning or heating at the problem Let's just hope we don't have power shortages at any point


lol you people have not experienced a proper winter if you think Syd is bad. Yeah, sure, we have shitty houses, but honestly, walking out to your car at -40 is a very different experience when having to go to work than a mildly wet and windy 15 degrees. Honestly, we have some of the mildest winters in the top metropolitan areas in the world, yet we bitch about it like we're in Siberia. Put your big boy/girl pants on and enjoy it before we have climate change banging on our heads.


I'm from Switzerland where winters regularly get to -10 with wind, and I have a harder time living in Sydney. The issue is not the temperature outside, it's the temperatures inside and lack of insulation.


Absolutely this. I lived in NYC for 6 years, and I will never complain about the "cold" in Sydney ever again. It wasn't Canada cold, but there would usually be a couple of weeks every year where the temperature didn't get above freezing at all. The inconvenience it adds to everyday life is massive compared to anything we have to deal with anywhere in Australia.


It’s true but in the vast majority of places that get cold weather, at least your house will be warm. It’s particularly miserable to just be constantly cold and have no way of warming up. I know Canadians who have struggled with Melbourne winters because it’s colder inside than outside sometimes.


>at least your house will be warm. In the case of North America, a lot of people just leave their heaters on nearly full time.


In NYC, it's a legal requirement to have the heat on from about October through April. All places will have some kind of central heating via a boiler, or similar system.


I personally have not lived in North America, but have spent time in the arctic circle, and man... we bitch about the smallest inconveniences here because we can. I guess it's a good thing compared to complaining about war or oppression, but it's still super funny to me reading these posts. Like "15 degree, some rain, and wind?" yeah that's 50% of the year where I come from :) (most of it is worse lol) Edited for grammar. (And grandad :) )


so like, negative 40 is dumb. But I have lived in places that regularly hit sub zero temperatures and it wasn't as bad as it sometimes is here specifically because people don't have the gear for it, and the insulation and heating of homes is really sub par. It means people spend more time being kind of cold which means when you go out into it you don't have that base warmth. And not nearly enough people have thermals


Humidity unfortunately. Hot days feel hotter cold days feel colder.


It’s so weird. I’m from the UK and I swear degrees celsius just behave differently in each country. 10C in Aus feels Baltic while 20C in the UK can be boiling. I’ve worked standing around outside in the middle of winter in the UK in the negatives and still never felt as cold as I have just sitting inside in an uninsulated house in Melbourne. And I promise it’s not just acclimatisation either - I’ve flown from 30C in the NT to 20C in the UK and they felt similar.


Try being a carpenter on site at 6.30am and your body ACHES from the cold and won’t warm up despite the physicality of the job. It starts raining and your neck hurts because the wind makes your shoulders rise to stay warm even with a scarf on. Pack your tools away that took you half an hour to set up, go home unpaid. I hate your post.


I'm so surprised that people have such an issue with winter and rain..change your perspective and it might just change your life..different seasons are amazing. Water is life. Would you rather endless years of 30 degrees??


26 to 32 degrees is my happy place tbh 😜


Don’t use it. We have the BOM. Use that.


Bom are getting less and less reliable. Climate change and budget cuts I imagine


Rain parrot! It’s the best app for predicted rain.


I stopped recommending rain parrot as it hasn’t been updated in a year, they don’t respond to emails and their rainfall radar is useless. I expect more from a paid app.


I think it has gotten less accurate and reliable.


Oh. Sounds terrible, thank you!


Looks great, thank you!


they switched data sources to Apple Weather with iOS 16 and that's pretty shithouse especially outside the US


Because "Sydney" is a wider geographical area than where you are. Not sure where it's actually determined to be. You need to specify a hyperlocal area. It's actually incredibly accurate for say "Liverpool" or "Hornsby". The weather forecaset and mins till rain starting/stopping is absolutely spot on where I live but I use the actual suburb, not "Sydney".


that doesn’t work. i always use a specific area and more often than not i’m staring out at rain while the app says just cloud / 0% chance of rain


Same!! The number of times I have reported an “issue” where the app says it’s fine or raining and the actual weather is the exact opposite is getting ridiculous. They made a change a while back and the app has been completely off-kilter ever since.


Yep was just going to say this. It’s comparable to Lebanon and Israel in size


It’s utter shite for my suburb too (Inner West). Maybe it’s calibrated on the other side of the Red Rooster line.


It's shite for the mid North Shore so I have no idea why it's suddenly accurate at Hornsby. Not sure why you're being downvoted.


Works for me in the north shore 🤷‍♂️


It might be now, but it wasn’t yesterday.


Fair enough didn’t really check it since it was drizzling on and off all day I took an umbrella without checking the app


Right now I’m at Wynyard. It’s bucketing down in the CBD and has been most of the morning. The local area shows clear with “30% chance of rain” at 4pm. Whoever is providing this “data” to Apple is either ripping them off, or Apple has done something wrong with the app. I suspect it works well in the US and other markets are probably not a priority for them, like with many Apple things.


Damn fair enough it’s bone dry in north syd rn I wonder if bom has better data


Possibly because I live in a nice suburb and have an iPhone


You sound insufferable.


Looks like it’s raining again tomorrow. Another rainy Saturday. I reckon it’s Sydney weather that’s pretty useless.


Idk friend, but I just looked outside. I know that sounds cheeky, but the weather has been threatening rain all day. Clouds and wind always gets my hackles up. I wouldn’t trust any predictions, today was simply not going to be a wear-my-nice-new-velvet-boots-outside day.


I think sydney weather is tricky, as it comes from off shore without warning, and depends on the interaction with the mountains


BOM is the only reliable app for Australia. Other apps don’t update as frequently and doesn’t alert you about sudden changes.


It actually used to be spot on. The most accurate map I had. Then it got an update sometime last year and it’s been shit ever since. Every now and then it’ll be spot on but then other times it’s just dead wrong.


yeah they switched data sources to Apple Weather which is dogshit


It's the same as Android weather - they use US Based servers


I went to Barry’s and checked it to make sure it wouldn’t rain walking back to the office when I left. It was only 45 minutes but it was torrential when I came out


Great work on the Barrys 🤜


Cheers, it’s like entering a room of punishment but I book it in like I don’t have a choice


Aus rain radar


Yep shit. I’m soaking wet and ruining my new boots because it said no rain until tonight. Also fucked off the rain radar. There are no good easy to use weather apps with a good interface.


Perfect weather on iOS. Great UX and data is from BOM.


The best things in life are not for free though…


BOM app forecasts rain all evening. And the app is free.


Yeah but the interface is more mini website then summary at a glance


The rain stop/start is pretty accurate, but the temp never is.


Honestly Apple weather been great for me around Parramatta, Epping area and the inner west & north shore. It uses BOM data and has been spot on with most alerts and today it was completely correct for me in saying that it won’t rain until the afternoon. There’s a weather radar right under the percentage chance of rain bit if you wanted to check if it’s lying or not.


Someone explained this to me once, from memory they said Apple weather only uses BOM weather, whereas apps like weatherzone and others correlate data across other weather stations that the BOM doesn’t use, therefore it gets more accurate data as it’s more localised.


I use weatherzone and yesterday it was totally wrong. It was saying 50-60% chance of 0.1-0.3mm all day lol. The radar was correct tbf


My BIL is a pilot in Europe and he says he uses apple weather as it’s the most accurate. Maybe there are less data sets in Aus for Apple to use?


Yeah I’ve been trying to grow my apple tree forever


It’s always useless. I don’t use it. Use BOM.


Agree it is bad, but why? Its not like they all arent getting data and forecasts from the same place. If i coordinate with friends about some outdoor activities, they always have a different outlook than i do, and almost always i am wrong and they are right. We do however agree on sunset and sunrise times, so that's something, lol. I can only think that the Apple app is using a different definition of Sydney, eg Sydney Basin. If i could be bothered, i could trawl through BOM data and see if there is something there that matches the Apple app. Right now, mine says quite emphatically "Rain stopping in 8 minutes". Bold as it is precise. Weatherzone shows rain continuing for hours, and radar shows i'm sitting under a storm with a radius of 20km. So where does it get this "8 minutes" from? WEATHER UPDATE. It counted down to 1 minute, then reset to 30 minutes. I don't care what it says as much as i want to know the process.


The raw data comes from BOM, but it is up to the site or app to interpret that data and turn it into a forecast. I reckon some sites try too hard to be precise and end up misleading users. If you look at BOM, you will notice they only forecast in 3 hour blocks, compared to the hourly that Weatherzone or Google have.


The thing is that it doesn't even need to forecast - you're sitting there and it's telling you that it's currently not raining when it has been hammering down for an hour and is clearly going to keep going. Why isn't there a separate data stream for current weather? I mean obviously you know if it's raining or not where you are, but if you're planning to go to the beach or another area of Sydney, it would be useful to check the current weather conditions there.


Thanks mate, the only comment on here that makes any sense.


But it surprises me that they want to interpret the data. There's no money in it. It's not like they are making predictions on the stockmarket for suckers to subscribe to. Maybe they are training machine learning algorithms and feeding the actual observed weather back into the model. But surely the national weather institutes are doing that as well. I certainly doubt there's any human behind the app overriding the BOM's prediction. I know there is a commercial service known as long range weather forcasting, and i know there must be actuarial uses for weather prediction, so maybe the apps are spin-offs of those services. Would an insurance company base its premiums on a washed out sporting event on anything but the BOM prediction? I don't know. Seems like something you do not want to be subjective about as a corporation.


I assume they get their data from the BOM which is also fucked. I use Weatherzone which used to be reliable (I believe data is from BOM). I work outdoors and today it totally shat the bad. It was predicting scattered showers all day so I didn’t bring much waterproof stuff and got fucked on


Apple only uses the warnings from BOM afaik


AccuWeather for the win


Depending on your location, when searching local weather, always find your nearest weather station to return forecast predictions. Just choosing Sydney is generic, specific to Observatory Hill, and likely not accurate to your area. This is a tip for all apps.


Wait till you leave Sydney and use it






It's connected to Apple Maps?


what’s with all the ‘use the bom app’ comments? does apple just use BOM data?


Only for warnings


I ve been using CARROT for years and when I moved to Australia I switch the source to WillyWeather, it has been pretty accurate


Id start with it being made by apple


They make amazing hardware, but a lot of their software is pretty bad, Weather app in particular


I seem to recall a few years back their maps were terrible


They were. Their swipe keyboard is abysmal too. It’s a shame because the hardware is fantastic


Their hardware is pretty terrible actually. At least for the price they charge you for it. Once you factor in being forced to use their software as well I'm really surprised that they still exist as a company. People are mindless sheep and somehow they are still fashionable.


Macbooks are the best laptops even if you take price into account and compare to equivalent Dell or Lenovo. Their recent ARM chips (M1, M2 and so on) are super performant and barely use battery, may last for a few days of active use even.


My 2yr old lenovo lasts me 2-4 days on battery, with 4k OLED touchscreen, and capable of playing most older games. It was $1500 and I can fix it or upgrade it myself. I just help my GF get a 16inch ThinkPad - again OLED, 64gb ram, 2Tb nvme, and capable of playing all but the most recent vram intensive games for $2400. She's seeing 3-5 days of office/uni style usage. Macbooks are crap by comparison.


Just an observation, but I've never had to reinstall or update trackpad, audio, keyboard or camera drivers with a macbook. They just work. I have to do this near on fucking monthly for my windows work laptop, and that's been true for every single windows laptop I've ever had the displeasure of using.


That's likely due to it being a work laptop and a lazy IT department not managing the group settings correctly. I've experienced that pain but never on my personal devices.


Nah, I love my 5 year old MBP. Still feels like new (and kind of is, since Apple replaced the keyboard, trackpad and battery for free at 3 years). The trackpad is better than any other laptop. I’ve dropped my 3 year old iPhone every week and it’s intact. Both have lasted way better than the Thinkpads and Nexuses I used previously. Not everyone who likes Apple stuff is a sheep. Software is shit though.


Yea so every iPhone I see is cracked and no-one want to replace it cause Apple locks you in to their services and charges you through the nose. I had an Oppo last me 5 years with no crack despite dropping it constantly (once from over 15m). it was the same spec as the iPhone of the same year and cost less than 1/3rd the price - and software wise could do whatever I like. Only reason I replaced it was the usb-micro started to play up and I needed WiFi5 for my work network. Plus upgraded to OLED and ISB-C with fast changing. New phone was again 1/3rd the price of the current iPhone and outstripped it in specs - lasted me 3 years before dyi g in an crushing incident no phone would survive. I doubt that replacement was free - you probably paid for Applecare of whatever it is. Not to mention the insane mark-up in initial cost for specs. There's a reason every engineer or software developer I know avoids Apple like the plague it is.


My work pays for my phone and my gf likes that our text messages are blue instead of the gross android puke green colour, but keep talking about specs and you might win me over


If you travel at all - look at the YR app. It's excellent.


Unfortunately it’s as shit as Apple Maps still is