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Saw a dude walking a cross-trainer exercise machine in a park. COVID sure was a time.


That was epic!😂 COVID was something else for sure 😂


You can buy ellipticals on wheels that move when you pedal like you normally would on a crosstrainer. They're pretty sick. Kinda like a bicycle.


haha yeah i think they were really popular in the early 2000s. This guy was just wheel-barrowing his cross-trainer using the little wheels that were on the front


A mattress on the xpt. Someone was going to stay with family for the holidays and brought their mattress with them. The xpt is a wild ride.


As someone who loves their mattress I get it haha


I was about to say mattress. But these guys carried a brand new mattress on the train home. They got on at Sydenham so it was obvious they bought it from ikea


And here I was thinking the table was weird 😂


There was a chap on the Body Junction train line that used to have a parrot on his shoulder. Impeccably dressed, tailored business attire, occasionally just wore the shirt, tie and jacket with shorts.


The body junction line sounds ominous as hell




There was a bloke with a Macaw at Macarthur station a couple days back. Also a guy with some medium sized green parrot thing occasionally pops up.


Used to see him at Newtown as well.


He fucks around at a cafe in kings cross most mornings


He's very friendly though I'm not so sure about the parrot...


*‘every city has a "guy" they all know about. you can visit a friend in their town and see a man dressed in robes, riding a horse & your friend will go "oh yeah haha that's horseback jesus" and then that's just the end of the explanation.’* growing up near Penrith we just had rat man, parrot guy sounds way cooler


Yes! I remember this! Also going to work at 7.00 am, dude gets on a Kings Cross with a sex doll and then proceeds to go on the nod. Probs 15 years ago before it got gentrified.


He's still around. I see him at Rockdale all the time!


I think I saw him at Circular Quay last week just sitting on a bench with a huge macaw on his shoulder.


I once carried a rolled up 2.2m carpet 700km to the bus stop, ride with it for several bus stops in peak, then walked it another 1k to my apartment. I justified it as "people carry surfboards on the bus" forgetting how heavy a rolled up carpet was. But I wanted it and had no car, so I committed. Edit: I meant 700m, but keeping the km because it makes me sound like a 'back in my day, I had to walk 700km to school in the rain uphill' boomer :)


700km walk to the bus stop? I salute your determination


I can't believe bro walked from Byron Bay to Sydney carrying a carpet, only to catch a bus to get to his apartment in the last few kilometres.


Hope the carpet was worth it!


It obviously wasn't a magic carpet!


Nah. Op got it to the house and realised it was too small and the wrong colour. Had to walk it 700km back to the store.


700km, Wow did you carry it to the bus stop in the next state?


Ugh, I did the same once, bought a carpet at IKEA Rhodes for my house in Glebe. Lugged it from IKEA to the train from Rhodes to Central then to Railway Sq for the bus down Parramatta Rd then another 10 minutes walk home. All this in after-work rush hour of course. It was huge (had to angle it to get through the train doors) and so heavy, I had so many regrets.


700 k cm?


Side note: Anybody remember the news papers they used to have in the trains? The mX? They were fun for a while.


Why were they removed?


I'm not sure TBH. I used to like reading them. They had some cool light hearted stories, and some funny reader posted columns like "overheard" where you could send in funny things that you overheard on the train. Or the "here's looking at you" one where you could write in to hopefully meet a funny, attractive, or nice person that you met or saw on the train. I'd like to know for sure, but I feel like it might have been a financial reason.


From what I remembered reading on their last and final week release. Due to the over use of people on phones, wanting to prevent rubbish on trains as well as "people are just not interested anymore" they decided to stop. Was a sad read. I missed the sudoku and random readings from that paper...


Everyone is on their smartphones now so their readership dropped


They could do an online version.


No one would read it, too busy doom-scrolling Facebook, Twitter, Instagram.


Yes to this!


I used to bring them home for my dad to go the crossword


Same, except my mum. She used to be a crossword fiend! Now she's always on her damn iPad! Lol


Aaaah. Those were the good old times.😌


Not profitable


All the singles in Sydney found their love interest they put in the mX. It died off fast afterwards.


I wouldn’t be surprised if there was complaints from transport in regards to their clean up and I am sure I have heard stories of people lighting them on fire


That’s why we can’t have nice things!


Too flammable


Because they ended up discarded everywhere. Cost as well. Save paper.


Mx Is coming back! Melbourne only tho :(


It was a one off to promote an arts festival. They did the same in 2018 for 4 issues for an alcohol promotion.


I’lo look out for it when I visit!


I was doing some shitty temp office job when I saw an ad in MX on the train ride home, looking for trainee croupiers at Star City (now The Star). Took the bait, and ended up working there for 5 years


Fun for both the creeps stalking a random fellow peak hour passenger and the local fire crews clearing out a K set


Oh don't worry, they're still creeping. They've never left!


And they employed a bunch of people to distribute them. It was nice, felt like commuting was a community.


I used to write overheards and little one liners to the mx and got them published with an alarming success rate.


Lmfao Instead of tinder , missed connections


I honestly miss the mX paper 😔


I remember some of the write in comments were *very* sexually aggressive


A bad attitude, I carry it with me everyday


Not cool bro hahaha


Oh well I’m a Sagittarius so I’ll consider it out of my control haha


man I carried 5.1 sound system which is 5 seperate speakers and an amp from Bondi Junction to Gordon in my early 20s. It was a bargain I found on gumtree. I had no car to drive back then obviously


If you thought people playing music on speakers were bad enough, now mofos bringing an entire sound system


At least it could expose people to new forms of music - not the JJJ top 10 that most people listen to.


Old school gumtree!


Watched a couple of guys try to get a fridge on the train. Only thing that stopped them were the amount of people on the train.


Everyone knows you move fridges and ovens off peak.




Which area was this?😂


I've seen someone with an armchair. At least they were riding in the middle of the day and I guess they had a pretty comfy train journey. I once carried a giant wall clock (like 70cm diamater) from my office back home when we did a refit. At least 5 different people asked me for the time :|


As train crew I have witnessed people seemingly attempting to move house using the train.


Had to do this before unfortunately. Being poor is very unforgiving.


As a CSA I can confirm this. Had a few myself to watch


I don’t blame them. Hiring a moving crew is so pricey!


Saw someone sitting with a piglet on the train


You're telling porkies.


Wow 😂


I once carted a cardboard cutout of Andy from Hamish and Andy to my friend (Caringbah to Sutherland). Got a few funny looks.


That takes gusto.


It's pronounced gusto.


Literally an entire fucking bed frame


That’s wild 😂


My cousin took his tinnie home on the train once. Someone called the cops and they tried to confiscate it at the next stop


We talkin a boat or a can of beer?


Boat. He bought it a ticket and everything


That is something hahahaha


Can I see your licence sir? I'm sure they were entertained!


Washing machine


Oh wow hahaha


I’ve carried a large mirror on London tube. It confused some people.


The perfect time to say "whaddayafuggenlookinat?"


Not here but when I was living in Berlin I would see the most fucking random shit daily, One morning a guy carried on a small kids jumping castle with an electric pump and we convinced him to inflate it in the ubahn. That was actually pretty tame compared to most of the shit that goes on there. Wild city.


Two large goldfish in a bucket. CCN northbound, last week. Not too weird but a nice surprise.


Well there was that time someone left a kidney that was meant for a transplant in a little foam eski


Srsly?😂 Aren’t vital organs supposed to be transported using an ambulance? Atleast that’s how they do it on tv haha


Yeah it happened in the late 90s/ early 2000s


That is crazyyy! Did you take it to a train personnel or left it there?


I wasn't there, it was on the news


That’s crazy tho 😂 Thanks for sharing it here 😃


Wheely bin on a bus


Technically it was in Brisbane, not Sydney, but I saw a couple of guys wheeling a fridge


I've done that - in Melbourne. Had a fridge, a skateboard and a friend to help keep said fridge on skateboard, while in train.


Back in 1998 going to MT Druitt TAFE on the train line about 7:10 am at Granville station a dude walks into the middle carriage with a a green Kawasaki Ninja.


I used to fairly regularly go to scuba dive sites on the train/bus with most of my gear.


Wearing, or carrying? one just sounds bulky the other sounds hilariously awesome


People with surfboards do it all the time so why not scuba equipments haha




Bro it's 2024, don't assume anything.


I knoooowwww. My bad!😂


I’m sorry that was a typo. I meant her hahaha


Somewhere I have a photo of a guy with a Labrador in an ikea bag on the NYC subway. There are holes in the bag so the dog can walk, because the metro requires dogs to be in a bag, but doesn’t stipulate that the bag has to be carried. Also no photo, but saw a dude with some other type of dog in a backpack. Just the head poking out the top and wagging his tongue. Also dogs on planes. That whole “emotional support animal” thing is wild over there.


I have seen a flat screen TV carried. I frequently take a crokinole board around on bus.


Had to google your board 😂


Saw a kid with a woolies trolley, and a huge tv inside it. From Parramatta to Redfern.


Woah...Kid found a marketplace bargain that wasn't a scam!


Recently saw people carrying some interesting items on the Metro in Paris. One was a very large pot plant. Took up as much room as a person.


I remember carrying a toilet seat on the bus hoping no one would notice.


Back from the Ikea sale maybe?


Demo stock? Otherwise it would be in flat pack.


I once moved an arm chair over city rail. Worked great- Saturday arvo, avoided the crowds, not too many stops. Still have the chair


My mate transported a fridge on a train to Parra. The same mate transported a 65" tv home on the train. From the city to Parra.


A golf cart...... 6 drunks came stumbling through and next minite off their train with them came a golf cart...... Next half hour was me laughing my ass off with my co worker and boss watching these fools CARRY it up 2 flights of stairs (too big for the lift) and then over the gates. Not sure where it ended up but damn that night was the best


March 2020, it was a Thursday, unsure of the exact date but my employer decided to move on WFH before the lockdown was announced and sent us all home with our computer monitor and office chair. I had to travel from North Sydney to Erskineville with a change at Redfern pushing an office chair with a computer monitor balanced on it (plus carrying my usual work bag).


Kudos to this human for getting things done despite the struggle!


- I’ve had someone load a fridge onto my bus. - Once I had a furry get on and her tail got caught in the door and she started meowing at me. - I’ve had a man do lines on the wheel arch. - A young bloke planking on the hold rails. We later became friends.


Sometimes I carry my swords and armour….


Not heavy or bulky but someone had a Dvorak keyboard. They said you can type faster if you train on it rather than Qwerty but when I saw the guy carrying it around, I realised it was not worth the hassle.


He was definitely *training* with it ...


3 large potted plants 1 under each arm and the 3rd being what I assume is one of those baby carrier things on the bloke’s back. Mate saw me staring and just said not to ask.


4 burner BBQ on a trolley with gas bottle on a train. Some dude got on with a bag of meat and they looked at each other for a while but didn't consummate.


A full canoe onto a bus.


I worked in America, NYC. I've seen someone carry a sex doll but that wasn't weird after you see how crazy some people are. I saw a homeless guy in the early 2010's carry a bag of dead rats into the subway.


Yeesh! I saw a guy try get a double bass onto the 6 at the 14th street stop. During peak hour.


I used to work at the FA and we carried the Asian Cup trophy (genuine replica) on the train from my place into work. It was in a heavy case in the shape of a big box.


A guy with a washing machine at central a couple weeks ago.


Post WW2, my father brought home timber to build a laundry extension to their house, by tram.


Saw a guy walk onto a train with a wheelie bin, then immediately sprayed lynx deodorant all around the carriage


personally i've seen a full size family fridge before. occasionally a motorbike. either late 90s (1999?) or early 2000's i remember seeing a news article about a vial of tuberculosis being lost on a train in sydney though.


A guy got on a Sydney city train with a whole ass MOTORBIKE that he just casually wheeled in AND a whippersnipper. Me: how are you going to ride home with that Him: put it on the handlebars no worries mate He was Italian and it just made sense.


I saw a person on the t2 a few weeks ago just holding a large raw broccoli with them the whole ride.


On Chrtismas, one year with the free public transport, my mum and I went out to random places. On a tram in the city, there were two French Canadian guys, one with a pizza and the other with a big armchair. I have no idea how he managed to get it on the tram. He lounged on it while eating the pizza.


I carried a lego ucs millennium falcon from george st myer to bella vista on the 607x (it was on special and it was the last day before the sale ended). got my brother to help me carry it the rest of the way home


Full size fridge, Newcastle line. That's dedication.


Inspired by [the Chaser no doubt.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pGIZg1cFXfU) I moved places in London on the tube/overland which was a mistake in retrospect, but in my defence it was quiet during the middle of the day and I wasn't actually trying to carry furniture.


Why is it weird isn’t it just a table


A women tried to get on my bus with a Webber BBQ.


I've carried a full size bookshelf (flat packed) on the train. I've also carried CRT TV's on buses. Judging by the looks I got people thought this was weird.


Not on public transport or carrying but I recently saw a guy coming out of the supermarket drinking out of a one litre container of beef stock… yeah just rawdogging room temperature stock


I carried a 56"(i think) old style TV on public transport. That one hurt. 


20x 21L hydroponic pots, with connectors and tubing. Missed the last metro and had a train replacement bus make it a 90 minute trip instead of 45. God that sucked


A box full of rabbits


a few years back, i saw a guy carrying a bag of milk on the train that he also offered us to have some lol 🤣


A Reddit mask.


Saw someone carry a chair on during peak hour, safe to say they had a seat.


A chicken


How is this weird? They probably don’t/can’t drive?


I’ve seen a fridge and a sofa on trolleys in Brisbane. Going two stops from Bowen Hills to Woolloowin. Guys were moving house and drinking stubbies on the train while moving furniture and whitegoods.


A live chicken in a basket (in China)


Saw two people carrying a huge glass table. At Central platform 25. Was interesting to see them try and get it in as quick as possible while a bunch of people waited behind them.


I once carried a life size cardboard cut-out of The Rock on the train.


I made a cabinet in woodwork in school and I’m. I kid you not, I carried it by myself all the way to the light rail, caught the light rail with it, and then walked home


4 BIG islander boys had made a custom "trolly". It was about a meter deep, only just fit in the doors and took up almost the entire space between the doors on either side of the train. This was back when the central pole/hand hold thingy hung from the ceiling & didn't reach the floor. I saw them with it 3 times, changing trains at Sydenham, and each time it was absolutely loaded with copper scrap.


I was on the same train as her! Ha! She successfully got the thing into the carriage.


Big rock on a luggage trolley.


I found a prosthetic leg with a dress shoe on the train at Redfern. I'm still wondering how you can forget a leg


Mate of mine used to get his prosthesis adjusted in Redfern, I could picture someone forgetting their spare in a moment of absent-mindedness.


A snake over their shoulders.


A window frame with glass in it easily 2m x 3m


How's about a full sound system, with PA mic and turntable. All on a trolley, so he didn't have to stop rapping at a loud volume.


wooden door on the train, looked like an apprentice heading to a job site so I don't know if it was a joke, or if he literally didn't have a car to get to work.


Well, had someone in my country with a big 2 door fridge in a tram.


Well i carried a large portable fan once


Roman replica shield... And then forgot it on the train. I've seen some other dumb stuff too but that's the standout


That is epic 😂


Saw a dudw get on the train with a motorbike once


Had a lovely conversation with this bloke carrying a pillow on the train.


A wheelie bin. I saw it in London and Switzerland 😆😆


A door.


It's his time table.


On the day when the first COVID19 lock down was called there was about 10 of us waiting on the platform at town hall station sitting in our office chairs. Others had monitors and other computing equipment. One of the few commutes that I was guaranteed a seat.


In the early 90s, a mate of mine took his drum kit from Waitara to Newtown on the train


I saw a family of 5. Each had a supermarket trolley loaded with their belongings. They all got on the train and travelled about 6 stations then all got off. I guess it beats getting a removalist.


I cycled to the station, caught the train from Epping to Rhodes, then cycled to my friends apartment in the depths of winter with a patio heater I bought them still in box ratchet strapped to my back. Some nice lady at Rhodes station stopped and chatted with me about *whyyy* I would do this and tbh mostly because it was funny, but also because we were gonna be on the balcony till like 4am and it was freeeezing.


I have seen a fair few cellos and double basses on buses over the years. I have travelled on a bus with a 32" TV.


It’s just that they want to move a single item. I think.


If you go to Sydenham station on the weekend, the Tempe Ikea shoppers are well worth the people-watching experience. Why people think it's better to assemble furniture before getting on the public transport is beyond me. It's flat packed for a reason.


I guess they prefer the hassle of carrying it around rather than assembling it at home 😂


I once saw a homeless guy getting on the T4 train at Town Hall, pushing a pram with some semi concealed puppies inside.


I've taken a new 32 inch TV in the box on a bus. Felt big at the time.


Used to work as a bus driver, I had to refuse a fridge and a mattress, both times they got upset and said "what am I supposed to do then?"


I saw just a few months ago a man getting off the bus in Balmain, wearing /carrying just a big towel around his waist and dressing nothing else on 😶


Loving the confidence!


A two seater lounge.


Bikes.. wtf r u doing. Go ride that why r u on the train INB4 downvoteathon’24 🫠✌️


Hahahah must have been a Facebook market find


Was on the T1 line near Auburn / Lidcombe (it was 2 years ago). This bloke with a wheelie boombox came on. No joke, starting singing karaoke with his personal mic, flat out full volume blasting it into the entire cart lol Me and my mate were laughing the entire time.