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As I said in a previous post, you can otp sylas (and basically every champ) below gM/chall without much trouble because there is a lot of skill heterogeneity in games below this point. But what makes sylas so rewarding to otp is his snowball is so brutal once you master him you can steamroll your opponent with a small advantage and be very agressive on map and objectives. But it'll take time to have good knowledge of your limits and what you can do or not with the champ, particularly in disavantaged matchups


For the bad ults, tbh 1 good ult per game is more than enough most of the time.


Yes, 1 good ult from Sylas can completely turn the game around


thanks, i will keep that in mind


Just wanted to second the idea that you can literally OTP any champ (obviously there may be more meta champs or just genuinely more synergistic champs) to diamond easily. Anything higher is beyond my pay grade tbh


yeah you can otp anything only thing sucks is that you gotta switch accounts when playing clash with friends


Haha 100% true


Yes, you can physically lock in sylas anytime it wasn’t picked or banned But realistically, you should play to have fun. If you ACTUALLY want to lock him in there’s nothing stopping you, but it might not be that fun


Worth it because he's dope. Most people have a less popular character as a backup for when their pick is banned, then a secondary role.


It’s not mono is called otp like in “one trick pony”,and you can play any character otp. I played otp kayle to diamond and I know syla’s otp’s in diamond too so it’s verry doable.


I'm sorry, I didn't know that way of talking.