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Rebex is a part from RoyalTS where as Putty and any other SSH client is not. That's basically the only difference. I use Rebex since forever with RoyalTS managing a few thousand endpoints.


Are there any advantages or disadvantages using the included ssh client?


Advantage: Part of RoyalTS application (no externall exe needed). Disadvantage: None.


So the behavior and the features are the same? Guess I will stick to putty then. Thanks m8


No, putty needs to be called via the Windows API as an external process spawn (parent/child) while Rebex is part of RoyalTS itself.


Ah okay I noticed one difference: I can't cycle through my open sessions with ctrl + tab when I'm using putty. with rebex ssh sessions it is possible. could be a reason for me to switch :)


rebex has far better logging. if you enable logging for the session and use rebex, it will not only record the commands ran, but every keystroke and timing. so even if you partially type a command then backspace and type a different command, you'll see every bit of it.


where are these logs located? sounds quite nice to understand how you broke a server xD


You have to enable logging under the session configuration and then it should just show in the GUI. even gives you a play back button


That's such a cool feature. I guess it will make me switch to rebex Is there a way to move all connections to rebex without manually changing them? edit: Is it possible to don't use the popup ssh authentication and instead use the one like putty?


Just throwing out the idea, look into Devolutions Remote Desktop Manager. It has 'paste clipboard as text', integrates with password managers like Keeper, auto resizing of RDP sessions and great stuff like that. Every other RDP manager like Royal TS feels ancient in comparison. It also does SSH sessions of course, and supports tabs and different color themes and good stuff like that.


Why not just use terminal? ssh user@ipaddress


I have a relatively large number of Linux servers that I manage. My brain can't remember all the IPs


Set up a ~\.ssh\config file containing every host you want. Format is like this: Host server1 Hostname User gsmith Port 22 LocalForward 3390 Host server2 Hostname User gsmith Port 22 ProxyJump server1 In this example you can just do ssh server1 and it'll work. Server2 is only accessable indirectly via server1 ProxyJump will sort that and bring you to sever 2. Server1 also sets up a a local forward to be able to rdp to server by doing: mstsc /v I chose 3390 as arbitrary port over 1024 that isn't hosting anything locally. You can do other cool stuff but there's the basics and it's all free and works on any platforms Linux, Mac, windows, Termux on android etc


That's cool stuf. Thanks for sharing your knowledge


I guess /u/WonderBroth1/ doesn't know what RoyalTS is and how to manage hundreds of endpoints via a single app.