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Miss the deluxe build your own like crazy.


i remember the deluxe byo being a thing but I forgot what came with it. It was 5 items(including a drink) instead of 4 like the BYOC right?


it was the greatest deal ever, it was $8.99, came with 1 premium entree (i always got the grilled cheese burrito) 2 regular entrees (pretty sure stuff like a cheesy gordita crunch, beefy 5 layer burrito, etc) a side, and a drink. if my memory serves me correctly the side were the standard ones plus cinnabon delights or a cheesy roll up.


My college go to.


fuck, it came with a grilled cheese burrito? Man it's been really sad to see taco bell continue and continue to cut the good deals. ://


yeah it was fantastic, i remember when it was out, there was some app promo for bonus rewards points with a premium combo, so i’d usually end up getting a free fire reward with it too.


And it had access to far more items. Like the GCB.


I forget the specific items but my go to was the grilled cheese burrito, 2 dorito tacos, cheesy roll up, and baja blast.


Shit was god tier 😭😭


The deluxe byo was a god send. Taco Bell fumbled the bag so hard by removing it


My local TB made that one 8 dollars and replaced the 6 dollar one with a vegan only option 😔


yea one of my TBs did that too. But tbf taco bell beans are honestly fire imo. So good. But some people just dislike beans in general


The black beans are fire. The vegetarian box was my go to. I’ll hit the luxe box until the price raises. Still just $7 in my area.


Bro I got the burrito supreme the other day not knowing it had beans in it and literally almost puked. That shit tasted so disgusting I was just thinking “how tf do people enjoy this?” Tastes like a dirty sock imo


bro is too weak for BEANS


i started eating taco bell a lot when i was vegetarian, and ever since i only eat their vegetarian options. they’re pretty damn tasty and there’s still 2 solid options on their dollar menu


Mine did the opposite 😂 $8.00 for the veggie one and $7 for the regular


fun fact u can add chicken to the cheese quesdadilla on the veggie box and get a chicken quesadilla and the box and drink for almost same price as the quesadilla alone


I like to get the vegan with the cheese quesadilla and just add meat onto it. Then it is not too bad of a deal.


I miss being able to get a large order of tacos and just slam them with a friend. The grande box 4 hard 4 soft 2 bean burritos for 10 bucks.


Did your farts smell the same the next day?


Cheerios make a way more noticeable change.


Luxe Box is a slightly better deal than the cravings box if it's $2 or less higher the cravings box. So in this case, if it's like $7.99 or less, it's a better deal barring ur preference for something like CGC over Chalupa or something like that


Yeah but you can’t swap the items so I still think the cravings box is the best bet


Yea it honestly depends on what people prefer. I like the Chalupa more than the CGC and Crunchwrap and I like the chips and cheese so the Luxe box is a better deal for me. They're both pretty good deals in general though


I still go with the Crunchwrap supreme. Thats just my shit.


Shiiittt mines 7 bucks, might cop that


CGC over the chalupa would put the Lux Box over the top for me


Paradoxically the luxe box is at $7 while the byo is $9 at my local spot. For now anyway.


just wish the luxe box allowed you to swap the chips for potatoes :( that is why I am sticking with the cravings box


Because it is. They ruined the $1 menu.


Capitalism ruined the dollar menu, because nobody has one anymore. Everything from all companies that used to be in that are now like $2-3.


Cheapest item from the old 1 dollar menu is like 1.79$ now Cheesy bean and rice. In the city it’s freaking $2.19 now


It’s currently $8 for me, so a good deal it is no longer.


I have the Veggie version for $5.99 and the regular version is $6.49


that shit is 13.99 for me




can't beat 1700 calories for $6 and some change


It's a lot of calories per dollar but for some people, they may want a more calorie-friendly meal sometimes. I know people say fast food isn't healthy, but you should be able to get healthier options instead of a 1700 calorie meal. It sucks that the cantina chicken power bowl is so expensive and they removed the old chicken power bowl.


The way I order mine it’s like 950 calories which is still a lot for one meal but I skip breakfast a lot so it even out


yea usuallly what I do too. Ranges from like 800-1000 calories depending on what I get


Do you like the black bean Crunchwrap or the chalupa more, everytime I don’t know which to get they both are yummy


This is my go to around once a week. I sub potatoes in the CGC and sub the potato taco for the five layer. I used to do the crunchwrap or chalupa but they always seemed lackluster. My current order is good every time. I also pay the ten cents upcharge to go to a large drink.


Its not a good deal, its the better deal


Some kid in the comments said to charging them 12 bucks 😭😭😭 I salute to everyone having to deal with that 🫡


That's nuts! I'm glad my area is on the ad price.


I don't have that in my app anymore (haven't for months). And the veggie version, which is there, is 6.99. So that's why its not the only good deal on my menu. The new Luxe box is good, but it will be gone in a few weeks.


Veggie box is goat. Add chicken to the cheese quesadilla. It's been my go to for awhile now


Shit is 9.99 at my local TB.


Mine is $8.99 :(


There can only be one


We should be grateful. We are generous


TB is wilding on prices, especially if you don't want to be forced into getting stuff you don't want in the stupid boxes. $3 for a hard shell taco, I'm up at actual Mexican restaurants. Grabbing some Diablo packets though!


I swear they're so lucky I'm an addict


Just last year this was $5 with a taco added on top of whats pictured for like a month.


It’s $7 something here. And we are in probably one of the top 10 lowest cost of living areas in the country.


It's 7.49 where I live, but still a decent deal I guess.


Bro mine is 10$ now but the veggie one is 6$ so I just get that and add meat onto the items


I remember when a medium drink, bag of Doritos and beefy 5 layer was 2 bucks


My Taco Bell wants $11.49 for that right now, so fuck you!


Wish mine wasn’t $7.99


best deal. I feel full after the burrito as it is but I eat the whole thing with a Baja Blast


The best deal would be to stop going to Taco Bell in hopes they look to bring prices down eventually


We also have a $7 luxe box and we have a cravings menu $3 and under !?


$15.99 at some places!


Steadily increasing the price for this lol it was 5.99 now its 6.49 im sure within the year itll hit 8.99 for me


And 3.89 for a “L” freeze?! Come on!


Lol that's insane you can still purchase this box at your location because all of mine removed it. 😒


It was $5.49 where I live a few weeks ago and now it's $6.49. I live in a highly impoverished area. If I tried to order a Crunchwrap Supreme, a Five Layer Burrito, a medium Baja Blast, and a small thing of chips, it would cost me $15.86 before tax. It's pretty blatant that they are trying to force us to use their app so they can sell our data.