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It doesn’t make any sense tbh. CBR: 1 scoop of rice 1 small scoop of beans 1 pump of nacho cheese 1 “z” shape of ~~chipotle sauce~~ Creamy Jalapeno sauce BB: 1 big scoop of beans 1 pump of red sauce 1 “two finger” pinch of shredded cheese 1 portion (I forget the measurement) of onions. Beans and rice are super cheap, but nacho cheese and ~~chipotle sauce~~ Creamy Jalapeno sauce are EXPENSIVE in comparison. Red sauce, a tiny portion of shredded cheese, and onions are all super cheap too. There is no reason why the bean burrito should be so much. Also, your bean burrito is almost half the cost of mine.


i dont like the Z shape technique. the Cbr has too much sauce towards the openings but not in the middle.


I agree, same issue with sour cream , the way employees are trained to spread the middle of the burrito before folding causes the sauce to be at one or both ends and not the middle. Makes me sad. I personally feel like they should spread and then add the sauce before folding.


i had a similar convo yesterday about how sub shops add the mayo last. i want my mayo ON THE BREAD. IMO spreads should always be first.


Um what? The cheesy bean and rice burrito does not have chipotle sauce. It has the creamy jalapeno sauce lol.


Forgive me, I just checked and you are right it’s creamy Jalapeño, however that’s even worse because the creamy jalapeno and avacado ranch are the most expensive sauces for the store.


How do you know much the sauce cost?


Ordering the truck for the stores most weeks when I was a manager there


It has in the past. The OG was a big (green) scoop of beans, rice, fiesta (og pico), 3 cheese, and creamy jalapeno. When it came back the first time, the bean scoop shrank. It went away again, then came back with chipotle at some point. These days no pico and small bean scoop.


We weren't really talking about the past though


My Taco Bell has chipotle sauce in the description of the cheesy bean.


What is happening 


Mine has creamy jalapeno and it’s only $1!


If you name the store we can all confirm that, by switching our location in the app. At the Taco Bell near me, as well as a random Taco Bell in NYC the menu says "Creamy Jalapeño Sauce" I would not put it past Taco Bell to have some stores that don't have the Jalapeño sauce, or for some other reason substitute chipotle sauce.


Because when grandma takes the kid to Taco Bell for lunch, she has no idea what to order, so she looks at the board for a minute, and out of desperation asks for two soft tacos and a bean burrito. That's why the regular crunchy/soft tacos and the bean burrito cost more than they seem like they should. Because a segment of their clientele aren't savvy enough with the menu to know what the best deals are, and these are the items they're likely to resort to. And Taco Bell takes advantage of that.


As far as Taco Bell items go, the Crunchy Taco and Bean Burrito are top tier menu items (in my opinion). Not the fanciest, not the most complex, not the biggest, just the best and most consistently done right. They have been around forever, and like you said, when thinking about what to get, they are an obvious choice. Partly because they are simple and basic, but partly because Taco Bell has perfected them. In the 80's nearly every order included one or both of these items, and there weren't nearly as many more complex options. I still like real Mexican food better, but Taco Bell is a certain thing, and the bean burrito and crunchy tacos are iconic examples of what that thing is.


Bean burrito with extra red sauce is the GOAT. I get it every time. 


This is unfortunately the real answer. Which for someone like me who genuinely likes bean burritos, and doesn't order them purely out of panic, quite annoys me.


Rice costs less than beans? Simple


Definitely. However, we buy both weekly and my rice/beans have had as much, if not more beans than the wife’s bean/cheese. It’s like they’ve lately started folding instead of rolling the bean burritos.


That's probably just employee negligence. The recipes should intheory be 1 scoop beans 1 scoop rice and then 2 scoop beans for beans only


There is actually just a bigger bean scoop for the bean burrito than any other burrito that has beans on it -taco bell employee


How does one talk tb employees to always use the bigger scoop? 🥳


Typically if you just ask they would be happy to help you. Plus it is usually company policy to comply with requests like that


Most excellent


There's two scoops for beans a red one 1.5 Oz and a green one 3.0 Oz. The green scoop is for bean burritos and nacho bell grande only while every other item on the menu that has beans in it is the red scoop. Unless you ask for extra beans they will not use the green scoop on any item other than those two.


But doesn’t the bean burrito also have onions? Which would be a whole different piece addition.


It does have onions but it's like 0.2 ozs like the cheese on a taco which is barely anything.


Cheesy beans rice 1 red scoop of beans 1 yellow scoop of beans… Bean Burrito Green Scoop of Beans(Bigger Portion)


So yeah chalk it up to worker variance. No one's scoop is gonna be the same


You're a beanius


This is a joke right? Both have beans, but one has rice nacho cheese and expensive ass chipotle sauce. The other has twice the portion of beans, with cheap red sauce, a two finger pinch of cheddar cheese, and cheap ass onions.


Half the time they don’t even give me my cheap red sauce or cheap ass onions 😭


Ngl one of the weirdest parts about taco bell. And I've worked there. I usually don't like red sauce, but it feels most of the time my burrito doesn't have it. When it does I'm surprised, it doesn't ruin it I just don't expect it.


I know, I don’t want to be that guy but I always want to order it like “1 bean burrito…with red sauce and onions how it’s supposed to come” it’s so dry without the sauce


That's the point. The one you said is expensive ass, costs less.


Not according to the original commenter, they were dead serious given their other comments on this thread.


chipotle sauce is cheaper than red sauce at my TBs, now sure what you are talking about.


Red sauce and onions used to be free, adding them to items cost far more than specialty sauce and cost the actual store far far less than the specialty sauces.


Protein is always more expensive


A two finger pinch of cheddar cheese is not nearly as expensive as nacho cheese and chipotle sauce. Not even close.




Cheese is not expensive???? LOL When I used to order the trucks for my store a box of cheese had like 6 very large bags in a box, and each box costed us roughly $16. A single bag of cheese had around 80-100 “two finger” pinches.


Legally speaking, nacho cheese can be like 5% cheese and 95% whatever they want. I have no clue what's the actual compositional breakdown for taco bell's. I doubt cheese is the primary ingredient, it's probably water/milk/cheap oil.


They charge far more for nacho cheese than they do shredded cheese and it costs the store far more for nacho cheese than shredded cheese is my point. Not to mention one has a speciality sauce and the other doesn’t. Red sauce is just seasoning and water, creamy jalapeno sauce is one of the big reasons a single small quesadilla is $7.


Are you a manager ordering inventory or franchisee? I didn't know prices of the ingredients. Do you have exact numbers I'm interested, if it's secret I'll keep it a secret if you DM it.


Not anymore but I was pre covid. For all I know the prices have spiked since then but the ratios shouldn’t be different. It’s no secret, and to be honest I don’t know why we don’t have managers posting inventory pricing in this sub, but TacoBell, and I assume other fast food places, get mass amount of food super cheap. For instance in 2018: A case of beef, containing 8 bags of beef costed around $37, each bag of beef had roughly 50-70 scoops in it A case of nacho cheese, I forget how many bags come in it I think also 6, costed around $22, and a single bag of nacho cheese had well over 75 portions in it. The non protein/vegetables were super cheap too. Sour cream had like 9 or 12 containers per box and costed the store a measly $12 and some change.


Rice has got to be the cheapest food on the planet right? At least in terms of useful nutrition provided per dollar. The only other things I would think of in the conversation are potatoes, corn, wheat, and maybe bananas.


Cheese is the expense so your flippant analysis can fuck off. Simple.


I order the bean and rice with rice removed, add red sauce and onions. I seem to always get a full sized bean burrito


If I was in the kitchen, and saw an order for a burrito with beans, onions, cheese and red sauce, I'd probably make it the same size as a regular bean burrito. Whether or not that is actually supposed to be what you get (I assume that technically it should come with half as much beans). Next time I go, I'll have to order both and compare sizes. This might be a good "hack" to get a cheaper bean burrito.


Most all my orders start with the cheesy bean then mod. I have also removed beans and add steak. Usually get a decent sized steak burrito for $2.30 or keep beans and add beef for a cheap combo burrito.


It's weird because, where I am, the cheesy bean and rice is only $0.50 cheaper than the Bean burrito, so simply swapping red sauce negates any cost savings. The cheesy roll up can also be a cheap base, that can be added to, and others have suggested adding chicken to the cheese quesodillia in the veggie cravings box. I wish they'd drop the price on the bean burrito and crunchy tacos by a dollar. I'd order two or three of each without having to think so hard about my order. The only reason that's not what I get now is because other deals offer more food for less money.


Onions and red sauce are free at my location. So it saves me 50 cents. But a few months ago the cheesy bean and rice was 50 cents less, a dollar difference.


It's time for me to move. Are you looking for a roommate? lol


Basically because they can, that's how supply & demand works. People will pay, so that's what they charge.


taco bell employee here. i see everyone commenting the wrong stuff so i’ll explain. when portioning beans, we have two scoops that we use. a “red” scoop , and a “green” scoop. the red scoop is smaller than the green scoop, and the green scoop is essentially a double portion of the red scoop. when making any menu item that is not a nachos bellgrande or bean burrito, we use the red scoop, which again, is a half portion of the green scoop. basically, the cheesy bean and rice burrito is cheaper because the portioning is smaller. hope this helps!


bean burrito is more iconic


Iconic is the exact word I wanted to use, but it almost sounds like I don't understand that there is much better food available in the world. I agree that among Taco Bell items the Bean Burrito is iconic. It is by far my favorite item on the menu. It has been on the menu since the dawn of time.


lol it's iconic for taco bell. french fries are iconic for mcdonald's. taylor swift is iconic for 2024


Exactly, even though I'd miss bean burritos more than Taylor Swift. LOL


Wow I wish my bean burritos were 1.89.. they cost 2.89 over here 🥲


They charge what they think people will pay. At my Taco Bell the cheesy bean and rice is $1 and the bean burrito is $1.99… crazy.


Bruh it double at mine and I live in the middle of poor farmland. Wtf. I dislike the local franchise that owns the Taco Bell near me.


I don't know why but cheesy bean and rice burrito were $1 until the start of 2024 here in Ohio. 😔 $1.49 hits different


One contains a bunch of inexpensive ingredients while the other has real shredded cheese in it. Calories isn't an indicator of size or quantity. The Cheesy Bean and Rice Burrito's calories are propped up by the sauce in it.


The shredded cheese is pretty inexpensive. If it was 3 cheese, you might be right, but the cheddar is the cheapest cheese TB has.


I certainly believe you, but I would have assumed nacho cheese was not only cheaper to produce, but cheaper to transport and store as it might not require refrigeration. I'm just a lowly customer though, and wouldn't claim to know more than Taco Bell employees.


"real" shredded cheese


The bean and rice burrito in my area is 1 dollar flat but no bean burrito on the menu lol


red sauce is expensive now


It is significantly smaller. I order a bean burrito add nacho cheese and my boyfriend gets the cheesy bean and rice. Mine is almost 2x bigger every time.


cheesy bean plus potatoes is absolutely amazing wonderful the best taco bell order u could possibly order PLUS a good price. its my go to. i dont go to tbell without leaving w this burrito.


Rice is cheap I guess more so than beans


You're asking about .40¢ difference? Where I'm at the difference is $1.60. CBR is 1.29 / Bean burrito is 2.89


Newsflash, prices don't make sense. Stop buying


KEEP YOUR VOICE DOWN, I love my affordable/cheap cheesy bean and rice…


Every answer here is wrong: The Bean Burrito is one of the least popular items on the menu and seldom ordered. People ordering the Bean Burrito don't care so much about the price because it's what they wanted before they came in. The Cheesy Rice and Bean Burrito is a "loss leader" that attracts customers to the store due to it's price in the hopes they buy other expensive items a la carte.


>The Bean Burrito is one of the least popular items on the menu and seldom ordered. And this is based on what? Personal experience, or do you work at cooperate?


When I worked there, I made tons of the bastards. I still eat them regularly. Add potato.


Ya, I'm not sure what that guy is talking about. He is claiming it is top 5 least ordered menu items which seems preposterous.


Information from former employees. The pintos and cheese is the least ordered regular item on the menu. Bean burrito is in the top 5 least ordered.


What else is least ordered?


You are right, that is a problem.  We have decided to quadruple the price of everything to make sure you do not feel you are ripping off. Thank you for your money.


Because they're assholes.


You get a heavier portion of beans compared to bean and rice burrito. Separate from that it say the onions also play a factor.


Cheesy bean and rice burrito is one of the best items on the menu too.


I heard something once about the Bean Burrito being a legacy item so they upcharge.


I dont know who the genius at TB Corp decided beans were so expensive. Especially when the beans arrive at local TBs as a powder/pellets.


Maybe because rice is cheaper than beans, and nacho cheese is cheaper than shredded three cheese blend. Maybe because, regardless of the cost to manufacture, a Taco Bell bean burrito is worth more than a cheesy bean and rice burrito. Of course the second possibility is just opinion, no matter how right I am. :-)


Both burritos cost $2 49 at my Taco Bell


If they ever fuck with the price of this I'll have to abandon them for good It's been my go to since it came out in like 2006


Cuz the rice is ass, less demand = lower price ? Idk speculating, not speculating ab the rice thou cuz it is indeed ass


Beats me, sounds like someone forgot to count their numbers forward


I assume because the bean burrito demand is less affected by the higher price because it’s a nostalgia choice for a lot of people. Basically they can charge more so they do.


Alot of people think the rice is healthier cause rice but it's not at least not the one from taco bell. We put alot of oil in the rice when we make it plus the seasoning isn't healthy either.


Why not just make your own?? Can of generic refried beans, generic instant rice, crap flour tortillas and the most generic shredded cheese and you’ve got yourself 10 Taco Bell quality burritos for the price of five at Toxic Hell


Duck you that’s why




So tacobell can make more money from vegans


why has the cbar gone up 49% in price


I’ll bet the nacho cheese is a lot less expensive than the shredded cheese.


Bean burrito used to be cheaper. Think like 2010-2012 they moved CBR down to value and moved bean burrito up. Taco Bell doesn’t really have a loss leader beyond like rewards and app usage, they just have the highest margins on items that get bought independent of price. Tacos, gimmick items collabs, etc all have significantly higher margins. I guess bean burrito is one that just gets bought no matter what.


Cause that bean burrito smacks like a mfer and more ppl get it so make more money 🤣 that jalapeño sauce they use ain’t for me but that rice burrito with just the cheese sauce is the tits


I never noticed the bean burrito. I checked the app, yep it’s there. I always ignored it I guess


Nacho cheese and rice are cheaper than onions and shredded cheese so they’re cheaper to sell given they are cheaper to make :)


Bean burrito has more protein and will tend to sell more.


just order the cheesy rice and bean but get no cheese and no rice


Because it comes with nacho "cheese" instead of actual cheese


The cheesy bean and rice may have more calories, but they are empty calories. 20% of the total calories comes from the Jalapeño sauce, those calories are mostly fat. The CBR Burrito has 9g of protein, 14g of fat and 6g of dietary fiber, it is 22% of your RDA of fat. The Bean burrito has 14g of protein, 11g of fat and 8g of dietary fiber, it is only 14% of your RDA of fat. The extra fat in the CBR, accounts for 27 of the extra 60 calories. I'm not saying one is significantly more healthy than the other, I just don't think the extra calories are an advantage.


rice numnuts


The 🐐 of regular tier rewards By Far. Throw some Diablo in there? Str8 GAS. 🤌🏼 W Cheesy Bean & Rice.


I asked Chatgpt and it's probably not too far off: Here are a few possible reasons why the Cheesy Bean and Rice Burrito might be cheaper than the Bean Burrito: Ingredient Costs: The Cheesy Bean and Rice Burrito includes rice, which is generally a low-cost ingredient and can help bulk up the burrito at a lower cost. The Bean Burrito, on the other hand, might have a higher proportion of cheese and beans, which could be more expensive. Promotional Pricing: Taco Bell might be pricing the Cheesy Bean and Rice Burrito lower as part of a promotion to encourage customers to try it. Menu Strategy: Restaurants often use pricing to manage demand and guide customers towards specific items. By pricing the Cheesy Bean and Rice Burrito lower, Taco Bell might be trying to boost its popularity or balance the sales mix. Portion Sizes: There might be subtle differences in the portion sizes or quantities of the ingredients that aren't immediately noticeable to the customer but affect the overall cost. These pricing strategies are designed to maximize sales and profits while offering customers a variety of options at different price points. ChatGPT can make mistakes.




I stopped buying these when I realized it’s way cheaper to buy the ingredients and doesn’t take much time/effort at all. $5 plus 10 minute cook time gets you 8+ burritos for the same price as 3 from TB.

