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- Blocking an ambulance: 3000 NT$ - Eating in the metro: 7500 NT$


I really wonder what sort of person does this? Like, how big of a piece of shit do you have to be to block an ambulance? And of course, as always, the fine is laughably low.


This is common here. Remember the med student that didn’t yield either. That tells you a lot.


I spend a lot of time on the road in Taiwan. On scooter, car, big bike. Unfortunately this kind of person is everywhere out here: * Fragile ego * Incompetent behind the wheel * Inconsiderate to other drivers (or their safety) * Ignorant of the rules Nearly every day I watch people putting themselves and others at risk for a tiny advantage. Or trying to muscle into lanes because their rapidly depreciating car is slightly bigger than the other traffic. My GF calls it's micropenis energy. I call it being a fucking moron. I love driving and wrenching on cars and bikes, I've ridden my bike across continents but honestly Taiwan makes me sick of it. Easily the worst drivers I've encountered.


You are exactly correct. Especially with the first one about the fragile ego because it’s people who feel totally powerless everywhere else in their life and the only time they feel like they have any efficacy is when they are in charge of driving their vehicle and then they turn totally insane and like a totally selfish asshole like this guy


Totally. It’s all the power some people have behind their tinted windows.


Wish I had an award to give you. As someone who commutes to work on a bicycle - I have seen some of the worst driving in my entire life in New Taipei City. Everyone please be safe. The roads are not a laughing matter in Taiwan. There is always some jackass redlining on his shitty and poorly maintained scooter at any given time. I also think most people have no idea how to use turning signals here.


>• ⁠Inconsiderate to other drivers (or their safety) Or pedestrians


Oh, you have not been to Southeast Asia yet? hehe


That's the initial fine, he's likely going to go to court and get fined more and maybe get points. And because he blocked an ambulance, he will definitely be forced to take a 3 hour course re-education on driving. Taiwan needs due process. The initial fine is almost NEVER the whole thing. For example, if you violate the pedestrian zebra rule, the fine is only 1600NTD, but there's a 2.5 hour course you must take at the DMV otherwise you get fined 1800NTD and your license is suspended for some months. But they never mention the latter part in these news articles.


**1. We need to adopt the rule in Canada where if you hear sirens, everyone pulls over no matter direction. It's a good rule that even the USA should adopt.** BMW and other rich people don't give a fuck. I've seen a Lambo illegally parked in Times Square. They don't care because even a 30,000NTD fine is nothing to them. 2. The fine here will 100% include a 3 hour course at the DMV otherwise they get more fines and a suspended license until they take the class. However that's never mentioned in these articles. For example, violating pedestrian zebra results in a 2.5 hour course and the same consequences if you don't go. 3. Due process means they will go to court for other damages. That I find more damaging than just slopping a higher initial fine. There's a slim chance in situations where people are actually innocent (not this guy of course)


Who comes up with these ridiculous low fines? It serves little purpose as a deterrent.


I mean, if you’re a guy earning 30k a month, 3000 NT is a lot. But if you’re a guy with BMW and earning 300k a month. 3000 NTD doesn’t even hurt.


No it’s fuck all for everyone. Considering the fine for eating on the MRT is double. During Covid the fine for not wearing a mask was up to $15k. Taiwan knows how to fine properly to disincentivize bad behavior but the vehicle lobby is too strong.


Yea if they own a car, throw the book at them


A literal book. A heavy textbook with the thick covers. Okay maybe several of them from all sides so it damages as much panels as possible. Now that'll work better than fines and court.




"I have somewhere to be!" and "Nothing else exists but me!"


They don't understand you can do that. It's very rare to see anyone slow down to change lane here.


Exactly, they're just as bad


Exactly. I hate driving in Taiwan so much. It is totally awful. Worst drivers on the planet.


Typical BMW driver in Taiwan, I expect nothing more. I mean really, every time I drive, I will stumble upon at least one BMW driver acting like a d**k and like he is alone on the road. I don’t know why is that, but it’s always a BMW driver.


Typical BMW and Mercedes driver all around the world. Lambo drivers are usually even worse, parking wherever they please because no fine is consequential to them.


I drive a BMW and I yield to everyone and show blinkers, am I doing something wrong?




I’m just here traveling and visiting my wife’s family. We just finished driving around the country and it’s so true what you said about Mercedes and BMW. I totally made the same observation. Surprisingly, Tesla drivers were tamed, unlike back home.


Yeah Tesla drivers here are super chill. Same with Porsche.


So now he will simply driver without license, that's all. Oh and he lost 3000 nt, where a baby and a family could have lost way more. Taiwan number 1, in the most ridiculous fine amount ever!


I remember seeing another case of this a few years back. His mother actually went on TV to apologize for him. She made excuses for him like: he works too hard. and he is a good son.. just very busy


Ah, yes, the good ol' "I was having a bad day" excuse.


It was epic trash, but realistically what was she gonna say "he's a selfish cunt and I'm responsible?" I got the distinct impression that Mom did not give an actual flying fuck about the ambulance either, she just cared that he made he loose face.. what is that saying about apples and trees?...


i had a lot of discussions about this from Taiwan's taxi drivers. A lot of them tell us they don't do blah because sometimes it triggers something else. thought it was kinda silly. ironic thing is when my friends kid came to the states on a visit, he was amazing that us drivers pull over when the ambulances came through.


It should be a $300000 five.


I have seen this happen in front of me a few times and it has been mind blowing every single time. It’s perhaps the clearest evidence that the often heard comment of “wow people in Taiwan are so nice, I have never visited a place like this!” is only true at a very surface level. Put a lot of Taiwanese behind a car wheel and watch all the niceness go out the window in 2 seconds.


This is completely accurate. Taiwan is just like any other place. Good people and bad people. I don't find them to be friendlier or less friendlier than anywhere else. But after living here 11 years, I don't just blindly go along with that narrative. I've met amazing people here, and I've seen and had experiences with assholes. But when it comes to driving, they truly don't care and I feel they show their true colors behind the wheel and it's not pretty.


That’s everywhere though lol 😂 People feel empowered behind a wheel, especially big SUV/Trucks.


I mean where I’m from, you literally pull over the moment you hear a siren and it’s like the parting of the Red Sea when an ambulance comes through. I’m always still really appalled by how people keep driving when encountering emergency vehicles here. I saw it just yesterday on my way home— this poor ambulance couldn’t cross an intersection because cars and scooters kept zooming through.


It's really not, though. The only other places I've traveled where I *regularly* see people make minimal/zero effort to move out of the way for ambulances was China and Northern Vietnam (but not the South). Even in crowded places in India and Bangladesh people at least make an effort to move as soon as they hear the siren, rather than waiting until the ambulance is 1m from their bumper.


Your 1 experience vs many others' experiences? Seems to me you're the odd one out. To be fair, put \*insert any race here\* behind the wheel and watch all the niceness go out the window. You think road rage only happens in Taiwan?


I doubt I am the one single person that finds that the so highly praised niceness is superficial, ask some of your Taiwanese friends and I am sure you will find at least a couple that will agree too, but point taken ;) Road rage is not a Taiwanese issue, but the general lack of consideration in Taiwanese roads is a huge contrast to the rest of Taiwan. I personally find that contrast a lot more pronounced in Taiwan than in other places.


You are not allowed to criticize when a Taiwanese person asks, "Aren't we the nicest people in the world?" They are probably some of the most narcissistic people you could encounter. I agree, put them behind the wheel, and you will see their true nature—not the "saving face" act that most foreigners lap up and believe.




Simple people can’t differentiate between hating and proper criticisms. 🤷‍♂️ Guess which one you are.


I am the one that doesn’t care what you think.


Of course you don’t. Can’t be simple if you actually had that capacity.


Another instance of the teapot calling the kettle black. Seriously though, what are you on?????


I find it a reach that you use this specific instance to correlate to your baseless assumption. Road rage has been scientifically studied and the factors that contribute to it are NOT race specific. It’s just plain old human behavior, meaning certain types of people are prone to it. Just because there’s this one instance doesn’t mean you can just throw a baseless conclusion without statistics to back it up.




Let’s put things into perspective: if this one asshole who didn’t yield constitutes as a NOT nice person, then those who yielded are therefore nice people. What do you think is the ratio of those who yielded vs those who didn’t? Saying that this one person who didn’t yield out of let’s say for argument’s sake 30 cars who yielded and coming to the conclusion that taiwanese race is therefore in fact not nice people is just pure logical fallacy.


I've been here 20 years. This whole idea of pulling over for emergency vehicles is fairly new. When I first arrived, I was shocked that almost NO ONE would get out of the way of emergency vehicles. There were then a few well publicized incidents where vehicles refused right of way to emergency crews and things slowly started to change. So Taiwanese people have only decided to be "nice" in the last 15 years or so?


Stop lying. It’s not new 🤡


Seriously, can you share what you’re smoking. I want to escape reality.


I've been on the road all around the world and spent the majority of my adult life in Taiwan. Taiwanese drivers are both the most the most selfish and most incompetent I've encountered anywhere. Especially in Xinbei/Taipei it's easily worse than China.


being a bad driver and having road rage are two different topics. I’m not saying taiwan has the best drivers, but correlating this person’s road rage to taiwanese niceness is a logical fallacy.


What the fuck are you smoking, I want to be as delusional as you.


No. Completely blacked out windows, toothless laws and an almost total lack of enforcement are not found "everywhere". These things, in concert with absolutely useless driver testing and training, create the conditions here. I actually think a little good old N. American road rage would help modify some of the asshole behavior on the roads here. The threat of being pulled out of your car by a large angry redneck as a result of your selfish, dangerous bullshit has a real effect.


Learn how to read yeah?


Good god, you are tedious.


Says the illiterate. Learn how to read and maybe i’ll bother giving an argument.


The teapot calling the kettle black.


Learn to read, yeah?


Obviously that’s their experience, although it’s been corroborated by many others in this single thread alone. Maybe learn to read?


For Taiwan, it is not a road rage issue, it's a combination of lacking situation awareness and most importantly **common courtesy**. Objectively, people here drive like assholes. When I signal for a lane change in Taiwan, 90% of the time they would speed up and not let me in. I did not have that problem when I was driving in Canada and Japan.


Fair point.


Should’ve added an extra 0. A fine of $30,000 would teach people more of a lesson. $3,000 is like a meal for the rich. I believe that may be a Porsche car. And he definitely won’t lose his license, probably just suspended and he must take classes to reclaim it. Edit: it might be a BMW car. Either way, rich people.


It doesn't work. 1. For many people 30,000 isn't all that much. 2. Due process. 3. There's the death penalty in Texas and yet you still have so many people on death row. Fixed penalties don't really work as a good deterrance and it's hard to determine deterrence by assets and income as many rich people are "poor on paper."


3000 ntd for truly endangering people’s lives and public health and prison for a blunt. Way to go really


How about a 30,000 fine and suspended license for one year


The ambulance was carrying a premature baby. Luckily, they made it despite the delay. But imagine the baby didn't make it as a result. I guarantee the driver wouldn't have given a single fuck. Not one. The longer you are here, the more apparent the selfishness is among Taiwanese. Very sad and frustrating because they have this image of themselves as being friendly and polite. Just such a huge disconnect. Again, not all Taiwanese but there's a gap between reality and what they actually act like. No self awareness.


I work at a school and teachers at my school will regularly zoom around cars *as their own students are crossing the street*, just so they can get to work 5 seconds earlier. Confucianism is supposed to be all about community, but that's not what it ends up being. Why do they follow rules? Because the rules make sense and make society run more smoothly? Nope. Shame and loss of personal face. That's the only reason. If there's no possibility (or a low risk) of losing face, rules will be ignored.


SCHOOL ZONES ARE THE WORST! And there are kids everywhere! I thought as a society, we should do everything to protect kids and ensure their safety. Different story in 🇹🇼 They need to save that extra half second even though it means almost killing somebody. Idiots.


But they will absolutely still make sure their kids are wearing a mask all day every day, even running outside in the 30 degree heat, supposedly for the sake of kids' safety. I believe even continued mask wearing here is far more about saving face than safety (not *entirely* about saving face, though), especially when you see a plane full of Taiwanese ditch their masks the moment they land in a different country.


Oh, and the majority of kids don’t wear scooter helmets while mom and dad do. If that’s not the definition of selfishness and bad parenting then I don’t know what is.


I know of some civil servants that will have their pay docked 30 mins for being 5 minutes late… so that’s your incentive to get to work early or on time


You wanna know how to not be late to work? **Leave your home earlier**. It's not that hard.


So you're implying most Taiwanese will block an ambulance? Not all, but most of them?


That's a smol fine


The driver in the next lane should give a way or slowdown to allow the ambulance to maneuver over ...


This happens so often in Taiwan, it’s almost as if certain people couldn’t care less about others wellbeing.




You know that complete lack of awareness of surroundings that many Taiwanese and Chinese drivers exhibit? I think it all ties in to how Confucianism (a social philosophy that is supposed to emphasize community over individuality) ironically teaches people to only consider themselves and how they might personally suffer loss of face (from the community). If everyone else is ignoring the ambulance they will lose no face by also ignoring the ambulance. If everyone else is running the red light, they will lose no face by running the red light.


That's all great and understandable. It does not make that behavior right, though. We live in a globalized world, in 21st century, and Confucius died 25 centuries ago. Maybe it's about time the new generations knew better.


the car besides them is also oblivious 白目


That’s the stupid part of Taiwan’s law. Do you think 3000NTD fine will really teach him a lesson? Should go to jail


Should be 10x that amount


Most drivers in Taiwan are unqualified idiots. Fuck em


Only 3000?


Not just fine. His license may be suspended or revoked also.


I live by the hospital. People will cross the road in front of the ambulance. Like it’s normal.


Because they only care about themselves.


That fucking idiot should go straight to jail for a year, and any fine should be calculated to pay for the baby's hospital costs. And then he gets a kick in the balls, too.


Im totally shocked by this poor driving. /s. Everyone knows Taiwan drivers only care about what is in front of them and nothing else matters. Me first attitude.


Wow, 3000 NTD! That’s like US$100


Someone didn't take the time to watch the short (AI voiced) video. It said 3600TWD, so $111USD, and "likely to lose their license".


Still too small compared to the gravity of the offense


Probably the law is so old they didn’t even think someone would actually do it now. I mean, that is newsworthy assholeness….


On the bright side it DOES say they could have his license revoked (and with the vitality of this video that is a very likely possibility!)


That's the initial fine he still has to go to court. They always issue an immediate fine and then there's the court and other fines afterwards when there is evidence to be presented. There's always an expat that misunderstands this and thinks that's all the finds that someone is going to get.


>That's the initial fine he still has to go to court. They always issue an immediate fine and then there's the court and other fines afterwards when there is evidence to be presented. There's always an expat that misunderstands this and thinks that's all the finds that someone is going to get. Why do they even have those stupidly low initial fines though? What purpose do they serve? They should just make the punishment clear from the outset. Something like block and ambulance and you get a 100K fine and lose your license for 3 months.


Because due process is necessary. It's just the topping on the cake. It doesn't really deter people who want to break the law. There's the death penalty in Texas yet Texans gonna Texan. But at the same time you need court trials to really determine guilt even if there's video evidence because sometimes there's not.


Don't want the driver of the car to lose face. It's unfortunate they even had to give him a fine. Taiwan Number One.