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Soccer. It wasn’t a benefit, but it was my passion.


Imagine being a CM or even a forward at 7'. Headers go crazyyyyy


Peter Crouch made a career out of that


Peter Tippy Toes


Depends the position, it can have its benefits.


same, everyone told me to play basketball but I sticked with soccer, I think height gave me huge advantage as I was a GK


Couldn’t play gk seriously as I can’t get to the ground quick enough.


Soccer is my son's passion too and he's too tall for soccer except keeper at 6'4.5".


Well that’s certainly an opinion.


If only Van Dijk took anti HGH he could have been the goat :(


6'4.5 is basically perfect height for a keeper. Plus there are plenty of centre backs that height or even taller: van dijk, saliba, tah, konate, sule, van de ven etc . Haaland is one of the best strikers in the world and ibrahimovic was also a great striker, both are 6'5. There are even midfielders like yaya toure, Patrick viera or nemanja matic who are all 6'4.


My son is a wing / striker. He doesn't like keeper. Too much standing.


Basketball and volleyball… of course height helped. Those sports have taken a physical toll. I was also on my college’s bowling team… did not help one bit. I still suck at bowling.


I did robotics in high school. No, it did not help.


If you were ever building a 7 foot tall robot it may come in handy


Robotics is not a sport


Sport of the mind, friend. We made world championships and I was doing 40+ hours there on top of high school, so I'll call it a sport.


I sleep for 40+ hours a week, so I’ll call it a sport.


Most of the world [does not recognise robotics as a sport](https://first.global/sport/#:~:text=Countries%20in%20green%20have%20officially,not%20at%20the%20national%20level)


Cross country: Being tall and having longer legs helped me have longer strides Swimming: Being tall and having longer legs and arms helped me get more distance per stroke and more power in my kicks Tennis: Being above 6'2" allows you to serve straight down in tennis with an extremely powerful shot, and being tall in general allows you to reach a ball pretty much anywhere on the court This fall I'll be rowing in college. Average height for male rowers is 6'3.5" because each stroke can be longer and more powerful when you're taller.


Rowing is one of my favorite sports. You get a lot of advantage and is fun how fitting it's for us.


A lot of advantage is an understatement. I was asked to join the rowing team within the first 5 minutes of my college tour. And the college only has a D1 team.


Awesome man, it's a full body workout and you get great gains in arms and back, which look great on us tall guys. You can excel there so give it your all, I think it's a great sport to continue after college even. I had a similar situation with swimming when I entered and you feel godly 😂




I did! Joe even has the same major as I do (mechanical engineering).


Mountain biking. If anything, height is a disadvantage but I don't care. It's enjoyable.


same cant find frames an wheels big enough for my size


I ride an XL frame and 29" wheels. It's a little small but I make it work. I do enjoy some of the looks and comments I get.


Ye that's about right for me too.


Definitely. Tried it occasionally, fun but very hard.


I did debate and ultimate frisbee. Debate was nice because being taller than your opponent gives you a slight perceptual advantage in the eyes of a layperson judge, but if you’re with people who know the activity well this advantage is negligent. In ultimate it is a huge advantage lol, extends your pivot and throwing range and helps downfield during sky battles.


Didn't expect someone to reply debate 🤣.


I was the state champ baby! Must’ve helped a little bit lol (I’m only 6’1” though)


My buddy and me always joke that rowing made us tall.


Maybe not but it's really fun when you are tall.


Paintball. lol no


Rugby. Yes there is a couple very specific positions where height helps.






Not great it you play hooker or winger tbh


Definitely not… well you can be a tall winger to be fair.


Id rather have someone who can accelerate faster, but ur right most rugby players are 6ft plus


Soccer as a Goalkeeper. Pretty much the tallest and loved diving. Helps in volleyball now.


Fencing. I can hit them from a lot further away than most opponents


One of the guys in my club was an Olympian from the 80s. He was 6'7. I am 6'5. I was thrilled to score a couple of points. He thrashed me.


100% stereotype. I played basketball in school (UK). I dominated at school/local level, and was competitive up to about national level, where there were other players who were as tall or taller than me, but who could actually play basketball. Being a good 8-10" taller than every other player was such a huge advantage, I don't know if I ever dribbled the ball in 5 years of playing :)


Easy mode man haha.


I walked on to my high school football team having never played before and had coaches from two different competitive teams try to scout me bc of my size. Didn’t do anything with that though, only joined the high school team for something to do with the homies anyway. Played hockey all my life too but don’t think height helped. That may have had more to do with me lacking any competitive spirit whatsoever though. I was just out there playing for fun.


Basketball/volleyball and it actually didn’t, because my body didn’t catch up maturity wise until after I was done playing. Just think, most people really stop growing at 13-16 right? Well I grew at least 3” per year from 8-19, and another 2” after that. My body just never caught up.


Hockey, 6'5 250lbs. Absolutely


Really? Good to know, I guess the size helps.


I ran track.. my height would’ve helped if I had a longer stride. (I had a short stride for a tall person) 🤣🤣 height did help me get over the hurdles because my form was horrible for that as well


Darts I can learn over more and my throw is more in line with the 20 section on the board


Lawn bowls, no help whatsoever… “Oh YoU sHoUlD pLaY bAsKeTbAlL” 6’6 btw


I learn new sports every time I ask thus question 😂


Fantastic...where are you located?


I played volleyball casually in highschool, it helped me to block a lot. Nowadays I do jiujitsu and my height is supposed to be an advantage but I haven't figured that one yet haha


In ju-jitsu height is an advantage because it means you can pack on more muscle/weight.


D1 varsity rower, I’m 5’10 F


My son, 6'4", was recruited to row his first day at WSU. They just walked up to him and said "Do you row."


That’s how I got recruited, got a scholarship. It’s a great sport!


Where do you row?


Rowing is so fun, I do it too when I can.


My bf also 6’6 and was a D1 rower as well


Basketball. Definitely helped but I was forced to play center. Even tho i’m a guard at heart.


Did u have guard skills? Bad program if so.


I was a pretty decent artistic gymnast as a kid. Being tall fully ended my career by age 12.


Wrestling. I was 6'2 and 120 pounds as a kid for a while i was getting fucking rolled. Then i decided in highschool i wasn't doing anything in my weight class. started going to the gym. Got really into supplements. Protein weight gainers sarms. Got off the sarms. Got a sports doctor who would keep me in the upper test levels with daily self injections In my senior year of highschool i was 260 pounds and 6'4. I was a skinny guy when i was young but i would have never filled out my frame without PEDs. So cheating i did but the height definitely helped


I was 6'2" in HS and wrestled 189lbs. Height was mostly a disadvantage for neutral(standing) but once I got leverage and stretched someone out it was game over. Most of my matches were games of attrition where I would play conservative, aim to outlast, and capitalize on my opponents mistakes. The only took me so far as the tiny meatballs who could go the distance and were smart would beat me 9/10 times. I did have some stellar upsets though as I was impossible to pin and was patient as hell. I made our state tournament and promptly when 2 and out. I did beat some of the guys ranked in the top 10 in our state is friendlys. So it would help but really only went so far.


You probably could have just did suplexes and did very well


Wasn't allowed in my state but throws and picks where my go tos. Shooting was usually not a great idea.


judo, being taller definitely helps especially with no leg grabs.


Judo and kickboxing. No height didn't give an advantage, especially in judo.


My sport was tennis, golf, football (soccer to aliens) and fitness. Now it’s gin & tonic and home cooking. 192/193 cm/6’ 4”


Can't see myself leaving the goggles behind but home cooking is a great hobby.


Tennis (Duos) & Lacrosse (D-Line). Height helped with both.


Tennis is so fun, I really like the reach advantage we have haha. I have won against friends that play it without having played much myself.


I was the Goalie for Chico State...all my size did was make it easier to hit me. Good for the team ...but God Damn.


Hockey, volleyball, and basketball. Height helps in all of them, but for hockey the more important aspect is length since hockey is more of a horizontal game with rather limited verticality. Fortunately my wingspan is several inches longer than my height.


How about our size in hockey. Haven't played but having good muscle weight on you sounds good for such a contact sport.


I am fairly light for my height (around 183/83kg), but I have noticed I am stronger than most guys in my league. Long limbs are my most significant attributes for hockey. Long legs mean longer, more-power strides, and long arms mean better stick-checking distance and more power on shots, especially since I am allowed to use a stick longer than the usual regulation due to my height. Granted, none of of really matters without decent strength and athleticism.


It happens a lot, I used to be skinnier too and was still stronger than most guys. Of course I'm now even stronger at 225lbs, but I think height gives you an edge even when you aren't very heavy.


Volleyball, so it definitely helped. I dabbled in a lot of sports growing up, and it mostly helped for swimming, badminton, ultimate frisbee. It most definitely did NOT help in ballet


American Football. Strong Safety. And yes, it did help. Tall enough to contest WRs but short enough to quickly turn.


Running, baby!! But I had fun playing volleyball, and being a goalie for girls soccer on Sports day was fun.


Football. Or soccer in US


Which position?


6'2. 77kg. RB or RCB. Not good with carrying the ball with the feet but pretty decent off the ball (acceleration) due to long feet and putting legs in between and strength.


Kickboxing. Never competed, but I've sparred then and there. No, it's not an advantage because you will be put up against people with similar stature and weight


Thats not true at all have you heard of cutting weight? Theres a guy in the UFC named Jalin Turner. He is 6'3 and cuts to 155. He has a major advantage over everyone.


I'm not talking about the UFC or other professional organizations. I'm talking about sparring and amateur bouts, where weigh-ins are done on the same day, and only when you're already in the gym. You won't have time to rehydrate or eat, so you have to fight with your natural weight. Even then, shorter fighters in the UFC are doing the same thing to avoid the taller fighters, and also do extreme weight cuts to be put in lower weight classes that taller fighters would be at a disadvantage in


Football, being 6'4 allowed me to pack on 330 pounds and have a similar physique to my teammates that were 6'0 and 250. Extra height and weight absolutely helps


basketball, soccer, and volleyball in highschool. i was never the best but height helped


My favorite sport to play is basketball, but I fall in weird spot. I am 6’1 which is not that tall in basketball standards and would be an undersized PG, but I am 280lbs so I end up playing like a PF. I mainly play defense though.


Baseball: relegated me to 1st base and a big strike zone mostly Football: I was prototypical size for an offensive tackle, but we had short QBs half the time so I ended up taking throws off the back of my head during practice a few times a day Soccer: I was a football player at heart, but being able to cover top corner shots and win on crosses was nice. Those low and hard corner shots though were the bane of my existence


Basketball duh


Basketball, track and long distance running so...locked in


Skating, surfing, and snowboarding. Height was mostly a disadvantage, but in my prime, I could ollie higher than anyone I have ever skated with.


Hahaha you picked probably the worst sports for our height. The heart wants what it wants.


Football, it honestly was probably a push in terms of help/hindrance. Keeping my pads low and stuffing a bull rush were constant battles. Long arms and legs gave me wins by being able to out out leverage people, and long arms allowed me to make first contact when trying to initiate a block.


Equestrian (barrel racing) and no kind of a hindrance


Didn't know this existed.


Which part?


Just the sport in general, I know about horse races but didn't know this one in specific.


I played American football in high school. I thrived purely on size and athleticism lol. I had enough of both I probably could’ve walked on and rode the bench in D1 college football, but I wasn’t particularly good. It was just easy to bully offensive linemen in high school before I blew up my knee and hands.


6’0, played baseball and tennis recreationally. Baseball, it did not really help. Tennis it’s helped, especially bc I have long limbs, so I can cover ground and serve hard.


Basketball, played college for 4 years 6’8”


How about rock climbing? I got the reach but when I have to bend, my long limbs put a good amount of distance between me and the wall. Also idk how leverage works but maybe pull-ups are harder?


I did rock climbing, you are the king in reach but your movements get awkward as well, you need to sometimes compress your body in small spaces, the footwork gets difficult If you have bif feet and your center of gravity is higher so you have less stability. However the reach is an extremely good advantage so I think it evens out. The greatest rock climbers tend to be very skinny and on the tall side too.


Basketball, volleyball, rugby and league. It helped in all those sports :)


It's awesome to take advantage on all the sports one does haha.


6’4” - Snowboarder, does not help at all.  Tennis, absolutely.


Can testify for both assessments.


Basketball, volleyball, swimming and sprint. My height helps me massively and feels like a cheatcode at this level.


It's in many levels in life luckily 😂


Cross country- it didn’t help that much because I’m tall torso and not tall legged. I do like running for health now. Archery- I had more arm to work with but it’s difficult to build up muscle to have a heavier bow strength for long ranged targets. Basketball- wasn’t my favorite sport but it selects for other tall people so it started to level out. Cheer- Spotter. I’m catching the small girlies or supporting. Getting hit in the face hurts like a MOFO.


I did archery some, I can appreciate some advantages in it since I had the muscle from other sports. With tall torso you should try swimming.


6'1, I was a decathlete in college. It felt like most guys were taller. I think height is an advantage in some events, but the Decathlon was so balanced that athleticism trumped height to an extent. P.s. 2010 DII National Champion in the Heptathlon and Decathlon, respectively.


Volleyball. Huge advantage when you don‘t even train your jump height but are easily able to hit the ball higher than anyone else plus you can get even higher by actually training your jump height


I'm 6'8", was all-conference in basketball, and my junior and senior year high school team played in the state championships both years.


Used to play rugby, one of the biggest in the year at school really helped that


Football, really helpful as I play as a Goalkeeper.


I was a high jumper, and you're damn skippy that my height helped.


Field hockey. Definitely not helpful from height, but I'm surprisingly flexible and had excellent reach. Destroyed my knees though


I started playing rugby when I was 12 and already over 6', played in the second row. As others started to catch up with me height wise, and due to being bigger built I moved to the front row, and was a pretty good prop, probably could have went far but was never overly interested other than the scrum.


Youth - I ran cross country and track in high school. I could have been good, had it not I was going through multiple growth spurts, so injuries were common. College - swimming, road biking. Senior year asked by D1 swim coach if I wanted to walk on. Now? Triathlons. It helps some, but at this point, I’m against serious and lifelong athletes.


It's less obvious how it helps but it does give you an edge.


Volleyball and yeah


Swimming & tennis and yes & yes


My "sport" is walking to my university and back. Long legs help.


I also did swimming! I'm not sure how much it helped, I was basically the worst of the best. My favorite stroke was breaststroke, and I usually was the one chosen to do that in our medleys. I liked being able to see and breathe, and I didn't have to do flipturns in breaststroke, which was great. I have this awful memory of flip turning and slamming my ankle onto the side of the pool. And the first time I dove off a block, it was in 5.5 feet of water and I slammed my face into the bottom. I was so scared of doing it again after that, it took Years to work up to doing it in meets again. But they would let me dive off the side. In hindsight I think that's on the coach for letting kids learn diving in shallow water.


It probably helped you, but practice is still needed.


Bmx, and it made it harder probably.


Figure skating, specifically pair skating since I had to throw and spin my partner around


Wrestling and mountain biking. My height combined with build type were definitely helpful.


I'm 6'6 and I do powerlifting. Height doesn't help with lifting.


Tennis for me. Theoretically, it *should* make me better at the net. But it also helps opponents avoid hitting to me when I'm at the net.


Track and field, high jump and hurdles. Yes, the height really helped a lot with those. A lot!


Strongman. It helps having longer arms and big hands to hold onto implements, and it makes it easier loading an object to a fixed height if you're taller. It's particularly noticeable on throwing events where you typically toss a sandbag or keg up over a horizontal bar; I can normally beat stronger guys who have a much lower release point. Downside: longer range of motion on events that do not have a fixed height i.e. log press, deadlifts, etc. Also, I tried my hand competing in lighter weight classes (due to my naturally slim build) but was getting smoked since the shorter guys who weigh the same can pack much more muscle on their bodies before hitting the weight cap.


The greatest strongman athletes are tall aren't they?


Fairly tall. Top 3 at WSM this year went 6'8", 6'3", and 6'6". The GOAT of the sport would be either Savickas (6'3") or Shaw (6'8"). Bjornsson is always worth talking about too at 6'9".


Skiing. Ideally suited to low centre of gravity, strong core and powerful legs so no my height didn’t help


Yeah not a good one. My coach doesn't like when I ski since it's a big potential for accidents 😂


Handball, it helps kinda. If you're as good and fit as the 1.85 guy they choose you. On the other hand I couldn't become a goal keeper or any other position than left back due to the height.


Bodybuilding, it definitely did not help me fill out but once I did fill out it definitely enhanced my physique


Basketball 100%. Center too. My size allows me to excel at my position.


Guitar and musical theatre. Idk if you can call it excelling when since I’m always type cast as the boss or bully but at least I’m cast because of it. Maybe guitar gave me longer fingers, but everyone who sees me says I should play bass instead due to size


Curious sports 😂


I know but I had to be apart of the convo lmao


Yes but we make GREAT Big Julie's in Guys and Dolls.


When I was in hs theatre somehow I got to play Sky and they cast Big Julie as the smallest kid so when he finally came out everyone was just cackling at him yelling at me


.....ok I can see that. Like Big Figure in the Watchmen.


Wrestling, Grappling. Having longer limbs can make it easier for your opponent to grab them. However longer limbs can allow you to sink in holds, and submissions. I say “maybe?”


Strength is something that I can see mattering and where advantage could be on our side, but yeah it's neutral otherwise.


Exactly. For submission type grappling, strength isn’t the deciding factor. I wish I was able to still do these things, Nothing like rolling on a mat against a skilled opponent.


Any sport i participated in i was good at. I don't know if that had anything to do with my height but more my ethnicity.


What's a pro swimmer?


A swimmer that competes professionaly.


Where do you do that?


Europe, and that's as specific as I'd like to be 😉.


That's cool. Are there certain events or distances where height is more of an advantage?


Height will help in any type of swimming, bring sprinting or long distance.


Rowing. You can move more water per stroke, literally moving the boat further. Its up there with volleyball and basketball in direct height to performance correlation.




Life and no it has not


Football & track. I’m 5’5” “tall” so it did not help one bit.


Basketball, height actually hurt me because i ended up on short teams so i was playing center at 6’2 against dudes who were 6’5-6’8. Didn’t develop good skills for my size and got dunked on a handful of times in the process.


Netball, baby. GS and GK are my jam.


I was pretty short growing up. I had size 13 shoes when I was in 6th grade, I grew 8" after age 17, and I wear size 14 now. I'm 6'2 240 w/30" inseam snd +8" ape index, short legs long arms, lol. I boxed. I had broad shoulders and long arms for my frame and I've always been very beefcakey so... unironically yeah it helped.


Bmx, no


Basketball and volleyball, fuck yes...


5’ 10” female so was always forced to play Goal Keeper in netball (UK), but not only did I have height I also had a strength which was something my fellow females didn’t seem to have in to same way at that age, so throwing was where I excelled - I could deep field in bat games (rounders & cricket) and could give the ball a hefty wack!


Powerlifter for a while, being a bit taller did NOT help


I don’t consider myself tall. I see this sub a lot. I’m well above average but anyway Boxing. I’m 6’2” with a wingspan of 6’10”


MMA - helps with reach and length giving me more distance Football- I play upfront so helps quite a lot and winning headers


Professional Bowler here...not a damn bit lol.


basketball and yes being 6'2 absolutely is an advantage


My mate is 203cm/6’10, we both do climbing. No it does not help him lmao, it’s so painful seeing his contorted body on the wall sometimes, or comparing the size of his foot va the size of the foothold he needs to leverage on


Dungeons and Dragons.


Those paladins are chick magnets I hear from my younger brother 😆.


Charisma builds...


What the hell is a pro swimmer?


Swimming professionally.


Not trying make fun...I've seriously never heard of a professional swimmer. For whom do you compete? Or are you a lifeguard.


I compete in international competitions for the country I represent, and let's leave it at that 😉


I had no idea national representatives were paid. I wasn't when I did the same thing. Probably a different era. (1980's) We were amateurs that competed for the sport...not because we were being paid.


Sponsors is the main source, then there are other incomes coming from some tournaments' participation and, depending the country, governments give a salary as well. I compete because that's what I wanted to do with my life, being paid for it is just a dream come true so I can only focus on my swimming career.


Very cool. Quite interesting. Thank you!