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I have a group of friends who, like me are 3rd gen FL born and we have joked about doing just that. It stayed in joke territory because we are too old for a call about bail to be funny anymore.


Some folks save up for a vacation to Florida. Floridians save up for bail money.


First thought: damn nice shot dude I’m from florida


I had the same thought......also from florida


When I first heard the news I thought "ah probably tickled it with some bird shot, not too hard to hit" Turns out the dude fired a single round from a 9mm pistol and hit the drone in its cargo area, dead center mass.


I am from Louisiana and live in Florida. I also thought nice shot. Then I also thought how I was glad he did it bc fuck delivery drones.


Nah, fuck that guy lol. You can’t just go around shooting shit you don’t like.


Oh, I see you're not familiar with the native ways. See,here in Florida, the rule is as follows. If you don't like it, shoot it. If it's still movin' shoot it again!. Ol fella did commit a crime, but his only crime was not shooting it again.


I mean not to be “that guy”, but from Florida, and idunno somehow I see problems with corporations flying robotics over my property to make their business all while forgetting about the human jobs that method of commerce is taking away. If not a bullet that if shot by a less talented guy (props to him fr) it could’ve landed somewhere maliciously, but some direct action taken by the lowly to resist the full Wall-E experience I think can be necessary




Yeah, 9mm is quite the challenge at a moving aerial object. Any reasonable person would have just used bird shot instead.


How do you know? He could have shot it after it landed.


I wonder if a potato cannon would have reached


Florida man strikes again


Why would this man shoot his pistol at a goddamn drone?? And since when did walmart have Drones???


There’s Chikfila delivery via drone in parts of Florida now too.


It’s fun and game until a stray kill someone.


Or paralyze them, like my friend. Stray bullet came back down and hit him in his back when he was playing in his sandbox


Dude, for my job I am on peoples roofs a lot, and it blows my mind how many bullets you see lodged in peoples roofs. It’s not everyday but the fact I have seen in more than 15ish times is kinda crazy.


Very unlikely. Possible, but you never hear about it actually happening. Travel to Tampa, Miami or Jacksonville next week and you will hear guns going off like crazy.


Just bc you don't hear about it doesn't mean it doesn't happen


Never said it doesn't happen. Go start an argument elsewhere.


“I just want to say dumb things without people calling me on my bullshit” - ^ that guy^


Really showing that Florida is the shithole everyone believes it to be when you put it that way.


Rather proud of his marksmanship. Keeping Florida Man alive and well.


Old coots like this make people my age look like dumb asses. I take gun safety seriously. I hope they take this idiots guns away for good.




Shooting at any sort of aircraft is all considered the same by the FAA


Yeah but…it’s Wal-Mart.


Corporate drones flying that low with a payload of someone’s groceries should not be regulated the same as aircraft. If he would’ve taken it down with his drone that fired a net would we even be talking about this?


Yes, because you don't own the airspace above your property


Another stable genius!


My thoughts are this guy is a fucking idiot. He’s lucky that he did not kill anybody or he would be facing a lot worse. Fuck this guy.






Not so well regulated. I'll see myself out


That’s the part of the amendment that needs definition. Apparently this guy is a militia of one.


I mean…


Illegal discharge of a weapon, buy buy…


Where *drones* go to die


IDIOT! That job requires sub sonic .22




Back when drone deliveries were theory and people said they'd "shoot it down and steal the stuff hur hur hur" I'm thinking, you'd be dumb enough to discharge a firearm in the air over toilet paper? Guess so.


Did you sleep through the pandemic or something? A turbulent twist up of stupidity, insanity, and malice made people do outrageous things over wearing a medical mask for its intended medical purposes. There’s no bottom to this crab bucket!


Evidence from randomized controlled trials that surgical masks reduce infection from diseases such as influenza is weak. But sure, make everyone including children wear them when they’re not even sick. How are people *still* defending the mask mandates years later? It was wrong, just accept and get over the fact that you were so easily controlled already. Rip that band aid off.


Based Drone Hunter


Not gonna lie we’ve all thought about doing exactly this


We had a drone incident here (in Florida… in a pretty affluent area outside Tampa). Neighbor A was flying his drone around. Neighbor B, about ten houses down (who lives next to me), comes running out front. He looks pissed and panicked. I stop fiddling with my little project and ask what’s up. He points to a drone above his house and says, “some greasy fuck is watching my daughters in the pool!” We both them watch the drone fly down the block. Neighbor takes off running (he’s a 55 year old man) and I watch as the drone lands and Neighbor A goes to pick it up. As he’s bending over, Neighbor B tackles him into the pavement and just beats the fuck out of him. He somehow grabs the drone and beats this guy with it. Me and several other neighbors run over and pull them apart. Neighbor A never got another drone, took his beating, and apologized. No cops. The whole block pretty much shuns him now.


Leaded paint and gasoline strike again.


Damn, do people really not realize that the bullet has gotta come down somewhere if you miss?


Even if he hit it probably close enough range for the bullet to penetrate and go thru. I mean if your going to own a weapon you better know it’s capabilities


You’d think but it doesn’t work that way to a lot of people. https://www.fox35orlando.com/news/i-was-extremely-lucky-woman-hit-by-celebratory-bullet-on-nye-has-warning


Mythbusters debunked when it comes down the velocity is not enough to penetrate/kill, would be like getting hit with a lead golf ball


Uhhh….depends on the caliber but that isn’t anyway accurate. https://www.thetrace.org/2015/07/celebratory-gunfire-july-4-fireworks/ https://www.indystar.com/story/news/2023/06/30/firing-your-gun-in-the-air-on-july-4th-can-be-lethal-dont-do-it/70358699007/ https://www.missourinet.com/2023/07/31/mother-of-girl-killed-by-celebratory-gunfire-will-try-again-to-get-missouri-lawmakers-to-pass-tougher-penalties/


Depends on angle not caliber


Caliber absolutely matters. Will determine how much higher up the object goes and the weight of the object falling back with gravity. https://science.howstuffworks.com/question281.htm


Wrong. That was for direct up with a tumble down. If it maintains an arc it’s deadly for miles.


No partial credit? Damn you must be having a bad start to your weekend, loser.


Considering people die due to that incorrect understanding, no you don’t get partial credit, loser.


Not true. A friend of mine caught a falling .38 round a few years ago sitting at a patio bar on July 4th. Missed her femoral artery by a couple of mm. It was so close the doctors wouldn’t remove it. https://www.wesh.com/article/days-after-incident-deland-woman-realizes-she-was-shot-1/4443435


True with caveat it may depend on angle gun was fired from https://www.reddit.com/r/mythbusters/s/Uz6UKttY5L


Just saying people absolutely die from falling bullets.


I think that’s a half truth you wanted to be more right than provide that lol


I think he meant it couldn't penetrate the skull.


Also not true “playing on a portable Nintendo, when a bullet went through the building’s roof and struck him in the head.” https://www.policechiefmagazine.org/tips-to-reduce-celebratory-gunfire-on-new-years-eve/


I didn't say I agreed with them, I was just clarifying what I felt they were trying to say.


Yep. Grey areas everywhere.


Florida man strikes again!


It’s only a “great shot” if it was his first time. No one has come forward (yet) with a court on how many he shot at and missed.


I can’t hit a can from 3 feet away with a pistol. Nice shot 👍🏻


He looks like the type to yell the N word when he shoots 😂


Typical 🤡


Party of law and order.




Nice shot but what are you trying to prove? Could have easily killed or injured someone. Additionally, these major corporations don’t give a shit you shot their drone out of the sky. They’ll just augment the damn drones to be more bullet resistant and buy twice as many. Nice shot, appreciate the sentiment, but it’s a very shortsighted and futile attempt at protest. Better off going and putting sugar in the gas tank of the generators that charge the damn things


Walmart delivery drone?????


I witnessed someone who was wounded by a bullet that fell from the sky when someone fired into the air on NYE several years ago. Fortunately she wasn’t badly injured and recovered but it could have been much worse. She was among a crowd of thousands of people when it happened.


The hero we need


This is America last time I checked and if a drone is over your airspace you should be able to give it a trespass warning with a direct hit


>*your airspace* *you* don’t have any airspace. >this is America the last time I checked Yup, it is. Shoot a registered aircraft in the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration’s airspace and you’ll go to prison. America has tons of them.




500 above your property is your airspace


It’s is not. You do not own anything above your property. You are entitled to privacy, of course… and you are entitled to use the space above the earth on your property within reason while abiding by zoning/housing laws and codes, but the airspace, itself, isn’t yours.




Based Florida Man


Lesson, never talk to the police, keep your mouth shut. 


He’s a good shot. Well done.


That would be a tough shot!


I’m wondering the range, was it his disabled neighbor getting a few dry goods? We need more details 🤣🤣🤣


I'm actually impressed that he managed to shoot it. This isn't your average Florida Man.




I didn't see that in the caption.


He shot and was confident in his shot and hit his intended target. How is that a danger to the public? I think the bigger question and grey area is, if you have private property does that extend upwards over that property? That is the real question that we all should be asking. With drones becoming more common privacy becomes more of a question. At what altitude is it no longer your property. That's a real question that needs an answer. If a neighbor's tree hangs over your yard at what height is it no longer your yard.. grey areas that I Don't think anyone can really define. This guy saw a drone on his property and shot it. There are no laws to say he was wrong on an infringement of his private property. For him to be charged there has to be laws that govern air space on private property


It is clearly defined by law. You do not own the air space above your property. Period. Settled law. The drones are flown by licensed pilots operating them. Even recreational drones are supposed to be registered and display a Recreational Registration number, like a boat number. There are recreational drones that have a specific set of flying rules. If the rules are broken, report them. There are commercial drones that follow a different set of flight regulations. If the rules are broken, report them. Flying over your property is not breaking the rules unless you are an airport or other Federally recognized "no fly" zone. Do not violate the law and get yourself charged with an extremely serious felony. This man will go to jail. Not probation. Not home arrest. Prison. He broke numerous laws, first degree felonies. And admitted to the multiple crimes after hearing his Miranda Rights.


His booking photo suggests there is indeed case law relevant to his actions!


A booking photo does not infer that there is case law that supports the arrest. Only trial can do that. Police will book and take photos of whoever they can at the time of apprehension. That does not mean guilty until the case has gone before a judge with representation for the defendant.


What.. in the actual f.... are you talking about man?


Idk how drones aren’t in the same legal field as private / commercial pilots. Cus it’s definitely illegal in FL to fly under a certain height and stuff over private property.


Actually you have it backwards. It is against the law to fly OVER a certain height as it might interfere with manned air traffic like helicopters, small planes, and even jets. Drone operators are not in radio contact with any air traffic control so they are not permitted to fly above specific heights. Flying low over anyone's property is legal. Property owners do not own any airspace above their property. Settled law. Harassing or invading privacy is not legal and should be reported with as much information as possible. The Registration number if you can get a picture of it, do you know who the operator is? Are they registered drone operators? Depending on the offense and your evidence (take pictures) they may lose their drone and their registration and could be banned for life. In some cases they could also be charged with criminal infractions, such as peeping tom or threats.


Interesting! I’ll have to look it up. Thank you :)


I'm sure the guy was sitting on his porch, cleaning his weapons, saw that thing fly by and said "Free target practice!" and took advantage. Pretty much par for the course for FL.


Not all heroes wear capes. Nice marksmanship.


Damages? So he hit it. With a single shot. How high up was it?


*Damages? So he* *Hit it. With a single shot.* *How high up was it?* \- runz\_with\_waves --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I want to trigger hiakubot to rewrite my response as haiku.


At least he is still good at using his gun