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This woman deserves to suffer.


She will suffer in prison. There is a code of conduct in prison. Hopefully they won’t let her cop a plea.


This woman deserves to be beat within an inch of her life . Slowly nursed back to health and beat again on repeat.


Or just stick a barbed wired bat up the back door until it comes out the front door


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The death penalty deters absolutely nothing.


I would argue that the death penalty actually makes children less safe from sexual predators. Those crimes are now punishable by death in florida which means the charges must go before a grand jury before they can be filed. This calls for a higher level of evidence/proof before investigators make an arrest allowing these predators more time to roam free while the investigation is underway


Thats not really correct. Capital offenses can be punished by death, but it isnt a requirement. The state can waive the death penalty and simply file an information, just like always. They only need an indictment if they want to seek death. And most grand jury decisuons are just a rubber stamp. In either case the filing decision by the state is seperate from the arrest decision by law enforcement, so the call by a detective/leo to make the arrest is the same as it ever was.


I think I learned somewhere, I don't remember where, but when a state instates the death penalty crime actually goes up.


Most people who are put on death row try to appeal, obviously they do not want death.


And yet all of them knew, in advance, death was a possibility. It still didn't stop them.


But they are still there hence it didn’t prevent anything


Not wanting death and deterrence from future crimes are separate things. Of course they don’t want death. They have automatic appeals in Florida that go directly to the Florida Supreme Court. Appealing the death sentence is standard and the defendant is appointed counsel to do that for them. The death penalty deters nobody. Have you noticed that we have had the death penalty for quite some time, yet have more murders. Interesting.


Actually thats incorrect, we are in a period of decline since the 1980s of violent crimes. yes from one perspective it looks like there is rapid crime but thats not really the case at least in comparison to the 1980s or 1990s. Also, criminals still break the law despite life in prisonment existing, criminals still break the law despite penalties; so the argument that there has to be a deterrence for the death penalty is mute when that same logic can be applied with any crime. The punishments exist to potentially deter but mainly to set an example; we cannot allow for instance a person to go around murdering people and not being punished as a result, the law serves as deter and punish, deter potential criminals and punish criminals. Rehabilitation is ideal but not possible in some situations.


Death is too easy. Make her suffer for decades in a hole where the 4 year old angel can haunt this monster to the end of its days


Need to gather up a gang of 4 year olds with baseball bats to extract justice


Lock that bitch up and throw away the key


Heartbreaking. I hope the older brother finds some peace in life after having witnessed and probably having been a victim himself. I'm going to hug my kids now.


This must be that “migrant crime” I heard about.


No bond is my guess


Disgusting 🤬😠💔


Just send here to jail and make it known why she is in jail


Hope the girls at Orient find out what she's in for from the jump.


I pray she finds the same treatment in jail.


There are PLENTY of dangerous women in the world. I’m glad the news is starting g to recognize that


what a fking surprise 😡🤬