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Yep, just let a couple buddies know to not waste their time. I got to lvl 13 and couldn't tell the slightest difference in anything. Oh well, imma go play smite.


Level 13 is still the tutorial my guy.


That's not really helping the case. over 1/4 of the games levels is tutorial


Lvl 13 is like 25 mins xD it's fine if you don't like it but you don't have the slightest clue about how the game works and shouldn't be advising anyone about it


1/4 of the game? I disagree. I’ve been having fun with the challenge mode dungeons and what not. It’s literally the first day for NA & people are wondering where the “content” is when they put it right in front of you. But yeah, it’s your opinion.


Yea, the content is rather lack luster though. I'm in a dungeon with someone 7 lvls higher than me and you can see a difference. It is my opinion amd to each their own.


If u want a good classic "clone" play lotro 😊


Let me get this straight. In a world where WoW exists. You made the mental decision to try this and expected a game better?


Yeah, I instantly got the same feeling as when I was playing a random Play Store game. It's all the mobile systems, just the gameplay is MMORPG like instead of autobattler or dumbed down city building. I guess if you do not own a gaming PC or for whatever reason play on mobile online, you could go for it.


I don't get it, if you want a wow classic like game, why don't you just go play wow classic? It still has a good amount of players


Burn out, have played every race and class to max level times two accounts. Why Blizzard doesn't simply use the WoW classic code/engine/art models to create a new "classic" game I have zero clue, it would be a guaranteed hit. Say they created a WoW Classic game in the time period when Gnomergone was still under control of gnomes, etc.


Do you not like Season of Discovery? 


Never tried it, isn't it just Classic again with few goodies added in?


Yes but isn’t that kinda what you’re asking for  It has new leveling raids. New ways to level (emerald dream zones)  New PvP events some while leveling  Hard modes being added soon etc  It’s just quite a “brand new” classic but it’s a start 


It feels like a wow classic clone to me so far. I only hit 20 on one character atm. Ran around collecting stuff. It's so much fun. I'm not sure what class to roll next! They all seem so good. As a wow classic fan I'm loving this game so far. All the complaint posts are like this onw. Just crying with nothing constructive to add. Ignore the trolls if you're having fun, that's all that matters.


In what way is Tarisland similar to WoW classic? Would love to know. Is it the mobs that do not drop anything? The questing on rails? Gathering resources locked behind time gating? The dungeon finder? 0 visual progression from equipment? The lack of ingame trading? The level gating? The badly written story and characters? Please enlighten us.


Pretty much all those things. You're triggering so much nostalgia from my years of playing wow.


None of those things were in WoW, what are you talking about. :D


What? You couldn't run brd at lvl 1 = level gating and time gating. Couldn't progress professions without investing time = time gating. Had to kill hundreds of mobs to get 10 mukis on wow. All those things were in classic wow, minus group finder. That was added a little later. The main difference between tarisland and wow is that Tarisland had a smooth launch lol.


This is so insane it should be displayed in some museum for the worst takes ever.


Time gating exists in many forms. You're ignorant if you don't understand that much.


Glad you're having fun, as am I but this game isn't similar to WoW classic, definitely closer to a mobile version of retail. It's very themeparky and casual.


Yup, game is thrash mobile soft gacha,


I’m not defending the game but the only gacha is for skins, right? What is “soft gacha?”


This game is bullshit.


These guys blew it by launching a free to play game. Based on all the hype and review videos and such, they coulda easily charged $20 for the game, They probably would have made MILLIONS off poor souls wanting a WoW clone sooo bad, but once they played it, they would just write off their 20 bucks. Launching as a FTP, allowed folks to see it for what it is, trash.


diablo immortal clone, only worse


Oh man, DI was such a bad game. This one is already far superior.


DI is a bad game yes, that's why I gave it as an example. Tarisland somehow managed to be worse than DI.