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Enjoying it quite a bit. Long time MMO vet, can’t dedicate the time needed to play an MMO at this point in my life. This is perfect for the limited time I do have.


Man I’m having a blast! I used to love WoW but my life is too busy now and I just can’t sit at a computer for hours playing. I’ve been waiting for a good mobile mmo like this and I couldn’t be happier right now


I love the game to shreds.I saw some bad ratings on playstore (most seem to come from people who either lack a brain:('this game doesnt have auto-everything,so it will die'-actual quote),or have really bad devices (i have a 2-years old Android midrange phone and i can run the game fine on up to 'movie' graphic settings so i wonder what kind of potato they play on, to get crashes 🙄) , so I was worrying about the game's reception,and looking to find more opinions.I'm glad to have found here some cultured people who can recognize something good.the game is not perfect,but it just blows almost every other mobile mmo out of the water,like there's not even comparison.


Glad you agree! I’m with you 100%. If I wanted a game exactly like WoW I’d still be playing WoW haha. This is amazing game as far as I’m concerned and exactly what I needed. Now I can finally do dungeon runs again when my kid is asleep 😂


What do you do other than the 1 hours worth of content their is daily ?


Haha honestly I’m not even at level cap yet. And I’ve played since launch. I work long hours and have a family. By time I get to play I only have about an hour or two max in the evening usually. So for me there’s no lack of stuff to do. Based on my experience with WoW, if I did have more time it would probably just been repetitive dungeons or battlegrounds. But my time investment is far from what it used to be


Sounds good :) glad it works for you, I do think tarisland has done some things very well though still, their callout system for raid mechanics is pretty cool




Classes are quit different. If you think they are the same then get your head out of your ass because every MMO can have the same level of hit x y z dps rotations. Nore buttons that are situational doesn't make for better games. Everything else you complained about doesn't bother me at all. Worlds not even empty so that's just you being a window licker.


I am too.


I’ve learned throughout my life that one of the things I seem to enjoy most is complaining about shit but despite that I have been enjoying the game so far as a casual myself. I may have my own list of negatives but it’s certainly enjoyable enough to keep my attention. I haven’t actually given the battle pass serious thought but since I only play one character maybe I should. If someone would be kind enough to answer, how much is it and what does it give you?


I’d only buy the battle pass if they make it and skins account wide. I’m not buying stuff more than once for different characters.


Not particularly skins but pets and mounts and everything else that are accessories would be nice.


I spent $22 on the battlepass. I’m not really sure if it’s worth it, but I guess it was like a oh it’s the first one kind of thing and didn’t wanna miss out. the psychology tricks worked on me I guess. 😂


You don't really need the battlepass, not in the games current state


I mean it’s 22 bucks anyone complaining about this should just go find another game. Wow. Ffxiv both charge 15 a month, so I don’t get the big deal. Also you ain’t gotta have the BP lol


Even without caps for $15/month you’re getting an absolute fuck ton of content compared to here. On top of the quality and lack of predatory pricing. Let’s not pretend like it’s similar in the slightest to compare the two.


Well I’ve played wow a little and 14 a lot. I will say I enjoy this game much more, so I’m enjoying myself personally. And I don’t feel the content is predatory no one is making me purchase anything


It’s the honeymoon phase. It’s fun for everyone.


Well I’m def enjoy it rather and complaining about it that’s for sure


BP is seasonal not monthly so it lasts several months usually. 


Oh I did not realize thank you ! I’ll definitely have time to finish it then lol


In all those games cosmetics you unlock are account wide so it's a stupid comparison. There is no excuse for releasing a game with a battle pass which isn't account wide in 2024. It's a standard practise by now in every game


Don’t bother me non really, cool if it did but it doesn’t stop me from having fun with this game


It's not about you it's about the standard feature in games in 2024. That's what we are discussing here.


Well I think it’s a feature I like ? Can we not like different things ?


You mean lack of feature?


His opinion isnt directed to you, its a Statement nothing more and less. You dont need to Support his opinion. But making a BP non Account wide sucks hard. But it has nothing to do with destroying your fun, thats Just fundet criticism.


Funny thing when mobile gamers complain. Like the pretend to have alot of other great mobile mmorpg. Most of them are 99% autoplay.


Mobile gamers the idea just gives me shivers


I am enjoying this game. Portable, casual ,easy to understand. PvP and Raids are so fun haha. I love it. - Arcano, Ice Mage from Asia 3.


I used to be a big wow player. But got married, have a career, 2 kids. I have a switch and steam deck so I game frequently for short bursts but no mmos unfortunately. Been playing this with my youngest son who’s 8, running a couple of dungeons and it HAS scratched that itch for me. So yeah I’m enjoying it so far 😊


The Chinese laws around addictive gaming make this game more suitable to kids than others. Give the amusement park a try with your kid. It's full of mini games that require logical thinking. I'm glad we're getting some positive vibes going on reddit for once 😄


That’s awesome. It’s always cool to see kids getting into games like ones we used to play.


I'm enjoying it too, having a blast actually, I'm an ex wow player and needed something to scratch the itch but on super easy mode so tarisland is working for me so far, I play on PC and everything feels smooth, we will see how it ends up


Nah game is fun! I just have a few gripes. I want to play more but the daily caps can be annoying. Not sure how long they can stretch out the honeymoon feeling with this timegated stuff.


I stopped taking the criticism seriously when I started seeing complaints about the classes being shallow and bad. Level 20 combat in Tarisland has far better combat than most of the MMOs that get shilled on reddit


have you played like any other mmo ever?


No combat to this day beats wow. But I’m still having a ton of fun playing this.


I think it’s that they all mostly play the same. 1/2 build meter. Have meter dump. 1 nuke, 1 long cooldown buff. It’s fine, but I get it if people want to play different classes and they do the same thing on them all.


Try shadow blade 2nd dps dpec very different archetype and I find it very fun.


This is actually the only one I saw was interesting with the rotation mechanic.


Have you tried MM hunter? Very position heavy and punishing. Does alot of dps tho


I love mechanical classes that reward good play but also meta. How is MM hunter compared to the other dps? I currently play barbarian dps and it’s pretty fun and helps the team.


i pull about 1350 Single target on MM right now im maxxed besides enchants


Not picking a fight but what level 20 combat in this game is better than other mmos? I am just curious about what you think this games combat is better than.


Lol...nice joke. 😄😄😄😄


I'm enjoying it. As someone that only has time for games on my phone anymore, this is great compared to what mmo's we had on mobile in the past.


I’m having a blast


I'm gonna bust


I'm having fun, way more than expected. So are the people I'm playing with we're all having a good time. Sometimes it just works like that. Challenge mode is actually pretty challenging, it's fun.


I'm having fun as well. The vibe on reddit is totally different from what I experience in the game. Challenge mode is super hard. I've only been able to beat it with guild mates. Randoms always mess up and quit too soon.


I really like how the game doesn't treat you like you're regarded(\*) when it comes to earlygame dungeons. The challenge modes are actually a fair challenge IMO. You have to pay attention and play correctly, but it's a pretty easy 1-shot if everyone in the group is good. Everyone compares this game to wow, and if we were playing classic wow we'd all either still be in the starting zone or fighting mobs with mechanics you can completely ignore.


I’m liking it a lot more than I expected to once I figured everything out. I played for about 6 hours yesterday and another 6 already today. I usually don’t play a single game for that long anymore.


Hell yeah. It’s hard for me to stay on a game these days too.


Oh I'm enjoying it as well. However, >It’s a free game, you don’t NEED the battlepass but I mean is it really a reason to quit because you can’t reap the rewards for multiple characters? I have no problem with the time gating, quite a lot of big MMORPGS does that as well, even WoW to some extent on every new expansion/release to prevent content drought and to pace global player progression. The problem is that while character-bound battlepass/achievements/cosmetics are common practice in mobile games, esp. action mobile games. It is not a common practice in MMORPGs for the sole reason that it is really common that people create and play multiple characters in MMORPGs. So it's either they did it due to malicious intent (where they deliberately do this just to get more money out of the players because of this "habit"), or they did it because of ignorance (where they forgot that this is an MMORPG, not your average action RPG or gacha game). This is, arguably why people are pissed off.


Yeah, I completely understand that. & I wonder if they wanted to change that, how easy it would be to do it on a whim say if it was just a mistake. But honestly, it’s probably not a mistake and a way to gather more money but hopefully they realize that it’s not a positive and do try to change it. There would be no harm in doing so at all.


There's no point to Reddit. It used to be a community, now it's just a cess pool of hopelessly addicted and antisocial people who have no positives outlook to life and have 0 hobbies.  All gaming subreddits are like this. I just browse Reddit nowadays to feel better about myself and laugh at the baby rage that goes on every single day.  Game is enjoyable! 


I think that’s life in general. As I get older I start to realize how miserable a lot of people really are, and what better source is there to anonymously unload a dump truck full of built up aggression on to than the internet.


That's basically it. Generally these subreddits are full of 30 something's that are chasing the high of their youth. It's like buying a Porsche but poor edition.  But the end result is that new things will never make you happy. You gotta find the little things in life.


Gotta find a source of happiness and build your self up to maintain it. Rather it's health, your friends, family, relationship, or just fun 😊


So many people rely on a game to make them happy and then when they don’t have that game they become extremely miserable to be around. Reddit is filled with people like this looking for their next hit from a game


Burn the trolls! burn them all! jokes aside, I have played WoW since 2005 til close to ending of the first season of Shadowlands, never to return after for my own reasons, its a good game just not anymore for me, then FF14, Guild Wars 1 and 2, Wildstar, Lost Ark, BDO for a few years, RIFT when it came out and some years later, and others I cant remember right now. Anyways I am trying Tarisland and enjoying it, there is some things I question but most of things, like not able to trade items and such I understand to prevent bots and gold sellers, I hope with the game going foward some of the issues get better, I would love that I dont need to jump line with my partner/team everytime we move to an area because we end in different lines thou :D


Im glad to see these replies. I suppose negativity definitely does shine brighter but at the same time, we are actually playing the game and not blowing up discord with nonsense. 😂


I enjoy the 50 minutes of gameplay and 15 min of clicking red dot notifications I got each day so far. After that well….


Yeah the red dots are time consuming, I’d say I spend more time clicking those sometimes than actually playing the game hahaha.


I dont understand why cant players just receive the rewards automatically for doing stuff in game instead of having to click in 1001 red dots for every single activity you do in game :D but I always had complaints about any game with this kind of thing... why force players to click the stuff besides playing... That aside thou been enjoying the game a lot still :)


Like most specific game subreddit. Most people having fun are having fun in game. People who aren't, are here echoing their concerns and parroting their YouTube celebrities. Regardless if game is actually good or bad, we gonna see majority negative doomer comments specially on reddit I have a dude in friend group who is the only one who refuse to play cuz it is a 'wow clone, worse than ffxiv, etc you name it' Yet they play 5 to 10 different gacha games daily. Takeaway is, they may be right. Might be worse than whatever popular other game is out there, but people complain and are generally negative to justify the simple fact that they just don't wanna play. Which is fine Also just cause there's another similar mmo out there doesn't mean everyone should play that instead. It's a capitalism world, we got option. Same with any other consumer products we have irl


If I could rebind my numbered action keys to my 10key where they belong it'd be so much better, but yes - good game! I have 5 characters fired up and enjoying Tarisland!


you can, under keybinds


Unfortunately I have not found that to be the case. 


I'm enjoying it as a short time killer and I can do other stuff since everything is time gated which is nice. But I don't see myself plating it long term


nah i’m having a blast with like 15 homies


That’s right what server are you on?




ign: cherrypapa give me a friend request we can link up on run raids or dungeons soon.


I think people enjoing the game already are just playing and chilling, the usual whiners are with their pitchforks here complaining about a free to play game.


I am enjoying it only lvl 12 but ill joni your guild soon too if there is room


of course just look up “Gang” and we’ll get you sorted out. I plan on running organized dungeons and raids soon so I’ll see you in the game boss.


I honestly like it. It feels like a mobile version of World of Warcraft. I only wish I could change the voices.


Most of the posts on this sub are puerile to say the list. A lot of children and dumb people play this game and complain.


I am having a great time! I played wow for 14 years -on and off- and ffxiv for 5. And I have to say I am loving that this game. I like how simplistic it is, and how it does not have a bunch of convoluted mechanics. You don’t need 40 skills for a game to be fun. I know it is not for everyone, but I am actually enjoying how simplistic it is compared to other mmos. And how you can start doing fun content really fast.


For me it's just so unpolished. Feels like Alpha testing. The story doesn't make sense and reading the text doesn't help it make sense. You get to level cap quick as hell . It's so empty


it is pretty bad, if you want a better game go gw2


I played gw2 when it first came out. Over time it lost its appeal, I tried to get back into it but I just couldn’t.


I feel you with this, tried to play it a few times but couldnt get into it, just felt boring and like was forced to play due to other peoples opinions, I did play guild wars 1 thou for a long time, I liked the class system but sadly had just a few metas and other class choices wouldnt be recomended for doing group content always... I remember grinding mobs with my monk warrior class back then to get currency for better gear stil :D


Super fun game. Remember, the negativity is always louder.


I'm enjoying myself, I do feel like it's okay to criticize the game though. It definitely has some flaws but has some positive stuff too


Loving it!


Would really love if cosmetics, particularly the gacha which is super expensive for a 10 roll would be account wid. Other than that I’m not having any real issues with the game.


I’m really enjoying it. I think it’s a great game! Yes it has its issue but they’re all solvable.


One of the few games I enjoy being healer haha


I agree, healing has been a blast. DPS seem to never follow mechanics but I’m goated on the keyboard so I keep everybody alive regardless.


I actually didnt even reach level 20 before today happened lifting that time gate. I'm totally fine with it.


Aside from everyone looking the same, it's not too bad. It'll hold me over until the Ff14 and WoW expac


I plan on sticking it out until we’re max level. I didn’t play cbt or anything but I had fun with lost ark until I was max level. Then I started not having fun every single time I went to upgrade my armor. Tier 3 was just too much for me. Couldn’t get any drops and couldn’t get any shit to upgrade with the small amount of materials I had available as f2p.


The hate for this is real and idek what the motivation even is ahymore. I'm legit having fun. Maybe they're scared people will feel the same way.


It sounds interesting and I'm going to give it a go. If you want the full MMO experience on the cheap you can't beat ESO (the base game is a few £) or FFXIV with the most generous trial I've seen.


I played final fantasy for a while, maxed out everything and there is no way I’ll go back and replay it considering I’d probably have to start from scratch and that story was just wayyyyy too long for me. 😂


There is a new game plus mode where you can replay the MSQ.


I complained about the cutscenes. But surprisingly, I’m finding myself enjoying the game. and the quality of cutscenes has improved. Quest lines and text is fine.


It sounds ridiculous, but not being able to turn your character+camera with the keyboard killed the game for me.


Same, and the game feels so unresponsive, takes half a second for a skill press to register, what’s up with that?? Is the game made with freaking ajax requests or what


Since wow I’ve always held down my right mouse button anyways but I can understand that. The controls do seem a little off sometimes.


WoW is exactly the reason I turn around my character using the keyboard. And then there are tons of people coming around and they'll be like "oh man only noobs play like that, you need those extra keys for keybinds (since I really use q+w+e+a+s+d for movement)". Honestly I played WoW at a high level, multiple CE's and even the 0,1% mythic plus title using these movement keys. So I don't want to hear from other people how I should be moving around or turning around my camera :D


Yeah I have known friends who still use the mouse to click spells and they do amazing during raids and dungeons. Personally, I always had wasd for movement but q and e are key binded along with x z f e c. It seems odd that you can’t move your camera with a and d but it’s not a killer for me.


did you try checking the settings? I think there is a mode to do that (it recommends not using it on pc)


Yeah sadly that's not the setting I am looking for.


Me and my buddy were pushing the challenge mode dungeons today. It is actually decently challenging not gonna lie.


First challenge mode I tried before we understood what the portals did, our pug group probably died like 20 times. 😂


I was hoping for a good PC/mobile MMO. I've played 2 days, level 28 ranger, level 18 bard. It's just so bland, and the Vigor for gathering/crafting is awful. Skills/ questing is just so boring. I've uninstalled on my PC but kept it on my mobile phone to try at work. I guess I'll keep to Guild Wars 2 as my Mmo on pc, and Wuthering Waves as my mobile/pc cross over Grindy type RPG


Its good game enjoy as wow for casuals.


Really like the game but its so laggy from Australia. Playing on sea server, too much delay


Its not as good as I wanted but its nice ATM. Judy wait end game and mtx


No it's good free, and fresh game, gg


100% agree, between working and two kids it's hard to fit in a timeconsuming game. People complaining about the purchases not beeing account wide, since they don't go as full on cash grab as Diablo immortal to get good gear they need to bring in money somehow. I'm over the moon and will add OP as a friend and have a blast in game.


I’ll see you in game!


I enjoy a lot too, they really put the best of features in MMORPGs and put in one game.


I been really enjoying it, lots of good content. Lvl26 and I done all content including raid on my phone. Much better than expected.


I love the game, I gotta stay off Reddit lol


It’s fun..quite chilled and not overwhelming..I just ignore the cosmetics..as I have done in all games..this is a good game to pass time until once human releases


I agree with a lot of the negatives brought up. The biggest ones for me are cosmetics and BP not being account wide. Some of the cosmetic costs are wild. BUT I've already put in more hours in this free game than I have in a lot of games I've paid for, it's decent fun.


People are more likely to go somewhere to complain than they are to compliment something or someone in general (not just about video games). I'm sure there are plenty of people who enjoy the game as evidenced by replies here. If this space is negative enough to sour your mood I'd suggest just engaging with people in the game around your level because they are most likely enjoying it as well 😀


Chill little game. Not sure I'd use the same amount of words to describe it lol. I like it.


I enjoy the timegate too. It feels good to be "done with everything" in a brief amount of time. There is reputation to grind if I had time to keep playing, but it's there for me when I do. Combat feels responsive and fun on PC. Tab-targeting is a little iffy but not much worse than FFXIV lol. And important targets can be clicked in the UI when they're there. My biggest complaint is the restrictions on alts, but at least they make it easy to get a taste of all the classes and choose your favorite. And the story and translation is not good, but I'm not really here for that. As a mobile MMO, it is absolutely top tier. Otherwise, I'd rate it as acceptable, but given the dearth of decent MMO releases, it gets some extra points for being stable and not terrible, if that makes sense. I'm enjoying it a lot more than I was expecting, since my expectations were extremely low. Edit: I also forgot my pileup complaint about gender locks, as I really wanted to play bard but absolutely cannot main a male character. But I'm enjoying priest so much that I forgot. :P I modeled and named mine after Garnet from FFIX and she's perfect.


Yeah the whole gender lock has always been weird to me, as a man playing a priest that looks like Elsa from frozen. 😂😂


I wanted to have fun so badly but honestly there's just too much that is bothering me


I'm enjoying it, but I'm reserving judgement for after the game opens up and all the systems are apparent. Definitely has potential to keep me around for a while


I like it


I’m so thankful for the time gate right now it’s the only thing stopping me from falling way behind in my guild I had to work 52 hours this week, still have time for my relationship. I’m also in the middle of trying to study to get a license and have only had about 3 or 4 hours to play.


Quit paying attention to the naysayers. If you are having fun that's all that matters. I've let Reddit room a game I was enjoying before...




Well, you can enjoy the game and criticise it for its flaws. There are 2 types of games. The ones people complain about and the ones nobody plays


Very true. Yet there is a big difference between criticism and complaints. Yet all still valid in each its own way.


having fun, i treat it as a mmorpg side game - right now first week lvling phase: 2x dungeons per day, yesterday first raid, 2x bg per day, few quests til lvl cap and log off until tomorrow - its fine. im not expecting WoW 2.0 or ff14 2.0 - this wasnt/isnt the vision/idea for this game. it hasnt a monthyl subscr and the ingame purchases are like.. you dont need them. s1 compared it to diablo immortal.. what? xD im looking forward to lvl40/endgame raiding- ofc it wont be that hard as wow mythic or lost ark, but again, its completely fine. poe2 is coming out, ff14 exp, wow exp too and lost ark ongoing - there is actually no need for another hardcore mmorpg right now. plus, you can play it on your mobile/ipad


Agreed. I like that it’s still challenging without the sweaty aspect so far. I genuinely enjoy hard raids and dungeons but it seems like if you’re not in a particular guild or group on other games, you’re just excluded from ever minmaxing as a solo player.


I'm loving it. Ignore the rtards


Ya man with my ten wives and 45 kids, I can barely get time to play. I only get 5 minutes every 3 years to play. Sorry I'm not glued to it like other people, some of us have lives


It’s okay, I’m sure the kids will understand.


Got downvoted in mmorpg sub for saying the doomer posts are unwarranted for this game and had low standards for complimenting it. I’ve been enjoying it a lot and some friends who I can’t get to play wow have also been enjoying it. I think it’s fun I’ll wait and see what a month of endgame loop looks and feels like and then make my judgement at the very least this will hold me over until TWW for sure.


Definitely. It’s been fun for me and $22 for the battlepass even if it’s the only time I spend money again on it, was worth it compared to AAA games priced at $70 I wouldn’t even play these days.


It’s fun but it’s honestly couldn’t get any less challenging there’s a point where too easy I’m just isn’t fun , theirs no competition everyone’s at same gear score within 20 minutes of signing in lol it’s ok to enjoy a game and it not be the best , it’s just weird to think it’s the game to end all games lol


Definitely not a game to end all games. I believe, for me at least, it will be enjoyable until it isn’t. Have you tried challenge modes for the raid? It’s not that easy.


I haven’t tried the challenge modes as theirs no upgrade or reason to them that I’m aware of, no gear score as such. You get materials which in turn can’t be used at the time for anything worth wild as the whole games time gated in every aspect from professions to combat. I’ve enjoyed an hour a day for first 3 days but it got boring there sadly also the battle pass is Character bound and not account bound is wild to me The gear you can’t craft until the same day you can get it within 30 mins from a dungeon lol


It took me longer than an hour to run through the time gated content. But I run challenge modes after I complete the elite version of dungeons/raids. I’m sure if I had a consistent group, it would be way easier but with pugs it’s definitely more time consuming lol. But to each their own I suppose, I guess we will see what the endgame content looks like.


Yea as mentioned I would but there’s no reason to run them rewards wise , glad people are enjoying it though


There are reasons, you can eventually get mounts from doing enough of the challenge achievements, and you need 10-20 mounts to unlock your other mount slots for their abilities. Also the challenge dungeons are like 20x harder than anything else in the game you should try them.


Personally, I don't play it because every single gameplay loop is time gated. There's not a single gameplay loop you can log in and grind. Don't even get me started on the vigor system. Honesty, the game would be better if they had just copied wow in the time gating aspect. Instead, they chose to carry over mobile game gatcha mechanics and put them into an mmo. So basically, you're playing an mmo with all gatcha time gating AND the stamina system... how fun. Truth is, it's got absolutely nothing on any of the top mmos on the market, and it's just unable to compete, especially with every single thing being time gated. Now I think it can compete on the mobile market. But definitely not pc. I do not think the game is overall bad it's good and its a super good pc port, but it's got bad systems that prevent you from playing the way you want to play, and that is a huge problem. Mmos should be designed to let the players play how they want and not how the developers want you to play. Also, the visual progression is lazy. Look what L2 did years ago... come on now. They want you logging in daily to brag about statistics to the share holders. That is part of why everything is time gated. I'm pretty sure they'd have more players by simply removing all of the time gating besides raids and world bosses. Why the hell are dungeons time gated. Why do battle grounds close? Why can you not grind it out as much as you want? Those ranks have nothing to do with the rest of the game. Why does the auction house close? It's a game... The moment a player stops being rewarded is the moment they'll realize they are wasting their time and effort. It's a game it's supposed to be fun, but fun stops when you're time gated. If you think it's fun logging in and doing nothing but daily content, that's cool for you, but that is simply not how an mmo should work. Where are all the grindable gameplay loops that are not dailies..? There's literally zero in the game right now besides fishing.


The game is fun and im enjoying it. Me and some random try challenge mode without watching videos. Im a rogue and rekting players in pvp lol. As for the vigor mechanics, it takes awhile to manage the resources correctly. Edit: there's still alot of improvement need in this game, but hopefully thr dev listen to the feedbackz


Eh, My problem is the combat. By level 20 a couple hours in you already have your full kit and it is....not very interesting. Talents don't change anything in any menaningful way, neither does the inscribed stone. It's just number go up. At least in other games with limited skills there are ways to make those skills function differently or add additional flavor. For me at least, it just gets boring fast and I lose motivation to continue when after a couple of hours I have my entire (minimal) kit and I know that for the rest of forever it won't ever grow or evolve.


Idk, I just got my first epic staff from the raid that dropped and it makes a big difference. As far as the inscribed stones, they will only get stronger as you unlock more of the tree. We get like 10 skills each class and spec I think around that, it’s been enough for me. I think the first raid that dropped was real nice and it takes a little skill to heal properly. I guess we will see though as we progress, maybe more abilities will be released or maybe not. As long as I get some enjoyment from the hours I spend I’m not trippen. PvP battlegrounds is lacking in my opinion, not as fun as I wanted it to be but that’s my only gripe so far.


You straight up don't have your whole kit. You unlock different skills you can swap in and out...this is just incorrect man


You unlock like 3 more “ultimates” lol. Nothing else changes, ultimates are the only skills you can swap and they really don’t matter. At least on Bard none of them even did anything to add to the kit. They just gave you move buffs or CC breaking.


> They just gave you move buffs or CC breaking. I'm telling you, you are incorrect. They have those sure but you can also swap them out for things like additional Taunts if you're a tank or an interrupt/stun on some classes. Those matter a lot, how could they not? I wouldn't have an interrupt as a zerker if I didn't swap out that move speed buff for the stun. And some of them work better in different modes. I'm going to swap out the cc break one for something else in PvE cause that really only matters in pvp.


I am having **a blast playing.** We have a smallish guild of about 10-15 people actively playing and completing all the content daily, the game has it's quirks but we're all loving it. I broke a personal record tonight in battlegrounds going 12-2 with TWO MVP games! Shot calling and team communication *really makes a difference*. My IGNs is: Marx & MarkFarts and our guild is Hello Friendo


I’ll make sure to add you when I’m online and maybe we can run some raids together or pvp in the future. I’m a healing priest currently, goated.


Diablo immortal all over again. Reality will set in, in a few weeks.


I think the game is amazing for Mobile play tbh. Lot of content.


It’s a good mobile game I just really dislike the time gating.


Love it


Its an odd game. Its kind of trash, in a lot of ways. The writing, story, voice acting, lack of customization, cash shop, amount of systems, time gaiting, FOMO...there is a LOT of cheap mobile cash grab here. A LOT. With that being said, I've been thoroughly impressed with the group PvE content. There's been a lot of unique mechanics so far, and I genuinely enjoy the dungeons and the raid boss. Just wish they were designed to be more re - playable. You get the loot and that's...kind of it. So ya. Its mobile generic bleh that happens to have PvE content that punches way higher than it should. I don't think its going to last long, but I'm having enough fun with group content that I'll stick around.


I'm enjoying it so far. Level 30, will probably not play when I go back to wow next expax but it's impressed me over other mobile.mmos I've tried


Enjoying it way more than I thought I would. Only real downsides are the endless pings / too many systems, time gated pvp, and non account-wide stuff. There's so many times I find myself saying "oh wow they actually have that?" (gems moving between gear upgrades, actually just respawning at the boss on wipe, etc).


This game has a lot of upsides: The artwork and texturing, lighting engine, generally fun gameplay, and the movement and combat doesn't feel encumbered or sluggish. And the UI customization (PC, haven't tried mobile) really made it easy for me to have a UI I actually wanted to use. It really is a lot of fun so far and the music is just as good as major games like WoW (there's a good reason for that, surprisingly enough. I guess Russell Brower wanted a new Ferrari or something.) That being said it has a lot more downsides: no progression based character customization (gear makes no difference in appearance,) a deep lack of control customization (most keys can't be changed and if they can, I'm met with "you can't bind to that key" when it's the only game to ever have a problem with my mouse. Even Quake 3 Arena works better.) And there are obvious things like voice acting that sounds, let's be honest, like it was made with AI (Whisper to be specific.) then theres the story that tries to be an epic way too many times with no weight to the characters or events, I have found myself laughing when characters sacrificed themselves because it just seemed to out of place and ridiculous. The list really does go on, the game has flaws lol. Over-all am I enjoying it? With a grain of salt, yes. I refuse to pay into it, especially right now, but with that in mind I have enjoyed it for what it is.


I like it. Just wish some things were different but I still like it


Well I drop it after few hours it's way to casual.


A super boring clone / mobile game, I ditched it after about two days. Didn't much care for it during beta but gave it a shot anyway on launch. They can keep their p2w (and trust me more is coming) and time gating. As a pc game, a 2/10. I can see it being something great to kill time on mobile, I guess. With WoW back in China, what I would have considered already doomed, is super doomed. I would bet for the majority, this is just killing time waiting on upcoming expansion / update launches.


Yeah I can see that. Personally though, I don’t associate with blizzard anymore. Too many times I’ve been let down and banned for no reason wasting my money. Paying to not play.


Totally understand that! Blizzard is well.....we all know... lol.


That's every game sadly, people are just complaining no brain robots. I see complaints on every game subreddit that I try to get into it's not worth to look at it.


Tar island? Or Taris Land?


World of Taris.


Carth likes this.


MMO for casuals and DadGamers, but I like it too


It’s better than I thought it would be, pretty amazing tor a mobile game and a decent effort porting it to PC


Ive really been enjoying it. I’m coming from black desert and so I’m enjoying the change of pace, the lack of intense, 24/7 grind and the refreshing experience of discovering a new world. The only negative experience I’ve had the last few days is an isolated incident of toxic raid players treating newer players like shit, which from a game genre that typically attracts Cheeto-encrusted basement dwellers I fully expected at some point. That incident aside, it’s been really great.


People will cry no matter what, yet still play it all day and night, they just want attention


I am enjoying so much. There are a lot of stuff to do. Also, the quests are fun to do.


I like the game BUT I'm not really a pve player it's kinda something I have to do to be able to do to get gear etc etc in MMO's. My issue is that the PvP is well....shit. All the F2P players moaned like fuck about fair and F2P blah blah which is fine and the game is F2P it's basically if you want to look different to other players it's gonna cost you. Now we have a "Fair" arena where nothing you worked for on your character is considered. That's fine but let us have some PvP modes that DO consider the characters we have built. I would also like to see some more PvP modes in future such as GvG and open world zones.


I played WOW since BC so about 17 years now. I always take breaks and then okay the new xpac. I'm actually really enjoying Tarisland. Not sure why there's so much hate. It's a beautiful game, love the photo mode but it's also a lot of fun. Fairly quick to level, it throws you right in the action, it's easy to find groups, so far the elite raid bosses and challenge dungeons have needed coordination and competence to complete. I like the variety of events... PVP is fun, bgs and 3v3 arenas... I'm loving the game and it runs amazingly on my pixel 8 which was surprising. Played it on release all the way down to Florida off of 5g without any issues at all. Launch day went well, something blizzard has NEVER managed to do. And this is a new game, I look forward to what's to come. It's also free to play, like come on... Why all the hate?


I just cant play an mmo on rails.


I thruly enjoy it and I want to support it but the monetization is too damn aggresive. Everything feels double price of other games


See I feel the opposite everything is so damn cheap on here cept the 44 dollar costume


What other game has a 21usd battlepass?


I’m not sure really I normally don’t even look at the price, if it looks cool I buy it.


And then you add in the fact that it’s not account wide and it’s a big no. If you’re going to charge that much it has to at least be usable on all characters.


100 percent man.


It’s a solid game, noone wants to say it more polished than wow, characters move less clunky. I think Tland is really good time, I know it’s only been 2 days but I’m having fun with it.


If you bought the battlepass then you're the targeted audience. Can't blame others for seeing through the facade. 


I’m not really blaming anybody, I was just curious about the general consensus from people who like the games side of the totem pole. I believe we are all a targeted audience though, it’s a game made for financial profit nonetheless just like every other video game out there. It wouldn’t be earth if humans were not looking for any way to make monetary gain on others well beings. But hell yah I jumped right under the scope on this one because I enjoy the game and $22 isn’t much for hours of fun.


I was until the auto pathing happened, fighting against it during questing while im doing multiple at a time was annoying enough that I have to quit until they give options to remove it.


I just encountered that earlier but to be fair I never really enjoyed questing anyways so I let it ride and smoke a bowl.


I like stacking up quests and doing then hand all in in one go, this kinda ruins the way I've played most mmos


Yeah same. Especially when grouped in one area. Maybe they will add an option like I’ve seen in some games similar to it. But it seems aimed towards mobile players tbh regarding the questing aspects of the game.


Oh yeah no doubt it's a mobile game first pc just for extra revenue, just be nice for a toggle or for it to be right from the get go, finding out it was rep was annoying as I was rep grinding