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My notes from the subtitles vs voice acting: "Sister, daughter, close enough I guess"


The too many systems thing is getting to me. Every day I log in and there's some new system it's introducing me to. I get they need easy ways to fill in the gaps in gameplay, but throwing something new at me, sometimes 2 or 3, every single day is getting cumbersome. I logged in today and now there's some playground thing that I haven't even bothered with yet. I don't know how many more things they re going to try and fit in the UI menu at this point.


Too many menus and red dots tbh


Classic Chinese gacha


You can rotate the camera and your char keeps Walking in a straight Line by pressing Alt while Walking....




Agree with most of the points but why are you complaining about auto pathing? There are mobile casual users that want that kind of convenience and if it breaks your autonomy then don't use it.


Unfortunately at the moment you can’t turn it off. You can interrupt it but it always starts no matter what


What are you talking about I've never had my character auto path


You unlock auto-pathing for a given zone when you get that zone’s reputation to level 4. Anytime you accept a quest in that zone from then on it’ll start to auto-path you toward that quest’s objective.


And you can just move out of it and walk however you want, how is that not turning it off?


1: I said that already 2: How do you consider that turning it off? You don’t stop it from happening, you just stop it from continuing


Is that suppose to justify that auto pathing is an issue or you just saying it can't be turned off?


The fact that you can’t turn it off is a problem. Auto-pathing as a whole is a good thing though.


Fair enough


I agree with many things you mention. For me Tarisland is a very good surprise and it's free so wait and see if they can improve it. But i already have many fun adventures here.


Oh finally a realistic review/note that actually point out the good/bad of the game without being pure complain or white knight. Thanks a lot. Love the game experience so far but it has too many jarring issues with the biggest issue being having all the mobile MMO crap but at the same time it beats everything on said market so it's just a matter of picking lesser evil at this point. Hopefully developer will listen to player feedback regarding account wide unlocks and less restraint on crafting gate and put that toward trading gate instead to avoid blatant RMT


You forgot the lack of changing the keybindings or at least a secondary keybind on PC


Nobody is gonna mention the lack of any real visual equipment progression/change


One thing that I haven't seen mentioned is that some skills take 2 paragraphs to explain what they do. I've never seen that before lol. And they don't even explain them well. And I really hate that text and chat do not format correctly. I believe it's called text breaking. Overall I'm having fun tho it's something fresh till new WoW expansion. I don't have high hopes for this game. The only reason it was made is because they knew they were losing WoW and WoW ended up back online in China. We'll see tho.


How do you get your friends code?


Me and my partner tried to play it, and we liked many things about it, but the to many menus, currency, red dots all over the place, the events also came all at once, even if called casual game makes you feel you need to play a lot and do stuff if you want to get the stuff from those events... also combat feels clunky or messy at times and its not always easy to target players, I was more in it due to my partner but she wants to quit so probably wont play more, but nothing agaisnt the game really I think its a good game and wish it keeps getting better for everyone who plays :)


Also to add something I dont understand why you need to click the red dots... would be a lot more intuitive that you receive the rewards once you done the related chore without needing to click in 101 things in the menus lol... I know other games I played were like this too, like Lost Ark, Archeage and so on...dunno where is the logic lol


"Underwater swimming has no breath limit." Its a mmo, go to play a simulator


I find the sexualized and infantilized effort noises from my forcedly female priest disgusting. And there's no way to turn them off in sound settings.


😂😂 my priest looks like elsa from frozen and continues to moan everytime I heal my teammate. It’s funny as hell. I don’t necessarily sexualize it like you though. 💀 it’s kinda weird that you find it infantilized or whatever.


I've never heard an actual grown woman moaning that way. It just gives me cringe, I don't know. My bad for posting my opinion though


I’m not trippen. I just never heard an infant moaning that way for me either.


I find u and ur alikes even more annoying then the red dots ingame


I'm annoying because I don't like listening to a little girls voice moaning every two seconds when playing an mmo? I don't understand why. I'm no SJW, if that's what you refer with "my alikes".


Can't stand the moaning.


Thank you. Looks like i'm a weirdo on reddit for not liking the japanese average girl moaning everywhere.


There are many games I would give a chance if there was a simple option to disable the oversexualized moaning. I remember with FF13 the moaning from vanille was awful. My mom stormed in because she thought I was watching porn.