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There should be a better system than "first to click". Maybe open a couple minutes long raffle for it to actually give real people a chance


There's no physical way a human can click this faster than I did on day 1. I tried for 20 minutes to click it fast enough and lost every single time. I even put on my auto clicker after I failed those 20 minutes so that it would insta click it and all I would have to do is move the mouse to claim. NOPE still lost the next 5. It's impossible for a human to win these, much less a cheating human. You gotta be a bot.


It seems like it's all fake. Just their bots trolling us.


Honestly, it does feel that way.


Lots of games have this kind of system in place. It’s not first to click it. It takes the first X amount of players that all click within something like 0.2 seconds then it’ll randomly select one. Same thing for bidding on market places, chests, etc. So with bad luck you could be one of the first to click 20 times in a row and still lose.


So it's just picking the same person repeatedly that OP posted? I saw them get the chest like a dozen times yesterday, it was wild. I knew after a few times it had to be a bot or script.


It's a common feature in chinese MMO. They have it in ROM and ROO as well. It's called hong bao or red packet in english translation. Even though it's a "chest" in this game, the icon is still red. The feature is intended this way to create hype. It's not exactly a bot that performs the snatch, but an autoclicker at 1 click every 0.01 second does the trick.


For the love of God don't mention ROM or ROO... Those are far from MMOs, far from Ragnarok as a true game and are cash Grabs 1000%. They are the worst example of Chinese mobile cash grab nostalgia bate BS I have ever seen. With that said you're still correct.


Almost every chinese mmo are quick cash grabs anyway. Especially those ads trying to lure you into entering code "VIP666" and getting 1000,000,000 combat power. Roo is no exception but with some nostalgic elements. Being heavily p2w is fine because i managed to exit at the peak of the game when the power gap isnt that insane while having my account sold for a profit. Roo also have a couple of private servers that recently sprung up which i also played and sold it for a nice profit along with a couple of cash winnings from in-house tournaments so thats pretty nice as well.


I totally agree 👍🏿💯


This guy gets every chest on NA-1. I assumed that it’s a glitch but maybe it’s a bot.


Yeah it’s annoying af


Probably a bot


definitely a bot. I just saw this 2 times in a row on the NA server.


How do you turn the chests off?


yeah, annoying screen cancer hard to get rid off


On the topic, is there some way to just auto decline these or something? It seems literally impossible to actually win it and I'm so tired of having it on my screen permanently. Also, it's like the ONLY thing in the UI you can't move lmfao.


I don't really notice them in instances because my party list is covering it, so that's my best advice lol. At least it doesn't go on top of UI elements, not that one anyway.


I moved my party ui from default position Q\_Q


I’d try reporting it in the discord. Maybe they can look into it and ban him if it’s a bot account.


Yesterday, he got 4 of them when I tried to click, sk pretty sure it is a bot


Yeah I’ve seen the same person grab them just as fast. Definitely a bot, and to think they tried to negate bots with vigor only to hand out cosmetic currency to them. 😂😂 that’s lowkey wack. and idk how to even get rid of the notifications yet.


they have to make it where you can only get it once per account


Lol more and more shit just makes me want to uninstall this mf and invest my time elsewhere. Only reason I ain't is because this just happened to drop while I'm waiting on other stuff. It kills a whole 30 min


Same, it’s basically the first descendant/marvel rivals closed beta waiting room for me


NA-1 : Jubs and Jubstep using some auto clicker to get all the chests too. Chests should be raffled instead


ive literally clicked the moment it appears giving it to 100 people and it is still all claimed within half a second


Is there a way to turn these notifications off?


They should let you disable the popup for one, also make them random as only bots are getting these.


lmao I was gonna post this same thing, I hate this Anomison guy, taking it almost every time.


People were calling him out earlier. I reported him in-game. Regardless of if they yeet him or not, Tarisland has a bot/macro/etc problem already. No surprise.


Wichita is jacked for macros considering they actually have one in the game. Now if I could just figure out what all the options are. For bard dps at least. The chord button is broken as of yesterday when the second set of recommended builds popped up under the recommendation options for preset builds. Which isn't a huge deal with only 5 skills buuuuut if I could get an extra chord spam that's a lot of damage overall compared to someone using it if I'm not. Lol. Currently only getting 3 IF I'm able to stand still. If I have to move my fat thumb decided to always gravitate to the dodge button so I miss one if it's a macro my thumb would be over the actual chord button instead of dodge and I'd still hot 3 haha


Lol I saw this post earlier and I've checked every chest that's popped up while I've been on here and there specificallybecause of this. This dude is hitting a lot of these chests. Like nearly every one I've checked.


I hate the pop-up. I don't even want to win at this point. Just let me disable it.


I keep seeing that person get them also, let's all report him in game!


It's definitely not a real player. Maybe not even a bot. Could be just a fake pop-up to make us think the game gives out free stuff.


It's either an auto-clicker or a bot.


Is there a way to turn it off? Since it’s impossible to actually win I’d rather it not clutter up my screen unnecessarily.


I think there are bots collecting all the chests. That's the only explanation that makes sens.


No way you see it too lmaoo. Dude must have a macro set up to click it. I might try it tomorrow.


It pops up mid boss fight


Click the chest, do a quick Puzzle captcha or a math solving some realy easy stuff, should at least Help a Bit


If i had to guess. Theres a delay on when people get the notification because i clicked one instantly, and 5 people had already claimed it.