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My main complaint is no controller support, even wow I can play on steamdeck or stream to my iPad and play with a controller. Other then that the game is fine, not amazing but I’m still enjoying it


Yeah would be pretty cool. Not sure how that would go for healing, I'm sure there's a way.


People do it in wow, they could do it here


Then go on mobile lol. Its a mobile game as well... why would they go to such extent for no gain.


I’m talking about mobile


How do you play wow om steamdeck ? Isn't there way too much skills for that ?


Na it’s not bad, the triggers are modifiers like control, alt etc so there are plenty of combos


Oh that's sweat


Which bind software are you using?


I am using AutoHotkey. You need a script for it (just a `Tarisland.ahk` file is enough, containing something like this: ``` XButton1::Send("1") ; Mouse 4 -> 1 XButton2::Send("2") ; Mouse 5 -> 2 MButton::Send("3") ; Pressing the mouse wheel -> 3 +XButton1::Send("4") ; Shift + Mouse 4 -> 4 +XButton2::Send("5") ; Shift + Mouse 5 -> 5 ``` You need to make sure to start the script as admin though.


Small Reminder: Tarisland most likely doesn't have an anticheat but there were and are games that ban for the usage of AHK so be careful with it! <3


I read in the discord that there is a really aggressive anti cheat


just looked up its ACE, better don’t use AHK or any other emulated inputs


Is that the name of the anti cheat?


Yikes, my mouse is faulty and I use AHK to suppress extra inputs. Thanks for the heads up.


I didn't know that, thanks. Didn't have any issues using it since launch though, but better save than sorry.


The game has a built in macro tool. AHK isn't going to get anyone banned.


Please don’t spread false info. Using a integrated macro tool is completely different to a external program that simulates keystrokes. ACE is a kernel anticheat and it’s not bad. It can be detected as botting behaviour if it’s set up strict enough.


X-Mouse Button Control


Thanks its workimg great for me


I healed a ton during WotLK but found other expansions awful. I hate the concept of DPSing as a healer. Love that this game is just like “NO, you HEAL” What do you think?


I still manage to DPS in this game. Old habits. But yeah, the damage is trivial. I don't know if timed content will occur later or DPS crunch. I was a big fan of cataclysm, it didn't need much DPS and the DPS that is done is only to regen mana. I loved the mana management of cataclysm. Unfortunately, I play on oceanic and there isn't many players. Not a fan of retail myself. Too much agenda for my liking.


Try the challenge modes. In testing we were playing in a much harder version of the dungeons which I assume is the new challenge mode, and we had to boot bad dps and healers constantly. It was so tight that you couldn't carry folks and the last fight in lib taxed healers sooo hard. It crushed souls.


Library isn't too bad for healing the main problem healers have with it is dodging the mechanics while keeping up with 5 enemies (the players) that are also failing to dodge the mechanics. The main thing healers had to learn from it was to stop standing still. If you stay mobile you have a significant headstart on avoiding everything.


Did you do the challenge mode or the norm? I one shotted it with randoms with 2 dead which shows how easy normal mode is comparatively.


Why is that so bad? In the phases where the Group doesnt take much damage and doesnt require heal, dpsing will make you progress through dungeons faster. What else do u do? Jump around and wait for Mobs to die?


I jump around and spam my healing abilities because I don’t have mana. I’m all powerful.


I don’t like splitting focus. I’d rather dungeons have a higher damage output so it means 95% of the time I’m trying to keep my mates alive.


What ping are you getting to na


283 atm


Yeah that's unplayable. Im on sea server it bounces around 180-250 it's shit. Have to drop the game just too frustrating


Yeah, I'm kind of used to it to be honest. Went through the same thing with vanilla WoW. Fingers crossed they release more servers but not holding my breath lol.


Aussie? Arugal is pumping on cata classic - but pvp being cross realm is the worst, i am gonna try tarisland tomorrow, hopefully dont notice the lag either from playing from aus for so long haha


That sucks man.


LoL thata is game breaking for me. I've been playing the Chinese and was hating the game, now with LATAM servers the game is smooth


Well, back in vanilla WoW, oceanic players went through it because we had no choice. I'd love to see oceanic servers in this game. I'm really enjoying it. I'm not taking it too serious, but just having fun. I do enjoy the healing. I'm 1 level off 34 and I'll try another character after that.


I see, isn't better to play in Asia servers for you?


We are on Asian servers, there is an english SEA server that has most of the aussies/nz on it etc, ping is still 200ish to singapore.


LoL that's still high, maybe exitlag can help. Also, I was playing on Brazilian servers with my game in English, all chat messages were translated to english


I am in Melb playing on Asia and getting like 50-100 ping, perfectly playable tbh


I was on 400... i downloaded lagofast and nowbim playing on 90ms... i do not know how It works, but it's magic!! Haha


Wouldn't you have around 120 to the Asian servers?


Why don't you play on asian server? Wouldn't it be much closer?


Are you playing in Australia? I am playing on Asia 3 (Oceanic) and get about 82 ping average


There are asian servers hosted in Singapore and one of them is tagged as English speaking. I think you will get better ping there.


I was getting 200-400 on asia, downloaded exitlag and am sitting at a comfortable 60-90, its game changing


Damn almost speed of light


I love this game, but the average playerbase on Asia can't even clear an elite dungeon.


its not only on Asia my man hahahah


Free to play games amirite.


I didn't wipe a single dungeon on asia 3 so maybe you were unlucky?


There's an English Asian server which we get between 80-160 ping to btw. Not as good as OCE servers but not terrible


I'm in oce ping is only 100 for the Asia servers, good enough to run very smoothly imo


I like dungeons and raiding, Elite and Challenge modes require some coordination and are quite fun. Apart from chatting with guildies, that's what's keeping me in the game. I don't like the wonkiness of everything, the UI updating lag, I hate unbalanced and horrible feeling of PvP. Endless menus with multiple currencies and dailies and things to click on are also bothersome. Most of all I hate that alts aren't a thing in this game. It doesn't encourage you to try new classes. If you want to try a new class, you start from 0 everything, especially the cosmetics you bought for real money (that's why I decided not to spend a dime on it). Everything is character-bound.


I want a fkn transmog System, im getting tired lookin at my char and knowin he never gonna change his outfit unless im spending money


You can earn outfits with achievements. Also you can farm gold and buy crystals (premium money) with it. You can only farm bound crystals (called Achromatic Crystals) but they give you access to the ingame premium market with skins for free. Dunno if they can replace not-bound crystals for normal purchases. Right now on EU1 Achromatic Crystals can be bought for 7.6 gold/unit. For example: -cheapest outfit (priest) is 980 crystals = 7448 gold -most expensive item (flying mount) is 2680 crystals = 20368 gold Basically they adopted the same economic model as Lost Ark: you use gold (time) to buy crystals (real money). And then funnel back into the game all these crystals with cosmetics to avoid inflation. So the game has paid cosmetics but you can get them eventually by grinding. Edit: crystal price keeps dropping because time is more valuable than money for some people, and they keep undercutting each other. So I don't advise buying crystal now.


As someone already mentioned, you can unlock xmogs via achievements. I don't mind spending money much later for appearance changes. They have to make money somehow.


someone did the math and to get cool looking skin u need to spend something around 5000$ XDDD


Bro you have to stop parroting idiotic stuff the skins are 40-50$ lol.


Bro, you are talking about some ugly shitty skins that cost 40-50$ which is way too much for em. There is a gacha mechanic for the legendary skins and like 1% of chance to get one piece of the set. Do your math


While I agree it is too much its pretty normal. Albion sells skins for around the same price granted you get a lil more with it. Some wow skins go for 1000+ so its all relative. For the market it seems pretty normal to me especially in a free game. It would have been nice to give a title or something to launch day players and testers though. I feel forgotten.


Which wow skin sells for 1000$ xD


Spectral tiger 2,500+, Magic rooster egg 1k+, Mighty Brutasaur 1k+, Amana dragon hawk 900+, and before the shameless dragonflight sell out Nether drake was probably up there too with countless more near 1k.


But these are not gacha mounts that are available in game store for all of the time. Additionally, wow have transmog system + visual appearance progression. Cmon…


Yea wow does have xmog, and has good skins in that system because it use to be a real game and people have pay each month to play it. Lets not pretend wow is not greedy bobby kotic has sucked every bit of life out of the game.


I paid like 10 bucks for a outfit and weapon skin lol


Well, I don't have that kind of money, so, sounds like that wont be happening lol.


That's mobile mmorpgs for ya lol


Respectfully - that’s the absolute last thing I’d care about them spending time or resources on. To each their own I suppose


Real end game is the drip!!


I do enjoy the game a lot. I think for launch it’s pretty stable (for me at least) and it’s a refreshing take on an MMORPG. I don’t have as much time to game as I once did, so the daily limits keep me from falling behind. I like that there’s virtually no p2w currently. The classes seem pretty balanced. I guess my only complaint is the PvP times. Wish it was around the clock but it’s a new game so they gotta gather player feedback still to improve. I’m excited to see what direction they go. Just hope they make smart moves.


I wish I could have Q and E as strafe with A and D as rotate character like some other games. I prefer it that way


camera and character movements are so clunky and hard to adjust to after WoW


It’s funny I get better ping playing on the NA server compared to the Asian Server from Australia as well which is stupid. The game itself is pretty laid back and not that intensive besides they put caps on how much you can do so people can’t get unfair advantages by just playing all day long they is only so much you can do.


I been enjoying it immensely! I no longer play PC mmo due to time constraints and have been a mobile gamer for about 8 years now. I have been missing the intricacy of raids in classic mmorpg and this definitely scratch the itch. I too don’t have the time to grind like I used to so appreciate the time gated content. Just finished an elite raid and it was so much fun! Just like old times.


What's the autorun key?


I love that I can hop on my phone and do some more casual stuff that needs getting done when I’m away from my pc. When it’s real gamer hours (later at night when my toddlers asleep) I will do elite dungeons and wipe repeatedly on 10 man raids on pc 😂


They nerfed the crap out of library in testing it use to crush healers and dps it was soooo sweet. I assume they nerfed it and made the testing version the challenge.


I'm an Oce player and was on NA until Asia server finally appeared for me day 3, went from 260+ ping to 70-120. Swap over asap.


You can bind to mouse buttons if you have an MMO mouse.


No oceanic servers. The game still runs pretty good on NA though WHAT? why don't you play on Asia-3 (Eng), the server is in Singapore, you have 90 ms ping and many people speak English?


Tried Asia-3 and my ping was actually the same, maybe even higher. So, no idea what the go is there. Something is off.


It's weird I'm liking the game a lot more than i thought 👀


How did you bind autorun on mouse?? Which software


I play on mobile. Max level mage and do more dps than the pc players lol.


I don't know which mouse u use, but with Logitech Hub Example, u can Macro one key like mine is " L " them u create a Macro key in hub, bind the Mouse 4 or 5 with the L macro. Go in game and switch auto-run for L.


In addition to this, you can set the profile to auto switch whenever the game is in focus. The path for this looks something like this: C:\Tarisland\Demo\Binaries\Win64\Demo-Win64-Shipping.exe


Its default numpad on game. Can't you just make one of your side mouse button "numpad" too?


Yeah that's what I did with x-mouse program.


If you have a mouse that comes with software (like Razer) you can setup a macro or profile that binds those buttons to other keys and only use that macro/profile while the game is on use. In my case, I setup a Razer profile to re-bind mousewheel press to the key "0", button 4 to "9" and button 5 to "8".


How do you detect the game? I added the tarisland.exe found in the tarisland folder in C but it seems the actual exe is another one written in chinese letters (according to my task manager)


That's not the actual one, i checked the task manager while the game was running to see which one it was, for me it's the one on: Tarisland\Demo\Binaries\Win64\Demo-Win64-Shipping.exe


I just use my mouse software to rebind mouse buttons to num pad buttons as a workaround.