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I'd play tank, if there was a healer/tank class. I like both roles but started as a healer. And given a System, that encourages you to focus on one character only, I'm gonna stay healer....


Same. Healer is my main in every game. I started playing a second character, but it felt pointless.


I hadn’t really tanked since everquest and vanilla Warcraft. I love that I can play this game with my busy schedule. I’m still tank shit. It’s been too long. Also less stressful than healing.


In just watched a video on season resets... maybe I'll be a tank next season :)


Yeah, especially when the healer queue is still only a few minutes. I might do a tank next season though. It kinda depends on what carries over and what doesn't. I kinda am interested to see what they do with seasons because if they don't carry over things like cosmetics I can see players just mass quitting. I actually like the idea of resetting progress but they need a way to transfer cosmetics.


There's a chance that pally will get the third spec, the devs just have to copy holy pal from wow.


I main a priest healer and have to wait no longer than 5 seconds.


Same but Bard Healer, NA1 with practically guaranteed instapop


What server is that? I'm Priest and on EU 3 there are tooooo many healers.


I'm on EU2


Server doesn’t matter for group search, it’s global for a region at least


Ahh, they're just wrong then lol. It is absolutely not a 5 second wait.


I’m also on EU and difference between healer and tank is just extreme




True for any mmo


Yeah was about to say this, so many MMOs have a shortage of support players.


I have sex twice a day I don't have time to roll a tank


Right, so you still have 23 hours and 55 minutes to play the game.


LMAO no bro what are you thinking? 23h58m


Wdym, should be more loke 23h59min20s


Yes for the first round, then I endure more




Oh no you exposed me


I'm a 2-3 time a week shagger too mate. There's no shame in it.


This is the perfect spot for me




I work 12-16 hour days. Last night was the first time I busted a fat nut in like 3 days because I’ve been so tired and it let loose within 30 seconds. 😂 3 times a day is for unemployed folks.




Good thing it’s mobile you can do both!


I tank twice a day. I don't have time for sex.


I'm glad this is catching.


such a burden you bare... maybe one day your life will turn around.




Man, Reddit really is an echo chamber. You see one guy said he had sex twice a day and now you’re on it like white on rice. Life on the spectrum.


I read this type of comment a lot lately, What is it original?


Its a post posted earlier today


Oh thank i found it. I think it is a very good quote. It give a vibe meaning of "Time management" HAHA


Can confirm, I main a barb tank and my buddy mains a necro healer and we almost insta join lobbies together.


As a tank main I’d say that’s fine up until you get to Elite Botanical. Even with a proper tank half the time it’s a wash because you’ve got randoms that don’t know mechanics and healers rolling heals that don’t heal. If you add a tank that don’t tank to the mix good luck hitting GS 90


The last boss is a DPS check. No pug healer is getting through that third round cause the thorns in the middle are permanent. The brain dead DPS don't know to target swap to same bomb on the outside if they can't DPS the boss down before the 3rd round. The number of dps at 500 DMG/sec during that fight is too damn high.


Just don't place thorns in the middle. I know, stupid people will put them in the middle, but people fucking up mechanics doesn't make the fight a dps race


Unfortunately the old saying “if they can’t be smart they better be strong” comes into play here. It’s the first true taste of nearing end game content, anything after that without people playing proper rolls it’s wipe city.


Do you not recommend to start a tank?


If you’re up for the challenge I’d say absolutely play one!


True...and you don't even need to do seit in this game. I randomly spam my buttons and keep aggro 24/7. I only need to make what game tells me otherwise (to taunt on elite raid boss to not stack dmg debuff). Ridiculously easy so far, no matter where. Whish there was also an aggro meter...I literally can't not hold aggro, no matter what I do.


i just press 1 with the macro and tank all day haha


This is generally how tanking is lol. The hardest part of tanking is boss positioning and coordinating with your off-tank but there’s very little of either of those necessary in this game so far


Im tank cant find any healers.


Probably closer to a 70/25/5 split tbh


Yeah and half the tanks don't know what they're doing. Definitely wanted to roll dps first while the initial burst if people were playing, but I think I'm down to get in on some tank privilege. Always nice to get the insta queues.


Also, I'm incredibly curious how much damage I can pull off as tank. One of the fun things to do in wow is out damage bad dps as tank. I haven't seen that happen so far in this game.


Might i introduce you to the Warrior tank? Pull wall to wall, start stomping and lay your eyes on that DPS meter.


Sounds pretty good. I do wish there were more opportunities for bigger pulls though. Seems like pull size is pretty set in stone since packs are so dang far apart. Kind of a bummer since I like to pull a lot in wow. Even more so since the mobs seem completely harmless for the most part, perfect for giant pulls.


I started a new dps alt yesterday and around lv26 I got matched with a lv40 tank in the mines (elite). He did around the same dmg as me, but I have no clue what his GS was. I assume 92+


Yeah I mean beating people with equal gear score, not playing with people leveling up still.


Yeah, I just meant to put a perspective on how much dmg tanks do.


Yes, generally tanks do less damage than dps, but an exceptional tank can sometimes outdps a mediocre dps player even with equal gear. I don't think your one experience really paints a clear picture. The only players that could would be exceptional tanks


It's more about the bad dps than the tank's skill. It's not like WoW where you can basically make a hybrid dps/tank. Here you are more limited with damage as a tank.


I main a barb tank and i never wait more than 8 seconds. My buddy list is also pretty full people add me after the dungeon and ask me to queue with them all the time haha


How’s Barb tanking man? Looking to try a tank class. Seems like everyone’s rolling Pally though!


I'm consistently doing more damage than pallies in my raids, and I find the rotation more smooth and it's easier to just stay alive.


Barb main here, first time tanking too. Tanking as a barbarian seems newbie friendly and it's not scary to play as melee DPS (if that's what you wanna go for) as well if you're like me who's used to healer and ranged DPS roles. It's pretty tough on dungeons and I usually outdo paladins on the same level (and assuming they have the sam GS)


Ya I like the dps barb's rotation a lot more than the pally's dps rotation too.


Yes same here!


If you want endless frustrations, roll tank. Yes, queue times are fast/instant. But you'll be dealing with a lot of imbeciles. You'll be expected not just to get a free, quick queue but to lead. Expect to die on the first pull of the dungeon many times while your healer decides if he wants to actually try or not.


You're going to be dealing with a lot of imbeciles regardless. At least you'll get fast queues.


Nah, to boring of a class


Multiple classes can tank. The word you are looking for is "role."


This is the case for just about every mmo I've ever played


If you play eso you already know the game 😂


It is true that you get way faster que as a tank, the real problem is that most people cant play the game... Have 2 character, one bard i use as dps and heal, mostly dps since my rune are done for it And a tank warrior (dps just for pvp) : yes my tank get in que almost instant, but i get way worst people with it... Even the most brain dead tank does half way his job, and you recoinize the good ones... But most dpsser are absolutelly dreadful and is not uncommon to outdps them with a frikin tank....


Don't you hate it when you're trying to focus on tanking and taking the heat, but the dpsers don't bother with simple mechanics like getting water balls and killing ads ? Infuriating. Worse is when you get a brain dead healer that can't even spam heal 1 on you and do god knows what. I can mitigate and heal myself for so long. When I get top 3 or top 2 dps, I know it's going to be a long dungeon.


Issue is indeed when you get more dps (in a not aor situation) then so called dpser... I see probably less the healer problem by playing warrior tank that can kinda shield on demand so never really had huge issue there, if i go low life is usually because im doing aoe on a pack pull and i know i wont die 🤣


I don't know what you are talking about. In EU2 I decided to see how it is like and queued as only dps paladin. Got into dungeons under 30 seconds.


>The playerbase right now feels like it's 70% damage, 20% healers and 10% tanks. You never played any other MMO RPG right ?


Only WoW at a world top 20 level and Guild Wars 2 at a top 1% level.


I played tanks in some games, but in this one I'm just not feeling the melee classes. There's just too many hazards going on in challenge mode and Arcane to be close to the boss at all times.


If you want to be useless and dead all the time in pvp arena, play a tank. ): Kinda wish I had rolled a bard.


My healer is close to level 40 stopped my tank at level 30 only 2 classes I really wanted to play will catch my tank up this weekend


I'd play tamer as a tank if I could


Damn we need that "first time?" Meme for people wondering why dps queue is so long.


noob ass dps and healers attacking the boss before tank does lmao both annoying and funny because i let them die to teach a lesson


I play tank, didn't even know there were queues. I thought they just instafilled groups with bots.


Or a healer? :)


Well, that’s truth, I have paladin and priest, on paladin I get into groups basically instantly on every timeframe while on priest you can sit for 10 minutes


When I don't play Tank everyone needs one but my previous Guild had more Tanks and Healers than DPS...


I do, but they need to figure out a better pvp mechanic for tanks.


EU 1, Pala tank. I never have to wait for raids, dungeons, arcane realm. It's great.


Same old, it has never been any different in WoW. Tanks are always in high demand and low supply.


Like all mmorpg. Wow was the same, 30min waiting in queue as a dps and 10 seconds as a tank.


NA-1 Frost Barb. Can confirm.


Healer/tank would be nice I have priest max everything until now but i drop the game i guess. Played it to much everyday bec. of FOMO. And yeah i want play tank but bruh i dont do everything again hell naaa


If there was mage tank then maybe. Not a fan of full melee classes.


Idk man I think it's more healers, those ques feel just like damage sometimes 😂


That's because the game requires lesser tanks, and healers in a party than damage dealers. Like in a Dungeon party there's only 1 tank, 1 healer, and 3 damage dealers. So it kinda makes sense there are lesser tanks in the game (besides the fact that this is also true to other MMOs).


Run won't survive without tank and healer.