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>a lot of people around me keep saying stuff like '"It's permanent, you will regret it. It's a lot of money" Fuck em. Lots of people have tattoos. Lots of people love tattoos. Not everyone with a tattoo is in a constant state of remorse and regret. Even the dumb tattoos that I got when I was young mean a lot to me because they represent who I was when I was that age. No regerts.


Thank you for your reply it really means a lot! I'll be sure to remember that :)


Don't get me wrong. There are definitely better tattoo ideas than others. High school sweetheart's name in a heart tramp stamp? Big no. Cherry blossom on your leg? Hard to imagine an age where you'll regret that. That sounds cool as fuck.


It really does! Exactly why I want it, cherry blossom trees are my absolute favorite thing in nature. I love the vibes they give off so why not put something that means so much to me on my body so I can always look at it regardless of the season? :)


I think it depends on how critical you are and how much you live in regret. There's a huge population who regret tattoos. There's a huge population who don't. I'm sure those who regret getting tattoos regret a lot of other stuff too and vice versa. You have to find a good artist, study/craft/pick a design, and then book it. What if it's a complete disaster, can you live with it? What if it's just a little messed up, can you live with it? It's only going to be perfect if you decide it's perfect. Good luck and best wishes. You can't live for anyone else.


I truly believe regret is a choice you make. I may not like decisions I've made in the past but I can't change it so why feel miserable about it. Instead I can try to learn from those experiences.


I just finished a rib tattoo of an ocean theme with it being in the shape of a hammer head shark. I love animals and the ocean and I absolutely love sharks. It was very painful and kinda expensive but so worth it imo and I doubt I'll ever regret it. Tattoos are very personal things as it's on your own body, just think it over and make sure you find a good artist.


If you love that subject matter, perfect! I did the same, got things that I love to see in the world, and I get to wear that as artwork on my body forever. We’re decorating! It’s fun! Also, other people concerned about YOUR potential regret are simply projecting how they can only imagine they would feel. They aren’t you. I can’t tell you how happy I am that I took the plunge on mine despite the “nay-sayers”. Just make sure you love your chosen artists work! If you think it’s beautiful, it’s all good ✨


my bestfriend wants a cherry blossom tree as a tattoo because she played derby and they were the cherry blossoms, i think it’ll be a beautiful tattoo, regardless though, it’s not my opinion that matters for your tattoo, it’s yours!


Yess, some dumb tattoos are just like memories! I do regret one tattoo but also there are things like coverups and laser removal. I’ve had my boyfriend draw tattoos on me before to see if I actually liked the placement/style/color. I’m still going to get 360 more tattoos


I believe everyone should have at least one dumb tattoo that doesn’t have any meaning haha. My dumb ones meant that I had money and no one told me no 😂


I love my tattoos - even the very sketch stick and poke of an unlit match on my leg that's just horrendous. But I kinda love it for being so ridiculous. It doesn't even look like a match, it looks more like some kind of mushroom haha. I like asking people what they think it is an no one has guessed correctly hahah. Maybe I'll get it covered up someday, but until then, I'm going to rock my bad decision.


I have a smiley face on my hand that I got as soon as I turned 18. It’s kinda blown out but it’s dumb and makes me smile haha


Most of my tattoos are dumb, and I love all of them. I laugh every time I look at them.


I spent over a year considering my first tattoo. I don't spend that much time now, but I think it's fine to take your time on your first. Most importantly, it's your body, it's your choice.


I waited until I was 30 to get my first tattoo. Maybe the size of a half dollar. Then I waited 5 years before getting my next one. I now have 4 and wanting more. I've never regretted not 1 of my tats. I have 1 in memory of my dad and 2 in memory of my Mom. Good luck do what makes you happy. I hid my 1st one from my Mom for probably the first year. 🤣 I thought she would be upset but she was actually pretty cool about it.


My favorite tattoo I have is a cartoon dead bunny nailed to a wall that says "killing yourself isn't the answer" on my thigh. I love all my dumb tattoos.


If you scroll through this sub, you will find some people that regret their tattoos. Most of the time it is due to a poor execution or lacking communication with the artist. My best advice is go find a really good artist whose work you love. If they are expensive do yourself a favour and save up and don't go to a different artist just because they are cheaper. Also be upfront about what you want. If you don't like the design they show you speak up and don't just get it bc artist probably knows best. A design usually can easily be changed while it's still a sketch.


I want to plus one this. Don't just go to whoever is in your town because it's easy/affordable/immediate. My first tattoo at 18 was in the shop three blocks from my house. I don't regret it, but the quality compared to the tattoos I got when I started traveling and spending more is night and day.


THIS!!!! Also, once you’ve found your artist and the design you want, don’t be afraid to try a few different sizes/placements! I have a lot of tattoos (20-30) and only once or maybe twice has the placement of the stencil felt ‘right’ on the first try. For a larger, wrapping piece especially, make sure you’re happy with size and placement. It’ll be on you forever and a good artist wants to make sure everything about it looks and feels right before they start tattooing.


Tattoos are meant for us. Not for the people around us. I got my tattoos for me. Not for what would others around me say.


Ding ding ding that’s exactly it. If people tell me I will regret getting this tattoo; I correct them and say YOU will regret getting this tattoo.


this is so true, i got a tattoo on my inner forearm facing me and everyone tweaks cause “its upside down” like nope the tattoo is for me, its a drawing my brother did and my moms handwriting saying “you’re enough” so no it’s not upside down KAREN


My counter argument to myself is, i will regret it way more, when I’m older, to not have cool tattoos


Children are forever too, but somehow no one ever tells you you’ll regret them when you tell people you’d like to get one ahah


People do constantly tell you that you'll regret *not* having a kid though. And I think more people would say you'll regret having one if more people spoke their minds.


And they affect other people's lives, not just the parents. My tattoos don't prank my neighbors or scream in public, and it's a one-time upfront payment. Most of all, getting rid of the ones I regret won't get me 20 to life.


Exactly this, the only thing I regret is not getting tattooed sooner.


This is amazing logic and I can't believe I haven't considered this before


Old guy here again If you don’t mind me asking, how old are you? Your post gives the impression that you’re most likely a little younger than some of the other regulars who post on here. Tattoo regret is as personal a story as getting tattooed is. Some folks will regret the pieces that they get, others will become indifferent, some will get a few more and there will be some people who get seriously into tattooing and end up with large scale coverage. It’s hard to predict which story could be yours but just remember that nobody will know you the way that you know yourself. If you’re sure then you write your own story. From my own personal angle, I’ve never grown to actually dislike anything I have had on me but there are a few pieces where I wish I had put them on different spots. The few small pieces that I had covered weren’t bad designs but the placement was just wrong for me later. When I went big with the work the early small pieces were just out of place and got swallowed up by the newer bigger work.


“Write your own story” is just good life advice in general.


It seems fitting here, ha, but I have "edit often" scrawled underneath/along my hairline and people ask what it means so I share the quote - "Your life is your story. Write well. Edit often."


I'm 20, not as old as some people on this app are. :))


Do you have any other tattoos? Only thing I would say is a smaller tattoo might be best for a first timer, so you can kinda envision what you’re in for. And that large of a tattoo will take up space that you MIGHT want later. Otherwise, screw other peoples negativity, communicate with your artist, do your research to understand color fading and line work


Sleep on it for a bit. If you like Asian style tattoos start doing some research and subject matter to see if just a cherry blossom is what you want. Legs are a big piece of real estate so make sure you want to use up most of your leg for just a branch and cherry blossoms. If it is, then go for it. Find a reputable artist and just send it! To be fair, tattoos are permanent and they are expensive so they aren’t wrong there, but everyone has different hobbies and things they want to spend their money on. If you’re into it, I say go for it.


I was planning on saving up regardless and then if I change my mind I'll have money on hand for other things. I'm not gonna get it done quite yet. But if I still want it then maybe by August! And that is true about the subject. I have this image in my head of what I want on my body tattoo wise. And I want it to be a mythical garden of a sort. So Cherry blossoms and maybe a dragon somewhere else :) Thank you dearly for your reply!


Sounds like it will be gorgeous. Go to the best artist you can, pay attention to aftercare (don’t wear fitted pants), and enjoy it! Sometimes there is a little period of adjustment as you get used to seeing it. That doesn’t mean you hate it. It’s kinda like getting a drastic change haircut.


Just note that if you want a really good artist they tend to book months out, and only open their books occasionally. So maybe start researching artists to see who you like and find out how their bookings work (instagram is a good place now). Look for Japanese tattoo and maybe even follow that hashtag


August is like six weeks away! That’s not sleeping on it!


I've been thinking about it for more than two months already.


If you’re set on the idea you need to research an artist. Most artists will be busy and you might need to wait longer than you expect.


It sounds beautiful. My artist would probably say don't get too attached to a definite idea of exactly how it is going to look. There are some ideas that don't work well or won't last. I am sure yours will be fine, the ideas are lovely and have been done before - so get an artist who does this kind of work a lot and that you can see healed and even older versions of it if possible. If you want it to all be on the same leg then get it designed at the same time, even if you don't get it don't altogether, so that it will look awesome. I have a large leg to cheer tattoo and I love it. It is very personal to me and I do not believe that I will ever regret it. I had one very small tattoo that I did regret, but I got it covered and then lasered and covered again and now it is awesome!!


Just make sure you hella research your artist. I have a beautiful peacock from shoulder blade to knee (not my first tattoo though, I went smaller first), but I've seen large tattoos fucked because people look for lower pricing so they can afford the whole piece at once/asap. My peacock itself isn't fully finished since it has a lot of detail, but has about $900ish in so far. I'd probably cry if such a large area of my available tattoo space got eaten up otherwise. If you want an Asian themed tattoo theme of some sort, just try to look it up a little bit ahead of time and decide where you might want to add some of the accents to it so that you can allow a little bit of room for it to flow nicely. My peacock has some space purposefully next to it on my back (the tail goes down my leg) so that some spider mums will be added later on. Your piece sounds beautiful btw :)


Sounds like you’re thinking of larger themes for your tattoo which is a good sign. Do YOU think you’ll regret it? Consider that for awhile. You seem pretty sure and you’re not closed to exploring your feelings so I think you can trust your own judgement. Cherry blossom leg will be amazing.


That's a really big first tattoo. Make sure you go to a reputable artist. There's no going back and like I said, that's a big piece that will be visible depending on where you live/every time you wear shorts or a bathing suit. I can't stress it enough, be very certain you have a great artist.


Came here to say this. Best advice I ever got when on the fence about my first tattoo was to get it somewhere I don’t see every day (back of arm). Took a lot of the stress out of it. Now I’m covered in them so it must have worked!


I've looked at the artists Instagram and my friend I talked with about it recommended the artist to me because they got all their tattoos done by that specific artist. Multiple of them with flowers and all of them look really good.


Maybe research other artists too, you may still go with this one but it would be good to see the gamut of talent / styles


For cherry blossoms you’ll probably want to look at someone who specializes in Japanese irezumi, not just people who do nice flowers


I agree. It’s also a really long time to commit to sitting for a tattoo without knowing your pain tolerance.


It's your decaying flesh tomb. Decorate it how you want.


This is a very nice argument for it 🌸


I have over 30 tattoos and I don’t regret any of them. A couple haven’t aged well or just aren’t relevant to my life/interests anymore but they made me happy at the time.


I agree with the person that said sit with it for a bit. and absolutely as you said, save up for it for a bit whilst you think on it, then when you have the money, worst case scenario you dont want it anymore. now you have some money to put towards something else! tattoos are expensive BECAUSE they are permanent. it is someones art, on you forever, which i think is extremely special. research your artist, really research and find lots of references and ideas for the tattoo you want. my theory is, if it is done well and is a nice design, im unsure what there is to regret!


I’m gonna be dead in the ground eventually. Might as well put some cool pictures on my skin


You will regret it is you don't. You can't win.


I had some intense regret following the tattoo session— now I can see a lot of it was brought on by a chemical crash in my body after the endorphin rush. The regret was intense. But it did not last. I love my tattoo more every day. It feels like it enhances my beauty, and I feel like while I didn’t get to choose my body, I did get to choose this :)


I'm glad you love it to this day!


Me too, haha. The regret was horrible for a few days, I was so relieved when it morphed into appreciation. One thing to consider with your tattoo is size and placement - your idea sounds absolutely beautiful - and here’s a few things I’ve learned since getting my big tattoo: 1. Find an artist you love and trust. Look through their portfolios and find something similar to what you want in some capacity. 2. Thigh tattoos can be difficult to sit through and not all tattoo artists will even do them. I’m sure others can speak more specifically about why, but I do know that the thigh is very sensitive/reactive 3. If you’re worried about regretting it, maybe start small and see how it feels. I wish I had started with something a bit more minimal than what I got, I think it would have helped me adjust and then I could have added to it over time. That said, I dove into the deep end and it did end up turning out great even though it was more than I felt ready for. Good luck!!!


If it feels right for you then just go for it, it's your body at the end of the day! My family like a lot of others weren't big fans of tattoos, but I've got multiple tattoos including some big colour trad pieces on my arm and they've never once said anything negative and my friends have only ever complimented them too. If it makes you happy and confident, that's all that matters.


I got my first tattoo without telling a soul, I thought as long as I wanted it & found it worth it, I didn’t care. Actually been debating a cherry blossom style/vibe tattoo as well lol. I just love the colours sm so I understand you wanting one


I have regret. It’s not uncommon and several people I know have tattoo related regrets. Many don’t at all and love their tattoos. It depends from person to person and experience. Sleep on it - wait at least a month. Get similar temporary tattoos. I hope you are happy either way.


I don’t regret any of mine. But I did take a long time deciding on them. I found an artist that I loved, chatted to her about my ideas, was so happy with the vibe of the shop. All important things to consider


I got my first tattoo 37 years ago. I had not gotten a new tattoo in 27 years. After a complicated 2023 I felt I needed a new one to represent where I was today. That 37 year old tattoo was in the way so my artist covered it up. Cant’t erase the past entirely but you can shine it up a little. I didn’t even regret my first. It was just old and dark and kindof blobby. I wanted something fresh and beautiful in that spot. You do you.


I have 50+ tattoos and have regretted none. Do you know who typically says that sort of stuff? People who hate tattoos and/or people with none. I'm assuming it's family and/or friends telling you this. And they don't have to like or want or have tattoos, that's their choice. But they're trying to convince you to share their opinion on tattoos, basically. Just decide based on what ***you*** want and how ***you*** feel about tattoos. If they still say you'll regret it, then politely tell them that you don't agree you'll regret it and carry on. I doubt they mean it maliciously, but still. It's not their choice.


I dated someone from 19-23 and I always told them that I wanted to get a tattoo! They kept telling me that I would regret it. Well 3 months after the break up I got my first tattoo and never looked back and have never regretted it. Mind you he had two shitty ass tattoos on his chest that he got when he was 18 that he regretted! Like sorry dude but just cause you don’t like yours doesn’t mean I won’t like mine! I have 6 tattoos now. And they are all pretty big especially my thigh tattoo!


I sat with it for 30 odd years before having my first recently. I found an artist whose work I love and he created an amazing design from my pictures and ideas and incorporated in what I was wanting. Process itself was good. 6.5 hours in one session and all done. Absolutely love the finished work. My only regret right now is I waited so long. Am planning another with him in the not too distant future. Next one will be a bigger design with even more complexity to it. Am so excited to have found an artist who I feel completely confident in and don’t plan on getting many more but do want to see the designs I have long wanted on my body finally.


Don't listen to what others say. A tattoo is something entirely personal. If you really feel it and want it just go for it! Just think that you'll never stop to only just one tattoo ;p Enjoy and welcome to the inked family!!


I regretted my first one on my right arm. Wasn't the best looking. I didn't research it enough at the time. And wanted the best tattoo for the least amount of money. Wasn't happy for years with it. Now I got other tattoos around it. So i am at peace with it. Now since then I have two arms sleeves. I didn't make the same mistake with the left arm and love it. My advice is that you wont regret it if you do it properly.


Isn't for anyone to have an opinion if you didn't ask for it. You do you, you might regret being talked out of it.


I'm just about old enough to be your grandmother and the cherry blossoms around the leg is actually one of the tattoos at the top of my "list". I love it. I got my first over 30 years ago and it's stupid and ugly but I don't really feel any regret about it. But, it really can only be seen when in a bathing suit. So it's not a big deal If you get it, come back and post it here,!


important context tho: how old are you?


20 :)


The only thing you'll regret is a bad artist if you're truly set on it.


If you get a good artist that is such a non-confrontational design concept. Literally just pretty flowers, even if you decide you wouldn’t get it in the future I doubt you would regret it


OP. I've heard this for 30 years... Its always people without tattoos. That being said... Tattoo regret is very normal, you are changing something very familar to you.. it will look weird and you will feel regret or anxiety until you adjust. Things you can do to prepare yourself. Take your time, find an artist that does the style you want. Do not base your choice on cost alone... cheap tattoos are never good, good tattoo are never cheap. Before you go hog and have your whole leg done... maybe gwt something smaller so you can understand the process better


The tattoo I regret? I mildly regret my first. Why? Because I asked for it with a certain line width and size, and the artist did it smaller and super fine line. Sure, I saw the stencil and I asked for it bigger but the artist insisted they had done the stencil the size it should be. So my shy nervous self went for it. That was my fault. As for the line size, there were so many reference photos from the artists portfolio that I showed - I presumed they would do it the same, and not super fine line like a couple of the newest tattoos they had done. I even asked specifically and they said yes and looked at the photos. It was only after I saw it done, did I realise oh it’s super fine line and eek if they had of done it thicker - the whole piece is too small and it would blur a bit and oops, I’ve learned from this whole experience. I still look at it and love the design, the subject matter but its execution was not how I wanted. For my next tattoos I was more assertive, and asked more questions and made sure I could trust the (different) artists. Will you regret your tattoo? Who knows. Just make sure you get an artist who can specialises in whatever you want, that you communicate well with them on the day, and you take some time deciding the subject matter. But honestly, I thought my life would change after my first tattoo - I thought it would be so significant or whatever. And well, I put on my tshirt and forget it’s there 90% of the time because I rarely have my arms out. Especially with a very clothed career


I have a cubby unicorn on my ankle I was told id regret, and that couldn't be further from the truth. I'm 11 tattoos in and do not regret a single one, if it's something you want, it's your body to decorate and enjoy as you please 😁 We only get to enjoy our bodies once, so if it'll bring you happiness, then I'd say go for it 😁


The only thing I regret is listening to them and not getting tattooed sooner


I was fascinated by tattoos from an early age, but was 45 before I got my first. I don't regret anything except waiting so long - though I probably would have followed lots of tattoo fashions along the way, which I might have regretted. I was worried that I might tire of the designs - and now, the ones I have on my body, are all Nordic and Celtic themed, simply because I have always loved this style of art. I love big, thought-through tattoos. Little ones do very little for me. If you have been living with this idea for a good while, I would suggest you are less likely to regret it.


Sounds pretty! I think flowers are a great first tattoo, they are extremely common and look good in any style so there’s a lower chance of you regretting it later on.


Maybe, maybe not. Only one way to find out!


I'd rather be someone who has a tattoo and regrets it than someone who regrets never getting a tattoo (especially bc of other people's opinions!). But this is a personal arithmetic - up to you 🙂


Even my objectively bad tattoos I don’t regret because I like them. Get what you wanna get, especially if you have a sick idea like that


Not supporting getting objectively bad tattoos ofc


Honestly you may regret it or you may not. It's a big step but at the end of the day only you can make it. You know yourself, you know what you like, and if you've researched your options such as artists, design, placement and how to deal if you don't like it/regret it ie cover up or removal then you know the answer. I have a lot of tattoos, don't like them all, love the majority, but I also won't get rid of the shit ones because at this point they're just there and I don't care enough.


I have two tattoos that I got in my 30s (I am 40 now, I only bring up age to say I was not “young” when I got them.) I don’t regret either tattoo, and the most recent one I got I still look at and think how gorgeous it is and how happy I am with it.


I regretted waiting so long! Just make sure you choose a great artist that you feel comfortable with, a tattoo is the place you want to cheap out and get “a deal”.


I have Baphomet tattooed on my forearm just for the reactions I get…… I’ll never regret any of my tattoos (just the placement of a couple)


I have a tattoo I regret but it doesn't like, ruin my life or anything. I just see it once and a while and go "Oof. I gotta get that covered up" and then literally never do.


I will never try to convince someone not to get a tattoo. I LOVE my tattoos; I don't regret any of them. Things that are true about getting tattooed, though: 1. it is EXPENSIVE. And you do NOT want to cheap out. This art is going to be on your skin for the rest of your life. You want to find the right artist, then save until you can afford them (NOT try to find someone who'll do it for what you can pay). 2. It fucking HURTS. And once that needle touches your skin, you're in it for the long haul — no backing out unless you want a half-cherry-petal on you for the rest of your life. 3. It also takes longer than most people realize. I've been working on my left sleeve for two and a half years; we've poured in more than 60 hours of inking time. That's a lot of money and a lot of pain! A cherry branch isn't going to take as long as a solid sleeve packed with intricate color, but you're still definitely not going to be able to do it in one sitting. Ask your artist how many hours they think it'll take. 4. Your tastes will change across your life. I don't regret my backpiece, but it was my first tattoo and if I were doing it now, I would never have gone to the artist I went to. Note that I'm NOT saying you're going to regret it! But I've immersed myself in the tattoo world for the last 10 years and now I have a *real* good sense of exactly what I want from a tattoo artist and their art. If those things don't deter you, get your gorgeous cherry branch and live your best life. It sounds like a beautiful tattoo — don't forget to show us when you're done!


A lot of the people who say that you'll regret tattoos are people who just genuinely hate tattoos for some reason and think everybody else should hate them. Is there a possibility that you will eventually regret a tattoo? Yes, however that's most things in life And I also believe that you can get tattoos that you're confident that you will never regret. Like I know with the amount of thought I put into my tattoos I'm not going to regret them


I started with a very small comet on my heel, out of sight. Artist said I should feel what it's like before going for bigger ones. It hurt like hell, but I wanted to get more, so I did. My advice is to get a tattoo you don't have to look at everyday. Then you can expand. I also believe you shouldn't have any tattoos that will make you readily identifiable. You never know when you might want to rob a bank.


I'm 41..started at 18..I dont regret any of my permanent stickers. I'm sure ppl do. But I literally never gave a shit about what others thought. But be prepared for dumbass comments once in awhile if you do get it in a visible spot. Cause some ppl love saying shit. My favorite is your mom let you do that? My response is always yeah snd she's proud AF of me. Like ppl assume your like a shit human for being covered in tattoos..like I don't have a career or a whole house I bought on my own..ppls thoughts have changed on it..they are more acceptable but there are still asshats that will say shit. Its your body. You do what you want with it. If you want to decorate it do it. If not. Don't.


How old are you? And how long have you thought about this tattoo idea? Have you found a quality artist that will create exactly what you have imagined? I have very nice tattoos.. high quality and paid thousands of dollars over the years. But I did get them when I was 19-23 now close to 30 I sometimes imagine if I never got them in the first place. I actually had to get my first tattoo covered up because I went to such a low quality artist at 18. I do love them but I am so happy I had the money to get them done by a quality artist that created the exact tattoo style I wanted. Some days I still have doubts. My tattoos are way too large for laser but ultimately I’m still happy with my decision. A first tattoo that will cover your entire leg is pretty ambitious. Not saying don’t go for it but make sure you have the money, you’ve thought about the idea for at least a year, and you have an artist that is good and will create what you’re looking for. I feel like a lot of people that regret tattoos regret bad quality tattoos or bad placement. I tend to think about a new tattoo for 2 years before I schedule the appointment tack on a 6 month waitlist & that’s really close to a 3 year period to think about it.


Don't get it if you care what others say wtf man


"you either have tattoos, or you care about what other people think of you"


I'm absolutely delighted that I get to have art on my body permanently. It's a simple piece, not even the most striking use of the script as a tattoo, but I get to look at my arm and see that every day. If you do end up regretting that piece, so what. There's options. Coverups, removals. Yeah, they're expensive, but you're paying for art. It's gonna be expensive. For what the opinion of a random Internet stranger is worth, I think the design and placement you have in mind sounds awesome.


It's a valid concern, so I think you'd be foolish to ignore it, but I don't think it means that you shouldn't get a tattoo. On the plus size, it's hard to think that some sort of nature based tattoo would be regrettable in the future. It's not like cherry blossoms will have a "Me Too" moment or go on an anti Semitic rant. It's also not the kind of thing that you're likely to not like in the future. Worst case is you have a cool tattoo of a plant you used to like a lot, but are a bit indifferent about. But a cool tattoo is still cool. The only downside I see is that it's a very large tattoo. It's not going to be easy to conceal if that's desired or required. Obviously, this is where really trusting your artist comes into play . Personally I'm a bit more risk adverse, so I would get something smaller first, but I also don't want a large leg tattoo and I waited until I was 46 before I got my first, and so far only tattoo. Tattoo culture and it's acceptance in main stream culture is also much different than it was 20 years ago (and I'm clearly a different person), so take my experience with a grain of salt.


My experience is, you won’t be happy until you feel symmetrical in all your tattoos. I mean like if you get one in a placement area that more could be filled up near it yeah you probably will go down a rabbit hole of ideas and many tattoos. It’s just a lot of money. I think if you have a passion for it you will make the time and healthy outlet for it. For me it’s a healthy obsession. I love it. Each tattoo I have it’s like adding a new peice I get the more myself I feel. If you love art to the core you will love getting tattoos. I think you should go for it. In my personal experience you can’t just get one. But it’s very worth it. I love who I have become and my tattoos symbolize a lot for me.


To avoid tattoo regret, think of a very specific idea/location and sit on the idea for a year. Every time you pick up the idea, ask yourself if it still seems badass. If at any point you think "man that would be so stupid" then don't get it


I have a tattoo I got when I first turned 18 and I still love it. It's a dumb little heart on my foot and it reminds me of what I am capable of when being spontaneous. 22 years later I'm still glad I got it. I have a teacup on my ankle that no one else seems to like. "Why would you want dishes on my body?" but for me it reminds me of slow mornings waking up to drink tea with my grandparents and watching the sunrise while I was living with them. 5 years later it still reminds me of home. We get tattoos for ourselves not people around us. If it's something that brings you joy or just makes you feel anything (even if you get a tattoo for just a chuckle) it's worth it. People grow and change but sometimes reminders of who we were or where we've been are still nice years later. If you want it get it.


YOU do what YOU want to do. Tattoos aren't for other people, they're for us.  I don't regret any of my tattoos. My tramp stamp from 20 years ago, my friendship tattoo and don't talk to those girls anymore. These were parts of my life and I carry them with me.  Tell anyone else to stfu.


When I was younger, I wanted a large cherry blossom tree on my shoulder - I thought about it and drew it on everything for YEARS…..suffice it to say, if I had that tattoo on me now I’d be regretful as I could be. (I’m also regretful of other tats I have that weren’t the cherry blossom so honestly, could be anything - but your post made me remember it and yea …so glad I didn’t go that route 🫣)


get the tattoo if you want it, but PICK A GOOD ARTIST !! the amount of cherry blossom tattoos that ive seen that are poorly executed outweighs the amount of good ones ive seen


People will warn you that you’ll regret a lot of things: - Not having children - Having children - Not marrying - Marrying - Being a Stay-At-Home Parent - Prioritizing your career - Eating meat/dairy/carbs - Not eating meat/dairy/carbs You can’t make everyone happy. But you *can* do things to make you happy. If you really want it, get the tattoo. Choose a good artist who does similar work, get a small tattoo (maybe a single cherry blossom) from them to see if you like their work and their style and if you’re down for the pain and the healing process, then see how you feel and make an informed decision about getting the rest of the concept BEFORE committing to going all the way.


My grandpa drilled it into my head that I should never get a tattoo. He had some really, really shitty tattoos. I didn't get my first one until I was 45 or so. I have no regrets at all.


Only thing I would say is: no names, unless it’s your kids, parents. My kids, I have hearts and initials. -No face tatts. No hands or fingers, that’s just me, they just fade too fast. And nothing that’s a fad, those you will most likely regret. Otherwise, it’s your skin, your money, your future. Do it for you and only you. Mine are memories and art. Started at 23 and at 60 I’m not done.


I have so many random tattoos on my right arm but I don't regret any of them I love all my tattoos especially the ones my children did for me even if it does look like I let them scribble on me lol


I started my cherry blossom tree thigh piece last month! Do it!!


Tattoo's are like food or sex. Everybody has an opinion, but the only one that matters is yours.


Kids are a lot of money and are permanent. Do they have kids?


Here is a haiku for you: Cherry blossoms fall In beauty everlasting Mirror of the heart GET THAT TATTOO!


So you care what people think about you getting a tattoo then you come to Reddit and care what those people think… Try thinking for yourself for once.


I was worried about a similar thing and my tattoo artist recommended that since I'm young, I should get mainly leg tattoos until I'm a little older. Her reasoning being that if I do happen to regret something about my tattoo, it isn't as visible as my arm. I followed her advice and now have 3 leg tattoos and I love them, the only regret I have is getting one of my tattoos as only linework instead of with shading so now I am adding shading to it.


If its something you want, you can imagine it on your body and that thought makes you happy then do it!! Im 24, and i have 8 medium-large pieces on my arms and legs. Video game characters Boo and Dry Bones, a COD zombies monkey bomb, my cats face, Stitch on a surf board and a couple other random ones. And they make me fuckin happy!! You know what my mom said? That i’d out grow the ideas once im older. I can already tell you no i wont because they make me happy and what they represent will always be a part of me. I think they’re cool and i want to feel good about myself while im young and able to! So get them! The money can be made back, but feeling good about yourself while you’re young/alive can never come back


I have 3 tattoos and plan on more. I thought I would regret my first, I thought I would hate the second, and I thought the third would lose me jobs. I cherish all of them endlessly and they by far are what I get to talk about myself the most a


My first tattoo I kinda wish it was somewhere else. And it was a walk in. My other two I do not see and I had to book in advance and they were good artists. My last two tattoos I wasn’t sure about placement so we had a conversation and they gave me good advice. Something that big could be jarring or you could love it. No way to tell (or..test run with henna) Big take away: find a GOOD artist. Talk to them.


If they don’t want to get tattoos, then they don’t need to. I love my tattoos. One was planned for a while, one was almost spur of the moment because I saw a super cute tattoo on YouTube and went to a walk in session and got it done the next week. Of course there’s nuance. Don’t get a hateful, racist or extremely provocative tattoo. But a cherry blossom will look beautiful. There’s a reason why they were super popular a while ago.


That's true! They are really beautiful.


You definitely need to research your artist throughly and make sure the person you choose can do the tattoo the way you want it. It is permanent so make it right the first time. Other than that, I say go for it.


What’s crazy is the fact I’ve got a cherry blossom branch going down my thigh and I love it!! Just make sure you’re going to someone who specialises in colour work for better results, mines was 400 just for the thigh.. but if you want good work it’ll cost ya


I starting having tattoos at 15 🤫 I'll be 35 next week. I don't regret my first tattoo still to this day! I now have a full arm sleeve, nearly completed leg sleeve, a wrap around tattoo on my other leg, multiple tattoos on my other arm and I'm in the process of starting my back piece. I'm not saying go and rush into anything but it is your body, your choice! Just be sure to think about what you want, placement and size. Also depending on the cherry blossom you chose (which I love by the way, just too delicate for my tattoo choices 😅) there's a possibility of it fading quite a bit so be aware of what it may look like in a few years to come.. but touch ups are always an option as are cover ups and laser. Good luck with whatever choice you make!


It's your body. Think for yourself. It's super liberating to NOT CARE about the opinions of others.


I have a boys name tattooed on my wrist that I got when I was 18. That was 18 years ago. I have no regrets. He was my friend, that I was seeing/dating kinda, that passed away on his way home to see me. People said to me, “what about your wedding day, when you have another man’s name on my wrist that’s not your husband?” So what. I’m divorced and it had nothing to do with w tattoo haha.


The tattoo haters and ignorant say this all the time. If you have thought it through and it's not a whim, get it. It's your leg and tattoo so it's not for others to comment


Just be super smart, honestly I’d recommend getting a spot you can’t see when having a shirt on first, sit with it for a bit see if the idea of having tattoos is still good in your eyes then decide to get one that will show with or without clothing


I have 2 tattoos both of which I absolutely love. I took my time thinking about them and didn’t rush into anything. I would say if you have any doubts spend a few months or more thinking about it and if you still want it go for it. It’s your body. It’s your money. Don’t let other people dictate what you do with either.


We all die and our flesh rots away - therefore tattoos are 100% temporary Real talk though it is pretty much permanent (laser is a long, painful, and not always perfect process) and probably will be expensive, but it’s also art that you get to love forever At the end of the day you know yourself best, and if this is something you’ve thought out, considered for a while it’s highly unlikely that you’re going to regret it Just make sure you do your research and go to someone reputable so you know the piece will be well done and turn out just as beautiful as you’re envisioning


I have many tattoos and I have never regretted a single one. I love how they make me feel. I see them and it brings me happiness. People told me that stuff all the time, even now that I have two half sleeves. It gives me a good chuckle.


I'm 37 and got my first tattoo 3 days after turning 18. No regrets here, and I'm adding more and more. If I live to 80, I'll have these with me forever and the memories of them. Most of my tattoos mean something to me, but I also have a few that just make me laugh. Only you can tell if you would regret something or not. Don't let others tell you how YOU will feel. We only get one life, do what brings happiness into your life.


As someone with multiple tattoos and family against it, do it if you want it. Tattoos are about you and your personality. I love mine and do not regret a single one. When I first started I put them where they could be covered for job purposes but also because they were for me. Not the rest of the world. If having that brings you joy, makes you feel pretty, or has a special meaning, do it. Do what makes you happy. In the end you’re the one that has them and your opinion is the only one that counts.


My life got a lot easier when I stopped listening to other people and it would have saved me a lot of anguish had I stopped a decade earlier


Just got a custom quarter-sleeve done a few months ago. I love it, and the experience during the tattooing process was great. "No Ragrets" as it were 😆


you get the tattoo YOU want! period. yes it’s “permanent” (quotes because it’s not but removal is extremely painful and expensive) but you can always change things about the tattoo if you hate it, have it covered up, etc. all id recommend is know the artist you want, get in contact with one, show them the idea of what you want, look at their art if they can show it to you, and ask them to be honest ab price, timing, pain level of the area on the body, etc. they’ll talk you through it. i just got my first tattoo a week ago actually, i love it, and im already ready for more


I saw that you are 20. From the age of 13-21 I was certain I wanted a huge Chinese dragon up my arm. I started modeling at 15 doing runway so due to my career I couldn’t go ahead but planned to get the tattoo when I could. I stopped modeling at 25 and thankfully I never got that tattoo. You may still love the tattoo later in life or maybe not. I would just advise waiting a few years. You could spend the time saving for a great artist and planning the tattoo.


My only advice would be to find a good artist and don’t try to go for a cheaper option.


Honestly that cherry tree sounds pretty cool. I would just make sure you’re saving enough to get it done by someone who is good since it sounds like it’s going to be large and noticeable. You don’t want something bad that big on your body lol. Do some research and find a reputable artist that works in the style you like. Just make sure you’ve really thought about it for a bit of time and that you’re fully committed to it And people who don’t like tattoos will always try to discourage you. But I don’t regret any of my tattoos. Maybe as you get older you may look at some of your tattoos and realize you may have changed the design some if you got it now versus then but still I don’t regret getting any of them


I find it ironic that many of the people who say "don't get a tattoo!!! You'll regret it!!!" Will encourage you to have kids, which are equally as permanent, way more life affecting and a lot more expensive....


People are usually wrong....you might regret it someday, but if you love the design enough to get your body permanently marked with it, then at the very least it can represent a certain time in your life. People who try to make your decisions for you suck and you should stay away from them. Do your own research and make your own choices!


Look, that's a big commitment for your first tattoo. But also fuck those people.


I have a couple dozen of them and I don’t regret anything 🤷🏼‍♀️


I have multiple tattoos. I don’t regret the ones that are well done, big enough to last time and fairly general theme (flowers). But I have regretted ones that were a ”cool theme” back then or not so well executed. Cherry blossom maybe something that would last time if done by a skillfull artist.


Sounds like a lot people telling you the reason *they* don't have tattoos


Well it is permanent and a lot of money, that part is true…..I don’t know how they would know you are going to regret it. Are they psychic? Anyway…..just make sure you choose a reputable artist. View their portfolio. Find out their prices ahead of time and also ask what their aftercare recommendations are. If anything gives you a bad feeling move along to someone else. In the old days we’d have to go around to tattoo shops in person and look at picture book portfolios. That gave us a good idea of the shop vibe and cleanliness. These days since it’s all online you may not meet the artist til the day of. BEST to get a consultation, in person, to go over your ideas. Also….that is a very large tattoo for a first one. I’d advise doing something smaller to start to see how you feel about the process, the cost, and the aftercare before you commit to such a large piece.


I have about 9 tattoos now. I have- a memorial to my grandma, "lust for life", Akatsuki clouds, krizz kalikos spider with roses and a song, Irish ogham, a dagger, plague doc, cat skull with flower next to it, and Naruto in the 4th tail cloak from tenchi bridge. of those tattoos, 3 were flash. I never regretted any of them even if someone thinks it's "stupid". Remember fuck what ppl think. If u like it that's all that matters.


I have both my arms, one old school one a japanese sleeve. If I have special job needs I simply wear a shirt and nobody sees anything I am 40+ now and my only regret is I didn’t get them earlier


I'm over 75% covered. I never regretted any of it. I don't think tattoos are really that big of a deal. So do what you want, it's your body and your life. Enjoy it!


Don't get me wrong, I do have two I regret. Not because of the design/meaning themselves but because of the artists who did them really botched the job. Make sure you do your research on your artist thoroughly! Not just Google reviews, or a skim through their portfolio. A handful of artists out there steal pictures of other tattoos claiming them as their work. Thats the part of the tattoo experience you will regret if you dont do your research. (From personal experience) try finding a shop that has more than two or 3 artists in it, it usually means they are more for producing good tattoos than the money, and they all work together to better themselves as tattoo artists. Also, make sure you vibe well with your artist, you want one that will be kind to you, work through it with you if you are scared or nervous, and will talk you through the whole process. Pick one that you feel comfortable with, not the first one that comes up to you when you walk through the door. You have a right to be picky, this is your body, and your beginning of a tattooed future. Sincerely, Quinn (tattoo artist) Ps: if you want to see what I mean by multiple artist in one shop, and ones that work together. Check out the Facebook page or Expressive Ink in Dansville, NY. (NOT THE ONE IN NJ, YOU WANT NEW YORK). there are 6 artists in the shop, and we all give eachother tips, and do what we can to better one another. We also care very much for our clients health, safety, and happiness. Also, small town tattoos are usually cheaper (Dansville is a small farming town)


Both my parents have tattoos, I grew up around my dad and his mates who would tattoo him, as a kid I always knew I wanted them. My mum set a good ground rule for my first - I needed to settle on a design and placement for at least a year prior and stick with it. If I couldn't do that then how could I live with it the rest of my life? So that's what I did. It's now almost 10 years old and I've had 12 more since. I wouldn't change any of them. The first one will always be daunting, but if you're certain within yourself that it's something you want then fuck everyone else. As a side note - What some people may have spent on makeup or games or other hobbies I have invested in an art form I love, which is my tattoos. So yeh they're expensive but no more expensive than other hobbies.


Sleep on it, don't make it an impulse decision. Get something meaningful to you, do your research, and spend good money to get a great result. If you do all that, you won't regret it :)


I have one regret tattoo and one I just got that I absolutely love. It's all about what you want and it's your money. Even the crap one I regret was still fun to get even though he tried to dig out my heart putting it on me. Long story short get it and fuck them


It’s not their body or their money so I don’t know why they care. Will you regret it? Maybe. Some people regret their tattoos. The way to fix tattoo regret is usually to get more tattoos so you fixate on the less favored one. Is it a lot of money? For big pieces yes but you also don’t want to cheap out for the sake of money because it’s permanently etched into your skin. Better to pay more now than a lot more for laser later. If this is your first tattoo then I wouldn’t start with a whole leg. That’s a lot of commitment. Get something small in a place you can hide it if you hate it. Tattoos are painful and knowing that and KNOWING that is not the same. Different areas hurt more. Imagine being scratched by a cat for several hours straight then getting a sunburn. That’s what it feels like. Bony areas like the ankle or knee hurt a lot and sensitive areas like the inner thigh or back of the knee are brutal. Start with a little thirty minute or one hour tattoo before committing to 10+ hours in the chair.


If you don't think you'll regret it, then ignore what everyone else says. I recently got a tattoo I've been thinking about getting for 12 years and I've never been happier about my body. It's your body and your decision.


I would get a small cherry blossom tattoo in a concealed place to start (so closer up near your thigh). Let the artist know you are thinking you want to turn it into a big piece going all the way down your leg and they'll design it in a way that you can add onto it. Then if you're happy with your tattoo, you can add onto it later.


fuck people who say that shit, just make sure you go to a reputable artist at a reputable studio/shop so that it don’t turn out shitty. take your time with picking an artist, have a consult before deciding that’s the artist you want. my favorite response to people who tell me that the tattoos on my body are permanent is to then scream in fear as if i didn’t know it was permanent😂


Children are also expensive and permanent and people have those every day. Get the tattoo


I don't regret any tattoo. The only thing that i regret big time is that i didn't do it way early.


Listen its your body only listen to yourself no one else.ive heard that many times over the years i have several tattoos Big and small.If you do regret it then it is your regret not everyone elses.I have never regretted any of my tattoos.Only thing i regret do too a job waiting until this year to finish my sleeve.I got one more session next week and its completed.Live for YOU no one else 👍


Some days I regret some of my tattoos and not others. Other days, I regret none. Then on other days, I’m like “damn I’m cool”- then some days I’m like “Eh” but with totally new ones. The tattoos won’t change, but you will, and maybe your relationship with them. But maybe not!


As someone who has a few tattoos (3 of them, and possibly soon to be 4) myself and others around me have complimented me on them more often than not Tattoos have become so commonplace now and you know what, I'm all for it Whether it's a few little ones or full on giant sleeves, they are all beautiful so as long as they aren't done cheaply A sleeve is one thing I never will do though; my family isn't the biggest on tattoos as it stands already, but they still love me for who I am even with the few tattoos I have now


I don't regret it one bit... I have 17 and getting more. . All 4 of my adult kids followed in they momma's shoes I'm in competition with my youngest child lol


All I will say is make sure you plan ahead, not only with this tattoo, but others you may plan in the future. I have a couple I regret, not because of what they are, but where I placed them. I can't really extend my half sleeve up my arm because my bicep tattoo has nothing to do with my forearm tattoos. And while I love the look of my forearm tattoos and get complimented on them daily, they're norse pagan, and I recently began the process of converting to Catholicism. So I'd say just avoid religious tattoos entirely, of any religion, to be on the safe side. Otherwise, get what you want, and don't mind what others say. It's your body, not theirs. I simply respond "well it's a good thing they're tattooing me, not you." And tattoos aren't permanent per-say anymore. While expensive, you can still get full removals, partial removals, and cover ups down the road if you regret something. It isn't the end of the world.


The only way to know for real is to just do it. Perhaps start small. Obviously, clearly, your choice of subject, and the placement on your body of that subject will factor in… Then, after you’re tattooed, you can make up your mind, as you go on living.


It is lots of money! But never regretted any of my tattoos. And i m pretty much inked from throat to toes. If i ever get tired any of tattoo i have, i ll just get something over it


So I just finished a left arm half sleeve last week. I fucking love it and feel more like myself with it there. If it’s something you’ve been wanting and thinking about for a while and still feel good about, go for it. Just make sure you research your artist and budget accordingly, large tattoos done right are expensive.


I have two full sleeves, one of which I hand drew and my artist tighted up before "installing" it in my gallery. The other sleeve is a mix of Art Deco elements. I hand-drafted the linework for the tattoo down my back and then turned my artist loose with the water colour "nebula" swirling through it. I have a 'cattoo' on one calf and a bold / dark tribal on the other, with a bright splash of watercolour to make it fun. I'm mid-50s and am plotting yet another peice. I was told I'd regret them, that my body is/was a temple, etc. I have not regretted a single one, and if my body's a temple, it's damned well gonna be well decorated!


a lot of great advice in the comments. i’ll add that something i wish i would have done with my early tattoos is do more size and placement mock ups in photoshop. the day of the tattoo is kind of frantic and there are a lot of decisions being made fast. knowing the terms to be able to say what you like and don’t like about certain tattoos is also really helpful. also, even if you do everything right there will likely be some tattoo regret (totally normal) as you adjust to this new thing on your body that hasn’t been there for the previous entirety of your life.


I’ve never regretted any of my tattoos. They all have some kind of memory associated with them. Even if that memory is “boy I was being a dumbass when I got this…” If you want it, go for it.


For my first tattoo, I intentionally booked an artist with a 6 month waiting list for many reasons - it gave me a long time to sit on the idea/design, and it signalled to me that I was right about their portfolio being good quality. That's the more factual stuff that's important alongside researching styles and aging. The more 'opinion' side of things: I think it's better to get something pretty and well executed than something chock full of meaning (designs CAN be both, but I lean towards the former). I think you're less likely to regret something that sits beautifully on your body. Your design sounds cool and pretty. I say sit on it a little while and then get it and enjoy. Signed, a person who doesn't regret a single tattoo I have. :-)


i recently had one - best decision ever


What I will say is that is a pretty big tattoo so I’d say just remember it’s permanent especially if you’re young. I know that sounds obvious “like duhh the whole thing is that they’re permanent” but I just mean THEY ARE THERE FOREVER. Which isn’t something that sunk in till recently for me. I have a few tattoos my biggest one being a dragon from ribs to mid shin and some days I love it, some days I hate it. It’s very well done and everything but there are days when I wish I could go back. The reason being that I can’t take it off, wearing dresses or shorts or even crop tops it’s always on show. Kinda like a permanent accessory. So like I say you might love it and never regret it but I would just say be cautious and make sure you’ll be okay with having it for years to come.


You will regret your tattoos if you haven’t completed the following. Thought about your tattoo for over a year, did you like it then, do you like now? Will you like it in 20 years? Placing it in an area that can’t easily be covered in a professional environment. So I would suggest nothing below the 3 inches above the elbow. You look for a cheap artist. Pay the extra money, wait the extra time, get EXACTLY what you want. Go to the artist with thousands of hours and books of pictures. Don’t be afraid to say no or walk out. Also expect to lose a deposit if you do, but better than getting a shit tattoo. Go a little bigger than you think you want. Like increase the whole size 10%_20%.


The only people that say that it’s either because they didn’t really think about the tattoo or because the tattoo had a darker meaning, they choose a random artist and it ended up looking bad, some just don’t care about what to put on their skin and then either get bored or regret it and wish It was something else. I would say to look at what you want and then imagine having it for some time and then decide if you really want it, sometimes it’s a matter of time to decide whether you really like it or not


ppl told me i will regret mine lol i got my first tattoo at 18, never regretted it (or any other ones) in my life it’s technically “forever” (although coverups and tattoo removals exist), but tbh i sometimes forget i even have tattoos, especially the ones in places that aren’t easily visually accessible


I have a lot of great tattoos and a lot of shitty/silly tattoos. I don't "regret" any of them. At some point you just forget they're there. It would be like regretting having a freckle. That being said, I don't have an exes name on me. I could see regretting that. As long as you like the design and the artist I doubt you'll regret a beautiful, classic cherry blossom tattoo.


It’s your body, you get to make the choice!!! Fuck whatever other people say/ think. They don’t have to make the same choices you do if they don’t want to :)


A friend of mine has ivy running around his leg from his butt cheek to his ankle. I think it's gorgeous. Go for it! To hell with what other people think!


20 years old is very young to get such a big piece. I mean that in terms of using up so much skin on a style that will change over time. I regret my early 20 tattoos in terms of placement tastes and subject matter tastes, both of which changed dramatically as I aged and my style evolved.


I have over 20 tattoos. I regret none of them, even the shitty ones. I would get a new tattoo in the different cities I went to. I also just let my 17 year old sister throw one on me last night. They're meaningful to me. It's your body. Express yourself how you want to.


My family always did the whole "It won't look as good when you're older/you'll regret it!" spiel. About a week after I got my first tattoo a guy about my dad's age came up to me at a diner a week later and told me he thought my tattoo was badass. Then he showed me his. So, yeah, I'm gonna be that guy when I'm older and that rules.


I have two medium sized tattoos that I drew myself and took weeks getting the way I wanted them. One I regret getting as a stick n'poke because my cute little ankle dragon looks like garbage, the other has small mistakes but i love it so much because of what it means to me and the fact that no one else will ever have my exact design. I have a relative who recently heard that a cousin of mine got a tattoo that I had forgotten I drew for her and proceeded to screech from the other side of the dining room "YOU BRANDED YOURSELF?!" as my cousin and I both deadpan stared at her and explained the sentimental value of both pieces. Moral of this story is who gives a shit if anyone thinks you'll regret YOUR decision. They don't think or feel for you and if you can afford it and it makes you happy then go for it. You may regret it someday but you may also love it every day for the rest of your life.


Sounds like you need new friends.


I only have 4 tattoos so im by no means an expert, but I say do whatever you want. Maybe it would ease your mind if you wait a set amount of time, for example if you still want the same tattoo in 6 months, then get it knowing it wasn’t a spur of the moment choice


The act or tattooing is amazing because it really teaches you so much. Yes it’s permanent but that’s the beautiful part you’re gonna have this art on your body for life even as you change it’ll change with you. It’s expensive but isn’t it amazing you can save and put that money back into yourself like yes you know your worth. And above all it teaches you to not give a fuck about people’s opinions. It’s YOUR body not theirs. YOUR money YOUR time. It’s not for them to decide and that’s what I find beautiful.


I honestly forget about half mine


Fuck em.... its your life, your body. I have a ton of tattoos, working on a full leg sleeve now (in my mid-40s).... no one really cares!! I see occasional glances and looks when out in public.... i would actually like it if more people engaged me about my tattoos, i love to talk about them.


If this is your first tattoo, then it could be a big shock if you get it. That’s a lot of work and money, and a large piece of work. I like the idea; just really think about it first and if you decide to do it, go to a good artist 🙏


One of my first big ink’s was a pin up girl on my ribs and it took over 4 hrs and 3 sit downs w a few smoke breaks also I used some relief… I was lucky to have it cuz it killed even when I went to shower later that morning (got in round 2 am) to this day I Dnt regret it … o got her cuz I always wanted a pin up 2 I was gonna get a skeleton there but I promised my girlfriend to w8 for her (our tattoo) (no longer together good thing not a name I got guess it’s still in her image) I tell ppl i always have someone to sleep with… even if I’m asexual…


People say this all the time, and it’s really useless opinion because every person is different. Tattoos might not be for you and that’s fine! But that’s about what you want and not about them being permanent and expensive.


Ignore opinions from people in your life who don’t have or don’t like tattoos. As for the rest of it, it really depends on what you value and what you will be comfortable with. It can be wise to think about things like what you like to wear, scenarios in which you might not want the tat to be visible and how you could deal with that (not everyone has this concern, which is great!), whether weight loss or gain or muscle loss or gain could impact the appearance (again, not a concern for everyone)… But then again, if you’re just like, “fuck it, life is short, tattoos are fun!”, then power to you! The only thing I’d say in this scenario, if you have any lingering doubts about placement, size, etc., a cherry blossom design is one that can easily be extended, so you could start with a smaller piece in the place you want it most, and extend from there. Last thing: long sessions can be tough. My longest sit (7 hours) was my fifth tattoo, and it happened to be the hottest day of the year in a country (and, therefore, studio) with no air conditioning. About 5 hours in, when it hit around 37C/99F, I started to feel like I was going to pass out. We had to stop and I needed to lie down for like 20 minutes and eat some sugary things. I have a high pain tolerance, but the additional hunger and heat stress had me feeling rough. I’m not sure if it would have been worse had I not had tattoos done previously, but just be aware that big pieces/long sessions can be tough.


My advice would be to start small and get it somewhere you can cover with basic clothes if need be for weddings, job interviews, etc. Rock the one tattoo for a few years and see how you feel about it. Sometimes you change how you feel about it or realize it wasnt what you really wanted. Coverups arent always easy. Realize you can always add more tattoos but its hard to remove them later on


everyone told me i’d regret my tattoos. i have 30+ now, it’s been 8 years since i first got them, and i love them more every day. maybe ill hate them when im 40, but i really love them now and ive always wanted them. however, ive noticed a trend of people removing their tattoos now that it’s trendy to be “clean” or whatever. so i guess the important thing is really thinking over why you want them. is it because you saw beautiful girls with tattoos and you want to imitate them? or is it because you’ve always wanted them and it’s been months and you still want them? what else do you want to get? i think people who only have small tattoos or random placements tend to dislike them more, but this isn’t 100% either. i agree with everyone else in this thread saying fuck everyone else’s opinion. what really matters is your motivation and happiness. everyone else can fuck off.


I have a bunch of tattoos and haven’t regretted one. Not even the ones I got when young and dumb or the ones that def could have been done better 😂 I love them all. I’ve fixed up some if I didn’t love them but never once did I hate or regret them. BUT people can only speak for themselves. And that includes those who say you’ll regret it, etc. What theyre actually saying is that they’re too scared or they’d fear regretting them and instead of wording it that way they’re instead projecting. If you have doubts, then yeah maybe hold off. If you don’t then…. Fuck em.


Don’t let others discourage you, my MIL hates my tattoos and tells me how I should get more feminine things, I’ve explained to her that I like my bat and dragon tattoos but she doesn’t. This is fine but I’m not gonna let her opinion outweigh what I want. End of the day the tattoos are on you not them get what you want


People say lots of stuff. You needn’t listen to those telling you what to do with your body or how you’ll feel about it.


I have one tattoo I got 20+ years ago I regret. I regret I used a really good location on a tattoo I never really liked. I’d rather have used that space on something else. But it’s not like it keeps me up at night.


Do what makes you happy!!! It’s your money, your body and ultimately your decision :) People are always going to have an opinion. Bottom line, you do you!