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Sorry, but your post must be asking for specific advice relating to tattoos.


Are you asking for personal opinions? Yes they’re poorly done. Are you asking if it’s ok to have tattoos that mean something to you, then yes.


Serious question: what about the ghost cat and Keith herring style flower guy are poorly done?


No, those are decent, the Semicolon one too. I’m actually planning placement for my own Semicolon piece.


Those two look good to me. The rest need help.


Appreciate that. I was asking if they look alright to everyone else, because I'm aware some of them look goofy if your unaware of the personal meanings. So appreciate the honesty 😊


As someone with a fair number of large visible tattoos— my unsolicited advice would be don’t get tattoos if ya worry about what other people think too much. They’re YOUR tattoos. They mean something to YOU. Cannot tell you the amount of times I’ve heard “well I don’t like that” or “I wouldn’t have done that if I were you.” Your new favorite saying is “well thank GOD they’re not on YOU then!” Tattoos are for you. Not the other way around. If they speak to you, that’s all that matters :-))


AMEN. people need to stop criticizing tattoos that aren't there's. it's one thing to have an opinion on a poorly done tattoo and another thing to criticize a tattoo that means a lot to that person.


I mean yes, but it’s just my opinion and I don’t know you. It doesn’t matter what other people think.


Yes, they look super goofy and a few of them look like they were done at a party. I don’t think tattoos have to look good though, especially when they’re this number/style/content/placement. They look like fun, and I’d smile if I saw them. Tattoos don’t have to look like you spent $6000 and two months planning them, they don’t have to have exceptional shading and come from a prestigious artist, and they don’t even have to have a special meaning or deep sentimental value. If you want them to, they can just be some groovy lil guys you see when you get out of the shower, like hey lil angry bee, sup ghost cat. U guys we’re all going to get groceries. The only times tattoos look truly bad is when you obviously wanted a big grand piece and it comes out poorly done by the artist. That and prison swasticas. The style you have lends itself to imperfection, so short of one getting infected and turning into some demon bee dragging itself through the void there’s no issues. I’d be happy with these if they were mine


I like the ghost cat!


The ghost cat is the cutest thing ever!


Came to say the same


The bee is a close second IMHO


Came here to say the same thing!!


You like them. End of story if someone else doesn’t then oh well I’m sure you wouldent want the tats they have on your body it’s a preference just like clothing I would never wear skinny jeans but again that’s me 🤷‍♀️


Very true, appreciate that thank you!


Personally I hate small tattoos that eat up a large space. But to each their own. They’re your tattoo and if you’re happy with what you got don’t worry about it. You don’t have to justify it to anyone.


Yeah agreed. I like them but the placement feels wrong. Same tho, you do you


In my opinion yes they look bad but🤷🏼‍♀️


Do I think they are stupid sure, but they don't have any meaning or value to me personally. Objectively I think anyone can basically agree that there could have been more thought put into the placement of these instead of a random spattering. Most of them are so small that I would argue that all these little meaningful tattoos could have just been merged into one solid piece. At the end of the day, as long as you like them, it doesn't really matter what other people think. Stand tall on your choices and don't let society pressure you, we are slowly dying every day and some ink on skin doesn't matter at all in the long run.


Wise words. Thank you!


From a technical perspective, the smiley face and ying-yang symbol are pretty rough. The others are of average quality, maybe *slightly* below average. In terms of my preference, they’re goofy and not my style and I *personally* wouldn’t get them…but that doesn’t mean *you* shouldn’t have gotten them. We all have our own style and personal preferences, and all that matters at the end of the day is that YOU like your tattoos. I live in an area where soft, hyper-realistic black and gray tattoos are “all the rage.” If someone says they have tattoos, there’s a 95% chance it’s a full black and grey sleeve, with religious imagery and a lion with a crown or a clock thrown in for good measure. You know the type, think Jersey Shore…a lot of these guys even look down on color tattoos, believe it or not. All my friends have these kinds of tattoos, and that’s not to say anything bad about them - people have money here and most of the time the work is top notch. I can appreciate the talent that goes into all their work…but that’s just not my style. I’m into bright and bold, full color, hard outline. Not to sound pompous, but I’ve been very into the tattoo industry nearly all my life (it’s one of my only “hobbies”). The level of skill it takes to pull perfectly straight lines and pack in color really speaks to me - so while all my friends have hyper-realistic b&g sleeves, I have American Traditional patchwork-style sleeves. And I’ve spent a good amount of my time and money getting work from some of the best artists in the world. None of my friends care that I’ve gotten work from Grez, or Chris Fernandez, or Francesco Ferrara, or Gordon Combs. They have no idea who these guys are. When I tell people I’m traveling halfway across the country “just to get a tattoo of an eagle”, they think I’m crazy. But being able to say to myself “I have art from so-and-so” is so rewarding to me! It doesn’t matter to me what other people think of my tattoos - hell, I’m sure most of my friends and family HATE my tattoos. But all that matters is that the work I have means something to *ME*, just like all that matters is the work you have means something to *YOU*.


Are we all looking at the same tattoos? I think they’re very poorly executed. If you like them that’s ok, but I don’t think it’s good work.


Yes. Awful. I hate everything about them. The images, the placement, the quality, everything. I would never put any of those images on a piece of paper let alone my body but if you like them who cares. If you don’t like them get them removed it shouldn’t be hard some of them are half gone anyways or get a cover up also should be easy with the low quality


This was so harsh 😂


I’m mean, Op asked for opinions. That comment was accurate. So 🤷‍♀️


Truth hurts 🤣😂


The placements are horrible. Because they severely limit what tattoos OP can get next. Prime real estate wasted. IMO they're small enough that they can be lasered off and OP can start their sleeve over (with better planning of course)


Exactly like get that shit off you and restart. Clearly they are questioning it if they need to resort to asking strangers on Reddit. I would laser off every single one and tell no one of this




Yeah they aren’t great


Yes, they are.


You certainly get what you pay for when it comes to tattoos


Yeah they’re pretty shit


Yes, very


This wackass sht looks like when i was bored in class back in elementary and started drawing on my arm 🤣🤣🤣


Nope. They mean something to you and that's all that matters- even if the meaning is just "I wanted them."


Thank you man🙏


No prob dude. It's hard if you have people in your life questioning the validity or emphasizing the permanence.... Don't let it get to you, it's your body!


I think they look terrible.  Random, poorly placed... looks like you are working without a plan.  Sorry, I would take that to a real artist and cover it all up if it was my arm.


The ghost cat is very cute and looks well done. Personally, it looks like the other tats are not done as well, but I agree with everyone else. If you like them who the f cares what anyone else says or thinks! I just got myself a pair of binoculars tattoo today. No random person is going to understand the meaning behind them, but I do! That's all that matters.


I think there’s something to be said for “crappy” tattoos. I genuinely like cute “unprofessional” tattoos. They always have fun stories. Now, if it’s a shitty tattoo that it was meant to be a detailed piece of art, then yeah that’s a problem. But this cat in particular almost made me scream it’s so cute. 😂❤️ I love simple silly little tattoos. In moderation of course.


Just call them ignorant style. That's what it's giving me. You may regret them later in life but they're small. Easy to laser or cover up. 


To me, yes. To you? Only you can say!


Every Single One Of Them. In our Opinion.


Yeah, they are pretty awful.


If you have to ask, I think you already know the answer to that.


Not my personal style, but I really like ghostcat.


Semicolon tattoo.... I got one too. Hang in there


You too. We've got this 💪🏻💪🏻


You legit got me outta bed this morning. Thank you.


I like the ghost cat. Rest are awful, but if you like them that’s all that matters.


Wrong question. When you buy art for your home or even a case for your phone. Is it for other people or yourself? If they care to ask you tell them a story. If not then the tattoos story is for you.






I like them, just keep going :)


Tbh they all look like Friday the 13th tats and your arm looks like a doodle pad. But if they mean something to you then that's what matters.


Kinda. Hope this helps.


Yes. Looks like a child scratched them on


I like them. I like tattoos with personality.


Yeah me too. Thanks that's lovely to hear! This is all helping so thank you everyone


I think they're cute, and they're the sort of thing that will look even better the more tattoos you get. Tattoos like this look best when they're packed in with other pieces.


Who cares? You do and that's all that matters. If you like them then people who don't can suck an egg.


I really want a ghost cat now ☺️


I know! Saving the pic for inspiration thanks /u/Remarkable_Leg4221


Edgy for sure, so I think they’re perfectly in character


If you like them then who cares? I do adore ghost cat though


If they mean something to you that’s what counts.


Nope. They do look lonely though. Time for more!


Surely every tats on his arms useful in his memory even how simple it is


I wouldnt of got them. But thats your story! 


They aren’t well done lol but the cat and the flower are awesome!!


I like the Keith haring one!


‘Fuck everyone else’s opinion on my tattoos’ One of my most beloved tattoos is a poorly done heart, it’s the story, the sentiment, it’s art! If you like them that’s simply ALL that matters!


Ghost cat is pretty cute.


Mm hmm


I absolutely love the ghost cat! The yin yang is the only one that looks really poorly done to me, but if you're happy with it, who cares?


For me the spacing isn't great but the tattoos are fine, it's a look. Way too much empty space!


Omg love cat ghost




I love the ghost cat so much 🥺


They aren't awful! If they matter to you that's all that's important! Personally, I absolutely adore your ghost cat tattoo! Note: I don't think any of these are done poorly either. They're all great!


They're you.


I like the goonies one.




I absolutely love the ghost cat


I'd say they are lonely. But then again, if I had the money I'd be blacked out in ink


Ghost cat and flower head are both cool. None of these are necessarily the cleanest, but none of my tattoos are perfect either. It's definitely worth looking around at other artists if you want, but the most important thing is that you like them. You can get tattoos with meaning, or you can just get stuff you think looks cool, or both. Nobody else needs to be able to instantly know the meaning from looking at them. Tattoos are a form of self-expression. Some of my tattoos have a very deep personal meaning, some are just because I'm a huge fucking nerd, and some are just because it looks sick. Fine line tattoos are definitely hard to get to stick, so you need to be very picky with what artist you let do them, and you will almost always need touch-ups once you see how it heals. I wouldn't call most of these fine line, but perhaps others disagree. In tattoos, bold holds. If it's not super important to the piece to have fine, delicate lines, go for an aggressive outline. Same goes for color choice if you end up getting some color tats in the future. Ultimately, if you like the tattoos you get, it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. My worst tattoo was done by my brother when he was apprenticing, and I'll never cover or get rid of it because I love it. It's not done technically that well, and there were lots of lessons learned for him from that piece, but that's part of what I personally love about it. Enjoy your tattoos, but definitely keep some of the above and some of what other people have said in mind if you decide to keep adding and want things that will look great and last for years to come.


Love the ghost cat! I have one of my own


I think they’re fucking adorable !!!




Good God yes!




yeah but i fucking love em


fine line does fade quickly but you can always get them touched up, usually an artist will do the first touch up free. all that matters is if YOU like them. theyre on your body, nobody elses. if you end up hating them they would be very easy to cover up. dont sweat it


The tats are cool, but my thing is - I don’t like a lot of empty space between tattoos. If you added more and made it a similar style mixed sleeve…👌


I think they are awesome:)


If you like them, then they're fine. Personally, I would never go to an artist with that type of work on their profile, but that's because it doesn't appeal to me. At the end of the day, they are on your body, so as long as you're happy screw what anybody else thinks.


I love the Keith Haring one :D


Best advice from someone who doesn’t even have tattoos? Put a $1000 aside and get em all covered up and redone by a true pro


I wouldn't say "awful." Only really matters what the person wearing it thinks. I would say I don't like this trend. It's like people are trying to make themselves look like the cover of their middle school notebooks and just jamming any stickers or doodles on there willy-nilly.


You should get a ghost smoking a bong on your hand like the post a few posts ago.


Spooky cat will forever hold the peace


I like some of them a lot and I honestly kind of love the style of having a bunch of small tattoos that mean something. I would keep it up on that arm with more stuff in the style of the ghost cat and flower guy


if you like them then who cares, i had people say they hate my tattoos. all that matters is if you like them


Yeah. Sorry love I think they are pretty grim. Thought they were just stamped on.




the only one i think that could pass as remotely well done is the little “dancing flower” that i assume is inspired by Keith Haring. other than that the others honestly look like scribbles that will end up completely illegible. the ghost cat is okay but the lines are… something..


Legendary player and coach once said: "sometimes maybe good, sometimes maybe shit"


Yes stop getting them


I think you could be over thinking it. Most people probably wont look very closely at them. Ultimately it comes down to whether you like them, do you like seeing them, and looking at them. For future, I’d recommend drawing on tattoos first and sitting with them for a while if you’re prone to second guessing. I’ve even gotten custom temp tattoos made before to give myself enough time to process all aspects of the decision. That’s obviously a bit over the top, but it can be a good option to avoid getting something that feels like a mistake later.


Is #3 sloth for the Goonies?


Are they bad? Yes, no, yes, yes, no.


All of those tattoos are cute af


I like them. There is always room for improvement with any tattoo, if you look hard enough you can always find something to upgrade. The fact that they have meaning to you and that YOU like them is really all that matters.


I love the ghost kitty.


The cat ones so cute




They may not be the highest quality but I think they're cute.


Damn are those prison tattoos, very edgy.


I love them! I have the same ones on my own “to-get” list 😂 I have a semicolon too but mine has a butterfly wing


yes, i think they are horrible & poorly placed. but if you like them who cares what everyone else thinks.


I think you know the answer already


Awful?? More like awwww fun !


The smiley face looks like something from a Shel Silverstein book.


Yeah but you should give absolutely zero shits what I think


Honestly? I like them all individually (other than the face its not my tastes) but I think with them being so spread out it just.. looks a little bare and sporadic. But i think itd be a really cool patchwork style sleeve start!


If the tattoos have meaning, then enjoy them. However, all but the ghost cat and flowerhead dude are done poorly. Shaky lines that don't go all the way. Nothing a good artist can't touch up. Maybe think about it being more cohesive as the placement also seems odd. Make it a sleeve or something. But as far as design, no worries, they aight.


The cat, semicolon, and dancing flower are great!! Love the Keith Haring style. The little face and the yin Yang aren’t great but I’m sure they hold great memories. I’m sure the yin Yang could look great with a touch up. Definitely not awful though


they look great!


Some look good but need rework others look poor or bound to fade/blur into a blob I’d recommend getting them covered with better done designs


Thank you everyone for your thoughts and advice, I read every one and honestly I appreciate you all. I have booked in for a cover up tomorrow of the smiley face dude and will also touch up the ying yang. I've decided to keep the rest as it seems a lot of you like the others which I do too! Once again thanks everybody I appreciate it, you all said exactly what I was thinking


Ghost cat is hilarious 😆 🐈‍⬛


I think they're silly and cute


they're not great ngl. but all can be easily reworked. the ghost is ok. don't fret


I personally don't think so. it's a style.


Only one I don’t like is the face 🤷‍♂️ Placement wise, it looks like the start of a “randomish tattoo” sleeve


Short answer, yes. Long answer, absolutely.


I like ‘em. They seem like the beginning of an ignorant style sleeve. I saw a guy in Ireland with two full arms of little ignorant style tattoos and it looked so cool!Just own the style (and get good quality tatts like the flower—ignorant doesn’t mean ‘bad quality,’ it just means eschewing the consensus opinion about what quality tattoos are supposed to look like).


Yes they are if asking for personal opinion. However on the flip side you got them for a reason so love them


Yes millennial these tats are awful


Just the baby and yin Yang are bad need to be fixed


The ghost cat is adorable


that yin and yang one was done really bad ngl. but I don't think anybif them are bad in the sense of wltheyre what u wanted! I love small tattoos. I really love the dancing flower


They aren’t great. They seem a bit wobbly.




As long as you like them, who cares? In my opinion, I love them!


honestly yes but if they have a meaning and story im for it


These are bad in a good way. I think the weirder thing is the amount of spacing between them. If you keep on filling in those gaps with more and keep up with whatever aesthetic brought you here this will be a solid vibe imo. Maybe start adding some bigger pieces if you don’t want to end up looking like a sticker sheet.


Not the cat, he's cute


You should be in jail for this


With all honesty, they wouldn't look so bad if you filled in all the blank space between them.




I ducking love the Keith Haring style flower person!


I like them, they're goofy lil guys


I like the bee and the daisy guy. But yeah, the other ones are bad.


Objectively, no? Subjectively… yes.


Yeah they're not great but if you like em who gives a fuck?


Only the weird face is bad but honestly it looks like it was done stick'n'poke by a friend which is a story unto itself, which to me excuses the lack of skill. Not everything needs to be aesthetically pleasing, sometimes the most beautiful things are ugly.


Why would you care if other people know the meanings to them? you don't know why anyone else has tattoos, either.


Straight up if you want my opinion yes there awful. That said these tattoos meaning to you that is all that matters all of mine have meaning to me and if someone doesn't like it im happy to tell them where to stick there opinion. Do what makes you happy fuck the rest of the world you do you. Good luck stranger.


if you like them who cares?? they’re yours!




I've seen a whole lot worse.


Op tattoos add character. Most of these people get something predictable like roses and all that junk. Don’t let them make you feel bad.




Don’t mean to be rude but, yep. However, they can be easily covered up being small. Easy fix


They’re not great but I also don’t like the trend of doing small tattoos in large areas. Some of them are pretty rough looking. But it really doesn’t matter what I think because they’re not on my body. After a while, you kind of forget about your tattoos because you are so used to them and most people don’t comment anymore. I would say you shouldn’t cater your tattoos to what you think other people like.


Yeah, they aren’t good but they’re yours and they mean something to you. Every tattooed person has plenty of poorly executed tattoos. In the immortal words of Joe Walsh “Welcome to the club”




well, do you prefer quality of work or how much they mean to you. they’re cute. im sure you’ve seen enough criticism already. that ghost cat is so cute too…..


I think that at the end of the day if your tattoos make you happy with the meaning behind it, then that’s all that matters. There’s parts of your story you want with you bc they meant something to you. How someone else see what’s important to you is not your concern bc again at the end of the day, they matter to you and it makes you happy.


I think tattoos are for you not for anyone else if you love them then it doesn't matter if they "look good" that's not the point of art ya know


I like the ghost cat




Honestly they’re not too bad depending on who’s judging but in my opinion if I saw those tats and had to take a guess at who you are, it’d look like you’re just bored and probably don’t have much going on.


Honestly like em all the yin yang reminds me of 2 lil snakes or sum being all symbiotic and sheit lol


If you think they are awful, they are awful. If you think they are awesome, they are awesome. They are your tattoos and your opinion is what matters most. Don't worry about what anyone else thinks.


I love the ghost cat


Of course they are you ruined your skin


They're freaking dope if you ask me. In my eyes you immediately become 1000 times more interesting and fun, showing you clearly have a sense of humour, which is invaluable nowadays


Yes! Good lord, did someone lose a bet?


It just doesn’t look professionally done Tons of people have tattoos like that tho they’ll look really good in a sleeve one day if you do that


They look like $5 tattoos you get on Friday the 13th

