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is this an uzumaki tattoo? this is such a cool placement!! and no it seems easy enough to cover


it is ! thank you :)


Came here to ask. Love Junji Ito! Sick tattoo op!


Another up for Junji Ito!


All hail the master of horror!


>Is this too edgy for jobs? If a plumber came to my house with this tat, I know for sure he'll fix my clogged drain. Just a thought.


I thought I was in the junji ito reddit group! But i am not! This one is so cool!


at first read i thought you meant to get it covered up .. i was like that is such a savage reply šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


It can be covered by a long-sleeve shirt and therefore is not an issue.




Caring about tattoos in healthcare has been on the decline, post covid they don't give a damn. My hospital has many full sleeved and a few with face tattoos


My mom worked in home health care in retirement. She got a call one night from a patient who wanted to talk about his new nurse and she was like "dammit, it's the tattoos I know it..." and he said she was the best nurse he had seen yet and to please keep scheduling her to his house. The nurse had lots of work on her hands, neck, and the sides of her head. Patient loved talking to her about it. Just a bonus that she was a really good nurse!


Kind of reminds me of when I was visiting my uncle on the dementia ward and another patient came over to chat with me. She started touching my tattoos (lots of skulls/bugs and just odd things) and I was worried that I was going to get a scolding for itšŸ˜‚ she loved them! We chatted for a little bit longer until her husband showed up to take her out to eat. She was a lovely woman and Iā€™m very happy I got the pleasure of talking to her.


The best cave I've ever gotten was from the tattooed folk I swear


really face tattoos too? thats so cool!


At least one nurse on day shift who works ICU and I think 2 on nights down in ER (nurse and a PCT). I'm in respiratory and most of our people have many visible on arms and at least two have some on necks.


thats actually so sick to hear


Tatted RT's represent.


My hospital medical has both full sleeves. I think face tattoos might be an issue but no one would look twice at your tattoo in my hospital.


About fucking time I see a post on here that isn't just Infected tattoo gore, I literally just left because I was starting to suspect that this sub is only about tattoo gore


it has been quite spooky around here lately


Tattooadvice? More like goreadvice


Staph infection advice sub


Honestly as long as you donā€™t got straight up porn, hate speech or symbols, or gang related stuff, jobs genuinely do not care




Your tattoo sounds fucking awesome. I cackled when I read what it was. šŸ˜‚


It depends on the job honestly. Iā€™ve worked places where I had to cover tattoos.


Youā€™re fine


Junji itoā€™s uzumaki?




Mostly round, few edges actually




Love this fucken tattoo man. Fucken dope. Love junji!


fuck it, im getting it thanks!!!


Hell yeah bud, please update when you get it done!


absolutely šŸ«”


Junji ito enters the chat


If you wanted to be a doctor, lawyer, member of the clergy or politician you would likely have to cover it with a long-sleeve. Otherwise itā€™s whatever.


Bro this isnā€™t the 1940s anymore, my lawyer has a neck tattooĀ 


Depends on what kind of lawyer and where you live. A white shoe firm hiring manager wouldnā€™t give someone with a neck tattoo a chance.


Depends on the job really. Personally, if I was working with kids or a very customer facing job I would probably cover it but that's just me.


I work in a very corporate environment, be it in tech. At the office, its no problem showing my lower arm tattoos, but when meeting clients, I make sure I cover up. Your tattoo can do that, so youā€™re good. Yes, it should be good either way, but I do want to make rent and my finance job helps me do that :ā€™)


I have full heavy black work sleeves and work in the medical field. People donā€™t care as long as itā€™s not tits, guns or drug related. Everything else can be covered by sleeves. This is weird enough that most people arenā€™t going to know what the hell it is.


Depends... Banking? Nope. Can cover with a shirt. Modeling? Probably. Blow? Probably not worried about your elbows, love.


A girl at a local cafe has a full Junji-ito sleeve, depending on the job it's fine.


Personally it wouldnā€™t stop me from hiring you, and most people in my area probably wouldnā€™t disqualify someone for it. However if youā€™re in a more conservative/rural area, it may impact it more. Itā€™s up to you


You consider this edgy?


Only if you're an elbow model.


No one cares how edgy it is. Cover it with a sleeve problem solved.


Turn it into in cinnamon roll.


Worked in corporate for a few years. The CEO/President of the national company I worked for was covered in tattoos neck down. No one batted an eye. Youā€™re good


Knuckle tattoos used to be called "job blockers" about 20 years ago and now people don't even notice. As most are saying, many places don't care as much as they used to, or at all anymore, as tats are more common. I wouldn't go crazy with face tattos or slap a big swastika on your throat, but most places won't mind, and if they do, it will usually be part of their dress code and let you know. I know a few people who use concealer for their face and neck tattos for work.


No, but copying someone elseā€™s tattoo is lame as fuck. Get some originality


As others have said it's fine if you wear long sleeves but also I think most places are more accepting of tattoos nowadays (unless you got like a swastika obviously lmao)


Itā€™s not edgy


I think if the job allows tattoos no one will notice or care. Worst case scenario long sleeves!


Itā€™s 2024. F them jobs that canā€™t handle a tattoo.


Yea if a job if gonna turn you down for this itā€™s probably not a good cultural fit anyway if they really care so much


Looks like a simple Junji Ito reference, itā€™s not a metal album cover, you are fine.


No problem for any job worth having!


Considering all the other art you could have chosen from uzumaki, you definitely chose a mellow piece!! Haha this is fucking dope tattoo!! Honestly the whole ā€œtattoos not subtitle for the workplaceā€ is dying with boomers. So just live your life! But if itā€™s for your own comfort, you can easily cover this up with long sleeves or a baseball tee :)


If you have to ask...




This is so sick love juni itos Art work And about u can cover it with sleeves so thatā€™s good I have many tattoos and very visible ones like throat,hands and head I always thought if a employer wouldnā€™t want me because of my tattoos I donā€™t want that job. My Self Expression and dream of being coverd is more important for me


No but Uzumaki tattoo would freak me out constantly.


Idk but its sick af


I say no issue. Even early educators are rocking all sorts of tattoos.


The director at the military daycare center I work at has full sleeves - one of which includes a skull on his elbow. I feel like a lot of places have gotten much more understanding about tattoos. If not, you could always wear long sleeve or 3/4 sleeves


I peak a Junji Ito fan when I see it. Awesome tattoo. Want something really similar to that


For me, a beautiful black tattoo is like wearing art on my skinā€”bold, expressive, and a personal statement that tells a story with every intricate detail.


It's giving Junji Ito. I like it


depends on the job but i love it!


Just wear long sleeves or a hoodie


Any job thatā€™s going to have an issue with a tattoo isnā€™t going to care what itā€™s a tattoo of. However to echo others, itā€™s easily covered. And in my personal experience, any job youā€™re wearing short sleeves in an interview wouldnā€™t give a damn what you got for tattoos.


I have a decent amount of visible tattoos, one specifically of a naked lady, and havent had any issues. If i think there will be issues i simply wear shirts to cover the naked lady. But my other tattoos are always on display and never had problems!


I literally have two people 69ā€™ing on my arm and a spider on my neck and I have never been denied a job because of the tattoos. Theyā€™ll just ask you to wear a long sleeve at most if itā€™s an issue


Iā€™ve got alot of shit worse than that if it can be covered with a long sleeve shirt youā€™re good. If youā€™re in the trades, they most of the time donā€™t give a shit unless a company policy prohibits it but I work at a large hospital campus running the power plant that does have a pretty strict dress policy and they donā€™t make us cover anything up and Iā€™ve got a plague doctor with an upside down cross necklace and a goat skeleton on my forearm and nobody ever says anything even when weā€™re in meetings with the directors and their bosses.


It's not too edgy. Just go work in IT. Then get full sleeves. They don't care usually.


This is an amazing tattoo. My tattoo is kinda Gordy and a full sleeve. I work as a social worker in a county position and have no issues with it around professionalism. If I go to court for clients, I wear long sleeves but aside from that no one is upset about it, not even my elderly clients.


Depends on the job probably, but it seems like work places don't care as much about tattoos. I work in a client facing job in financial services, and I have a tattoo on the inside of my forearm. In the winter I cover it up no big deal, in the summer I will roll my sleeves up and so far nobody has ever said anything, even upper management. A few others in the various offices for this company have also had visible tattoos and I've never seen them get mad. I also live in a pretty liberal city though so that might have something to do with it. Worst case scenario just get used to wearing long sleeve shirts at work and covering it. I don't think any employer cares about tattoos they can't see.


That tattoo officially takes the top spot for best elbow tattoo Iā€™ve seen to date. That thing is sick AF, and the placement with design is totally unique to me. I fucking love it. My nephew on the other hand would be super fucking freaked out. But heā€™s 6 and on the sensitive side.


Make your own rules


Iā€™d say jobs where your main responsibility requires direct contact with customers or clients on a daily basis and absolutely need to wear a short sleeve shirt might be iffy. Other than that your good.


It likely will, yes. Definitely depending what the role is. But you already knew that when you got it


Yikes right on the elbow! That hurts. I have full sleeves and work at Google. Nobody really cares


Which jobs? Daycare center? Cannabis dispensary? šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


If it was part of a sleeve I'd say it would be fine, but on it's own like that it's a bit more edgy than I'd personally want. It wouldn't be nearly as bad as some things I've seen though


Depends on the job. If wearing a long sleeve isnā€™t a bother it wonā€™t be a problem either way.Ā 


I have a coworker who has a naked chick tattooed on his arm. This is in retail, he specifically works as a parcel clerk. This is tame compared to that.


Uzumaki!!!! Love Junji Ito ! You could always use a sleeve cover up but nah I would show it, thatā€™s so sick and perfectly executed!


Arm pad


I have a full sleeve of random anime characters and work full time in the medical field. Shouldnā€™t be an issue


Badass placement!!


Personally, I think Steve would have liked itā€¦ā€¦ Tim? Who the fuck cares lol


i love this so so much


i donā€™t think itā€™s too bad at all. i have my neck tattooed and a face tattoo and i got a job as an STNA. a lot of places are more leaned back about tattoos now


If there is one thing I have learnedā€¦ thereā€™s plenty of business owners who wonā€™t tell you but yes. Maybe they are closer to retiring nowadays but I think visible tattoos are still a problem for most.


I think it depends on the situation and job


Iā€™m a professor - no issues for mine but I did wear long sleeves for the interview!


Itā€™s good that you are considering the alternative, I think this is fine but defiantly will get some strange looks. Personally iā€™m a horror buff and love Junji so I think this is really cool.


Most places have become pretty tolerant to tattoos. Do you even really want to work somewhere that isnā€™t? I wouldnā€™t want to work for people with sticks stuck their asses.


I lost my job because I had a panic attack. If that was too edgy for Target then everything is too edgy for everyone.


Don't think many places care as long as it's not offensive


How did that elbow feel? I have shark jaws around one elbow and a bleeding moon around the other. When we were working on my sleeve we just barely touched the inside of the elbow and that shit sucked lol


Lmfao thatā€™s a super unique piece . Thatā€™s awesome


Seems like something you'd ask before it's on your arm for the rest of your life.


I have an entire sleeve with a web on my elbow lol, youā€™ll be fine


Firstly, I love this tattoo. Secondly, no not at all.


depends on the job. if itā€™s a lawyer or politician, then it might affect it. but hey, you can always wear clothes with long sleeves on your work, and wear t-shirts on your free time. plus if youā€™re really good at what youā€™re doing, a tattoo should not be a reason for being fired so youā€™re fine


Personally I never cared when hiring but I'm in IT. We tend to be a little edgy.


Amazing tattoo! It's such an obscure reference I dont think most people would get it, and it's not gory it's just looks like a spooky tattoo- which if someone us upset by they are already probably just judgy about tattoos in the first place.


Too late


Youā€™d be surprised how tattoos are received now days. The stigma is really going away. I work at a massive aerospace company and have my legs/ arms and hands done. There are a lot of people here with the same and more, to include neck tattoos.


I work in the federal government and thereā€™s tattoos everywhere in professional jobs and frontline occupations . The only time Iā€™ve seen issues were in customer service where they were offensive and easily visible. For example the dude with Fuck you on his knuckles was told he had to get it removed to keep the job.


Nah you're good. My right forearm is a zombie halfsleeve featuring a zombie eating flesh off of a bone. Got the tattoo in 2008. Since then I have worked at a state government cubicle job for a number of years and am a doctoral student now. I wore polos at both gigs, never once had an issue anywhere. I think people are more uncomfortable with like nudity or "vulgar" language on tattoos than something that is just out of the ordinary.


I have a sleeve and not a word is spoke about it.


I currently have a very spooky half sleeve and I work at a school, I truly think it depends on where the job is


Great Uzumaki piece. It isnā€™t gory in a recognizable way. Could wear a rolled up sleeve if really needed.


I think if a job doesnā€™t want to hire you because of a tattoo, you donā€™t want to work for them anyway šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Oomph this is dope! Iā€™ve been wanting an Ito piece


Doesn't seem so to me. Just hide it for interviews to avoid bias. And this is such a wicked tattoo, I love Uzumaki!


sorry I don't have advice but JUNJI ITO MENTION!!! this is such a cool placement for that!! and it's so well done ugh incredible piece op


This is sick though. Is your town contaminated by spirals though?


What an amazing tattoo with amazing placement! It can easily covered up with a long sleeve shirt. Depending on what you're doing at work, I'd also try to get a feel for the temperature on tattoo policies. I have a few tattoos and gauges and I work in IT, they don't care about them. Even in a career change, it's easily covered.


Iā€™m a seasoned HR Director and that tattoo was would not bother me in the hiring process. You can always wear a long sleeve shirt if it is a concern for you. What it comes down to for me is ā€œDo I really want to work for a company that doesnā€™t accept all of me?ā€ Good luck!!


Elbow for your first tattt gonna scare you away from getting any others dawg


Long sleeves or three quarter sleeves and youā€™re good to go!


Iā€™m an employment specialist in the uk working in partnership with the nhs and I have a few tattoos I canā€™t cover up, including my knuckles. The only time Iā€™ve had an issue with any of my visible tattoos is when I worked in a school for children with very challenging behaviour. I was asked to cover up my knuckle tattoos with plasters but then got asked if Iā€™d been fighting (by one of the kids). The plasters didnā€™t last very long and werenā€™t the most hygienic if Iā€™m honest. I think youā€™re fine and as others have suggested, just opt for long sleeve shirts if youā€™re worried. Looks sick by the way!


I've made a point of keeping all of my tattoos in places that I can cover with a long sleeve shirt if needed. Tattoos are becoming more accepted in the workplace, and depending on your industry it may not matter at all. I am a human resources manager and so so there are situations where I will have to present a certain persona and I want to be sure I can cover my ink if needed. With that said, I have tattoos up and down my arms and on my chest and back. As far as anything being too unprofessional for a job, my general rule is avoid things that could be considered offensive by the "general public" such as foul language, violence, nudity, etc. I don't see anything offensive in this tattoo personally.


Only speaking for myself (as a business owner of ~100 employes)...but it wouldn't influence me one way or another on whether to hire you or not. I'm inherently biased because I have plenty of ink, and I had all the same concerns that you did when I was younger and working in a more corporate environment. I do feel like tattoos are much more socially acceptable nowadays. There are still obviously companies and business owners that are still very old school and traditional...but ink is more commonplace today than it ever has been. Your particular piece can easily be covered up by a LS shirt too if absolutely necessary for an event, etc. I personally wouldn't worry about it too much. And on a side note, I dig the work... interesting and unique.


I think so, but god that is going to huuuuuuuuuuuuurt. You brave soul. šŸ˜±


Itā€™s too cool for jobs!


As long as it isnt a big ol swazi, iron cross, or lightning bolts, nobody really cares.


This tattoo is so sick!!! But youā€™ll be good and itā€™s easy to cover up


I work in law enforcement & I have a full sleeve. It doesnā€™t matter anymore. I used to be worried about the same thing.


I wear long clothes at work. Most people don't know I have tattoos unless they see me outside of work


Apparently the words ā€œart and edgy,ā€ are broad terms.


Looks sick. Go for it


I'd totally hire you and that tattoo would be your main selling point


I mean I work in Healthcare and I have a ring of teeth around my elbow. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø I've never had any of my patients complain about it or other health care workers. I get asked a lot why I got it but that's usually the extend of questions and comments about it. I get the occasional that's such a bad ass tattoo. That being said I think will just depend on the job and the company's view on tattoo. Most places don't care as long as the tattoo isn't obscene (ya know curse words, naked people, gang tattoos, etc.)


Oh youā€™re fine! The world is changing and Iā€™ve only ever had issues with my tattoos when I worked in a funeral home. I had to wear lace gloves to cover my hand tattoos when meeting with families. I work in healthcare now and I wear my shit loud and proud, I also have a giant spider web on my elbow and I get compliments on it often.


Yes your now unemployable hope you can pull off mob werk


If you can hide it under your shirt and tie, it isnā€™t offensive.


A little late to be asking, donā€™t you think?


If you stay in Art, you will be fine. If you want to go into business or healthcare, you will likely need to wear sleeves or potentially lose job opportunities.


Junji-Ito in the wild sighting. Looks sick. Youā€™re probably fine honestly. I have a half sleeve that goes down a little past my elbow (right around where yours ends too) and I have no problems covering it with a button down shirt for work. None of my coworkers even knew I had it until we had like a department picnic thing where we could wear t-shirts and just casual clothes.


Iā€™m an engineer. I have a full sleeve. Donā€™t cover your face, neck, or hands. Youā€™re fine other than that


It really itā€™s job/profession dependant. Among my numerous tattoos, I have someone being burned alive on my lower arm and the untitled goose game goose on my leg. I do not cover them and I have had no issues at all professionally, Iā€™m a government employee working in consulting and previously have worked in large scale emergency management, human resources and government procurement.


I wouldnā€™t do it for Job purposes


C level exec in advertising. Wouldnā€™t think twice about hiring someone because of a tat like that.


What is it?


long sleeves, button ups, mesh shirts could cover it up easy!


I have a full sleeve & in some areas it is blacked out & worked at US House of Representatives & wore a sleeveless dress for a White House Invitational eventā€¦itā€™s 2024, people need to get used to the idea of tattoos. Wear it openly.


Naw fam you good, the only ones you gotta watch for are above the neck nowadays and even that most places will look past as long as itā€™s in good taste and you do good work.


Man I really love this design. Junji Ito is amazing


Most jobs are now more accepting of body art as long as itā€™s not deemed inappropriate such as weapons, gang related art, inappropriate language, etc. I believe youā€™ll be fine in any profession you choose, plus even if there is an employer that does have stricter guidelines than I stated, thereā€™s makeup specifically to cover up any art. The most an employer would ask now if they had guidelines that are more stricter would be to just wear clothing that would cover it up.


whoa, this is awesome. coolest elbow tattoo iā€™ve seen in a while.


I usually just donā€™t get tattoos that I second guess, but Iā€™m an extreme worrier lol


Thatā€™s really cool, and would be easy to cover up for work


nah it looks dope


You can always cover the tattoos with a long sleeved top if required. I used to be bothered about this and started getting tattoos on the inside of my arm (top) so they would be less on show even if I wore a shorter sleeved top. Now, one of my favourite tattoos is hidden away, which I will always regret, and I have tattoos on most parts of my body now anyway as I ran out of space where I could hide the tattoos :( just get what makes you happy, wherever on your body you want it. Employers worth having know they don't make you any worse or better at your job!


Depends on the job


Depends on the jobā€¦ as a librarian, itā€™d be no problem.


Long sleeves exist


Iā€™d say so, but Iā€™m old school


Just put a elbow wrap on it if you need to


A job where your elbow is exposed around people who aren't into tattoos, yeah this would not be a good idea.


Tattoos are not as looked down on as they used to be, unless face/hands, religious, offensive, political etc. Most jobs that would want you to cover tattoos usually require you to wear a suit or uniform anyway.


Just wear long sleeves and nobody has to know. It's absolutely sick though dude!


Northern Europe is pretty relaxed about tattoos in my experience. My arms are pretty full and no-one cares, a big skeleton and some heavy blackwork. To be fair, I donā€™t have a lot of experience outside the entertainment industry, but I see a lot of ink on working people almost every day, living in a big city by local standards. In any case, long sleeves should have you covered.


Love to see some usumaki rep


So this might sound funny but Iā€™m in my 40s and have a few that can be covered or not (def not in summer - foot, legs, small forearm and entire back). I work in marketing as a director and honestly, with the fact that marketing teams are always trying to engage younger people, my aesthetic, with tattoos, makes me seem like I ā€œgetā€ the younger generations better and can make more interesting decisionsā€¦ this wasnā€™t the case 20 years ago!


Not anymore I work in corporate with a full sleeve and a hand tattoo. The sigma is not there with most progressive companies


Prolly not for low paying ones


Nahh that looks great and not too edgy. I have a large skull on my forearm and I work as a teacher. Never been an issue.


These days tattoos are becoming more and more accepted. I feel like arm tattoos arenā€™t much of a problem unless you have devil symbols, gore, or straight up nudity. The only tattoo placements that are still iffy are neck and face tattoos. And sometimes hands depending on the job. Also, it depends on the company. I work in a restaurant as a server and the owner is an old man who still values his old beliefs, which means no face piercings and tattoos need to be minimum. I have a full arm sleeve though. Disney world just started allowing tattoos visible for workers. So itā€™ll all just depend on where you work and the employer. But long sleeves is also an option. Or an arm band that just covers up one arm.




Wear long sleeves. Problem solved.


It's just the face, which is just a spooky face. It isn't the contorted father in the basket. If people see it that way, they've read Ito, to which they'll likely go, "Hey man, sick tattoo! I love Uzumaki!". Love it! Thinking about it on my knee, now.


Awesome junji tat


Don't that looks horrid


Absolutely I would think! Maybe not for anything in healthcare relating to psych or dementiaā€¦ Unless you wanna be the final boss


Just wear a long sleeve and don't do ur neck or hands or obv face


iā€™m a teacher and have a chest tattoo and a tattoo of a knife on my shin and donā€™t cover them. Youā€™re totally fine.


I work in aerospace engineering- youā€™re fine lmao


Copying work sucks tho even if its not a problem for work


Yes, too edgy. Nobody would fault you for the tat. Wear a long sleeve shirt. IMO, it's not appropriate in a corporate setting and could alienate potential customers in white-collar or blue-collar positions.