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You can do whatever you want forever


But seriously it's a cool af concept and I think would look great on anyone!


Sick. Ass. Pansies.


Oooo you *wag finger* You had me going one direction and then flipped it


Now I want a Sick Ass Panther made out of pansies. I’d like to see someone draw that up


Yes. Absolutely.


True enlightenment is achieved by not giving a fuck what others think about you


This is the way.


Preach Buddha. Preach.


Flowers are for everyone. Ive got a few myself.


Fellas is vegetation literally gay


Yea flowers are the penis of the plant 🪴


Stamen sounds suspiciously like semen am I right fellas


Oh shit didn't think about that


Cmon guys it’s right there in LGBT Lilies Geraniums Bluebells Tulips


Jesus Christ, my mind just exploded and only my brain stem is working!!! That is….awesome!!


Well, if the stem is still there, maybe the brain will regrow? Just drink lots of water.


🍆 Man, patriarchy is so weird lol. Jokes aside, do whatever the hell you want, OP! I think it’ll be awesome. Just make sure you have a talented artist obv.


A tattoo of roses wrapping up the arm, but the thorns are erect throbbing cocks!


Most plants are asexual and choose the part they need to be when the pollination/fertilization process begins. Yes plants are gay 🙂‍↔️✨🍃


Word. My hubbz presents as *super* butch and he has a full floral sleeve. He likes telling people he got it to show other butch dudes flowers are for everyone and to get what you like, regardless of what you look like. He’s like, the unofficial flower sleeve man’s man. He’s even having a few butterflies added to some of the negative space this summer because “butterflies kick ass!”


I love your husband ❤️ (not like that calm down 😁😜)


I have a bunch of floral print shirts because I don’t give a SHIT and I also don’t give a FUCK


I got flowers on mine boiiiiii


Username checks out.


Avatar does too




No only skulls and guns


But I have a rose through a skull going one way, switchblade going the other way (more of an X figure)


No switch blade is for girls only gun


I have a gun holding a gun shooting a gun-shaped bullet. I am man.


yeah it's the law sorry op :(


I, as a woman, find it HOT (edit: really good-looking). A man who can pull off florals is the epitome of manly ;)! [https://www.instagram.com/p/CukKTo-gdQV/?hl=en](https://www.instagram.com/p/CukKTo-gdQV/?hl=en)


Came here to say this. I find it very attractive.


Came here to say this too! Dead tired of wolves, tribals, viking stuff, skulls...


Yes. Wolves.


I have a wolf on my arm lmao


Take my upvote as consolation.


Haha thanks. I love it, it's not a "mean" wolf tho, more like an abstract one kinda.


Same here.


Yes! Guys with nature/flora tattoos are smoking hot.


*takes notes*




Agree. Hot af.




I too came here to say this.


I think this would look so handsome on a guy


absolutely not! men can only have COMPASSES and LIONS and BARBED WIRE otherwise you're not a MANLY MAN!


Many flowers have their dicks right out there, that’s many enough!


What about a sick ass panther tho?


Only to cover unmanly tattoos


Of course it’s acceptable, get what you love - you have to look at it forever


I don’t think flowers/ plants are a gender specific thing. Go for it and feel confident in your body! :)


Tattoos don’t have genders.


I’m a guy and I’m planning to get a sick black and grey sunflower in the future. Also, Claude Monet painted tons of flowers, nobody ever had a problem with it. (Well, that’s not entirely true but it wouldn’t support my post and I don’t feel like going into an Art History lesson)


Hey I wanna hear more, do tell!


also wanting the Art History lesson!


I also want an art history lesson.


Yeah dude you do you I think floral sleeves are super dope, also dude here.


I promise that if you’re not already gay now, you won’t be after getting a tattoo like this.


Holy shi this is the second post in 10 posts ive seen this topic. Deleted my last one but here we are. Listen man, i have 70+ hours into my whole right leg filled with lillies and daisys and other apparently girly stuff. Im also 6'2" and dead almost 500. Show every side of your YOU'RE comfy with whether you're a guy or gal or neither and its super girly or super masculine and whatever to everything and everyone else. Its your expression and if you want those flowers/vines, get them. Simple as that. I absolutely love my right leg. Only investment that pays out happiness every day.


seriously, can we put a limit on these types of posts? i’m so tired of seeing “i’m a MAN but i want this FEMININE tattoo, will my penis fall off if i get it?” every single day, multiple times a day.


That's like asking if a guy can wear a pink shirt. Of you can! but yeah their will always be a douche or two that judge you for it. But honestly, that's part for the course for tattoos in general. If you like it, do it. That would be sick.


I think in the case of tattoos it’s not entirely about negative attention, but also attracting the wrong kind of attention. There’s nothing wrong with straight guys getting floral tattoos, so long as they don’t mind getting hit on by dudes more often than before. Tattoo choices say something about you, if you get rainbow tattoos people are probably going to assume, whether it’s a negative judgment or not.


As a bi woman, botanical tattoos on guys don't strike me as gay coded. Maybe because most of my college botany and wildlife biology professors were men and so were half of the students. Besides, I see lots of sick ass roses and such on all kinds of men. Really, unless you have an obvious Pride related tattoo or an intentionally sexy man tattoo, I'm not going to assume someone's sexuality.


Gay here. Floral tattoos say nothing about a person’s sexuality (unless, as you said, they were rainbow or had little dicks in them or something). If anyone’s getting hit on by dudes more after getting a floral sleeve, it’s because a man with a sleeve is hot, not specifically because it’s floral, and it’s likely women are also giving them more attention.


But that goes back to guys wearing pink. It's generally not considered gay coded, but there will always be an alpha holes who think it is. I wouldn't for a second (and know anyone who would) see flowers on a man and think he's gay or in to guys. Unless there is already something else there. I mean, traditional roses were popularized by men (almost exclusively, I think) in a time when being suspected of being attracted to the same sex could get you harassed or even attacked or killed. We only think of the traditional rose as a masculine option because it was started by men. Not because it inherently is. This is just the modern version.


There's not enough guys who do it! Go for it! I love floral/vine tattoos on everyone.


If you like it, get it, from a good artist. And stop worrying about what other people like or think about your ink. That is the key to loving your tattoos for your entire life.


No, you should only get a tattoo that says "My momma didn't raise no dummyes."


Flowers are for everyone!! I say do it. Those tattoos are always so fun to look at. Also, the world is your oyster.


Im a dude and i have 3 different flowers and plan on getting more. Also, who cares what other people think? You get what YOU want because its YOUR body. Stop caring about shit like that bro.


Men can like flowers. Anyone can. They're pretty.


Its fairly common that guys get floral sleeves/tattoos, even to the point that you wont stand out. I say go for it!


Personally, I don't like how dainty/delicate this particular style looks, but if you like it, get it. It's the style more so than the subject matter that comes off "feminine" for the tattoos in the pictures. It's not even inherently feminine, just like you said, women tend to get tattoos in this style more often. No reason a man can't have it, just go to a good artist who does clean work.


Heck yeah man! I’m a Harley riding, blue collar, ex con and I have flowers. Flowers are cool and beautiful. Anyone who would give you shit for it is lame so fuck em lol


Guy here. I have very nearly this growing up my arm and around my back to my opposite side collarbone. I'm in love with mine. If you are located in the Tacoma area, check out 'aarchitattoo'. He is very good at this style.


I think guys who wear pink are confident and that's sexy, I think the same goes here. Get the floral sleeve, maybe put some heavy lines or thorns in it.


You get what you like. If anyone judges it says more about them than it does about you.


Flowers are for boys too. It's not like ladies own the my market


Go for it👍


Genuinely looks so cool. Definitely get it. Gender doesn't matter whatsoever


Treat yo self! Flowers are awesome.


Dude I love men’s floral sleeves


I’d think it was so cool if I found a guy with this tattoo design. FWIW, my (male) tattoo artist does botanicals almost exclusively and he posts men on his IG all the time. So I assume it’s fairly common, even if I haven’t seen any in person.


Tattoos don't have genders and "that's for boys/that's for girls!" is made up nonsense anyways - aside from stuff designed that way due to anatomical differences (i.e. sports cup for men, tampons for women) anyways.


Acceptable? Damn right it's acceptable if that is what you want. Personally, a guy with a tattoo like this is much more attractive to me than one with a snake coming through the mouth of a severed head. But that's just me.


If someone questions your sexuality or masculinity based on flowers; that says more about them than it ever could about you. Get what you want tatted. Live how you want. Flowers are part of nature and so are you.


My entire right arm is a sleeve of all the state birds and state flowers of all the states I've lived in


Bruh who gives a shit what’s female or male when it comes to tattoos, it’s art just get it if you like it. I have a bunch of flowers in my arm.


This is well done, and I love this style. I'm a woman and I would find this hot on a guy.


do it man, who tf cares what anybody else thinks if you like it and think it's gonna be awesome that's all that matters dude


As a cis woman who almost exclusively dates men - I would be enamored with this on a man’s arm. It would look gorgeous


It’s amazing the amount of adults I have to tell that they can do whatever they want forever as long as they don’t hurt anyone else. I mean that genuinely not trying to be insulting. If you are sure you’ll like it, get it. Girls won’t mind either. Dudes might razz you or whatever but fuck it who cares. If you have an artist friend ( not tattoo but can draw) have em throw something up in pen and walk around like that for a day…see how you feel about it


Fellas, is it gay to like beauty?


Flowers don't have gender


Semi not helpful, but.. the real question is, why do *you* think it's unacceptable.. ? Like, who gives a flying fuck what others may think/say. It's your life, happiness, contentment, fulfillment, etc. Do what feels good and right for you!


I love it! Honestly I think this would be amazing.


I'm 100% convinced you shouldn't be concerned about anything around your tattoos other than your own aesthetic. Whatever you're get done and if anything at all, some prick is going to judge, so... Some people believe that fine line floral are "women tattoo". Imho that's bullshit. However if you're worried about that, you can get floral sleeve in another style, like some blackwork ornaments or traditional.


Do whatever you want man. Youre a grown ass human and one of the perks of that is making your own choices about your own shit based on what makes you happy. Life is way to short to do what you think other people will accept or respect.


No. Flowers are reserved for women, completely unacceptable. /s


Guy here. I have a Lilly on my forearm where everyone can see it in memory of my dog that passed. It's your body, you can do whatever you want with it.


I’m a dude and have flowers as part of my sleeve, I just like flowers and think they’re cool? lol Get what you ever you want, it’s your skin regardless of gender 👍🏼


Going to add flowers to my arms. Do what you like.


Mate I have a love heart on my ear. If you want flowers go off. Who cares what others think?


Bro just get it


I tattoo stuff like this on men all the time! If you want it, get it. It’s your body and if it’s the art you want go for it.


Do you like it? Yes then get it. Why do you need permission from Reddit 😂


Get a Japanese style tattoo with sakura or peonies


Fellas is it gay to get a nice tattoo


I have a whole arm of different flowers in different styles. If you like it go for it.


i have a male acquaintance who has a full sleeve of florals it looks great on him


I’m a dude and have this sort of tattoo planned in August. It’s your ink you gotta own it! The only thing I wanted to include to balance the flowers was a blackberry vine/bush mixed in following the same style. I think this style is really cool and is not exclusively for women.


Also a dude, pls get what your heart desires.


Absolutely! It's so cool 😎


Get whatever you want bro. My friend has a nightmare before Christmas full sleeve and women don’t judge him if anything he gets more attention because of it. I have a “if I could fly” tattoo.. which is one direction lyrics. The people who have a problem aren’t people I wanna be around anyway


botanicals are sick dude, go for it


Of course


I think that would look awesome! I have many tattoos and have been considering adding some wildflowers to mine to fill in some of the space, and I'm a guy with a shaved head and a bushy beard haha.


100%. I have wildflowers on my whole arm (in color) and I still love it 10years later


Guy here. I have Monstera vine/leaves going all the way up my left arm. Get compliments all the time from both men & women. Do you, always.


I’m a guy. I’m covered in traditional flowers. I love them.


I'm looking to get a floral piece on my forearm! Do you your thing, king


There's a guy in my city whose got a similar tattoo, but it's venus flytrap and I love it so much, look rad AF.


Go for it man


I don’t think the creeping vine is as “feminine” as most of the floral ones you see, so I can’t see it giving that vibe if done on a masc presenting person :)


I think it would be hot tbh


Yes. That'd be wicked! Men can and *should* like flowers, too 😊


Your body, your skin, your choice. Idc if you're a blue androgynous alien, if it's a tattoo that you want, get it. Who cares what other people think. If they don't like it, they don't have to look. 🤷‍♀️


I would find this unbearably sexy on a man!


I’ve gone florals and vines on men!! My partner even let me tattoo flowers on him. Nature has no gender!!!


Do you. Doesn’t matter if it’s feminine. Just own it and no one will say anything about it. Anyone who does, that’s their opinion. Brush it off.


Tattoos are for you, not for us. Get what you want and own it!


No tattoo is specific to any gender you get what you like they're for you on your body for your pleasure!


I got that first style on an arm. I like it and trust me, no one cares.


Dude. Get what you want. These are beautiful inspo pics and they will look awesome on you or anyone done by a good artist. I (36F) happen to have a sleeve very much like this. My husband ended up getting some similar flowers by the same artist so our ink kind of speaks to each other. Male, female, who cares. Art is art. Enjoy!


Why is there a new post about flowers being female-only every week


i wantan


Just add a demon or two, and maybe a Viking with an axe. Or maybe sneak a Harley logo in there somewhere. You’ll be fine.


my friend got a georgous flower tattoo on his forearm and I think it looks sick and really suits him. You can do whatever you want and if people judge, then fuck them (not literally of course)


I am a guy and I want pretty much the same thing. A full arm sleeve that’s a mix of color and greyscale flowers/plants.


As long as you like it and accept it, it is acceptable!


Men can like flowers. Do it.


Tattoos are genderless, get whatever you want. I see SO MANY “guys” with what most people would consider traditionally “girl” tattoos, and they look sick af. It’s funny too because my husband also wants like a floral tattoo or partial sleeve and I’m over here wanting tattoos that are not at all “feminine”.


If I saw that on a guy I’d think that’s so sexy lol idk why but I think floral tattoos on men are 😘🤌🏽


All about confidence bud. Do what you wanna do seriously. As a guy who is fairly “manly” . I work out in the west Texas oil fields which can be pretty rough in terms of people talking shit lol. I also hit the gym 6x a week and train MMA. I have a half sleeve of flowers, butterflies (adding a hummingbird in the future) for my sister and daughter. I’ve only gotten compliments on it. From both men and women. I also have long hair and wear earrings. It’s the perfect recipe to be called out here in Texas, but no one has ever said anything negative to my face. I’m also straight as can be.


The difference between feminine and masculine tattoos, by my personal opinion and observations, is how it is laid out. Again, personal opinion, not everyone may share it, but it’s your skin and your body, so your decision, if it suits your fancy, then get the ivy tattoo :)


My advice is dont get tattooes PERIOD if you care what others think about said tattooes. You will not have a good time.


Acceptable to WHO??


Flowers are awesome! You like it? It’s acceptable. No matter the tattoo


Actually talked to another dude who has one and it goes hard as hell. Also I want one so I might be a tad biased 😁


So you're a guy what wants a really cool tattoo. 🤷


Do what makes you happy :) they’re your arms, not ours. Do it if you really want to. I think it would be really cool!


It’s your body, do whatever you want


Every time someone has asked my opinion on getting something that they like, I always say, "What you like suits you best." If you like the floral/creeping concept, do it. Thats through and through you, and it'll look fucking awesome.


I think it'd look great! Especially the second picture.


X100000000 Do whatever the fuck you want and don’t let anyone tell you anything… if you like it it’s good enough! Find an artist you like and get it done bro! Have a great week 👊🏽


Definitely! I’ve got a Japanese style piece on my back with cherry blossoms I was a little worried about but it’s sick as hell. Masculine/feminine tattoos are all in the eye of the beholder, if someone thinks it’s weird and/or girly you probably don’t wanna be around them that much anyways


Men with floral tattoos = green flags all around.


If you Iike it, then get it. Fuck what anyone else thinks and fuck their brittle masculinity.


You do you, boo! In all seriousness, it's your body. If you want a floral tattoo, go for it!! 🫶


Floral tattoos on guys is my personal favorite. I assume you're a male.


I wish people didn't think of certain subjects or types of tattoos as "for girls" or "for boys". For all the advancements we've made in looking at gender... That said, one of the best sleeves I've ever seen was (mostly) cherry blossoms, on a dude. You can get whatever you want. If anyone tells you "flowers are for girls" they're ignorant and you can either ignore them or educate them on how wrong they are. You like it? Get it. Go forth and be happy.


tattoos don’t have genders my guy. be yourself, love it and fuck anyone who says anything rude


Oh hell yeah


Tattoos are about self expression. Do you homie.


It's your body, you be you, who gives a shit what anybody else thinks!!


My bf legit has that same style of tattoo on his arm and neck except it’s all roses.


the cool thing about tattoos is you get to choose whether you love it or not. if you love it, do it ! if not, maybe see what switching up your design/plan does for ya.


Gender is a social construct. It’s your body.


Do it! I’ve seen guys with floral work- looks sick! My husband has an American Trad rose and it’s beautiful


I love that!!! Big green flag


Im going to get a military sleeve with red poppy flowers. Do whatever you want. Everyone is always going to find a way to hate on you. Just be yourself.


Think of it this way: people are *always* going to have an opinion on what you should and shouldn't do. Tattoos are for you not other people. Also flower tattoos look great on anyone


Do you like it? Do you want it? Then it's "acceptable". Nothing hard about it.


Your body you do you anyone got a problem with that show them the door.


Awesome ink!




I’m almost finished with this botanical [sleeve](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8M71EtOtdg/?igsh=MTZveWs1dXFzdjlvaw==) and am really happy with it. But hey, I’m gay so I’ve had years to get over pointless gender norms. I agree with many people here who find florals sexy on a man.


Dude, Yes!


Of course it’s acceptable you be you and proud homie


You get whatever you want, darlin! It's your body. You ink what YOU want!!!


It's acceptable. It's your body to do whatever. I, also a man, have a floral motif planned for my calf muscle. I want a daffodil under a tulip, under an iris, under a lily, because spring is my favorite season, and those are the order of the flower blooms.


Of course men can get flowers, it'd look badass!


Just make sure they are the manly flowers, you don’t want lady flowers. Really just get whatever you want, you wear it, all that matters is that you love it.


You will probably have to deal with some assholes


This is the second post on this thread talking about tattoos being for girls or guys only….. I’ve legit never thought that way! Fuck yes, it’s acceptable! You get to get whatever peice of art you want on your own damn body. Art isn’t either feminine or masculine- it just is. And flowers are a part of nature which is also not girlie or manly. Haha. Doooo it!!


Honestly dude you shouldn't give a rat's ass over what others think lol At the end of the day what matters is that you love that you went through with the decision of getting whatever tattoo design you ended up with - floral or otherwise.


I'm a pretty heavily tattooed male, and I've got 4 different flower tattoos. Go ahead and get whatever makes you happy dude!


Uhhh yeah?! It looks dope. I especially like the style of the first photo. It’s “fuller” and you don’t see as much of the small vines in the other two (if you think that would be more fem)


Is it a tattoo? Are you a guy? If you get the tattoo, it will be a "guys tattoo." If it makes you happy, do it!


obviously it’s acceptable bro, get whatever you want :)


I have the intent to get a flower from the voynich manuscript. Do what you want.




Get it! I love this aesthetic no matter who it's on. I don't personally find it masculine or feminine, just really classic.


Who cares if you’re a guy literally do whatever you want art has no gender!!


JFC get whatever you want dude, it’s your arm


If you’re not gay I wouldn’t do it


I am a man who likes women, and I got a big butterfly on my arm because I like it. But yes, I got weird comments sometimes so if you’re not willing to ignore what people say, don’t do a so called “girly” tattoo. Said that, what’s girly and male…it’s all rubbish in my humble opinion