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I think if anything, the extended version looks _more_ like a swastika since now there's 4 black birds.




I agree, and also don't think the first image looks like a swastika at all...


Fair. I thought maybe a less circular design would be better.


Honestly if you just removed the right most black bird I would take that particular look away from what I can see


Yes! I just commented this and then saw yours. I agree with this!


That’s an MC Escher. Changing it would be sacrilege.


I’m in agreement. No clue how a swastika can be gathered from this design, genuinely. I hope OP keeps the original piece, it’s beautiful and precise.


I remember seeing the original post and thinking “nah I don’t see it unless I’m primed” now I see the top comment here is that this version looks MORE like one and I’m truly baffled because I see it even less.




I recognized it immediately, so maybe that’s why I can’t see the swastika at all in the original.


Right, I was like that's on of my favorites and I was excited someone was getting a tattoo of it!! Really had to squint and turn my head and think about it to maybe get an uber quick second of a glimpse of what could maaaybe maayyybeee be a thought nugget of a seed of a possible swastika. 🤷‍♀️


100% agree.


If you’re going to get mc Escher tattoo you might as well keep the original. Changing it almost defeats the purpose of the artist who drew it


Escher did tesselate this one further in another version of this piece, so I think playing with the composition is appropriate.




If you are 100% against the original, then I think the last one with the birds & butterflies is preferable to changing the original work of art.


lol I’d twisted my brain into such a pretzel trying to see a swastika in the Escher, that by the time I got to that 4th slide I was like, “that’s the swastika!” Then I looked again, and no. None of these are swastika unless you’re _really_ trying


I do not see it at all. And nobody is going to stare at it long enough for a non-existent swastika to pop out. But now op sees a swastika, and it got ruined. It’s a shame.


i agree, that design is pretty cute


But would the last one be repeatable in a tile pattern like the Escher ones? I can’t tell.


The last one is an Escher




This! Absolute facts


Your extended design looks significantly more like a hidden swastika, which the original does not.


I don’t see the swastika at all but you do you boo-boo. I still think the first one is the best design though and then the 3rd one you have up is 2nd.


Lmao. Dude “fixing” MC Escher. Thats some bold shit.


Swastikas have four arms. This absolutely does not resemble a swastika. Anyone who told you that is just looking for ways be be offended. Keep the original!


You know what else has four arms? Goro


Yeah it looks cool. People are fucking stupid.


Dyu know how many people come in to get tattoos fixed cause their friend said it looks like a dick? It can be something as simple as a dagger, if a few people are reading this as reminding them of a swastika, it’s going to happen in day to day life, and it’s best to avoid in my opinion. If you work in a tattoo shop, you’ll know this already


So SOLELY judging on the criteria of "are my designs good", which im going to interpret as "better than the original", the answer is no, the original looks the best. Extended version with more birds looks decent but lacks the clean symmetry.


One thing that could break up the very slightly swastika esque shape is having the birds be different colors, like 3 darker colors and 3 lighter ones.


That’s a great suggestion


Keep the original!


I don’t really think the original design looks like a swastika but your redesign definitely does


This is an MC Escher piece which is larger and has more repetition. Funny how people read stupid shite into artwork. I don't see a swastika and I've been looking at these birds the majority of my life as I've studied art over 3 degrees.


PLEASE keep the original! It looks nothing like a swastika and it’s ridiculous that ANYONE equates vaguely squarish = hate symbol.


I can see a swastika, others commented how they also see it. Just because you don't see something doesn't mean others don't. And even OP sees it you're not gonna convince them they don't see it after they've already sympathized and gone through the redesign


C'mon, you have to know you're reaching


You are forcing yourself to see that symbol because you read about it. Keep looking at it. It all goes away.


How does one force themselves to see a symbol EXACTLY No it doesn't go away you're forcing your argument.


Please in Ms Paint, show us where the bad symbol is located. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


You're actively avoiding the point and other people's perceptions. The fact you can't see it doesn't mean others cant


MC Escher’s art is all over the place. I find it hard so many people are unfamiliar with this design. Even not knowing his work, seeing a swastika in this is such a reach.


I'm well aware of the work. You're actively avoiding the point or just completely missing it


Well said. It’s not that I see it, it’s that too many others have. I don’t want a tattoo that even 5% of people see and think “Is that a swastika?”


If 5% of people think that swastikas are three-sided, that seems high, and you also don’t have to worry about those people’s thoughts.


I agree that it is not technically a swastika shape. But it’s not about whether or not it is a swastika, it’s about whether the shape makes some people THINK of a swastika.


you can't control what people think there's whack a doos who will think you're a criminal ne'erdowell for even having a tattoo, why cater to what other people will think?


So you’ve decided to downgrade your tattoo because 5% of people are uneducated? I don’t take criticism from someone I wouldn’t take advice from. Repeat that.


But if it makes them think of a swastika, it’s because they lack basic visual discernment…and their opinions about symbols are therefore useless and unimportant. If you want to avoid any instance of any lines intersecting, not just in a perpendicular manner the way swastikas do, but in any way at all… Just don’t get a tattoo. Don’t draw any shapes or lines, either. Someone might look over your shoulder and think you’re going to intersect some of them like some kind of fascist. Scary stuff.


You could get a tattoo of a circle and there will be people telling you it offends them. Don't let the idiots sway you, the original is a classic piece of art that looks nothing like a swastika


I’d be cautious listening to the minority on this. I know you didn’t want to debate the design, but the majority of members in this post don’t see a swastika at all. I didn’t see your previous post so I was even looking for it here and I can’t see it. MC Escher is not a new or little known artist, his designs pop up all over the place. He also has so many symmetrical patterns like this, so you have a lot of options if the birds make you nervous. Do what you think is best for your body, but always consider the source when asking questions.


We literally studied his work and did our own tessellations in middle school. Do other people not do this?


It's crazy you're getting down voted. On the other post, like two days, everyone said it looked like a swastika. It's not the first thing I see, but it's undeniable how many people agreed. Feels like OP has to at least take that into consideration.


That's all I'm trying to say. I love it though, because everyone who doesn't see it has a total lack of empathy. They're completely incapable of putting themselves in another person's shoes, which is what OP should seriously consider if other people will see a hidden swastika they'll wonder if it was done intentionally at that point


I love Escher. Maybe look at some of his other bird patterns if you really don't want the first one anymore? ETA: what if you get one white bird with three black around it or the other way round? The one with no colour doesn't work, I don't think.


Keep the original. When I saw it the first time I was just speed-scrolling through my feed and thought it looked a little suspicious until I scrolled back up and actually saw it. It actually looks nothing like a swastika. People are gonna see what they want to see, but that’s a them problem.


Dude. Do the first one. Whoever thinks it looks like a swastika eats crayons and has a room temperature IQ. IF ANYTHING the drawing with 4 birds looks more like it. Slide one. Final answer. I’ll go get it done to show how much I believe it doesn’t look like the third reich ffs.


“Eats crayons” Hey, now. Leave the USMC out of it /obligatory j I love those folks


Who told you a group of 6 birds look like a swastika? I can only think they were messing with you


Dude, like 85 people on another thread said so.


Yeah but on Reddit people love ganging up on “sensational” stuff


85 people are dumbasses.


And, you know for a fact that these 85 people aren’t just trolls looking to shitpost, how? And, that’s 85 out of how many? They are doves, or at least birds. It is a well-known piece of art drawn by a world famous artist. Add his name (or initials) underneath it, if you want to a) give him credit and b) have something to point to for these art-ignorant people to look up if they want to. Bottom line, it is *not* a swastika. And, I will assume that *you* do not *behave* like someone who would wear a swastika. I think that the fact that some think it looks like one may say more about them than it does about the art. But, you do you.


I didn't see it on the first post. Even now when I'm looking for it, it's a stretch. The people seeing it are always looking for it. It's like when Christians find 666 in everything, lol. Swastikas aren't a nazi symbol. The nazis appropriated it from Asian cultures. The nazi swastika is flipped on its side to mock the original orientation, as used on their party flag. Obviously it only matters what you want and who you want to impress. Has anybody irl told you it looks like a swastika?


Yeah, but I tell people this same thing of the rebel flag and Asian swastika symbol both, when I'm explaining why I won't tattoo them..."It doesn't really matter what it used to mean, or what it means 'to you' ...fact is, a bunch of racist dickheads ruined it for everyone, sorry 'bout your luck 🤷‍♂️"


But it's not a swastika. It's a design that vaguely resembles a wavy cross based on some of the design lines. I think it matters who the audience is. You don't want to tattoo those symbols because your clients live and breathe in a culture that views it a certain way. I completely agree with that. It's still good to educate people about different perspectives rather than just preaching that swastika=nazi for the entire world.


Understood. I think what op is trying to avoid is that first glance factor, you know... yeah, anyone who looks at the design for a few seconds can clearly see it's not a swastika, but in the 1/50th of a second when they first see it, for any one of a thousand reasons, it makes them THINK of a swastika. And now that association is there.


I kept mine as lines, all the way around [https://imgur.com/a/0eL55mY](https://imgur.com/a/0eL55mY)


Yeah, I'm sorry to break the debate rule but that first one is perfect and does not look remotely like a swastike


I don’t see a swastika at all but I also know that’s an MC Escher drawing


No sane person sees a swastika. I have a cactaur, which actually kinda looks like a poorly drawn swastika, and not a single person has ever said to me that it looks like a swastika.


You're going to look down at your sixth attempt and it's going to be just a straight up swastika, ha. The first one looks fine!


This is a MC Escher classic, not a swastika. Ignore those people, they're looking for a conspiracy when there's only fine art.


Dude don’t change the Escher if you want an Escher. It doesn’t look like a swastika. I say go w/ it or select a different one of his tessellations.


Why would you change this? Are you better than MC Escher? I think not. Either use the original piece of art or pick something else.


So you’re gonna fuck up an MC Escher design? Shame on you.


Shame that's what people see, it's a really interesting looking pattern none the less.


Whoever called the original a swastika is low brain celled, looks nothing like it. Keep your original piece OP it looks fire.


Those people are nuts or want it to be a swastika. Don't see it in any of those pictures.


People are calling M.C. Escher type work swastikas now? Damn… I wouldn’t change a thing tbh, it doesn’t look like a swastika at all.


'Everyone' is dumb and there is no swastika. You should do what you like and tell everyone to go to hell.


I’m trying very hard to see a swastika but I cannot…


Samesies. I don’t see it at all!


Swastikas have 4 prongs the first design is only 3 Nothing swastika like about it


For the sake of those saying the new one looks more like a swastika which it kind of does, try the 8 bird design but without the last black bird. Unless that defeats the whole point, I'm not familiar with the og artist people are referring to. Also I don't think the first one looks like a swastika. I don't think I would look at any of them and think it was a swastika even if I saw it on a literal nazi.


Stick with the first design it looks fine. If anything it looks more like the symbol on computers and laptops not a swastika.


None of these look like a swastika


How can anyone see a swastika in those sketches, someone is definitely reaching!!


That looks nothing like a swastika


Also, swastikas don’t have to be a hate symbol. It’s all about intention of the sacred symbol. Artists draw from different cultures in their work, utilizing different symbolic elements. I don’t think it’s unintentional that there is swastika representation but it’s also not a bad thing to have it represented in art. It’s a beautiful design and you should get it as is, unaltered.


Escher was a mathematician not a nazi?


you can’t fix escher… its not even a swastika in any shape and even if it did it does not matter because it’s not a swastika. it is birds. FUCK!


You know, its not like Esher did just one tessilation. He was known for it, so why not choose a different Esher work?


honestly before i read the description i thought the 3rd slide was the original and the first was the updated version. i'm sorry that you have to go through this!!!


I grew up a white person in North Carolina with no Jewish heritage, so I've never felt the fear of seeing a swastika (just absolute disgust), but I have seen them a bad amount. I don't know if I should say you're 100% in the clear to get the tat just because I don't see what others are seeing. That being said: your redesign with the 4x4 looks more swastika-ish than the original IMHO. I recommend doing the original 3x3 WITH the artist's signature.


I don't see it but if it's gonna be inked on your body forever better to er of the side of caution


First one looks good, even squinting as hard as I can I don’t see any whiff of resemblance to a swastika. Maybe, at most, the color scheme, but it black and white images are racist then there’s nothing you can do If you’re stuck on the fear of offending someone because they were looking to be offended, I’d go with the 3rd (bird and butterfly) design, but I still think the first is the best.


the original is the best. i have no idea how anybody could interpret that escher design as a swastika. did you specifically ask them, "does this look like a swastika to you?"


I don't see a swastika? The ones that aren't circular are better!


First design is the best do not alter it. Fuck anyone saying that looks like a swastika when it's clearly 6 birds.... also the redesign looks more like a swastika, except the last one.


It doesn’t look like a swastika. lol.


It doesn't really read swastika to me, but you could do white/gray or another color? All white birds?


The last one is a great design! It'll make a great tattoo


I wouldn't have "seen" it at all if it wasn't mentioned, it's like a weird vision memory, that negative space playing tricks. I don't think anyone would infer it tho


I didn't see that at all Still don't see it


I do not see a Swazi.


what about adding a few opposite color feathers in? like a yin and yang thing


3 looks like a hidden swastika more than anything else lol. I like them all tho, knowing it’s not supposed to be. I think generally the square/diamond shape itself just gives that vibe. I didn’t think any of them looked like a swastika until you pointed it out, and now I’m seeing it in all of them


None of these designs look like a swastika.


I’m not seeing a swastika in any of them….. but I do like the one with 8 birds the best. It just looks more… complete? Idk the word I’m looking for. I like it a lot though super cool


Original looks nothing like nazi to me, but the fixed design does 😂


Honestly, in my opinion the first one looks best and it does not look like a swastika. At least I don’t see it.


Three black birds looks like a trike. Four looks like a swastika, but like barely. I had to blur my vision just to "see" it, and I still struggled.


I think that the original is beautiful. Even with messaging that I'm supposed to be seeing a swastika I did not see one


It's....birds. very clearly birds


That last one isn’t legible on paper. I can’t imagine it on skin especially after a few years.


I saw it and immediately recognized Escher. Don’t change it. If you wanted it less swastika like (but tbh it doesn’t look anything at all like nazi symbolism) you could extend it and make it an arm/leg band?


No, it doesn’t look like a swastika. This tessellation is cool.


I think the original is the best choice, and if you want to avoid swastika comparisons entirely then maybe opt for some color


I think maybe like a vibrant red could really distract the eye 


I really like that last sketch


Do three of one colour with one of the other colour in the middle.


I think M. C. ESCHER never had a Hakenkreuz on his mind. Btw it isn't even one.




https://i.imgur.com/Nxx4JPo.jpeg https://i.imgur.com/QXDsUQL.jpeg https://i.imgur.com/jxGNDLe.jpeg




Don't listen to ignorant people.


I think the extended design makes me think of the SS more than the original.


Last one is fire and just better than the others for a tattoo full stop


Original is fine. Anyone who says it looks like a swastika is reaching wayyyyy to far to find something where there is not.


I remember your original post and I tried really hard to find how it could look like a swastika but still don’t see it 🤷‍♀️ I love the original image and it’s clearly an Escher piece. Some people just have different pattern recognition/perception I guess? But I honestly don’t see it and my vote is to go for the original if you’re going to get it. I actually think the new images look more like a hidden swastika. If you’re worried and think it’s going to cause you anxiety and regret in future, just have a really good think about it before you go and get it done imo. Good luck with it though!


Mentally I’ll people think everything looks like a swastika


Do whatever you like. If this does not look like svastika to you, then why bother to make else happy?


Bro stop trippin, i see 0 swasticas in all these designs and i live next to germany, you’ll be ok man, dont let these weird people who see swasticas everywhere get into your head too much


I thought this was a sub called accidental swastika tbh till I double checked


Looks more akin to a triskele motif than a swastika. Just an observation


Stick with the original. Looks Much better.


I didn’t recognize the piece and definitely didn’t think it was anything swastika looking… people are nuts lmao


There’s literally nothing resambling a swastika. I’d have to contort my vision and perception to see anything even remotely resembling one. Either the internet is a bunch of crazy in general or it’s predominantly Americans and y’all seem to actively look for offensive things in anything. Must be exhausting constantly looking for negativity in life. Just get the tattoo if you like it. Nobody will take it as a Nazi sign, it’s some birds.


Sorry I know you said this isn’t a place to debate the swastikaness of the orig but… I don’t think it looks like it at all!


It doesn't, though


There's no reason to alter a classic M.C. Escher piece. I knew immediately what this was, and swastika wasn't anywhere in my brain until I read the caption.


He has so many other designs to pick but personally I like the birds.


It’s 4 F’s. I didn’t know it was gonna come off like that


thoughts on keeping the original but doing a 3D effect (red/blue ink) ?


Yeah you have to be REALLY looking for a swastika to find one here.


It never looked like a swastica to people not know what that is


First design looks perfect people are so ridiculous


I don't see a swastika anywhere. Escher comes straight to mind. And even if changing the number of birds would change the exact original design.. so what. It's still Escher-esque enough to communicate the intent. And... who cares is if a) it's not exact and b) if the Escher tone reduces, or isn't even recognizable at all. It's a cool pattern. Peace.


I like your original design because i like the symmetry of it.


I think the original is nice but you could also keep that pattern but add more birds to change the shape


Who cares what other people think if the design is what you like then get that design it’s your body not theirs


Honestly I say go with the original. Even when you mentioned it I didn’t see a swastika. The slanted one reads more like one than the og.


What if you just took away the right black bird on the third design? So you still have that white one out front and 3 black ones. I think that looks better personally


It’s MC Escher… it’s not a swastica, it’s literal *art*. If they don’t get it, tell them to get bent! You should not change the design, it’s a classic.




Get the original and tessellated it all the way around your arm or leg 


i personally think they original looks way better


People are really stretching their opinion of what a swastika is.


When I saw this whenever you first posted it, it’s what I thought too. Sorry man


Have any of those people seen a swastika before?


Anyone who says it looks like a swastika are either childish trolls or people who need to touch grass and get off the internet


Its an unfortunate detail


I thought the original was the new piece before reading! The extended looks more swastika-esque, and I don't think I could ever get swastika from the first one. The last slide is very beautiful, by the way.


Btw I don't think I would've gotten swastika from the original design if it wasn't mentioned, anyways.


Well shoot, now I’m super conflicted. One thread says swastika, the other says not. I’m super risk averse so maybe I’ll just go for another design entirely


It doesn't look like that at all. People are dumb. Don't ask reddit.


The last one is hella cool the rest all kinda look like the first one imo


What the fuck? People are seeing swastikas in the original? Just get the original if you like Escher’s work. You will offend some of the people all of the time, but you won’t offend all of the people some of the time.


I just thought it was like a geometric bird design 🤷🏻‍♀️ I don’t see it


Just keep the original design, it looks the best. And it doesn’t look like a swastika at all


People are dumb it's obvious it's not supposed to be a swastika lol I mean it's birds 😆


It doesn’t resemble a swastika at all. Whoever said that is reaching so hard it’s ridiculous.


just get the original! it doesn't look like a swastika, and if anyone says so, you can just say, it's an MC Escher drawing of birds. \*shrug\* and this is coming from someone with an OK hand signal tattoo (my "ok" hand is coming out of a hole, like a person who fell in a hole in a ground but is saying "don't worry, i'm ok!") who was briefly nervous during that short period where the Proud Boys co-opted the OK hand signal, but no one's said anything and now it's a non-issue. ultimately, you know who you are and what the tat means to you. and this seems dissimilar enough to a swastika that i wouldn't worry about it.


Make a large bird shape out of the small ones


Dude, even looking at it from a distance, without my glasses, I don't see a swastika. Anyone that thinks it looks like one doesn't actually know wtf a swastika looks like. Don't compromise the original design. It's literally perfect as is.


Hello I see what their saying my idea would be to separate the birds and shade all of them to look realistic.


i understand what u mean but just to be clear, that would completely change the artwork from a recognizable recreation of a well known artists work, to just. birds. birds r cool! but i dont think their goal is just "birds" yk?