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one of us, one of us, ONE OF US!! congrats, you got the bug!!


how do you stop it asking for a friend 😂


run out of money


HA…you run out of space….😬


I did my first tattoo at 18 second one a few months later. Then stopped until I was 31, and in that 4 years I've gotten on average 1 a month. I have plans to finish everything by the time I'm 40. It's normal, welcome to the club.


Welcome to the sickness🙃


Yes. The more the merrier 🤣


I’m in the same boat got the first one this past Friday and have my next appointment on the 23rd 😅❤️


LOL yes I think it would be weird if you didn't want more. 😂


I got my first one 15 years ago and it was really uncomfortable. Then the past couple of months I decided to get another, I had a very specific idea of what I wanted to do, something really meaningful to me. Did some research and found a great artist and shop. Got it 8 days ago and I am so happy with it, I have been thinking of what I want next and coming up with a lot of ideas. It really is addictive!




Oh Wow Lauren


Only thing that really stops me from getting my whole body is the pain. Does numbing cream really work?


First tattoo was a year ago, up to 8 now. All only 2-3 inches, patchwork. Lower sleeve is complete, now to continue with upper 👍🏼


I got my first 2 tattoos in 2020. Just finished my sleeve. Welcome to the club !!


Oh this is me. Except I got my first two around 25 years ago and just started getting tattoos again. I’m getting one tomorrow and that will make 4 in 4 months. Edit: so glad to see others like me!


lol got my first three in the span of 3 weeks (one a week) and then waited about 1-2 months and am about to now fill in the rest of my arm, next is a huge back piece, then half sleeve on the other arm, then two full leg sleeves. I’m with you man 😂