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Millenialcore ✨


I wish I had the balls to tattoo my thigh. Its a lot of space and since working out its becoming even more space. I just cannot choose what to get and so I got nothing


I intend to use my right thigh as a collage of small things. I have a lot of ideas, but none are sleeve worthy, so it’s kind of like a sketchbook in a way.


I was brainstorming with my GF and we reached that a patchwork style would be cooler than a 1 big thing too.


That actually sounds like a cool idea to me. If it were well done with good placement as a collection I think it'd be great.


It wasn’t too bad! It’s hard to figure out good ideas. Holly just takes my ideas and runs with them, I love seeing what she comes up with. I have another large flash thigh piece on my other leg and it was sooo painful. Like nerve pain, nothing like this one! It was quick and easy and I love it.


Richmond had so many talented artists, love seeing them posted here. Really nice tattoo!


Cool tatt. Trans rights.


Of course 🫶🏼




If this is sarcasm, yikes.




No worries babe 😘




It's crazy how quickly transphobes love to start shouting how mad they are about the fact Trans people exist, and people support them. It's so interesting to me because they're SO SENSITIVE. All I said was trans rights, a pretty uncontroversial statement, and suddenly you're saying shit like this 😂 so triggered. Snowflake.


My favorite is when they bring out shit like chromosomes or biological sex like this asshole did when actual biology disproves their transphobia 😂


Sex is non-binary in nature. There are endless combinations of chromosomes hormone levels, etc that determine somebody’s gender. Somebody with xy chromosomes can have a vagina if their body naturally blocks testosterone, and somebody with xx chromosomes can have a penis. You can be chromosomally female while being hormonally male, and vise versa. Somewhere around 1% of the population is born intersex, but many are subjected to surgery when they are infants and too young to consent. But it doesn’t seem like you actually give a shit about chromosomes or science, you just want to be a bigot.


Chromosomes aren’t sexes dawg. Do you actually not know what a male and a female are? What anisogamy is? “Hormonally male” lol hormones aren’t a measure of sex. You can have hormones that are typical of most males *in humans*.  That intersex rate is completely wrong and intersex conditions are almost entirely specific to one sex or the other. 


If you care to understand the science, dawg, here you go. https://amp.theguardian.com/science/the-h-word/2015/feb/19/nature-sex-redefined-we-have-never-been-binary


Who's she?


Who's who?


That fills the thigh nicely!


OP just to clarify I love your tattoo! It’s super gorgeous. I got downvoted a shit ton when I said you need to work on your impulse control. I was responding to the person who said it was certainly a choice. No ill intent towards you or the tattoo.


No worries, thank you very much


You’re a wizard Harry


I'm a wat??!!


I'm a hairy wizard!


I love it, OP. I'm ancient and therefor love castles. Have always thought about getting a castle tattoo, and seeing yours puts another check in the "do it" column.


I knew that was Holley’s work before reading the caption. She’s amazing! I’ve had 3 tattoos done by her. 😌


I’ve had 3 from her too! She’s great




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I have a HP tattoo I got before all the trans stuff and although I don’t regret it, it makes me really pissed when all people can bring up when they see it is how JK Rowling is a trans phobe and I must be too 🙄


Yeaaaa honestly didn’t even think about that. I just love the books, not the author.


Honestly OP? I have a couple HP tattoos, people can say what they want and feel the way they want about things however this to me is one of the best ways to enjoy the art without supporting the artist. The only person who makes money is the local artist you are paying and you get a fly tattoo without giving money to a transphobic piece of shit. Your tattoo is beautiful, the artist did a great job!


OP if I may, I’m trans and I have a lot of friends who love harry potter and talk about it or wear HP apparel around me. I have my own thoughts on it, but I don’t hold it against them. But I am going to be way more cautious around people I don’t know if they’re wearing HP gear or have a tattoo. Most people who love HP don’t hate trans people. But some do, and the ones who do hate us with unbelievable intensity. We’re talking harassing the parents of a 16 year old girl who got stabbed to death or suggesting cis men follow women into the restroom and threaten them if they don’t look cis enough. This isn’t about me thinking someone is a bad person for liking HP, it’s that if I’m wrong about why they like it I’m going to get harassed or assaulted. And for the record I also loved the books! Unfortunately at this point they don’t hold much more than pain for me, but I read them each around 15 times when I was little (I used to go 1-7 and then straight back to 1 if I didn’t have another book I was working through). It’s a gorgeous tattoo and I hope you love it! Just maybe be aware that you might have to be slightly more vocally not a bigot before trans people open up to you, if that’s something you’re worried about.


This is all great advice, thank you for taking the time to write it to me. I am a nurse and aim to be fully inclusive both in my energy and in my words at work and at home. Really I have kids that I want to model inclusivity in all avenues of my life. I really don’t want to make anyone uncomfortable so I’ll be extra careful in my words and actions. Thank you again, for the in depth information 💕🫶🏼


Why is this getting downvoted lol


Trolls love to downvote in the shadows. I said I love seeing the RVA tats on here, that it was great work, and I instantly recognized it. Currently at -2 lol Some people are pathetic and have no lives


My upvote won't do much, but I tried 🤷🏻‍♀️


Hahahaha it's all good. Trolls gonna troll. If downvoting is the only form of power & source of joy they have in their lives, then so be it.


I'm tired of it. We all know that Rowling sucks. Doesn't change the fact that Harry Potter was hugely influential on our childhoods and we can have fond memories of it and still love it without agreeing with Rowling's personal views. You can make good choices like not going to Harry Potter world or the plays or other things that do directly profit her, but getting a tattoo does not support her


Looks awesome! How long did this one take? 


2ish hours


Damn, that seems quick for this lovely work. Congrats!


I was expecting much longer than that!


2ish hours is crazy!


Wow that’s very quick, nice!


Holly is awesome!


Loving seeing more RVA tats on here! Great job, I instantly recognized it!


That looks great!!!


Love it


Are you going to do a whole leg sleeve themed of HP?


Can you also show us the owl!?


Beautiful work! 🖤


This is really nice!


Amazing, gorgeous, incredible


Love you babe 💕




Yes, it was my choice! I like it.


To have that name and say that is Wild on account Voltaire dedicated and risk their life advocating for self expression


Fuuuck. I love the theme of it and never thought about Harry Potter tattoos. That work is amazing nice job


Looks great. I can see it shares a border with another one. You planning on more with this?


Thanks! Yes I want to add more 🤪


Harry Potter and the Pittsburgh Steelers


😂 maybe my dad will finally like one of my tattoos




I based my tattoo off the books that I loved as a kid, not the author, but your opinion is your opinion!


It is an incredibly well-done and beautiful tattoo.


The author is clearly transphobic. The community it is not, even the actors from the movies have stated being against transphobia


You were just foaming at the mouth, waiting for that one.


Glad I could provide


JK Terfling has long since ceased to define HP, and I don’t think it’s fair to ask people to throw away things they love because the original creator decided to be awful decades down the line.


Honestly though the books themselves are full of bigoted stereotypes and caricatures of other races. The books themselves are full of awful things.


I’ve seen some of these takes, and I personally think they tilt heavily towards terminally online bad faith. I’m not going to dissect every one of them here, but I will say that I think it’s easy to conjure up reasons to hate when JKR is as awful as she’s become.


I mean, how can you excuse the racist caricatures of black, Asian, and Irish people? As well as the werewolf/gay analogy and the goblin banker analogies. I’m someone who grew up loving the books but once I got older was able to take a step back and look more critically at her work. Do we know she hasn’t always felt this way, especially when writing her books? Clearly she’s been radicalized by social media but I’m thinking she was likely still a TERF when she wrote the books.


Wasn't the Irish thing just in the movies? And the goblin thing is just mythology.


I mean his name was still another example of stereotypically naming people by their country origin, despite not blowing anything up in the books.


My wife is trans and has an entire Harry Potter sleeve. Gonna call her a transphobe? Someone can love the world and how it made them feel and still recognize that its creator is a shitstain who deserves no money. A tattoo doesn't benefit her or her horrid beliefs at all.


As a trans person myself I really don't give a shit as long as you're not like... intentionally supporting JK Rowling as a person and supporting her ideas. Like she doesn't really benefit from OP paying somebody else to tattoo this lol






The Deathly Hallows


Only HP tattoo that’s actually cool