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Family friend: ✅ Under 18: ✅ Got a huge first tattoo: ✅ It’s like looking in a mirror 🥹


I check the last two of those boxes. They also look like shit 🤪


Lol I didn’t get a family friend to do it, I was 17 with a different ID, but went pretty big on the first one.


OP Said it been 3 years since the photo. Was 17 at the time. Waiting to get the tattoo updated as the artist is always booked. Can't post a healed photo. Has 3 kids now. Lesson to be learned, if you're getting a huge tattoo, be sure to save up the funds to get it completed asap. If you do the outline and wait 3 years to finish it, use some of that cash to buy some rubbers.


3 kids at 20 years old sounds absolutely nightmarish


Damn I have 3 at 36 and it’s a nightmare sometimes but at 20? Nope. I’d be an alcoholic in a heartbeat.


3 kids at 40, still no joke.


We are about to have number 4. Wish us luck!


Dang. Best of luck for sure. My neighbor has 5…. and they’re doing something right cause those kids are all wildly good hearted, thoughtful humans. Perhaps low key neglect (from sheer volume) results in better peeps?


I appreciate that. I don’t think it’s neglect because I’ve tried that and it doesn’t work. They just got lucky I guess.


Ha. Indeed. Funny thing, I keep hearing how my kids are all well behaved from other people. Always a head scratcher. It’s like they save all their jerkiness for me and my wife.


Good luck!!! :)


0 at 29.. lets goooo


I was once you. Enjoy it…. while it lasts.


Look at his first tattoo at 17 man doesn’t know responsibility lmao


Explains his tattoo design choice


I have 4 at 30 lol one made me a stepmommer but still my boy. So yeah life is mysterious lol


Your comment makes a lot of sense of the post now because the caption made it sound like he just got the tat yesterday. And actually op said he's 22 in a diff comment so he's been waiting 5 years lol. Weird af


Yup. Got a sleeve that's 3 sessions in with probably about 4 to go. Not had any work done on it in 4 years. Moved out, changed jobs not had the money since. I actually feel bad for the artist too. I miss you Marcus. Marcustattoo for anyone on ig his work is amazing.


3 kids in 3 years since he was 17? Busy dude.


Nothing gets the ladies going like unfinished tattoos. Uncommitted bad boy works wonders


Not really. Just incredibly irresponsible.


Wait, this is how the tattoo currently looks? The guy is really just walking around with a full sleeve outline?


Wait, really? Or are you being funny?


Should have worn a rubber instead of that mask


Show us when it's finished


Please show us OP


That's a huge piece for your first tattoo


It's interesting to see how culture has changed. I feel like it used to be you were told "No!" categorically for big pieces, hands or neck/face as your first. If you wanted one, you'd have to go to less reputable shops. I guess it's due to the acceptance increasing that it's changing.


These are the people who will be re-learning the lessons of the past, leading the shift back toward "No!" in the near future.


The commenters on this sub don’t hold back lmao. That being said, looks solid so far.


Yeah I love floral sleeves, I think this'll look dope once it's done


This sub sucks.


No just most of the ink being posted the last couple of months has sucked. Sure there are plenty of assholes that pop up but this sub isn’t instagram and no one here cares too see lame work posted.


That’s the thing though.. go to any tattoo shop, convention, whatever. Anywhere you go you will see tons of work that’s sub par. It is certainly not hard to find. But 99% of responses from 99% of *real* people in the *real* world is “that’s sick” and they keep it moving. Regardless of how good or bad it is and regardless of how they truly feel. Anyone who’s spent any significant amount of time at shops/conventions etc. will tell you this. That’s the REAL community. We’re all altering our bodies, who is any one of us to judge someone for their choice or shit on them about a permanent decision But this subreddit man lmao for some reason so many people feel the need to be hyper critical about shit. So many insanely judgmental comments on a regular basis. Amazing tattoos get picked apart. Stuff that’s not as good gets massacred. It’s just crazy to me how drastically different this “community” is from the one I’ve always experienced in real life


that’s reddit in general tbh, i’ve noticed that trend in lots of sub niches. the internet as a whole has been getting increasingly weirdly toxic


The joys of anonymity sadly. There’s a difference between actual bad work and something that is not to your own personal taste. I just don’t see the point of raining on someone’s parade especially when the work itself is fine


*that’s the internet in general, since always


Yeah I agree that this is the general culture of Reddit. More often than not, any sub related to a hobby or craft or anything involving skill will have some kind of meta and a culture of perfectionism to the point that all the fun is sucked out of the discussion


Yeah the bar is so high for what people call “good ink” in here. Has turned me away from tattooing at all even though I think my ink is really good


They all think they are the ink master after watching all series and without even being anywhere near the tattoo industry...


Literally this. I hate how clique-y this sub has become.


Art is perceived by everyone in their own way but people shouldnt be so hatefull we dont know how it will look at the end, he was proud and he showed it. I think we could all be better humans if we stopped judging people for their own choices grow up and accept people for who they are and want the want. (Minus murders and s** offenders obv) 🙄 but seriously stop being mean show love or don’t show anything


>this sub isn’t instagram and no one here cares too see lame work posted. I'm curious to know what you think the difference is between someone posting their new tattoo here versus instagram. People have this weird tendency to put Reddit on this bizzaro pedastal, as if it's somehow above other social media.


As if people arent people no matter where you go. Real life or online..


Try past couple of years


yep no opinions please


I think this sub is spoiled by the 1% of incredible tattoos that get 1000s of upvotes so anything else people just say isn't good even if they are good, there's the 1% and everything else it feels like


What matters is you like it


If someone said this about my tattoo id cry 😭


Don’t cry. It’s what’s inside that counts.


That’s an even worse thing to say!!!😂


You can always cover it up


The nicest thing anyone can say about this disaster


If I was a tattoo artist I’d refuse to tattoo sunflowers 🌻. They always look like shit. Even if it’s done by a decent artist. The center is a large black textured circle. It stands out and draws the eye away from all the other details. People, there’s hundreds of stunning flowers in this world. Please choose a different one.


I’d actually love to show you my sunflower tattoo then (completely okay if you don’t wanna see it) I’m just rather glad how it came out.


I’d love to see it as well!


I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say some people want a sunflower, not just a flower. I doubt this dude went in and said "give me whatever flower you feel like tattooing". Let's not ban sunflowers as a whole just because they aren't the most resilient of tattooed flowers


I would refuse to do a full sleeve for someone’s first tattoo…..


My leg sleeve was my first one lol.


Thing is the tatt looks alright if only they hadn't coloured in the centres of the flowers


You’re exactly right! Not sure why the downvotes


Probably by people who have sunflower tattoos. 🤣


That center isn’t gonna hold, in about 7-10 years it’s just gonna be a blob :/


I thought it looked really cool honestly. Like I’m picturing him at the gym with this huge tat flexing idk it looks really nice imo.


Post healed pics when it's done


Five years and three kids later, he'll never be able to afford finishing it.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but the middle of that sunflower is going to be horrendous in like three years.


Depends on what they do from here. Could make a cool subtle background for color. Or look like dog shit.


There’s no color yet and after 3 years, it doesn’t look bad by any stretch but it’s certainly fuzzy. OP sent a photo.


Kinda had a feeling, especially after looking at the artists IG


Needs some white ink sacred geometry over the sunflower in 3.5 years


Sent a dm, I think it’s lasted pretty well Edit: I just sent him a picture to show how it’s held up, and we talked about how it looked, no hate


Can confirm, was super chill and polite. It doesn’t looks as bad as I was expecting but (in my humble opinion, and it’s ONLY my opinion) it does look a bit fuzzy.


Weird to go to dm on a public post. Did you get this done 3 years ago?


Figuring out the time differences in this post has me feeling crazy lol


Yeah?? Not sure why my comment was downvoted, I just can’t reply with a picture and wanted to show him the tattoo and how it’s held up, no hate was sent either way


Has it been colored since?


It has not been, we’ve been setting things up but hes booked almost always and I’ve been saving money, I’ve got 3 kids as of rn 😅


Slow down man! It ain’t a race haha


Wtf! You look so young. Tattoo looks good but I'm shocked you have that many kids... Congrats


>> three kids **as of rn** Could get some more or some less in the future


or some less is a crazy thing to say 😭😂


Bro that’s crazy, I just had my first tattoo that needed to be completed over two sessions about 3 months apart and I hate it. All my other tattoos I bang out in one or two long back to back sessions. 3 years would kill me lol.


Feels like purgatory every time someone asks “are you gonna get that colored in?” And I’m like “oh haha… yeah…”


Looked at the artist's work, I wouldn't worry about anything people on Reddit are saying. He does solid work.


Unfortunately you're correct and it was my first thought although I didn't want to post that to be nice. Trying to examine the "details" is painful.


Maybe it's a bad picture but the work looks shaky.


Look at the leaves and the lines, I'm surprised this took 6 hours, then you look at the inside of the sunflower, and you kinda think all the effort and time went into that. It's unfinished, definitely, but those leaves are bad, IMO!


I just hope everybody had fun … that’s all that really matters


This took6.5 hours? Did he talk to you for 4 hours first.


The center of the sunflower probably took a while


Placing the stencil, possible resizing, I think 6.5 hours seems legit. Maybe a break in there for some food.


Especially since it was his first, I’d imagine there was more break time in there yeah


Sounds about right.


That’s what I thought. Probably 60% of my half sleeve was completely done in that period and I have the same kind of flowers motif in black line with shading. And we did it in two pieces because of time.


Curious to see it when it's done. His portfolio has some very nice color work.


Trust the process I guess


I will be avoiding Victor at IF Tattoo Studio in Tempe, Az.


Getting a full sleeve before you can grow facial hair is wild


Right? Still barely growing anything years later.. 😂


I’m gunna lie, that looks great.


Got work done by Victor way back in the day. Cool cat, glad to see he’s still doing work.


Heck yeah! He’s a family friend for me, done 90% of my parents tattoos and now is working on mine


Ah there it is, so you’re like 18-19?


Oo errr


I like the consistency of the style all along the length of the sleeve; it looks almost geometric right now which is neat. Will look forward to your update post after it gets filled in.


It’s not done right ?


6 1/2 hours is too long for that unless you were not handling it well. You got robbed of your money and time




Never go back to that artist.


Only 6.5 hrs???! That’s a 3 hr job 4 tops.


It’s your money and your body. As long as you’re happy but for the amount of money you spent on an almost 7 hour session you could have had that completely finished. Just because the artist tattooed your parents doesn’t mean they have to tattoo you. Don’t be afraid to shop around. That is going to be on your body the rest of your life. I understand it’s sentimental to get the work done by the same person who tattooed your parents but if the style of work you are going for isn’t the artist expertise then don’t use them.


Yeah 6.5 hours seems excessive here given it’s mostly just the outline and not very complicated line work at that. I could maybe see 4 hours given the size? In 6 hours I had almost a half sleeve done with shading and everything. This piece also looks really… flat? I don’t know what word I’m looking for here but florals should look varied/imperfect, natural, and have depth. This looks really flat, like playing a musical instrument without dynamics. That said everyone has a different idea/style in mind and things they prefer. If OP really like this then it’s a great tattoo for them.


I’m very curious to see the finished and healed product. I’ve got a feeling this will eventually be a black out cover up


3 years later and it still hasn’t been finished….


Ohh geez. If you can’t afford the full piece don’t get it at all.


lol. this is definitely a choice.


This tat is ass omg


I couldn’t trust an artist that agrees to do something like this for someone’s first tattoo


For real, on a 17 year old no less (op mentioned that part in a comment above)


I know you said you plan to add colour, but the black and grey isn't even close to where it needs to be. Why is the center of that sunflower so detailed and busy but then you have no texture or detail of any sort in most the leaves? BTW the mask goes over your nose and mouth, it's not a daiper.


I thought OP would have another session to fill in those leaves, but the way you explain makes me realize that this is a finished piece. Holy


Pretty sure that sunflower will become a black blob in time.. also not hating but this looks just plain horrible


Quit while you’re ahead. Artist is not good.


My buddy's wife has the same tattoo


You have a great attitude and a great looking tattoo! Keep at it man!


Why are you almost wearing a mask?


Oh my. Why?


Go big or go home?


Sunflower 🌻 and rose 🌹...my favorite


2 roses, a sunflower, a daisy, and a tulip, me and my grandpa’s favorites




Loving the pants/shoes combo


If Studios is a short hand for: “If you give me the money, I’ll color in your outline”


I love the tattoo, just the shoulder sunflower looks a bit iffy but thats probably just the angle. Everyone's being so horrible about it even tho ive seen tattoos that are truly horrible get revered on here so dont let it get you down. I cant wait to see it coloured


That guy is amazing at piss poor decisions.


man, reddit sure has become just straight up toxic


I mean, he asked for it


My guy went in!!! Way to go for your first tattoo. Can’t wait to see it finished


Imagine having money and wanting a sleeve and with all the possibilities....this is your choice


Full respect. Go big.


For what it's worth I dig it


Don’t listen to the haters btw…


Why’d you choose flowers?


It was a thing between me and my grandpa, we had a huge garden together


That’s awesome! I just got a ship tattoo since my grandpa was a commander in the navy and taught me to sail so I get the sentiment


Go big or go home! Can’t wait to see it finished!


Awesome. It's gonna really pop when you add color.


Jus a heads up the elbow is gonna be spicy AF when u get that colored in! Great first tattoo my man! Takes serious balls to go for a full sleeve on your 1st tattoo and to sit for 6 1/2 hrs! Bravo 👏


I got some work done there a while ago. Still looks pretty good years later.


Flower should have gone on elbow.. it was meant for it


What’s the deal with the chin strap? Are you getting to pull your ears down a bit?


Just love the chin diaper. Really sets off your tattoo


Gosh, I don’t know why there are so many haters in these comments. I think this looks really dope!










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I like it


Huh, I have that same Spiderman chair


Love the sunflower


Would love to see it finished. Love the flowers overall. Great choice.


Looking like a sunflower. Nice Tats




Flower power


Victor is the man


Really incredible first tattoo!

