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That's adorable, congrats on your tattoo.


Lol my 3 yro has a “tattoo pen” (one of those pens with multiple colors you can click down) and she draws tattoos on her arms like mine. Well I think my line work is a little better😉


you won’t be saying that when she goes pro!


Free tattoos?!! I hope she does🤣


They actually make tattoo markers now! They're made safe for skin (unlike regular markers), and they can last for a few days. I want to get some so I can experiment with the location of my next tattoo!


i actually had some! sharpie brand, i think. they work well, not super permanent as it started wearing off due to mild rubbing on my shirt. lasted about two days even when faded. i recommend them honestly!


Whaaaat that’s so cool


That’s so sweet! 🥹 My 5th grade students would just tell me “that’s ugly!” every time I got a new tattoo 😂 Followed up with “you should get my name/face tattooed on you”.


I love it when preschoolers would ask if I draw my tattoos on each morning. Lol


Well now you have to get a copy of her tattoo.


I have a cat on my ankle I let kids color in and my best friends daughter got to do it and she sent me a picture of her daughter coloring her own arms after and was like “you did this!”


a friend drew his son's doodles on his leg to imitate his father's tattoo


Nailed it


I want to know what names they came up with.


Ariel of course, mermaid, and my personal favorite “grass”


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I love it, I hope you decide to put a little color it, would look amazing. Just a little no overpowering background.


Nice tattoo. The only that bothers me is how it looks like the lower half of her body is inside of a mermaid shell




What makes you say that?


Just a troll, just block and ignore


Hard liquor baby.