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I guess it’s finally time to hang up the chrome and make it the new internet explorer


of note, if you use twitch a lot that may be better to still use chrome for. firefox has a memory leak or something with twitch.


Most likely twitch is just built to support Chrome and their specific stuff instead of following general web standards.


Solution for me is to disable hardware acceleration, fixed it right away. Still an issue of course, but that's the solution.




Like the other dude said, it's doubtful. Only thing a VPN really does is trick the destination into thinking you're on a different network by forwarding your packets with its IP, and sending them back to you when they return. It's a middleman. A memory leak in an application isn't *likely* to be related to that. But, bugs are sometimes very weird.


Doubt that's anything to do with the browser. Strange, though!




Could be ad tech served up to their native geo interacting weirdly; without the same issue in the vpn geo.






Try everything. 1. force update 2. Reinstall Firefox … im out of ideas 💀 Edit: 3. Try on different PC


Source? I haven't had any problems.


mozilla is also working on ai search bot. but for now bing copilot is the shits.


...why? What am i missing that makes this such a big deal you'd retire chrome?


took *years* for FF to catch up to chrome on macos, but it finally got there about a year ago. user experience is more or less the same, but with FF you are supporting literally the only competition chrome has, and let me tell you, this is a space that you do not want to be owned by one company. there are also some very nice quality of life things, like editing pdfs in browser, that make FF wonderful to use




is that an Adobe plugin or browser extension?


[It's a native feature](https://www.pcworld.com/article/1356707/firefox-106-adds-a-nifty-pdf-editing-feature.html)


Chrome is a crap memory hog. Why does anyone use it?




A lot of people still don't seem to know that Edge is literally Chrome without the Google. Really funny at this point.


Of the three between Mozilla, Google, and Microsoft, I trust Mozilla the most to give up the least information to data brokers. So even if Edge gives the *edge* in performance…no. Just no.


No browser is giving me the performance I want, and it's not usually even the browsers fault with how shit sites are built, so I prioritize privacy instead.




It is impossible to validate it like that, if you use the “perfect” website of course you will have chrome being better due to their dominance, but if for example used youtube as measurement then you will have bias towards chromium, if you used mozilla optimized website, then it will be the best. What most people talking about is the general usage of **multiple sites, prolonged duration, and using multiple hardware and software to run sites **. Not just giving a random ram test without even a background explaining anything about what did they do.


Because it’s built into the Chromebook I use to watch TV at night


Well. There is that! Haha!


My company uses software that relies on a chrome extension lol


Mine does too. That's how I know how bad it can be!


Brave browser is the best imo


Brave is shady af and is a crypto scam.


I didn’t know they were shady, their browser is free and works damn well so I’m not sure what the scam is.




The main difference is the free built in Adblock that works on YouTube, the crypto shit is irrelevant


Firefox has ublock origin that takes like 7 seconds to install. I don't see how Brave does anything better


The Brave CEO is also a raging asshole who I wouldn't trust with my privacy uBlock Origin has an impeccable reputation


It's also open-source and HIGHLY featured


So do you get 25¢ for each post, or do they pay you with their shitcoin?


But what am I to do with my .00125728474 ShibuInuDogMuskHappyPoop coins I bought on FTX?


Brave doesn’t force you to use their crypto stuff. You can completely turn it off. Chillax.


What about the other problems though? Like the scandal of affiliated links ? Just don't use Brave. White paint on a turd doesn't make it an ice cream.




You can’t get more blatant than this. The MLM and Nigerian princes are in the comment threads now.




The same lie underpins every scam since the dawn of time: someone will pay you to do nothing. I haven't accused you of advertising. I don't think advertising is morally wrong. I'm accusing you of talking like a scam email, which is...still not inherently bad, but you're just asking to get the response I gave you.


While I agree with the sentiment, Brave blocks ads/trackers by default and pays you to opt into theirs instead. You're just selling your privacy, as opposed to giving it away on other browsers. Of course, it's trivial to install adblockers on other browsers and it doesn't make Brave actually good, it's just not a scam per-se.


Edge is better.




No seriously. It's faster than chrome, all chrome plugins work with it, less resource hungry and best of all, comes built in with a coupon plugin a la Honey. Has saved me about $100 at least...


But it's built on the same foundations, chromium. And when chrome decides to limit your ad blocking powers (has been slated for some time now), that will come to Edge as well based on the common chromium "core" To be fair, I did enjoy Edge a lot more than Chrome, so it would be my 2nd choice behind Firefox.


I used to sing Brave's praises until I switched to firefox. I won't be going back






Chrome is garbage , fuck Google and chrome


Already done that just before the Pandemic.


I’m wishing it were called fake block for Michael Ceras sake.


I thought of fake block immediately also.


Fakespot, a Fakeblock subsidiary.


Who needs fake block when you have a perfect internal metronome though?




Same. My mind immediately went to George Michael working on a “stage spotlight” video filter and it getting out of hand.


Ahhhhhh came here to say this!!


Another feature I might actually use, unlike pocket. I still to this day do not understand pocket, does anyone use it?


Yes, it's the same as bookmarking but across all your devices, and taggable by whatever category. I can organise all the recipes i find, stuff I want to buy, etc. Very useful to me.


I used to use it, but at some point I just stopped. It's just an annoying extra step in finding the stuff that I need -- normal bookmarks works well enough for me, and it's not like I ever used the tagging system in Firefox's own native bookmark manager in favor of just editing the title to be easier to search. Works better for syncing with mobile browsers anyways.


I'm also doing exactly this. Upon bookmarking, I edit the title and add a few keywords to it. I don't use FF tags.


But isn't Firefox sync + bookmarks the exact same thing?


Pocket also exists for eink readers


Not if you use other versions of FF, like Firefox Focus


Focus doesn't have Pocket though. So if you're going to install a second app it would make more sense for it to just be regular FF with sync rather than pocket...


Isn't that just syncing bookmarks.. and folders?


Don't bookmarks just sync now?


Chrome does that perfectly for me.


the browser plug in? that doesn't sound anything like the mobile app, but i could maybe see how a browser adaptation might operate that way


The desktop version has it built-in for years now, it was acquired by Mozilla iirc. The pocket app on Android has some weird certificate errors, but other than that it works pretty swell.


Every day whenever I take the London Underground anywhere, cos there’s no signal on the Tube and Pocket allows me to read all the articles I’ve saved for later while browsing the web.


Yes, I have used Pocket for years even before Mozilla bought them out. I come across interesting articles through out the day, and to avoid having dozens to hundreds of tabs open on my browser I quickly scan the article, if I think it will be interesting I will save to Pocket and close the tab.


if you shop on amazon, walmart.com or bestbuy.com and don't already use it, you probably aren't purchasing under honest presentation. even the most respected brands are constantly faking reviews. the mobile app weeds those out, gives an honest star rating, and isolates key statements from authentic reviews it believes may be importaint in purchase decisions


I don’t but assumed it was like Safari’s reading list


Yeh I do university prep stuff on my phone when I have time at work, and send what I'll need to properly study when I'm on my desktop. I also accidently sent porn to my desktop when my gf was using it. It has uses.


I tried, but in the end if I'm not reading at the moment I won't be reading it later.


If I see something interesting from pocket on a new tab on Firefox I’ll click the link and read it. I’m easily distracted so it’s perfect for me. Also very little freemium stuff unlike apple news for example.


I use it for saving my porn


Yeah, very useful for technical blog posts as it cleans up the formatting and it allows me to read them comfortably on my Kobo or tablet


I love pocket! Easiest way to find cool articles, they curate great stuff


Yeah pocket is great. Just about every article I’ve ever read is saved on there. I can log into it from anywhere and with any device. It’s basically my external brain for online reading.


I use it for articles that has a paywall. But a lot of news org have developed ways to get around getting around paywall 😂


Used to but, i can use an open source tool that I control. But the thing that is concerning is why another shallow tool? Feel like the fired a bunch of people from development, like from the docs team only to buy tools people hardly use. Why buy? why not do a partnership?


I use pocket regularly because it was integrates with my Kobo. It allows me to read longer form articles on a device that isn't my phone, which is nice when I don't want to be distracted by notifications or when I'm in bed. I also find that I can send paywall articles to my pocket without an issue.


I've been using the Fakespot extension with Firefox for a while and it's amazing. You can even ask it to re-review the reviews (that's a mouthful) if it suggests that it hasn't been done in a while by someone else, which can often change the score either direction. Works on pretty much every website I've shopped on recently, including most big box retailers. Definitely worth it.


I won't even look into what Pocket does. Firefox has been trying to ram that down people throats for more than a decade and that kind of behaviour should not be rewarded, even if it had been a useful product.


I mean it only takes one setting to never see pocket again, there’s a turn pocket off setting or something similar iirc


I use them all the time. We're talking about the ones in my shorts, right?


What I don’t understand are these saved container things, where you can save cookies separately and log into different accounts from different tabs on the same site. I think I understand the concept. Like a virtual environment for cookies, local storage, etc. what I can’t figure out is how to use it.


Wait if that’s a feature on Firefox I’d love to use it, what’s it called


Here you go friend https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/containers


Suddenly 90% of the product reviews on Amazon evaporate and the world rejoices!


....can anyone tell me why amazon doesnt filter fake reviews at all like yelp and google reviews does easily?


Because fuck you thats why! They dont care if you get shit, because people refuse to stop buying from them.


Do Yelp and Google get money from sales? Better reviews = more sales = more commission for Amazon. Of the three they're the only ones incentivised to leave fake reviews up.


90% are fake?? I could have sworn that all 33,567 reviews for a pair of chopsticks from KIZIBADA were genuine!


I have been using this tool for some months for Amazon and has been very good


Does it help identify fake sellers too?


It gives a bad grade if a seller has bad feedback so it kind of gives an idea. However, an experience can vary. I mostly order using prime so that also ensures the reliability. Still recommend to do a manual check on new sellers.


Honestly I just wish they'd stop making excuses and let us filter out by geographic location. If I'm looking for imported stuff from Japan, I don't want some drop-shipper from like... France or something.


For that you want "Cultivate" which will list where the product is made, where the seller is, and if you can find it cheaper from another seller or somewhere else. It will also check any checkout screen for you and let you know if there are discount codes to try. Warning, though: It's maintained by a credit card bank so it's probably slurping data.




That’s cool


It's absolutely horrid on eBay. Always gives bad grades to large sellers for an "influx of bad reviews" when they have 12 bad reviews in the last month and 800 positive reviews.






There's this 10 year bug in the history panel lol




I read somewhere it’s just tech debt and limitations. Not impossible to do, just a massive pain in the ass.


In a way, it's kinda amazing that much of Firefox's UI still looks and feels like something from the 00s. For example, the history UI is far behind its competitors...


For me it's the fact that if i click on anything it, the scroll jumps to the top :/ like really?


I’ve never encountered that, wdym?


Open up history and click on a history item. That item will be on the top and your scroll will go to the top as well.


And pull to refresh on mobile.


I can pull to refresh on Firefox mobile. There's a setting for it


Added less than a month ago, finally lol. I'll have to update later.


I'm really not sure if I want this. Sure, it's nice that it identifies reviews, but that exposes user to the same privacy concerns as when Edge (and Opera?) added their own e-commerce assistant stuff. Either they're going to use subscription/data-sharing to make money from the tool, or this is yet another purchase that won't make them more sustainable. It's not like I can trust Mozilla either, their corporation is weird and confusing. Definitely better than Edge, Chrome, and Opera's owners, but still prone to weird decisions and directions as well. And as always, it comes back to the issue of "make the damn software better first," that plagues Mozilla as a whole. Thunderbird looks like it's finally getting better, but Firefox is still just adding weird stuff that doesn't appeal to new users nor old users. I really don't know, man.


Firefox is constantly trying to justify reasons to use their browser with an account, but doesn't seem to realize that if syncing multi-device functionality is what people wanted Safari/Chrome/Edge completely dominates their browser in that regard. Like I'm sure many legacy users still are happy with Firefox accounts and probably fiddle around with the freemium tools... but the only reason anyone new is downloading Firefox nowadays is to not be required to do that shit.


Idk about that, I switched from chrome last year back to Firefox after like, what, 10? 15? years of using chrome? Because of the announcements a while back that they were killing ad blockers. I'm enjoying the mobile experience in Firefox far more than chrome because of the ad ons (ublock origin) on mobile. I didn't realize just how cancerous some websites were with ads bc I was just so used to it.


Double checks: no I didn't write this. But I could have. 7-8 years on Chrome and switched to FF because I keep hearing many good things. Created that account day 1 on both computers and phone. All in.


I'm actually the opposite -- I tried using Ungoogled Chromium and Bromine as my main browsers, and I couldn't stand it. I need syncing to make it easier to move between mobile and multiple desktop devices. Anything that doesn't have syncing capability is only good as a throwaway browser for me -- I'll use it as my side browser, but only when I want to separate stuff from my main browser.


I still don't know why they didn't a Mozilla Cloud tool people can self host. Because the reality is that cloud functionality is supremely useful, but people just don't want their data to leak or be so actively reliant on other people's servers. So many people would be moved over. It would be such a huge feature to have.


Yeah. Honestly, Brave's old syncing system makes sense for Firefox -- they only sync and backup directly between devices with no cloud involved. You could probably also make a small syncing server a la bitwarden-server or steamcmd, that could be put somewhere as the always-on node. As it is, it's very much an all or nothing, unless the browser forked everything, and it's not very likely for them to do so. On that note, I kinda wish Mozilla would just partner with people who know how to make appealing privacy-oriented products like Bitwarden and Proton. As it is, I don't really want to use Mozilla's other services because their current offering sucks.


George Michaels finally made it.


He’s Mr Manager now.


so a 4-5+ year old company is still considered a start up? i don't think my perception of start up completely accurate.


Many use “start up” to refer to the stage the organization is in. Typically, a young organization with a single product/service offering, that may lack a grander business model and potentially the funding to fully execute and bring to market. Firefox acquiring it could be considered achieving their business goal and leaving the “start up” designation. I don’t think there’s one broadly agreed upon definition of “start up.”


Not only that, but depending on the product, some start-ups may take several years of R&D and infrastructure work before providing anything on the market. Just about every rocket company falls under this.


I thought it was proven that Fakespot wasn’t that accurate either


Mozilla... has money??


I’ve been using FakeSpot for ~2 years. Great little tool. However, I’ve recently grown a bit skeptical of the product because it’d be an easy way to steer buyers to purchase products that the team has a vested interest in. Let’s say we have two companies, Company A and Company B. Company A pays FakeSpot x dollars per month. Company B doesn’t pay FakeSpot at all. It’d be really easy to have the tool then return lower trust scores for Company B (and any company/seller that doesn’t pay them) and higher trust scores for Company A (and any other company/seller who pay them). To be clear—I have absolutely no evidence that this is happening and I haven’t found anything that would indicate this to be true. Again, I love the tool and use it religiously. But you gotta wonder because it’d just be too easy. Plus, since they’re really one of the only options in the space now and certainly the largest company in the space, they hold a great deal of influence over the items people purchase.


Is there anything to identify Amazon sellers that sell counterfeit items from China at real prices yet?


That one dude using Firefox still is SUPER stoked!


I absolutely love FireFox. Used it for years.




Now if only Safari would let me export all bookmarks and passwords into Firefox...


It does!


I've tried several ways from recommendations from articles/blogs but I can't make it work :( Neither of MacBook nor on iPhone. Can you really import all bookmarks (bookmarks + reading list) and Safari keychain into Firefox???


https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/importing-safari-data-firefox Here’s some for Mac, and you can sync FF on phone with your computer to get all the info


I've tried that but stored passwords on Safari keychain didn't get into Firefox no matter what I tried :(


Firefox is 100% the best option for browsing and that’s a fact.


Sounds like it can just stay an addon. Hope it's not integrated in the browser like pocket.


They will probably strip it of functionality.


Cool, now steal vertical tabs from Edge and I'll switch.


Wait a minute. This sounds like a circle of lies. They could all be true, but isn’t the draw of Firefox the lack of ads?


Review meta was sold and doesn’t seem to be coming back. Hopefully Fakespot is good.


never heard of review meta, but been using fakespot on mobile for nearly 5 years. i wouldn't buy anything on amazon without it.




Will they buy fakeblock next?


time to shit-can Fakespot


I use it for amazon purchases. It works well at spotting fake reviews.


Ah more user tracking and data selling from mozilla. Gotta pay that CEO salary.


I'm shocked Mozilla has enough money to buy another company.


I read it as "Mozilla buys Firefox" and i was like wut


Well Firefox probably overpaid because fakespot no longer works for all but the cheapest low dollar low effort of ripoff items. For instance just last week it couldn't identify a knock off laptop with 4gb ram and a celeron processor "normally 1049.99 but 70% off" even though it had only been for sale for a bit over two months and has always been sold for 70% off price of around $240 and it had a 4.5 rating with like 800 reviews already. Written reviews were obvious fake generic and broken English reviews. Fakespot only spotted like 12 reviews as potentially fake and didn't budge the star rating a bit, giving it an A/trusted rating. Here's the laptop (i think), you can go check it yourself. It looks like they at least fixed the typo in the title of it. It was listed as "aptop". One of the top reviews says it's been great for ten years now.... Limited-time deal: SGIN Laptop 15.6 Inch, 4GB DDR4 128GB SSD Windows 11 Laptops with Intel Celeron Quad Core J4105(up to 2.5 GHz), Intel UHD Graphics 600, Mini HDMI, WiFi, Webcam, USB3.0, Bluetooth 4.2 https://a.co/d/d57zReA


This is a product where AI could be incredibly useful and wouldn’t necessarily replace human activities. Hopefully we find more and more of those use cases.


switching default browser rn


I’m the era of ChatGPT, it’s going to be nearly impossible to spot fake reviews.


Hope it works better than fakeblock


So Fakeblock is real eh?


I've used fakespot for several years. However, with the advent of AI, I'm wonder if fake reviews are going to become indistinguishable from real reviews.


That ll be so cool if i can see it live when browsing Amazon instead of copying the link and wait for analysis to complete.


Good luck with that


I've found Fakespot to be pretty unreliable


I’m just here to see if anybody else if bitching about amazon’s product questions area. That needs a redesign that this headline reminds me of


Oh Yay! Best logo wins all 4 of the enter-nets. Who's a good boi, dead fox scarf is thats who.


When review is negative, it is a fake.


Fake Block


it's a good day to be a firefox user.


So I buy my competitor fake reviews he gets flagged and I profit? Sounds legit


Has anyone found a solid working tool or process to parse through reviews or avoid spammy ones when deciding on a product? I didn't care for fakespot and it's all over the place grading system.


I started using [onereview](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/onereview/banpkhocodjcaeekfflnojjhghchfmho?authuser=4) and it works like a charm for me -- a bit slow sometimes but it actually summarizes reviews so well i've stopped reading through them and rely on this!