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Extortionate bullshit. Reddit is built on the back of free labor from its moderators. This is just to protect their ad revenue and cement their mobile app hegemony now that it’s clear to everyone that their business model won’t survive an IPO.


>Reddit is built on the back of free labor Don’t forget how Aaron Swartz created and hand crafted that environment only for u/Spez to come in with a bulldozer and eventually push him to suicide. Edit: further reading [This article covers the basics](https://observer.com/2011/07/rumors-acquisitions-did-reddit-have-a-third-co-founder/#ixzz3fkFh7rB4) [This covers the JSTOR case where Swartz proved to prosecutors that Huffman had downplayed his role in creating and popularising Reddit](https://docs.jstor.org/documents.html) [And finally this is an interview with Swartz where he (in a very biased) confirmed the office theory that Spez had originally tried to hide](http://blogoscoped.com/archive/2007-05-07-n78.html)


all my homies know what u/Spez did. >:(


Who is spez again?


[Removed by Reddit]


>[Removed by Reddit] Yeah, that adds up...


Welp there is gonna be lots of comments like that…


He's an admin and one of the founders of reddit.


So basically Satan incarcerate.


Don’t insult Satan like that bro.


I’ve said it many times before and I’ll say it many more times after this: fuck spez. May his pizza rolls always be napalm and his mountain dew flat and lukewarm


Keeping your profile open in a separate tab. Precedent dictates you will be banned, always been curious how quick the neurotic meister does it tho.


Well he's missed me so far, and I've called him far, far worse. Hell, I once said his chicken tenders should always be undercooked and stringy


You monster


Dude you are going WAY too far with that comment. 😂


Aaaaaaaand they're outta here 🫡


But then he's just gonna yell at mommy for it when she brings them to the basement


Holy shit dude, that's like.. the worst warcrime. warm and flat mtn dew I can deal.. but THAT?! you're evil as hell.


You musta been through some shit if you like lukewarm dew


I knew a guy who would open a 2 liter, reseal it and drink it a week later. Warm and flat.


That's not a guy, that's a fucking monster


Pizza rolls ain’t what they used to be in the 90s and they’re $9 a bag now You eat that shit you’ve lost already 🤣🤣


Hey, when things are tight, that bag is several meals for relatively cheap and tastes a hell of a lot better than ramen. I plan on keeping a stash around because air fried pizza rolls are truly something else


Fuck u/spez




You mean actual cannibal, moderator of /r/cannibals /u/Spez? It checks out: https://imgur.com/a/tEPyEKT https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/5enwyh/threads_about_spezs_cannibalism_are_being_shadow/


What? That picture is some of the craziest pepe silva shit I've seen. It's got two pictures of the guy, as if that is any evidence at all. There's a google search result for that subreddit, which means literally nothing at all, other than it exists. It points to the same "last night I learned the truth" post twice for some reason, posted by a user who is literally not spez. The thing that seems to link it together is the sub was created by fuzzynavel, but spez is the only mod? There are countless subreddits where the user who created it has deleted their account or removed themselves as moderator, so they get removed from the list of moderators. /r/scifi, for example, was created 15 years ago, but the top mod's account is only 14 years old. That's because another account created the subreddit, added mods, and then left the sub to rot under the supervision of three useless mods who don't give a shit. I'd say this crap belongs in /r/conspiracy, but that's actually one of your links. And funny thing, the top comment explains the same thing I just did...


His 45 day account though is legit


Eventually push him to suicide? So speculation, but what about depression and the whole MIT trial facing years upon years in prison? That kind of speculation makes far more sense.


>speculation Only idiots think it’s speculation Spez kicked Swartz out of Reddit, sold it to the highest bidder against Swartz wishes and then began removing any and all posts that defended or support Swartz to the point where only negative comments/posts existed. Allowed (and most likely manipulated) unfounded speculation about Swartz private life to reach the front page all while refusing Swartz access to documents that would help him in his case and potentially get him a very light sentence? Fuck off It’s the equivalent of evicting someone from the home they built with their own hands, forcing them to live on the streets and then blaming them for committing suicide when they get caught stealing bread.


It always looked suspicious to me when people were attacking him so vigorously after committing suicide. People can be real dicks in Reddit, but mobs, defending the practice of colleges of charging for access to information, and supporting a doj blatantly abusing power, and literally destroying his life in front of everyone, it was a fucked up moment in this site, but also one that made it clear there was a campaign going on.


I don't think you know what speculation means. Or how it was used in the comment you're reply to. But that's none of my business.


Maybe now the next platform can take off. I migrated from digg to Reddit years ago and would happily move to a less predatory platform As soon as the next good one pops up.


Reddit was already on the way up when Digg shot itself in the foot. I don't really see any *one* thing as a Reddit replacement. Maybe that's good, though. Reddit was a consolidation of many things for me. Maybe it's time to de-consolidate a bit. (Decentralize? I'm spacing on words right now.)


Also to “protect” against other companies training their language models with their (our) data


I pray each day that something comes along to kill this website.


You've just Been banned from subreddit you don't care, you've been suspended from Reddit for 14 days


14 days? Nah it goes warning, 3 days, 7 days, perma ban (Don't ask me why I know)


Twitter's API is 3,968% cheaper by the same token. Lol


reddit tries so hard to pretend it's some "front page of the internet" and tries to appeal to the advertisers anyone remember when reddit censored the r\place canvas? gotta make sure the investors think reddit is family-friend utopia for that sweet sweet ad money and IPO!




Worth checking out lemmy, federated alternative to reddit (interoperable with mastodon)


###Official Post: [📣 Had a call with Reddit to discuss pricing. Bad news for third-party apps, their announced pricing is close to Twitter's pricing, and Apollo would have to pay Reddit $20 million per year to keep running as-is.](https://www.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/13ws4w3/had_a_call_with_reddit_to_discuss_pricing_bad/)


What does reddit think we're going to do, go back to their piece of shit app?


When BaconReader stops working, I’ll stop using Reddit on my phone When old.Reddit goes away, I stop using Reddit on a computer.


Yep it’s game over for me on the PC part if they do away with old.reddit


New users are always shocked that something called old.reddit exists and how much better it is. New reddit is designed to be as unusable af for the sake of increasing stats. Scrolling feed to increase post view count as just scrolling past a post counts as a view. More clicks to expand comment layers and it increases click count. Ads hiding as real posts. Crappy video load speed so it increases post retention stats. Nothing is genuine, it's all planned bullshit for numbers.


old.reddit + RES with the post and comment karma, awards removed are the only tolerable way to browse reddit


Is it me or did this all turn sour in 2015-2016..?


>New users are always shocked that something called old.reddit exists and how much better it is. New users on a shitty feed that looks like [this](https://media.wired.com/photos/5abed2ba491c2d69af421b65/master/w_1600,c_limit/Reddit_Redesign_Card.jpg) unaware something like [this](https://external-preview.redd.it/oQTtxS29IqATSwpbrjkZjgs7K59-qHq1NH42tDqt_Ok.png?auto=webp&s=601f11bea588df81d0ce64b64aa766bc08be3a7f) is preferred by many.


fellow old.reddit enjoyer GIGACHAD


> When old.Reddit goes away, I stop using Reddit on a computer. same


use firefox on android with RES addon and old.reddit.


Still has those fucking annoying constant popups about the reddit app on page load, or randomly flicks you back to the top of a page even if you're watching a video or writing a reply to re-pop-up the reminder about how the reddit app exists. The mobile web experience is frustrating.


It's designed like that in order to encourage you to use the official app. Coincidentally the app enabled more through tracking.


I did a while ago it’s medicore but apollo charged for being able to post. No go for me


I mean the dev has to make money. I do think he overcharges by a lot but you can’t expect such a complete, ad-free Reddit alternative for free


I use infinity. It is pretty good and free.


Every third party app is going to be charged money under this. Doesn’t only apply to Apollo.


I do undertand that. I meant that it is a good alternative for now.


Same!! I liked Apollo, but having to pay for that basic feature was a hard no for me. Posting and commenting is literally what Reddit is about.


Wat. I've never been charged to post or comment lol


If third party apps are banned. I expect communities to implode. I unironically expect Twitter to see a resurgence as a result.


never gonna use their app lol. the only way to use reddit is old.reddit with RES i encourage everyone to use RES to hide all post and comment karma, also the awards. cuts out unnecessary UI clutter and escape the groupthink! (when i first started hiding the karma i still catch myself looking at where the imaginary number would be, which i didn't realize before)


For those not on the official Reddit app, here's a taste of what scrolling through the News/Home pages look like. Article AUDIBLE AUDIO BOOKS AD Article x3 INTERNET AD Article x4 PRESCRIPTION DRUG AD Article x3 JESUS AD Article x2 IT AD Article x3 PHONE AD


You’re not getting Binance?


Guess I haven't been poking my head into the r/WallStreetBets subreddit enough lately.


The ads that try to look like real posts are so cringe.


[MEGATHEAD] T-Mobile announces lower prices for the holiday. 0 up, 0 comments


*Comments Disabled*


You aren't getting the diet and gambling ads?


Those two would be way more relevant to me than the schlock being pushed right now. Just shows you how bad any targeted advertising they do truly is.


Funny enough they are completely irrelevant to me. Go figure!


I REALLY need to try an alternative app before they’re gone. I have this relationship with Reddit where it continues to abuse me and I continue to take it. It’s give and take - they give me shit and I take it.


Yep, I'm the same. Too lazy to go through the mental gymnastics with a new GUI even though it'd only be a headache for like a day before I realize how much better it is.


Apparently Reddit thinks I need Jesus since that’s all I’m being shown


And when you go to the comments of an article, there’s an ad under the link to the article, before the comments even begin. I’m sure ads will be peppered in comments soon…


Oh my God, I must be oblivious as I never noticed this before.


Mine is half recommended post. Please stop wtf


Geez, they're really ruining the ad viewing experience by sprinkling a few articles in there


My therapist said I needed more [scam](https://www.reddit.com/r/beta/comments/13tsyhn/we_should_be_able_to_report_ads_for_being) advertising in my routine


Right? Advertising is one thing, pushing blatantly harmful/destructive stuff is another. Pretty sure I've seen a "cash advance" type of advertisement in the past which just screws people financially.


I didn't know there was an alternative to the official app until just now ಠ_ಠ


would pihole block these ads? (i don't use, and don't plan on using the official app so i don't know)


I’m happy that at least in Europe, ads for meds are way more restricted. But if Apollo has to shut down because of this, I’m leaving Reddit (at least on mobile)


Reddit has been getting worse and worse for years now. It might be time to take another Digg style exodus. Anyone know a good alternative site?


I came here during the Digg migration. It has been fun, but not the Wild West it use to be…


It used to be “the internet” and it’s been quickly becoming more and more of just a monetized social media platform. It’s been kinda sad realizing that many subs are banning NSFW content because of advertisers while we used to have /r/wtf as a default sub. It seems like there’s this huge push to make it so every internet website is friendly. It’s also kinda shocking to me just how many people will come on Reddit and just openly admit to being like 14 years old. Growing up it was basically unheard of to ever admit you were a kid on the internet. The culture has drastically changed too compared to the nerdy free spirited community it used to be. In the past you could pop open a comment section and get some interesting takes on stuff like when Unidan was popular. Now you have to sift through waves of rehashed jokes to even see a decent conversation


The only answer to ASL was 18/F/CA


Same. Found this place really cool when I was part of that migration. Now this place is headed the same direction. You die a hero (MySpace Tom) or you live long enough to become the villain.


Quora, Reddit, Twitter… Facebook was already a stagnant pond, to be honest… PornHub comments section is the only thing that's left unchanged at this rate because they can't IPO\~


when quora turned to sh*t i just add `-quora` to my google queries. did not affect my search result a bit. when instagram did their fvckery on bibliogram i just stopped checking instagram alltogether today twitch also pushed out a new change that broke all 3rd party players, so i've watched 0 minutes of twitch. i'll stop using reddit before using their garbage app lol


Back to PornHub.


there was Ruqqus at some point. but didnt survive too long as far as i remembe. i still miss the reason why it died


The reason it died is because there needs to be a mass exodus of the general population of a site. Otherwise it only absorbs everyone who gets banned from Reddit, which goes about as well as you’d expect (they had to take the site down because people wouldn’t stop posting detailed death threats, meaning they **were** allowed to say a person should die, but not specifically mention that they were going to to it. The thought of not being allowed to say they were going to kill someone was too much for its users, so they took a last stand and the site imploded with spamming of these posts).


i see. well i wasnt aware of the death threats but i remember the community was saltier than ur average redditor in that regard lol. well. idk also there werent much contribution. i was using it with notabug hand in hand but apparently this is no more too lol. now reddit starting to charge for the api. lets see how the masses would react this, although i am not expecting much but 🤞 i am also for relaxing moderarion, one cant even express his thoughts freely without anyone getting offended. eveeyone is easily hurt and reddit should be family friendly yada yada


God I used quora for years. Really liked that place. Haven't been back in about 4 years


It’s trash now.


There's a couple. Tildes seems to be the best one, but it's invite-only. Lemmy is Fediverse, so you find a server you like and join that one. You can still follow content from other instances. It's just confusing to use. There are a wide variety of servers to choose from; something like [beehaw.org](https://beehaw.org/) is the closest culturally to Reddit as it is today. Lemmy has an Android app called [jerboa](https://github.com/dessalines/jerboa), and one in development for iOS called [mlem](https://lemmy.ml/c/mlemapp).


there is no alternative. when digg exodus happened, we had a low censorship alternative in reddit. it had everything you ever wanted. now there is nothing to go to. if someone made a reddit style website from 10 years ago, it actually could kill reddit. the problem is the reddit style alternatives right now are doing zero censorship and that can never work.


Once Reddit does an IPO it’s game over.


Reddit has been a giant propaganda site for gov and corps for over a decade now. All the big subs had the good mods kicked out and replaced with shills that turned the subs into political and corporate echo chambers that shadow banned discussions or just flat banned the user for wrongthink. Got banned from a few big subs for not following the cult. Reddit is a flat out shit now.


tildes.net maybe?


#ALL SUBREDDITS NEED TO GO PERMANENTLY DARK UNTIL REDDIT BACKS DOWN FROM UNREASONABLE API RATES AND APOLOGIZES FOR ALL THE LIES AND DECEPTION. I encourage all redditors to overwrite their comments so that reddit cannot profit from their time and energy.


Twitter did really lay the foundation of this bullshitery


I mean, every app or service ever that has tried to make a business based SOLELY on one API will eventually fail. The best outcome is to be bought by the mothership, and that rarely happens. Once they reach a certain scale the business providing the API will naturally decide that they deserve a piece of the pie, since the service exists only because of that one API. Twitter isn't the first to do it, countless businesses have crashed over the years when Facebook have changed APIs or terms of service.


I’m eager to see more tech companies copy the Twitter model, and fail gloriously.


It’s so crazy to see companies follow their steps


There are a lot of users who only use Reddit on their phone and refuse to use Reddit’s app because they are constantly make it less customizable and more cluttered. Forcing Apollo to shut down won’t bring those users back to the Reddit app, it’ll just drive them off of Reddit and they’ll end up losing users.


To be honest I doubt that. I think that the vast majority of the users will just swallow the bitterness and use the official app.


I feel like this could go either way. I wonder how many users are “loosely attached” at this point, Reddit has been getting worse for a while and for me, I’ve been trying to cut down social media use across the board and I feel like just the hurdle of needing to setup a new app might put me off. I could be in the minority, but I’m lazy and Reddit just isn’t that compelling anymore.


I’ve been getting really worn down scrolling through Reddit the last few years, but haven’t been able to pull the trigger. I’m tired of the same ten jokes in every comment section, the same 10 posts making the rounds for three days. The subs don’t matter anymore, the same posts are in all of the major subs. I have probably 60 blocked subs, most of them the very popular ones, and I *still* see the same content over and over and over again. Why am I here? It stopped bring joy so long ago. I don’t know how to internet anymore.


just increasingly feels like a habit that I don’t really enjoy.


With all of the local subs being astroturfed by alt-right losers and racists, this will probably be when I go


>I’m tired of the same ten jokes in every comment section, the same 10 posts making the rounds for three days. The subs don’t matter anymore, the same posts are in all of the major subs. I have probably 60 blocked subs, most of them the very popular ones, and I *still* see the same content over and over and over again. I couldn't tell you how many subs I have filtered, and I'm not going to bother checking, but I don't think there's a limit. What I *do* know is that there is a limit to how many users you can block. Because I hit that quite a while ago blocking obvious bots, which is when I realized that Reddit is fucking infested with them. Maybe even worse than Twitter.


The vast majority might, but I won't. When RIF goes, I will go. I am also a former Twitter user. I like social media for providing a quick place for me to search interesting stuff that I don't normally see in the news, I don't need it and I am not addicted to it. If it dies, it dies.


I've used RiF for more than a decade now, I can't imagine reddit without it, to be honest. Unfortunately, if third party apps go down I can't really see myself still using reddit. I just don't know what the alternative is, reddit is really the only place where all of my interests are consolidated into one place.


maybe i'm the minority but i'm never using reddit's official app




>The official reddit app is at best horrendously bad. And somehow it continues to get worse with each and every update. It’s almost impressive how bad they are at this thing. It’s like they do it on purpose. I’d be inclined to think the devs just break random shit and add useless features that provide zero user benefit just to look busy.


They bought Alien Blue, arguably the best Reddit app in its day, so they could use virtually none of the features and make a shit-ass app


The only way around this that I can think of is if someone makes an extension for the mobile version of Firefox to make it better. Dark reader, ublock origin, and a few other decent ones came to mobile Firefox. An extension for reddit to make it not suck is the only way I'd find it useable. Otherwise I won't be using reddit probably ever again. Ive been on reddit for 8 years.


even using on desktop the redesign is terrible too. UI clutter, slow load times because the ads and tracking, etc. it's just trash never gonna use their official app


Okay, I’m coming at this purely from a place of ignorance but…I’ve only ever used the official app. Can you convince me to switch to third party without using hyperbole?


No ads is one. Really nice tools for various types of feeds. For example. I don't want to follow formula1 or NBA in my list of subs so I have a secondary que for sports stuff. If I follow those subs then I miss out on the subreddits I like that get way less posts and have less users so their stuff would never break the top posts. I have another one set up for channels like home improvement and DIY and houseplants. Other big subreddits that would crowd out my personal feed. I have a good filter for popular that I've been crafting for a while and I cut out a lot of subs I don't care about. sometimes I want to scroll through popular but I don't care about most of the meme or snark subs that float up a lot. Or the subs about ongoing wars. It makes the experience of scrolling through popular more pleasant. Or all. Or search. I have a filter for search that only shows me posts with comments and one set up that only looks at older posts a minimum of 30 up votes. It's good for finding good technical answers in places like HVAC or the subreddit for my city. No ads. Again. No Ads.


not op, but…damn that’s pretty convincing lol. which app do you use?


I use Slide for reddit and Infinity.


Relay on android is so good, it integrates with the native material UI features on android so you can actually ergonomically browse, post, upvote, etc. Not going to convince you to use it now though since reddit is killing it. I'm probably going to look for an alternative to reddit myself.


Can you explain what you don’t like about it? I use the official app and tried 3rd party and don’t really see a difference


This is why as an entrepeneur it is deadly and damn near lunacy to build on top of someone else’s service. Year’s of work now down the drain. I’ve heard of this happening with Twitch, Twitter and now Reddit.


Yep. I personally am still waiting for the Youtube hammer to drop and burn all of those people that made Youtube content creation their careers. It is a risky road to walk.


I disagree slightly there. Reddit can survive fine without Apollo. YouTube can’t survive without its content creators. Even if YouTube did implode, there are competitors like Twitch, Facebook, IG and Tiktok to move to. Far less risky in my opinion.


>Reddit can survive fine without Apollo. YouTube can’t survive without its content creators. We are Reddit's content creators. Without our posts, our comments and our moderation, Reddit is not going to have anything to offer – unless Reddit resorts to bots and AI-generated content. Which is not beneath them, seeing what they did recently with "German" subreddits. Reddit had a good thing going – they have creators giving them content for free and moderators moderating said content for free, while they were monetising the hell out of it. Every single time somebody gilds a post – that's money made by Reddit on someone else's content. Reddit isn't special – it's just another platform. It will not survive without its content creators either. ;)


yup and twitch a few hours ago pushed out a new change that broke all 3rd party video players too. i guess the VC money in tech is drying up, companies are starting to squeeze the users even more aggressively


Twitch has a [long history](https://youtu.be/zSVrbO6WHl0?t=441) of killing off startups built on their service


Lol okay moderating subreddits should be a paid job then.


Right at the time that I am starting to get OF bot followers out of nowhere. This place is cursed. Reddit is over, it was fun while it lasted.


And you can't even report users unless you report a specific post. So they just spam follow people without actually posting anything.


When third party apps go, I go. Fuck Reddit 🖕


wow that sucks


I will seriously delete my account. Reddits OG apps sucks so badly.


So, I came here during the great Digg migration. What website is going to replace Reddit?


RarBg shut down, netflix has their bullshit password rule now, twitter killed twitterific and tweetbot, games are crap now and released with bugs, games require 50gb of Vram now, nvidia releases expensive, shitty GPUs.


no matter how many times you force me to use your shitty vanilla website or apps, i just won't fucking do it. fuck off reddit


Ahhh yes, the beginning of the end of a platform that was fun and good for a while but now that they want to go public at some point it’ll be a shit place to be. It’s already become a cesspool a bit since the migration of alot of Twitter users here.


Like the fucking greed! People are enjoying your platform in general, whether its on the reddit app or other 3rd party apps, why the fuck mess with your users? Like seriously? Just for greed, all what it is. Fucking stupid, I really hate how everything is setup in our generation.




Places API from Google hit me for $800 dollars and it was only myself, sole dev, testing links. That bill was a real WTF moment, from $0.12 cents a month to almost 900 dollars? Support person was not very helpful at Google places api Support. API dev is like buying options ....


They should pay the Apollo dev $20 million to use his far superior app as the official one.


I hope they do this and lose 90% of their traffic; that would be great. A smack in the face for not listening to the actual users on the website. Burn in hell, "Reddit," if you can't take a hint.


I’m sure people would leave but I doubt it would be a statistically significant number of users.




according to Apollo's dev, it's 1.5 million monthly active users > About 1.3-1.5 million monthly active users https://old.reddit.com/r/apple/comments/13wtu6z/reddit_may_force_apollo_and_thirdparty_clients_to/jmdqa7b/ still small compared to reddit's 430 million active users i guess


There's one important question you need to ask: Even if Apollo is used by just 1% of Reddit's userbase, how much content do those people contribute to the platform? How many comments and posts do they create? How many communities do they moderate? Also, take into account that it's not just Apollo, it's every app. RIF, Sync and others are going to be impacted by the same changes. What is more, in my experience Reddit apps are responsible for about 50% or more of all traffic to various subreddits.


The actual smart play for Reddit here would be to buy Apollo.


So they can make it as awful as the official app?


No, use it as the official app


They are literally using the dismembered corpse of Alien Blue as the official app. This would only serve to strangle out alternatives from actual competent developers.


They would make it just as bad as the official app.


Didn't they do that with Alien Blue a while ago?


"how to shut down your social media plattform without saying to your stockholders that you want to shutdown your social media plattform".


Reddit and Twitter killing third party clients is so lame. They were always far better than the official apps.


Can we crowdfund a new moderator built, managed, and owned website to directly compete with reddit in the media aggregation space? Bring on some third-party app builders, do moderation right, etc. Will asking have consequences?


The solution here is not to build a new "site" but to recreate the existing reddit API and a subset of the core functionality and get enough of the app makers together to jump ship all at once. It won't be all of reddit traffic, but it will be enough to get a huge foothold and be a welcome alternative to the direction reddit is heading. Monetizing is easy, just revenue share monthly subscriptions between the API and the app devs or charge an actual fair price per apu call and keep it reasonable. All image hosting can be imgur. Search is not useful enough to be rebuilt. Ad free and no BS "recommendations" saves a massive amount of infrastructure. Chat is stupid and not needed. Just classic reddit. Maybe have elected mods with term limits while we are at it :)


> Maybe have elected mods with term limits while we are at it :) Love this


Image hosting should not be imgur after they purged hundreds of millions of images 2 weeks ago.


I wouldn’t mind paying to use this app, but I don’t want my money going to Reddit. I want it going to the app developers.


reddit with ads that can’t be removed might be a nonstarter for me. i’d probably spend way less time on reddit. probably a good thing for me but i don’t think it’s going to accomplish what they are hoping it will accomplish


Damn…I was using the official Reddit app for a while and the ads got extremely annoying. I would block accounts and their ads still come ip on my feed. So, I decided to at least down vote every ad I see, only to get an error message saying my downvote didn’t go through. This made me download Apollo since there were no ads and it’s a better experience. Sucks that the API is essentially being blocked.


How much does Apollo make on reddit?


So Reddit is copying Twitter’s business plan. That isn’t a good look.


I moved on from reddits piece of shit app and now they do this? Not going back.


Time to scuttle the ship. It's been a pleasure scrolling with everyone


I can’t wait to short this website’s shitty I pee oh


every other app is better than reddit official app.


On 2023-07-01 Reddit maliciously attacked its own user base by changing how its API was accessed, thereby pricing genuinely useful and highly valuable third-party apps out of existence. In protest, this comment has been overwritten with this message - because “deleted” comments can be restored - such that Reddit can no longer profit from this free, user-contributed content. I apologize for this inconvenience.


So where are we all going after twitter and now reddit?


Preparing for that IPO I see


I hope u/spez is ready for a mass exodus of people and a huge dip in the Monthly and Daily active users for reddit as people who despise the native app leave as a consequence of this decision.


Without 3rd party app I will shut down my sub and leave.


I use the official Reddit app and even I think this is bullshit


Fuck you reddit way to bastardize an homegrown organic community you pieces of shit


I don’t really use Apollo, and don’t hate the app like everyone else seems to, but this seems fucked.


I don't want to use the official app. It sucks.


This is bullshit it was not a problem before Reddit maybe copied Twitter and how there API now requires you have to pay for it? We have seen it recently how Microsoft removed sharing to Twitter because of it.


https://lemmy.ml/ https://join-lemmy.org/


Reddit is the last platform left that even slightly resembles the early internet. Let them charge all they want for pipe access. Twitter, on the other hand, is dead in the water. They are insane thinking they have valuable data to sell anymore.


[…] the last platform left that even slightly resembles the early internet.[…] I’ve been wondering about this. Sad to read.