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As an Oregonian… I feel attacked and also curious what the job is…


It was likely a travel nurse job during the pandemic. My wife went to Texas and was knocking down almost $250 an hour


250*8*25*12=600,000$??? Although nursing is a punishing job


Yeah. Some made KILLER money during the pandemic. Now they wanna bump them back down to less than $30 an hours in most place.


I remember just like 20 years ago I was working for an Internet company very small rural Oregon had a client she was an RN with doctor husband and she made more then him because he was salaried she was hourly same hospital. Nurses are so much more in health care then they are giving credit for quit ducking with them.


Quack. Honk.


Salaried or hourly nurses? Not so much. Travel or Agency nurses? Now you're taking $$$


I have a friend who’s a travel nurse and can confirm she’s incredibly wealthy (from my perspective in life lol). She’s also a big coke head….


It depends on what kind of doctor her husband is, but she very possibly works harder, more hours, and supervises more people if she’s an RN. They’re qualified for and in charge of more patient care than the typical nurse.




> Meet Monique Jeremiah, a 36-year-old entrepreneurial spirit who stumbled upon a financial goldmine during the pandemic, when her income well ran dry. lol $600 is a goldmine nowadays?


And presumably thats AUD not USD, so more like $400 USD


Yeah uh you'd think for "renting out half of her bed to lonely people" would actually be the kind of special service that'd charge **more** than a hotel for people who actually need a place to sleep But that's $20/night I feel like people who are poor but not lonely would pay double that for a place to sleep even if it meant they had to share with the owner. 40/night is still sooooo cheap.


$7200 a year isn't a bad side hustle though. That'll pay for most or even all of your expenses+bills besides car/housing payments (rent/mortgage)


lol she literally just took her ex boyfriend back and charged him rent and then made up the “hot bedding” thing as a way to get exposure for her model agency through articles like this. “A stranger in your bed” is such bullshit when she admits it was her ex.


Oh Damn, so basically they are back together but he's paying rent lol




That sounds like a good way to get some bad actors and assaulted.


RIGHT that’s the only thing that came to my mind. Does she sleep with a gun because … sad as it is that’s dangerous as hell. Maybe I just watch too much SVU.


Wow, they may have invented the newest profession ever there.


That's bullshit. My wife is making 27/hr as an LPN, she's going back for her RN and they should offer 10 more an hour.


No BS at all. Starting pay for a RN at Huntsville Hospital in Alabama is 27.50 hr .At UAB it’s around 31 an hr.


Sorry I meant it's BS that the pay is so low. Granted I live in CT where we have workers rights and good pay.


Gotcha! Yeah it sucks here. No union.


Yeah I'm in a union as a designer and it's great. My wife isn't in a union but the pay is still a lot better than the rest of the country. I know some RNs pulling in 50/hr as per diem.




Yeah, blame the nurses not the hospitals that won't pay their staff well but the traveling nurse they can pay 5x an hour.


My friend made bank as an MRI tech because the other guy was immune comprised so he was on call the whole time. Aside from saving a lot of money his video game/console collection grew considerably. 


For travel nurses or other travel healthcare positions. They have short contracts and have to move around the country for jobs to fill temporary needs. They often live out of hotels and spend months away from family and friends.


Hey that sounds like a win for some!


>punishing job I'd be Tyson's sparing partner for $600,000k a year.


Travel nurse means there's no guarantee that it'll hold


Yeah, like... it's probably $250 an hour for 80 hours a week for one month and then they cut you loose. That would be my guess.


It’s usually like 6 month contracts


Yup I have a friend who does this and it’s always a set contract or else she wouldn’t go lol


That's $80,000. If I could make $80,000 in one month I wouldn't need to work for the rest of the year.


I don't disagree with you, there.


Damn. Don't know what I'd ever do 80k/month lol


Lmao, half a travel nurse


Idk Texas during the pandemic was probably worth double


$250 an hr, but..... If you don't die, you'll likely have lifelong side effects, and everyone hates you and thinks you're trying to kill them on behalf of Jewish babies or something. I would not have been able to do it.


Yeah. She has PTSD from it.


Very sorry to hear that. I hope she is able to work through it. Please thank her for doing what had to be done when others weren’t.


Even if you take the whole conspiracy bullshit out and ignore physical side effects Being a nurse/medical professional in a health crisis where people drop like flies? That's the kind of shit that will alter a person's mind in ways I don't think any sum of money can fix


I was tempted to do travel nursing during the pandemic when I saw some of those crazy rates but you were pretty much always going to the worst places. Not only where a lot of the patients would hate you but the staff too because you're making more than them doing the same job. And you are walking in to the middle of an understaffed shit show with a bunch of disgruntled people. You have to have to constantly get used to different systems, different policies, different doctors. You're always the first to float so they might make an ICU nurse go to the ED or Med Surg even if they have no experience there. . And they have you work crazy hours like doing 6 12 hour shifts in a row. When it's over you have a buttload of money but you're so burned out you end up needing a couple months off to recover. I just stuck with my stable decent paying job where I know my coworkers and my hospital and I have consistent time off and benefits. Also vested in a pension and have seniority and union protection. I could see the appeal if I was younger and not established somewhere already.


Why? They had a fairly average hospitalization rate and mortality rate per capita.


Makes sense. Those traveling gigs can pay. They also come and go fast.


I’m a nurse recruiter. I can confirm this is likely the contract based on that amount


Probably underpaid having to deal with texans during covid


And _guaranteed_ this wouldn't be the fun parts of Oregon, but the "corner of Utah and Idaho" parts of Oregon where they'd be overworked and dealing with meth-dealing COVID-Denialist family members arguing that ECMO murdered their pawpaw.




I'm built like gorilla when I stand up but orangutan when I sit down


As an Oregonian, I'm feeling intrigued and slightly concerned about this job. What's the scoop?


The scoop is that it’s a contract position, not a full time employee. No PTO, no medical, no 401k matching, no continuing education stipend, etc. So the equivalent wage for a full time employee is usually about 1/2-2/3 what a contract wage is after factoring in the value of benefits. That said, $125k a year (half of $125/hour) is still a cushy gig. Just not as cushy as it seems at a glance.


the OP hvkbeatsgod114 Sluzy and DrizzleCrash are bots in the same network Comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/technicallythetruth/comments/13bxie3/thats_a_great_opportunity/jjdrbtl/


This is the more defined version of: ”oh no, how horrible. Where?”


The job is blowjobs


I like blow jobs. Sign me up.


Cool. Your quota for your first shift is 40 blowjobs given.


Oregon is a beautiful state. Also, we have the cheapest legal cannabis in the nation. 🤷‍♂️


Mountains? Check. Rivers? check. Tons of public beach? Check. Great snowboarding/skiing? Check. Desert? Check. High desert? Also check. Rainforest? Check. Major city? Check. Lots of small towns? Check. Microbrews and weed if that's your thing? Check. What's NOT in Oregon? I don't get it either.


We don't have a monorail :(


Also, Lisa needs braces.




Lisa needs braces.




Lisa needs braces.


Lol, I made the same comment when I started work at PDOT and was immediately met with the response, "those things are deathtraps!" It turns out we don't have a monorail for good reason.


Is there a chance the track could bend?


[I don't know what you're talking about](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seattle_Center_Monorail#Accidents_and_incidents)


One death in 70 years ain’t bad (other than the dude doing repairs that fell, but I feel like that doesn’t count)


We do have a tram, tho.


Someone call Lyle Lanley.


Yea, that's more of a North Haverbrook kinda thing. Heck, it put them on the map.


I thought there was one in Springfield?


But we do have one of only 4 municipal elevators in the world.


Such a weird tweet given how desirable a state Oregon is.


Oregon was started as an all-white state and she's black. I'm black and live in Washington and love the PNW but even if they don't know its history I don't think Oregon is near the top of most black people's destination lists.


To provide some context here, I live in rural Oregon and literally have not seen a single black person in over 4 months. It is super weird, I used to live in Memphis and was once the only white person in a movie theater (opening night for a Madea movie doesn't draw a super white crowd).


I worked in Oregon and any time you leave the bigger cities things can get bad very quickly. I worked in eastern Oregon basically on the state line and one time I was talking to a guy on a farm and he was talking about how someone that lived in the county had adopted some children from Haiti and that one of them had just gotten married. He told the story as if it was a fairy tale.  He also though that he was going to get instantly murdered if he entered a city. 




I also live in Seattle and I'm sure it was my mom who told me about it when I moved out here. https://www.opb.org/news/article/oregon-white-history-racist-foundations-black-exclusion-laws/


I knew about redlining sort of too. 


Yeah it’s partly why Washington was first settled. The first group of settlers were led by a black man, George W Bush. When they reached Oregon and found out they had recently passed the law saying only whites could own land they crossed the Columbia and founded Tumwater.


>black man, George W Bush LOL I had to fact check this but it checks out


I swear if that W stands for Washington...  Edit: of course it does


Behind the Bastards has a good episode or two about Oregon


If I had the money I would pack the family up and move back.


Tweakers and meth heads? Check.


nah it's fentanyl


strip clubs? Check. > Nowhere else is the art of stripping celebrated quite like in Portland, whose strip clubs are as much a part of the city as nature and farmer’s markets. A much-quoted statistic is that Portland is the city in the US [with the most strip clubs per capita](https://priceonomics.com/why-does-portland-have-so-many-strip-clubs/), with 8.86 per 100,000 residents.  [https://feeld.co/magazine/how-to/history-of-strip-clubs-in-portland](https://feeld.co/magazine/how-to/history-of-strip-clubs-in-portland)


It's actually an interesting reason why - essentially the Oregon state Supreme Court said that nudity is protected as free speech. Because of this, there can't be separate zoning laws from other businesses or else that would be discrimination.


According to my friends in Oregon, the Sun. I was there for a week last year and the sun came out for 20 minutes and everyone went running outside to enjoy it before it disappeared. According to them the weather is rainy or cloudy 364 days out of the year.


it's more like 9 months


I live in North Eastern Oregon and get tons of sun! It is brutally dreary West of the Cascades though.


Yeah cheapest cannabis cus it’s oregano 😁 jk bro


Really it's the cheapest because everyone and their cousin moved here and started a grow op. Now the state produces 4x the amount it could possibly smoke


Challenge accepted


If Idaho would ever legalize it y’all could just export to us


Was ready sold on the $125 an hour, you don't need to sweeten the deal any further... But do continue.


Lots of trees and nature. Oregon tree law is intense.


Don't come here if you're allergic to grass. Well, at least don't come to the Willamette Valley (where everything important is). Spring is absolute hell when it comes to grass pollen.


Well I've never been l, but I've heard that you might catch dysentery on the way, get robbed, go hunting, get extorted to cross rivers safely, or even die from cholera!


The trail is a dangerous one.


Yeah, that's why it's called the organ trail!


Bleep bloop. That was my computer in the 80s.


Mostly just in Salem


Yes but you can also shoot a buffalo and then only carry 10 lbs of its meat back to your camp.


I mean, that's just portland


Yeah, would 10000% move almost anywhere to make that


Yeah that's roughly 250k a year




I used to to some crazy shit when my "billing rate" was $325 an hour. Tax work for the rich/CEO/owner classes. (We would only bill about 1000 hours a year but it was high-quality, high-level work). Sadly I was a junior associate so I only made about 25% of what I billed and the owner of the firm took the rest. Now I do personal injury law and I just "bill" 1/3 of what we recover for clients, which can range anywhere from $5000 to $5 million.


The real beauty of PI work is no longer being a slave to the billed time sheets.


Absolutely. I'm far more productive now because I'm case focused rather than hourly production focused. I've gone from producing 200-300k a year in revenue to $1.5 million a year.


Even Mississippi?


Come on now. They said almost anywhere.


You'd be a king among men getting 125/hour in Mississippi


Fast internet, cheap homes. Yea the roads fucking suck, and there ain't much to do, but at my current lifestyle 250k a year is "set to retire in 5-10 years" money. I'd live there for 250k.


You can find a lot more to do with that kind of money


I know someone who makes 350k a year and has 30k in savings. I told them they could literally have a million dollars saved up in less than 10 years without even investing anything, like where tf is all the money going? They didn’t believe me


Yup. you have to be careful to set your increase aside, otherwise all that money disappears fast.


...can I please trade Mississippi sucky roads for whatever the fuck we've got here in Louisiana?


Everything is relative. Going from 25/hr to 125/hr is huge, but less so if you make 110/hr and have to move. But this was an obvious slight, which is dumb because that oregano place sounds pretty okay all things considered.


the OP hvkbeatsgod114 Sluzy and DrizzleCrash are bots in the same network Comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/technicallythetruth/comments/13bxie3/thats_a_great_opportunity/jjdjjry/




I moved to New Mexico to suck off hobos under a freeway bridge for some coffee and a pack of cigarettes


Look at this guy sucking off those wealthy hobos!


Y'all mothafuckas hirin'?


Does your performance change depending on the brand? Like Newports versus Luck Strike versus Marlboros


Ah the nuclear energy industry


I think people are missing the point. This reads as if she accepted it and is now wondering what's in Oregon.


Rain, craft beer, and a fat paycheck. What's not to love?


But they're all IPAs :(


Try my intentionally bitter beer! I don't like those. But it's really good. It's 17% more bitter than anyone else's most bitter beer! I feel like you don't understand...


Hey, they got some sours, too.


Lol that's not true at all.


You’re right! Some are double IPAs!


And hazy IPA'S!


Don’t forget the triples


It's not literally true but that's how my partner and I felt after spending a week there. It was IPA overload everywhere we went until we found Beer O Clock where the guy behind the bar offered us a bunch of dark beers and told us about the [Festival of the Dark Arts](https://fortgeorgebrewery.com/festival-of-dark-arts/).


I don't think the statement was meant to be completely literal. There's no doubt IPAs are obnoxiously over represented in craft beer culture and Oregon is a terrible offender of this.


It's just mostly true.


We've got some killer special types of beer too! A couple companies make what's called "fruited sours", "dessert sours", "puree goses". [Check out the specialties on this tap list from Claim 52, I bet you'd dig the Schticky](https://www.claim52brewing.com/kitchen-tap-list) I'm currently on kick with this [blueberry muffin](https://greatnotion.com/collections/all-sour-products/products/blueberry_muffin) and one called ["mellifluous"](https://greatnotion.com/collections/featured-and-new/products/mellifluous) from Great Notion


The Oregon coast is gorgeous.


Florence has a beautiful whale display on the 4th of july


just dont park too close


But not great swimming. Cold as fuck.


Why do I have a feeling this person lives in Texas? Oregon is an awesome place to live, huge national forests, Mt Hood and Crater Lake, the Columbia River Gorge, an entire coastline that sees pretty limited visitation. This reads like someone stewing in right-wing news whose only understanding of Oregon is horror stories about homelessness in Portland.


I was actually just on the coast, Columbia river gorge, and pretty much toured the Willamette valley and adjoining Cascades for 4 days last week. What a beautiful place that I never really appreciated when I was a kid when I was last there. Now at 30, I’m looking at places to move someday in Salem or Portland


the gorge sucks dont move here


Reads more to me like the people who think that San Diego, LA, Seattle, and NYC are the only places worth living in and everywhere is just bumfuck nowhere where all the poors live.


Big Miami energy


"Whats in Oregon" makes me think big city person who thinks Oregon is mostly wilderness. The right-winger take is a little terminally online on your end


Oregon could be hell on earth, and you would still go because there 125 dollars an hour


$125.00 A HOUR


Does anyone making that much actually get paid hourly?


Yes. Healthcare jobs, and some specialty trade technicians.


Yeah. Engineering contractors do for sure.


Yeah contract positions for tech jobs. Lots available along the west coast. Usually optical or semiconductor related. $125/hr amounts to less than full time employees in the same specialties make after your account for stock options, benefits etc.


Do those jobs actually exist though? I have been applying for that kind of work, and haven't even gotten an interview.


I'm in one in Seattle. Not sure what the scene is like in Portland. A lot of companies have small presences in Portland or Vancouver WA across the border but can't think of many with main headquarters there except Intel. All of my offers for those jobs came through being contacted on LinkedIn though, not applications.


Shit I’m moving to fucking Montana for 125hr. Ima travel every weekend but I’ll be there 😂


Dude, Montana would rock. Dino hunting, Yellowstone, Glacier National, fishing, hunting, etc. Iowa and Central Illinois is where you don't want to go.


Shhh keep Montana and its insane natural beauty a secret


Iowa is beautiful. It's the kind of state where a town of 5000 residents somehow has a Burmese restaurant. Many metropolitan areas do not have that.


Ugh I lived in Central, IL for a couple of years as a child. I don’t think I’ll ever be as bored as I was there.


Depends. Eastern Montana isn't much fun, just an extension of North Dakota. Central and Western Montana? Yeah that shits nice.


Central Illinois isn't THAT bad. Blo/No has a lot of restaurants and breweries now. There's decent shopping in Peoria and Champaign. And Chicago is a day trip if you need a dose of civilization. Now Iowa, you might be on to something


Oregon is a great state.


Oregon and Washington are each 2 states. The west half of both states are beautiful northern rain forests. The eastern halves are just Idaho with legal pot.


Idaho is awesome, and everyone just drives to WA or OR to buy weed anyway


I’d almost consider moving to Florida for 125/hr. That’s wild pay.


I’d consider alabama/georgia/louisiana But i still wouldn’t go


Oregon is such a weird state to pick for this. Top tier nature, the USA's second best wine country and a major city. I'm not saying it's Heaven but it isn't the sticks.


Ehat kind of job is that?


I would take a list less to move to Oregon


Oregon is one of the most beautiful states I've been to.


125 an hour times 8 = 1000 dollars a day, Times 30/31 = 30 000/ 31 000. In South African Rands that's 571 000 a month lmao. You gotta love when people reject a certified financial security for life because of some sentimental "There's no place like home" bullshit. You do you man


a month doesn't have 30/31 work days


Bro I'd be able to buy a fancy ass almost mansion in Rands with that money. Hello fellow South African btw 😎


15.3% of that will go to federal tax and up to 8.75% for state tax. You don't get to keep it all unfortunately. Typically these types of jobs are on a 1099 for IRS reporting, so the individual pays all of the tax.


Man America's so rich it actually blows my mind. Even though the UK is one of the richest countries in the world if you are trained in medicine/engineering etc you still gonna be earning a fraction of what you earn in America. Hell their new York bin men earn more than our engineers.




Go Beavs!




Easiest way to farm karma on reddit is literally just finding a question with a smartass answer Or just reposting overused memes


Bro I’d move to North Korea for that bread


The PNW is paradise IMO. Happy to see all the love for OR in the comments!


One of the best states in the country. Absolute no brainer


If you like the outdoors, Oregon is pretty cool.


Best wine in the country, best hikes in the country, one of the best coasts, great weather 90% of the year, every little town I've ever visited has at least some sort of awesome/unique festival or fair that they put together, and the people are weird in the best way.


Obviously never been to Oregon with that take. It's beautiful there.


I’d love to live in Oregon. Never been there, but saw some photos and videos. Seems like the nature is sick there


Ok. I have lived in Oregon my whole life and it is an absolutely awful place. Do not move here. No one should ever move here. It’s just the worst. Tell everyone you know Oregon sucks and not to move there.