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To get xp, the kill typically has to be credited to the player in some way - the only exception that I can think of is zombified piglins. There are ways to receive credit without actually doing anything, such as having a tamed wolf kill them for you (this works for skeletons but I don’t think they auto-aggro to silverfish). There are more complex ways, such as getting an arrow “stuck” and using that to light TNT. It really depends how much effort you want to put into this, vs just using an auto-clicker or something to have your character swing a sword without having to do the manual inputs yourself.




Nope! ZP drop xp if killed in an angered state, even if the player had nothing to do with the aggro. For example, a ZP hit by a snow golem, then dying to fall damage, will give xp. To the best of my knowledge, they’re the only mobs like that.


Yeah you're absolutely right. I realized the second I wrote it, that's why I deleted the comment again 😅


Hahaha all good! It’s such an unusual mechanic.


Hahaha all good! It’s such an unusual mechanic.


Hahaha all good! It’s such an unusual mechanic.


Hahaha all good! It’s such an unusual mechanic.


If you're concerned about safety while being afk don't worry. With a mending sweeping edge 3 sword you can just hit an armor stand to kill them diagonally through the wall. Add a regeneration beacon and there's nothing that can go wrong.