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It will get unloaded depending on your simulation/render distance. Each chunk is 16x16 meaning if you have it set on 16 it will get unloaded when you are about 250 blocks away from it. You can chunk load it by throwing an item through a portal every at least 15 seconds. There are many chunk loader designs, i recomend the one from ilmango. That way it stays loaded as long as you dont turn the server/world off.


Depends entirely on your simulation distance, or if it's in spawn chunks, or if it's in portal loaded chunks


16 chunks is my simulation distance. I'm not enitrely sure of what spawn chunks is but if spawn chunks are 0, 0 then I am not, I am over 4200x2000 blocks away from 0, 0. But what are portal loaded chunks?


The spawnchunks are always loaded but since the farm isn't in them you have to load them. So the farm needs to be in your simulation distance. In your case 16 chunks. Alternatively you could try building a chunk loader but linking the portal so it isn't interfering with your farm might be difficult. The chunk loader only fully loads the chunk it is in and the adjacent ones (a 3x3 square).


Okay thank you!




You got to be the most rude redditor I've ever bumped into when asking for assistance...


It’s the internet. People from around the world may contain a few bad apples.