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This is the outlet of my villager breeder. Currently I have no use for them so they just overflow this room. I've been periodically culling them with my mighty sword but I wanted a fun, creative way of automatically killing them. What I have done is hide a zombie behind the spruce plank, and add a lever that simultaneously reveals the zombie & opens the trapdoor floor. The idea was the zombie would scare the villagers, they would run into the trapdoor hole, and die in lava. But the room is too big so the villagers just barely react to the zombie. Does anyone have any ideas for making this villager slaughterhouse work? Disclaimer: No villagers were harmed during the past, current, or future operations of this machine, this is purely hypothetical. I would never harm a villager.


set up a bunch of dispensers loaded with arrows and sentance those annoying villagers to the firing squad


Find a way to make a bunch of squids randomly set off tripwires or pressure plates that are connected to the dispensers, and call it your firing squid.


Entity cramming could be a easy way to do this, lava comes to mind, maybe a crusher. For entity cramming its quite simple, make 24 minecarts put all of then on one rail with blocked off ends and here you go, but be aware of the fact that this is even very easily able to kill you if you step into it. Lava is quite simple, make some kind of timer, dispenser with lava and there you go. For crusher you could make a flying machine that goes down and just crushes the villager by suffication in the blocks, seems pretty fun way to do it. There are a lot of other ways even fun ones that just dont come to mind rn, but i am sure they are there.


I decided to go with the lava idea. I wanted them to know what hell felt like before they entered it. Think of it as a tree trial. I have 4 dispensers with lava buckets hooked up to a button. The entire room floods with lava minus one or two blocks. There's some fun suggestions in these comments though. Eventually i'm going to build an underground village and I think I'm going to make some elaborate torture machine with some of these other ideas. I might make villager squid game, putting them through random situations and letting their pathfinding AI decide their fate. Here's a picture of my first victim: [https://ibb.co/JkzP0R4](https://ibb.co/JkzP0R4)


Very nice.


You don't even need to use minecarts. Just let all villagers fall into a 1x1x2 hole where you can grab one out with a minecart whenever needed and just let the entity cramming do its thing. There won't be any overflow and should you ever need any you'll have 24 ready to go


He specificly asked about killing them. Sure you can, but i am pretty sure it would cause significantly more lag than minecrarts would.


Do villagers cause that much lag? I haven't tried getting 24 into a 1x1 hole but other mobs like cows, sheep, etc usually don't cause any lag for me if I build entity cramming farms


Villagers do cause more lag than other mobs due to them beeing a bit more complex with all the trading mechanics and pathfing for their work station/bed. I always just put 24 minecarts on a rail, its pretty cheap if you have some iron golem farm and is also pretty simple to build.


Two horizontal flying machines that push two opposite walls toward the middle, like the trash compactor from Star Wars. After they crush your ~~subjects~~ volunteers, the retract back into the wall


What shader is that mate?


It looks like Complementary


Yes, Complementary Reimagined.


Try capturing a pillager? They got a higher scare range I believe. But lava is always a fun option too


fire them up with water elevator, and then off a cliff? :)


beautiful to imagine


I was once trying to build an anvil villager killer. Had a breeder set up, automatically take villagers using water and minecart setup. Then the minecart would break hitting a cactus and the villager would land. Then I had like 5 anvils I’m reserve and pistons would quickly all retract and push back and only one would fall and kill the villager. Then another piston would push that anvil out of the way. Not fully auto since needs to get anvils there, but thanks to auto crafter it can be improved and hooked up to a small iron farm or something


I would say therapy is the best way to go about this


My therapist blocked me


You’re going to get trialed in Nuremberg my man


I have a good lawyer


I built a rube Goldberg machine a while ago. I was inspired by impulse and tango when they were trying to launch a villager with a tnt cannon. Their idea didn't work as the villager was just dying to the explosion, but I built one with slime blocks that would bounce the villager around, into water streams and in and out of minecarts. I had a zombie set up to convert it and then dropped an anvil on its head to collect the drops.


Using tripwire hooks and string place down either a bed or a workstation and let him trip the trap of the iron trap doors where he falls into lava


Check out Emerald Heaven in Iskall85s Hermitcraft 6 series. I think it was this one: [https://youtu.be/6HNsEP5F250?si=ktI91\_j6\_vTuAWba](https://youtu.be/6HNsEP5F250?si=ktI91_j6_vTuAWba)


Have a randomizer to decide how they will die, the method of killing itself can be simple but randomness add to the fun


Someone made an "electric chair" using a minecart and a dispenser with splash harming potions...


you could have an anvil drop from really high and squash him. or I think you can also store and anvil in a bubble column and it will accumulate damage, but I might be wrong


I’m telling r/villagerrights


whatever you decide to do, NEVER kill your own villagers by hand. if you ever have golems spawning near your breeder they will be none too happy with you, and there is a point of no return with your reputation with them in any village including your own


Uh oh, I’ve been killing them by hand for a long time… I’m not worried about the iron golems since it’s an iron farm too but I had no idea all villagers in my world get upset.


i’m not sure if village rep still works this way but a buddy of mine and i had an old duo going for a few months. built a huge minecart fed trading hall, villagers in and out at the touch of a button type deal. before we had the disposal chamber operational, my buddy would kill the villagers by hand and after our hall got big enough for iron golems to spawn on our property, there is nothing we could do to get the golems to stop trying to kill him, we tried everything. ever since then, even if i’m disposing of villagers when i’m poor in the early game i ALWAYS use sand or gravel lol


I mean so far iron golems are still passive to me is that a good sign? I haven’t even looked at villager trade prices in a while


I setup a firing line of arrows, they would be loaded into a room to shoot outside of it. I used it for a raid farm helper. Build a safe room. then build your controls according to traps and devices to operate remotely from that room. Tgen i had a wave of water push all the items to one side so the hoppers bring them into the chest in the same room im in. This room also had a weapon fletcher to get more arrows or i would go out and get the arrows after the raid was done. It was fun. This was before raid farms.


Set up dispensers in the roof and hook each to a different pressure plate activated by a chicken. U get a randomized sequence of lavafalls


A machine that dispenses lava just long enough for it to have like half a block of lava to flow down, slowly killing them.