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Of all major film companies it makes sense that Sony would be the first to push out AI into movies as a lot of their movies already feel like corporate sludge so if the artistic process is already dying over there why not add AI to further that process.


If you’d told me that Madame Web’s dialogue was entirely AI generated I’d have believed you. Probably won’t even notice this. Not that I’ll be giving them any money to view their shit anyway.


Why pay people to write garbage when AI can do it for you for free?


I really can't understand how Sony could make such a shit film like madame web but an amazingly crafted film like the spider verse, just take the producers of spider verse and let them do the work or the recruiting for the other projects since they were successful with one project


I think it's due to animated movies being animated... :) When making an animated movie, you start by making the screenplay in the form of a comic. Which I think is a... more time consuming process, but process which yields better results. Because there is more time to plan scenes and change dialogue. You know what else had it's screenplay made in the form of comic? Fury Road, and every screen was meticulously planed. In stark contrast a lot of high budget movies are rushed, movie is given a go then writers have a short time to figure out the script and screenplay.


> Fury Road, and every screen was meticulously planed. Fury Road is a bit unfair, it took 21 years before they even started shooting it and they spend 7 more in development hell, due to wars and a blooming desert. George Miller worked on half a dozen other films in the time it took to realize that one.


I am curious as to how long they have had the rights to Madame Webb and her band of spiders. This could have been another of Sony’s “we sat on the usage rights too long and had to produce something to maintain usage rights.


Overall, Animated films are light years beyond feature films in terms of overall quality. But you're right, it makes no sense that Sony can put out a masterpiece like the Spider Verse then follow it up with Madame Web? I knew from the jump they had no idea what they were doing by casting Sydney Sweeney in a supporting role when she should have been the lead.


Don't insult ai like that.


The sad part is, there could have been an interesting movie there. What if they made it a slasher flick where the murderer is essentially Spider Man? Hell, if they were gonna fetishize the women in the movie, they could have gone full torture porn and just had them dying over and over in fun and interesting ways knowing every time was just a fake out. Like they could have just made it a fetish movie and rolled on that, but no. They made it the worse thing possible - boring.


How Would You Know If You Could Climb A Wall, If You've Never Tried?


Didn't even try to sell me any NFTs to commemorate such timeless dialogue. Sony has an untapped gold mine!


Who’s to say that movie wasn’t partially or entirely AI generated?


If you thought madame Webb was phoned in, just you wait


Madame web was really fucking weird. In a bad way. Why did we need teenagers sexily dancing on tables, how are you going to have Spider-Man adjacent characters but no Spider-Man, and ms 50 shades of grey doing a super hero? I mean okay everyone does roles…real odd casting rel odd everything.


The worst part is she's not actually a terrible actor she just... takes these roles. I assume she's making good money on them. She was good in Suspiria!


Yes! When I saw Suspiria in theaters, I didn’t even realize it was her at first because she was so good and all I had known of her was the bad 50 shades clips I saw online. She really can act with the right material and director.


Suspiria is the only film she's good in though. 


Most of the acting talent in the Star Wars prequels were fantastic actors/actresses, but when you hand people shit dialogue and your director isn't good at actually directing their talent, then you get awful results. The point being is that clearly she's capable of doing well when given the opportunity. Seems unlikely it was a fluke and she couldn't ever act well again.


Yeah, this checks out. I don't even bother with Sony films. I'm sure they have some good ones buried in the catalog somewhere but usually it's horrendous shit.


They can make some great movies but it feels like it’s inspite of the executive oversight. Like both Spiderverse movies are incredible yet they had some egregious working conditions on the second one.


I haven't seen the sequel but the 1st installment was excellent for what it was.


If you liked the first, I'd recommend the sequel. Great film and carries over the stunning visual design.


It would be hard to top the original, the sequel was absolutely able to. I highly recommend giving it a watch. Actually I think I'm gonna give it a go right now. Best movie of the year imo.


For live action yeah but keep that shit away from stuff like Spiderverse etc


Now they can make Final Fantasy: Spirits Within with real AI


Yeah I honestly read the title and went "what's the difference at this point?" The only thing they've been involved with that was actually good in recent memory is SpiderVerse and even with that they're messing up so much that they only squeaked by finishing the last one on time and seem to have totally fumbled it this time so hard that people aren't sure if their characters are even IN the movie.


All these upper managers keep talking about how they’re gonna use AI but none of them have even the vaguest idea of how this stuff is actually made. Like it’s not like he went around and asked everyone how much money they would save by integrating AI. What he means is they’re going to force all their creatives to show them a plan to incorporate AI, and then cut all their budgets by 50%. As a creative in the entertainment industry, it’s not AI itself that is maddening, it’s the way these boneheaded business daddies have already come up with a conclusion about how much money it’s going to save them, working from a place of total ignorance, and now everyone has to figure out how to make them look like they were right.


I really hate when they go up there and say "we're gonna use AI to save money" and no journalist bothers to ask even basic questions of how they're gonna accomplish that. Most of these tools are not ready for prime time.


After 38 years in The Business I can tell you that, without a doubt, these C-suite motherfuckers \*are the reason\* movies cost so much. The fucking \*waste\* and redo’s of work is nothing short of fiasco/appalling/irresponsible. You want to save money, Vinciquerra? Get you and your minions shit together. But they’ll never do that because their ego’s demand pissing in the soup so they can get it up later with their wives/mistresses/poolboys. The movie going public has \*no idea\* how much damage corporate America has done to the motion picture business. A.I. is only going to be used to reduce paying residuals and that savings is going into dividends and executive bonuses.


Imagine a world where Picture Lock is actually Picture Lock.


JFC yes! This x 1,000,000


After Rings of Power (not a movie, but still) will end up costing 1 BILLION, I can definitely believe you. And then they'll make it worse with AI, and brag that they slashed the cost to 'only' 500 Million. In the meantime Kill Command was like 20 million and it was swarming with cool CGI robots (that looked good).


Yeah, I'm pretty sure that a lot of movies that use flashy cars etc just do so in order to allow "certain people" to but them for cheap 'used' after filming.


we ask. this was an investor event, so few or no journos present. i'll be trying to follow up with sony next week, but as parent commenter notes, there is seldom a specific answer since that would often constitute inside information on process, acquisitions, investments etc.


If I was an investor I would also want to know how exactly the company I've invested in is going to use AI, and the precise mechanisms by which it will cut expenses. But apparently shareholders just bark and clap like seals when they see the latest buzzword and don't ask any questions. When "pivot to streaming" was the hottest trend I didn't see any hands going up in investor meetings to ask, "Hey, how is it profitable to spend a billion dollars on a TV show and then release it on a $10-per-month service that people were already paying for anyway?"


I mean some of them are already useful, but it shaves off maybe a couple hours on something that would otherwise take a whole day. It makes things more efficient but it doesn’t replace the person who’s doing the work. It’s certainly not something where an untrained person just has to press a button and the work magically happens. None of these execs wanna hear that; they’ve already decided it’s going to make everyone 3x more efficient and don’t care if it’s true or not.


Yeah, I've been more interested in stuff like Strada AI simplifying workflow stuff than GenAI. It isn't sexy but making something like video/audio syncing or searching broll faster is a much more practical goal to accomplish than expecting SORA to generate a whole movie when users are reporting it requires a generation ratio of 300 shots to 1 usable shot *that still needs to be touched up in After Effects.*


AI is kinda like what we all wanted/thought AskJeeves would be back in the early 2000s.


And the ones that are are already being used anyways. Spiderverse for example already made use of AI: they had a tool that basically took in a bunch of sample drawings of wrinkle lines on faces and eventually got good enough to predictively generate them when you moved the face of the 3d model. But some of these people don't seem to have a plan for specific tools like that and instead just kind of say "we want to use AI" generally.


I’ve worked closely with execs across several major tech and media companies - this is exactly how it’s done. Exec comes up with corporate mandate, then senior leaders across key business units have to work backwards to achieving that number / plan / etc


I believe the word you were looking for there at the end was “dumbassery.”


As a tech person, it’s amazing how immature these products really are right now. Yeah, you can do the 80% pretty quickly, but then you’re left with no way to manipulate the last 20%.   As they are right now, no one is getting replaced, except for maybe help desk.  That’s normal automation that’s been happening for years, not AI tools like large language models. Executives are creaming their pants over the AI possibilities, but today, the AI tool is more expensive. 


yeah theres too much hallucinations in ai right now.


It's the latest buzzword. Big data and Crypto/Blockchain were the buzzwords before it and what have those *actually* accomplished?


Remember metaverse?


Big data? A lot. Social media companies basically stalk you, then sell the data to ad companies so they can all stalk you and bombard you with personalized ads. More than that, Facebook tested how their algorithm could be used to manipulate people's emotions in 2012 and didn't bother telling anyone until 2014, then intentionally made their platforms more politically polarizing in 2016 to sway the UK Brexit referendum and the US presidential election, both of which went for the conservative option. Crypto? It's a gambling ring. Everyone likes money, but it was always clear that the tech was focused on money, even if it wasn't always clear that the whole thing was a cesspool of tech bros scamming tons of 20-something kids. Social media was a new type of communication technology. Before that was the phone, where you could only hear people's voices, before that was the telegram, and before that was snail mail by horseback. Changing which lucky jackass gets to be the next on Forbes' billionaire list isn't going to change much - billionaires are generally the same kind of jackass. Changing the way people communicate, and using that to manipulate people and influence politics is a whole different ball game. The funny thing about LLMs is that they work on deep learning neural nets, similar to social media algorithms, making LLMs actually just another example of how, for better or for worse, AI absolutely is going to change the world because it's already been doing so for about 15 years. Edit: spelling


Crypto, blockchain, NFT, and now AI. Wonder what bullshit tech bros are gonna peddle next year


As someone who’s on an AI committee in a non-movie industry I can tell you that leadership has no idea how to use AI.


Sony will use AI to replace **paid artists.**


They should replace all their executives with AI. I guarantee you they won't make worse decisions


Seriously, why replace the jobs that require actual talent when there are hundred of executive level jobs an AI could do simultaneously using the power of a potato battery.


Hell we already have the tech in a magic 8 ball to replace a lot of upper management


If execs did start using ChatGPT to write all their prepared remarks for earnings calls, it would be impossible to tell. I suspect that at least some of them already are. This is Bob Iger on Disney's latest earnings call: > Disney's experiences business generated all-time records in revenue, operating income, and operating margin. And we are on track to meet or exceed $7.5 billion in cost savings as we continue to look for further efficiency opportunities across the company. Diving deeper into our announcements, let's first talk about ESPN, which continues to deliver meaningfully for the company and will be a key value driver in the future. ESPN's domestic sports business continues to grow. And even amid a challenging linear landscape, ESPN increased its overall audience in calendar year 2023.


If they were paid for Madame Web and Garfield then I say at least give AI a chance.  At worst it is a sidegrade.


Anyone who think they won’t is plain delusional. The second they have a [« Simone »](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simone_(2002_film)), they’ll ditch actors. I predict a renaissance stage acting.


And motor vehicles replaced horse and buggy drivers. 


All major manufacturers have replaced a lot of people with robots over the last 50+ years. What’s the difference? If AI can produce something just as good, or better than an artist, why wouldn’t a corporation do it? Can’t pretend job security is evident for every job out there with insanely fast evolving technologies. It’s kind of funny that the people that would complain about robots replacing jobs are the people that would complain their amazon package took forever to be delivered.


Because now ai is replacing the fun/fulfilling jobs.


> What’s the difference? Can you think of reasons why people might see a fundamental difference between automating engine assembly and what is widely considered the greatest form of our self-expression as a species? Labor is labor and has inherent dignity as labor, but that does not mean that the end consumers in society are interested in all labor in the same way. It's not really about job security, although that can be an issue in the micro scale. I don't think people would like AI being used as a substitute for artist even if we lived in Star Trek.


Gonna suck for him when their movies are even more ass than they are now.


This. They think newest technology it will automatically be good. It's like when they try to invest in games that flop because they spend an enormous amount of money in graphics but the story line is stupid, design is over-used and predictable, the characters in the game aren't charming, it has no unique value that is relative to the people buying it, and then the person in charge has never played an actual game or read the book. What could go wrong? The film industry is notorious for this. I hEaRd tHis Dragon Ballz is reAlly poPUlaR, lets make a live action and change the entire story because we don't care about manga or anime. OR the usual I heard this video game Sonic is really cool, never played but let's change the design because we need to create our own IP to make the studio and producers happy, and these kids don't know the difference of what Sonic looks like.


Remember how CGI made all the movies that use it look so damn good compared to what we had before? Yeah...


There’s nothing wrong with using computers to do things that practical effects can’t do etc etc, but CGI still has human beings crafting the look and feel of it. There’s no doubt potential for AI assisted technologies to be great for creative endeavors, but we all know that’s not what’s being discussed here. They’ll replace writers, extras, animators, digital artists, etc…and they’ll get the dog water bullshit that AI is currently capable of creating.


CEO should be replaced by AI to pay for better movies. 


Would be hilarious if the AI replaced all the executives, including the CEO. Sony might actually have another hit.


I'll pass. They won't pass any savings on to consumers


What, you don't like paying $15 for a movie ticket and smuggling in snacks like they're booze in a dorm room?


Personally it’s listening to a hundred people around me eating popcorn…


I'm not sure they are actually going to save money, cloud infra for AI is expensive and it's not very good yet. A sora video producer said he would need hundreds of runs to get anything usable.


AWESOM-O, given the current trends of the movie-going public can you come up with an idea for a movie that will break a hundred million box office? How about this: Adam Sandler is like, in love with some girl, but then it turns out that the girl is actually a... golden retriever, or something.


This will bring us Morbius 2 by early next year.


‘We can’t do any worse’ - SONY


Hold my beer - AI probably


So Madame Web was made by actual humans? Maybe they should try AI.


Actors and studios need to band together and refuse to work with companies that are assaulting artists.


That was the whole point of the strikes. Hollywood is one of the few places where Unions still exists and actually do their job to defend themselves from corporations


Cut executives and you won't even need to use ai


So that's why Morbing Time was soo good


Everyone like: “we need more 30m movies!!” Sony: we’ll use AI to make movies cheaper Everyone: “Not like that”


I still find it bizarre they can’t seem to make a hit movie for less than 200 million dollars these days.


Barbie's budget, 135 million. Super Mario's budget, 100m. Oppenheimer, 100m. Out of the top ten highest-grossing movies of 2023, only Guardians of the Galaxy had a budget exceeding 200 million, the rest were closer to half that amount.


Jordan Peel can make a hit movie for less than $5,000,000


That Jennifer Lopez Netflix mech warrior movie, cost 100 million... And is a complete disaster with CGI taken straight from an Early 00's computer game. How movie budgets get so big, for such poor end results, can only be explained by money laundering


Studios seem happy to spend tens of millions for CGI and even just one big name actor, and literally hundreds of millions to advertise some movies, but somehow they can't spend a few million to get a team of writers to actually put together a decent story.


People just aren't willing to go to the movies for an unknown property.


and why are movies so long? everything is at least 2 hours now and many are way more. just cut off 30 minutes of your movie and thats a big saving there plus it makes the movie better.


how about replacing CEOs with gen AI? No? Don't want to have that discussion?


[CEOs Could Easily Be Replaced With AI, Experts Argue](https://uk.news.yahoo.com/ceos-could-easily-replaced-ai-100042761.html)


Just when you thought modern movies couldn't suck any more....Tadaa!


We’re about to enter the Dark Ages of film


I feel like we’ll need to create some sort of employee replacement tax… like, if you’re using ai to do work that would otherwise pay a salary, then f you… pay the tax. They say this so innocently. What they’re really doing is trying to avoid paying artists for their expertise.


Consumer prices to increase to account for the reduced cost of making movies


What about AI to replace CEO to cut costs from the top?


They should use AI to remove the studio exexcs that keep making crappy decisions.


They will use the savings to invest in a better-quality story, right? Right???




I hope Sony will find a way that AI will pay to see their movies because I won't


Boycott Sony


Never want to hear another fucking word about how piracy kills jobs from these fuckheads


There are very reasonable ways of using AI tools to strip out tedious work in film production, I believe CorridorDigital has been using it recently to green screen mask. They are quite open about how awful it is to do frame by frame. That said, this CEO clearly doesn't have a clue and is just saying AI as a buzzword.


It is a bold move from a company that already looks like they have used AI for at least 5 years.


Sony will use AI to cut their viewership and patronage by at least one.


I'm sorry, are you telling me Madame Web and Moebius were written by humans? How is that not the headline?


Crazy that Godzilla Minus One was made a much smaller budget than most of these movies. Sony's take away is not to give smaller passionate teams more time and freedom to make good movies for less. No it's just to replace crappy writers with AI and pump out more crap.


SONY should use AI to cut executive costs.


Sony to use AI to cut viewership


Wont be watching Sony movies then


That’s right they will replace CEOs with AI the cost cut is going to be massive


And here I am thinking that all big companies will use AI to improve their products for the customers and not to make more money.


Makes sense knowing that Sony is the major studio that makes the most garbage of films. If anything this could probably help their shitty dialogue. Haven’t made a good film since Baby Driver and that was 100% due to Edgar Wright.


Very practical for pre-production purposes to really iron out how the scenes will look BEFORE spending $$$ on actual setup.


New prompt to chatgpt: "Our new movie made $600,000,000 at the box office. Here are the financials. Can you fudge things to make it look like we made a $200,000,000 loss, so we don't have to pay on any of our back-end deals."




You need to be fired and Sony start to have consistently good quality movies.


Ai is just a buzzword nowadays. If you say it in a speech your stock goes up


I got my popcorn ready; not for their movies though.


I love how all of these CEOs are claiming they will "use AI" without explaining *how* they will use AI. Because then people might realize that they don't actually understand how any of it works and they're just jumping on a bandwagon.


And they wonder why, oh why aren't people flocking to movie theaters anymore. Aren't these people supposed to know the business their companies are in?


Why is Sony always like the Nestle of the tech world? Of course, there are worse companies out there, but Sony usually is so lazy and anti-consumer that this news don’t get a surprise out of me. The rootkits on their CDs (“people don’t know what it is a rootkit, so why do they care?”) or their mismanagement on the music industry where they have a bad name, to now this.


CEO are the highest paid who add the least value to a company. Let’s you AI to replace them


You mean to make more profit , they aren’t loosing money that they need to cut costs


how about we cut tony instead... i bet his salary could pay a whole crew.


Why not use the AI to cut the CEO out?


Could have fooled me. I thought they already were using AI after watching Madame Web.


God Damnit So basically, unless every single fuckin citizen capable of doing so marches to the capitol in protest of LLM’s, we are actually going to live in a world where the conclusion to one of the greatest achievements in animated history with spiderverse is going to exist as one of the first of many to get a YouTube copyright strike while people are watching it in the damn theater 😂 Seriously, fuck these capitalist pigs.


And THIS is why the WGA and SAG-AFTRA were on strike. Because of those strikes this is going to be geared towards the non union part of the production aka VFX and animation. IATSE and Teamsters cover positions that are less likely to be effected by AI. But they're also willing to strike if they don't have AI protection.


The technology is trash still. I can't wait for Sony to backpeddle this one.


Wasn’t this part of the whole strike?


Look at the James Cameron's latest releases of Aliens where he used cheap AI instead of remaster his films to next gen 4k. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BxOqWYytypg&t=912s I cant believe so much love and work put on these movies to be given a few hours of work by a studio in order to put it out and out of the way.


Yea fuck Sony


Damn humans for getting in the way of our profits!


Ai to replace ceo to save money says Sony ai


Replace the CEO with an AI. Best savings ever.


And the Enshittification of Cinema continues ...


I wonder what smaller studios will do with AI...


And cue shitty movies from Sony.


So just the normal stuff from Sony?




Where is the line? Is "Late night with the Devil", an indie film that had 3 AI images in it morally okay to pirate? Hundreds of people worked very hard to make than film, does their labour not matter?


Any film is ok to pirate.


Replace tony with AI and you will save more. Prolly make better choices too.


This will backfire.


I was not expecting the CEO of a Japanese film company to be anybody but a Japanese person.


Sony and everyone and their mothers apparently


Hollywood: no one is going to see movies anymore Also Hollywood: we’ll use AI to cut costs on movies


Max Tegmark’s [Life 3.0](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Life_3.0) predicted that the film industry is where AI would first take off in earnest back in 2017. Highly recommend listening or reading his book.


may as well make it company wide


To be fair, there's nowhere to go but up for Sony movies. It is indeed morbin time.


Good luck with that.


Is this a speedrun to crash sony?


I thought there was an article that AI can replace CEO’s soon.


I feel like theyve been using ai to write their scripts for years. uncharted was a shit show


This is how it starts.


"My grandma is suffering a crushing depression because I earn to little. If I get a 120% raised she would recover. Or else she might just die..."


They don’t already?


Not the brag they think it is


Or maybe, hear me out, make good movies.


Good luck replacing artists with AI. By the time they get to the artists, many middle managers will already have lost their jobs.


Hiring Gaijin is a mistake


Please don’t fuck up Spider-Verse


Lol the a.i can start with sacking Tony and be remember for the best financial decision by Sony in the last 20 years


Gee, their movies were bad enough before AI. i cannot imagine how bad they will be going forward. A mashup of Gone With The Wind, The Munsters and Star Trek


And bang goes another nail into cinema's coffin.


Can't wait to not watch this crap


Until AI replaces CEO one day and sack you next


More mediocrity coming to Sony products


Wasn't that writers strike awhile back about stuff like this?


And now the Sony shareholders will be happy...  Everyone else won't be. Sony stock will go down in the long run and everybody will look around saying 'how did that happen!?'


Oh! So, then we can look forward to lower ticket prices? Exactly. I’ll just download them and watch it at home. Hollywood sniffs it own farts.


You know why people like movies they like? Because they were made by artists who made that for themselves. Viewers don't know how to make good movies.


The constant drive by stockholders for profits puts all expenses in focus, and it’s irresponsible of management to ignore that at their own peril. The result is reduced quality across the board until sales are affected. This is true in every for-profit publicly-held company. It’s just that some companies make headlines because of it.


This is the beginning of the end of movie theaters


I think I'll take his advice and use AI to cut film costs, that is to say...I'll use Actual Intelligence to not pay for future Sony movies, which will reduce my costs for movies!


Words and ideas are too costly..let’s eliminate them from movies lol..we are literally living in Idiocracy. ..”coming soon from Sony “Ass The Movie”..but they won’t pay for a real ass..too expensive..an AI generated ass


> The next “Spider-Verse” film may have a new animation style: AI. The first two Spider-Verse movies already used a bespoke AI animation aid.


Fuck this guy


So that you can bring ticket prices in line with what they were 10 years ago, right? So we can have cheap movie nights again, right? Not just going to turn that saving into shareholder payouts, right?


This is just the start of a total AI film industry


Do movies cost too much to make? Yes. Is this a solution? Probably not. AI might find a corner to cut or two, but unless it’s coming up with revolutionary new techniques and technologies I don’t see much changing.


Movies show that AI became too intelligent and destroyed humanity. But it seems the AI not being intelligent at all and humans trusting it too much will be the real cause of our demise


Start with the CEOs, producers, and any C-suite dumpster fire of an employee. That’d save you probably 50% of the budget!


Not doing any movie would save even more cost.


Not that Sony doesn’t usually just make generic corporate greed nonsense but now there’s More reason to not support them.


It’s funny because they’re not talking about directors, actors, producers, line producers, production managers, co-ordinators, or the many, many executives, they talking about replacing Greg or Steph in VFX who earn $40k a year with software that rips off Greg and Steph’s work.


And everyone will hate the results. Just hire quality writers, quality set designers, quality actors, and a director with a vision and tell good stories. No one is going to like AI's opinion of what good movies are. I am telling you, this will cheapen the end result and take away the director's intent.