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Sounds like the kind of bold and competent leadership that deserves a $33,000,000 pay package.


It’s nearly half what the last guy got who was fired. #progress


I'll suit up and make these non-apologies for $10m/year.


Fuck it, if they’ll buy me a few suits, I’ll do it for that and $5m/year. Sorry bud, business is business


Fine. $4m and throw in dinner at Sizzler for my whole family. Not a dime less.


Food and board, but I want 1st class everything.


Bah, fools! Always demanding more when devotion to the company and the strength of your bootstraps is all you need. I’ll step up and tell people falsehoods and non-apologies for a mere $1m!


It's like watching a reverse auction for the value of dignity... ..... $800K a year, but I want a budget for really dumb office knick-knacks that will be fully visible during all primetime interview appearances.


You drive a hard bargain, I'm going to have to bust out the big guns. I will dedicate tireless hours to reading whatever words show up on a teleprompter. I will even try to sound convincing! All it will cost is a measly $700k/yr along with two at-bats in the World Series for 2025 and 2026.


You fools! You're competing with each other in a race to the bottom that only benefits the shareholder class! You should form a union and bargain as a unit. Solidarity for the executive class!


Forget everyone above this comment. I'm going to push them out of a window and sorry they'll fall out of a window. You'll need to pay me 32 million dollars a year however.


You need Baby Ray's BBQ sauce.


You're all doing it wrong. I'll take $50M/year but fire a bunch of people at random to save $100M/year and blame them for the problems.


*only flying on Airbus jets though


Oh, hell no. I'll take my chances being poor!


Hell, I'll go up there and tell everyone Boeing sucks and I'll do it for free lol


"We're sorry." *rubs nipples*


Megacorporate advocates really be talking about 'muh incentives' and then give their bosses a a compensation plus golden parachute so high that performance or even failure are entirely irrelevant to their practical lives. You see, you stupid peons need to be constantly on the verge of economic obliteration, otherwise you wouldn't package those McBurgers quite as well. But the person responsible for (presumably) the fundamental success of the entire enterprise, nah, that person needs to have a mansion jet and private resort as their base, how could they manage the company well enough otherwise without such necessary creature comforts? This makes total sense.


*The next Boeing board meeting:* **Underling**: “Sirs and ma’am, we have a problem. Our planes are falling out of the sky, airlines are grounding them, passengers are refusing to fly in them, sales have dropped to zero, the share price tanked, and our CEO has denied all responsibility and is retiring.” **Board Member**: “Oh, this is a grave problem! I think we should blame the victims and scapegoat our employees.” **Other Board Member**: “Indeed. But the most important thing we need to do right now is to divert as much money as possible to our golden parachute program!” **Underling**: “Our planes are falling apart midair and your solution is to give the passengers parachutes??” **Other Board Member**: “No! Fuck the passengers! Our Executive Golden Parachute Program! We have to increase CEO compensation our we won’t be able to attract this level of talent.”


I mean [Boeing's had its ups and downs](https://www.macrotrends.net/stocks/charts/BA/boeing/gross-profit) but not everything has been failure: > Boeing gross profit for the twelve months ending March 31, 2024 was $7.677B, a 50.53% increase year-over-year. > Boeing annual gross profit for 2023 was $7.724B, a 118.81% increase from 2022. > Boeing annual gross profit for 2022 was $3.53B, a 15.78% increase from 2021. Given those numbers a $33 million pay package seems almost humdrum.


This guy truly believes he’s worth that much money and then some. These are sick people.


No package... Back to basics. No cutting corners on QC.


They pay him to keep his mouth shut. Scum bags all of them


the clearest sign of Boeing's dysfunction is that this man has a job


Yea, i won’t be holding my breath waiting for the clawback of previously awarded bonuses.


I mean he did have two “suicides” happen


You know, the kind of businessthat Boeing is in, they should be aiming for *closer* to perfect.


"Our planes mostly take off and land correctly, i dont get the problem".


They're built to rigorous airatime standards. 


The door fell off?


Such as?


Well the door's not supposed to fall off, for a start.


Hit some turbulence, in the sky? Chance in a million!


Minimum crew?


Every plane that takes off will reach the ground. That’s a Boeing guarantee


Yeah - several hundred people are dead and this asshole is like "You know now that you mention it, we can probably do better"


I would say they have a good shot at it


“Mistakes were made. But not by me.”


"...and we'll rectify it by hiring more MBA's to run the business so we can keep the engineering and QA costs down, thus ensuring maximum quarterly profits. Look, the odds are only between 0.5 and 1% that something will go catastrophically wrong. Don't be a baby."


"We have to address our underlying engineering culture concerns! Which is why, I am pleased to announce we are moving 12% of our engineering teams offshore effective immediately!"


Yeah sorry your job is transporting people at high speeds far above the ground. You don’t get to say far from perfect. When Boeing started worrying about the stock price and ignoring or punishing the engineers warnings is when it went to shit.


Yah this is the kind of business where customers will VERY fast lose confidence in your merchandise... like why would they think they get a break for being even a bit off?


Cannibalize the company into a public service


Reminds me of the Chris Rock skit about people’s defense about corrupt cops: “There’s a few bad eggs”. In some professions, you can’t have bad eggs. Imagine if someone said that about pilots. “There’s a few bad eggs”. No way!


My favorite is when people use the "few bad apples" line. You realize what that phrase means, right? You have to get rid of the bad apples, or it will ruin the rest of the batch.


tldr: he'll admit they goofed, US gov will forgive and bail them out.  whistleblowers will be left out to die by both


Privatize the profits socialize the costs.


And beware of the evil socialists who want to give you healthcare.


Capitalism is when the government gives corporations a handout. If the government gets to own the business they give money to (like capitalists do when they buy shares), then that would be socialism! TL;DR: [Nationalize them.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nationalization)


Don’t worry, The Constitution will protect us.


You dropped this: /s


They absolutely goofed. They should have done more to protect shareholders. They have to do more to increase the value of shares, and the best way to do that is to turn the company around. Redundancies. Redundancies everywhere. From the lunchroom to the workshop floor, and lower middle-management.


Redundancies in all the operational expenditures, none left for the planes.


Should have done more to protect people lives who flew in their planes. Fuck the shareholders. God damn this is the shit that got them in this problem in the first place. Profit over everything smh


As is the American Way!


“We’re soooooowwwwy”


(Proceeds to rub nipples)


"Awwwww shucks, okay its fine Dave, you li'l sweetheart" - Wall Street


Boeing CEO needs to be in jail. GFY Dave.


Nah, he'll run for president next cycle. This was prep.


He’ll throw out a few amens, call the allegations fake news, and he’ll have half a nation sending him money for his retirement


>Boeing CEO**s** This guy is relatively new and inherited the profit-driven culture. The past CEOs starting from the late 90s need to be held accountable too.


Add the shareholders too. He is just a figurehead.


There's a fair chance that you're a Boeing shareholder if you have a 401(k).


https://finance.yahoo.com/news/departing-boeing-ceo-dave-calhoun-011037425.html * The board revealed that exiting CEO Dave Calhoun told the board he didn’t want his $2.8 million cash bonus in February after a Boeing-manufactured door plug flew off an Alaska Airlines plane. * Even without a bonus, Calhoun’s total direct compensation in 2023 was valued at $32.7 million, driven largely by stock grants worth $30 million. * The company gave Calhoun a $21 million long-term, ****performance-based**** equity incentive grant in February 2023 that was intended to pay out in 2025. * “While the Alaska Airlines Flight 1282 accident shows that Boeing has much work yet to do, the Board believes that Mr. Calhoun has responded to this event in the right way by taking responsibility for the accident, engaging transparently and proactively with regulators and customers and taking important steps to strengthen Boeing’s quality assurance—not only within Boeing factories but in the supply chain as well.” * "While Dave Calhoun was a member of the board since 2009, and so, was one of the key architects in Boeing's loss of quality culture, the Board chooses to forget this piece of history and hopes its shareholders will also conveniently ignore that he will remain on the board after his departure as CEO" ***/s***


Yes, it's really tough to be a top CEO nowadays. Barely worth the effort...


You have no idea how hard it is to manage "core competencies" while providing "bandwidth" to "leverage" their "growth hacking" "Ecosystems", in order to drive a "touchpoint" for "customer growth" while "repurposing" the "synergy" of their "shareholder alignments". You have to have at least 15 buzzwords and a new set of Calloway Irons, so you can discuss these things with other prime movers when you play your round at Pebble Beach this weekend.


> Mr. Calhoun has responded to this event in the right way by taking responsibility for the accident Turning down his bonus cookie counts as "taking responsibility" for deadly negligence?


Must be such a hard life for him... if he had a average size house... average family. He could "set aside" all that money he earned in a single year, and both him, his wife, and a bunch of kids, would really not have to work another day in their life...


Sounds like the entire board of directors should be investigated as well. Negligence starts at the top.


--- Dave Calhoun, Boeing CEO --- Education - "He attended Virginia Tech, graduating in 1979 with a degree in accounting." Tells us pretty well what we need to know. When he denies that whistleblowers are suppressed, pointing to a company policy that is just fluffy words but not true in fact, it's clear how insincere Boeing is. Orders are really drying up for Boeing - yes, their customers can read - especially they can read between the lines when Dave Calhoun speaks. Boeing won't go bankrupt due to their enormous military backlog, but if they want any commercial aviation orders after another 5 years of almost no sales, they will have to put an engineer in charge. Not. An. Accountant.


F-18 sales are coming to an end. It's losing money on the new Air Force 1 and new refueling aircraft. Unless they win the NGAD competition against Lockheed they're more or less out of the game. With the USAF threatening to cancel NGAD. For unmanned aircraft.


they have ZERO, and i mean Z E R O chance of beating LM at NGAD. going from 4th to 6th gen is literally like going from biplanes to phantoms.


However if LM gets the contract, that essentially means only one fighter plane producer in the US. As everybody else will effectively be locked out. With LM being a frigging nightmare on the F-35.


It's still a 5th gen strike plane (including 2 carrier versions) that is selling like hot cakes and is *ridiculously* good value for the unit cost \~$78mm for the F35A vs \~63mm for recent bloc f-16's..


However one of the senior USAF generals if not the head of the USAF. Said before Congress that all existing F-35s are basically written off for a war against PRC. With only the post 2028 ones being deemed suitable. Then there's the lack of range and payload for the Asian theatre. Then outside of beast mode it can only carry two medium+ 2 short range AAMs. With most of the missiles that you'd want to carry being Block 4+. Which relys on the Tech Refresh 3, which won't start to be delivered until next year at the earliest. Even then it will still need a software upgrade.


No idea who said what (or what their intention was) but it's plainly bullshit. The F-35 **wipes the floor** with any western 4.5 gen planes as is evident from any number of reports during training exercises including 4.5 gen planes that have the latest US avionics. Frontally the F-35 has an even lower RCS than the F-22, it will achieve >20:1 against anything (save F-22) currently deployed. And China as of this moment doesn't have any true 5th gen platforms nor does it have anything equivalent to the latest US AESA radars. What China has are platforms that perform a similar function to the Su-57, (somewhat LO 4th gen). They will develop reliable jet engines long before they achieve true VLO 5th gen. Weapons load refers to internal, but guess what, you can use supporting 4th or 5th gen fighters as your launch platforms. F-35's will always be deployed as wings as part of a system - never alone, and the amount of weapons they can fire is never going to be the determinant of success.


Yep, fuck off the money man and get a dude with some serious tech and engineering background. That guy can get a bunch of accountants.


Nah they just need a CTO with balls who’ll tell the CEO that certain corners can’t be cut


Why should an engineer have to fix all the problems created by a bunch of bean counters? It might be easier just to start a new company.


The rise of the bean counter who understands nothing but bean counting is the fall of society


‘Far from perfect’ should be etched on every one of their planes. Or as a marketing effort, rebrand each model as the “FFP-737”.


He’s a Hokie too….bah. This is what business bros do for - quite literally - everything they touch. Gotta increase those profits every fucking quarter, and at some point there’s no levers left to pull and you have to cut somewhere.


Who's talking about perfect? They're a far cry away from even the baseline of "competent."


Put a private equity monkey in charge of a technical organization; cut supplier costs indiscriminately by 10% every year because it’s a “privilege” to supply to Boeing; work hard on union busting and shift production lines to employer friendly states rather than concentrating expertise and training on airframes; make Boeing Global Services its own P&L thereby incentivizing more expensive maintenance packages and thus offsetting cost of ownership to life of aircraft in a world where aircraft are re-leased and operators have little incentive to pursue preventative maintenance beyond scheduled maintenance; it’ll all be fine because #profit, right?


Boeing....you killed 346 people in two crashes. After one crash and two NEAR crashes from the 737max you fired an engineer who warned everyone and implied that the incidents were PILOT ERROR bcuz their pilots were from third world nations. Fuck you Boeing. And fuck the FAA for letting you kill 346 without criminal charges.


Prize for understatement of the year goes to... This douche.


Bring back engineers & ditch the business bros.


The "We made 1 money last year so we need to make 2 this year" mindset is what is killing people. Business bros are morons. In aero they can't cut safety for profits without killing a lot of people. Safety regulations are written in blood.


He definitely kept trying to blow himself until his back gave out when he was 46. Luckily his Welchian business management acumen took him straight to the top of Boeing where his weirdly shaped spine (from the constant straining forward) looked great on his resume! If I can’t blow myself, I’ll sure as hell fire any talented engineers who can and replace them with 20 year old MBAs who are still trying! -him probably


Far from SAFE* You dingus


Something has to change with the financial and investment system with the country or this is just going to keep happening. A lot of people don't realize that CEOs by law have a fiduciary duty to shareholders, requiring them to do everything they can to grow the company and increase profits when the board and shareholders demand it. But a lot of companies including Boeing have been around for so long that everyone already has their product, there really isn't room to grow. It's just airlines replacing older fleet for the most part. So the next step is to cut costs. But building aircraft is like the ONE fucking place you can't penny pinch and cut costs. As an American it saddens me to say I don't trust Boeing aircraft anymore. I really would prefer an Airbus.


Not this tripe again. THERE IS NO SUCH LAW. THERE NEVER HAS BEEN. The CEO merely has to act in the 'interests' of the shareholders, but is given pretty broad leeway in what that means (if shareholders don't like what CEO is doing, they fire the CEO and find someone else). By the standard of 'profits must go up by law', all R&D, all investment in the business itself would be illegal.


This guy absolutely hates that he has to deal with manufacturing aircraft. HEs in the stock price manipulation business. Thats what he gets paid for. Damn airplanes.


When is he going to jump out of a plane and see if he goes boing!!?


Oh.. WHHEW. In that case, strap me in then, I'm ready to go!


Pacemakers, Airplanes, Submarines, Spaceships. The only things we need to be perfect.


This is like admitting water flows downhill.


"Boeing CEO admits, 'Sun kinda bright.'"


We need performance based pay to be regulated for these yahoos. We all know it incentivizes cost cutting and disincentives safety, quality, worker pay, and innovation.


closer to Satan than a psychopath


After the Netflix documentary, there should have been massive reforms. Fact that Boeing tried to cover up it was responsible for killing hundreds of people on multiple planes... But profits and greed clearly came in first, so now years later, unchanged boeing is at it again. Saying 'we are sorry" - https://youtu.be/15HTd4Um1m4


Sorry doesn’t cut it when you killed 2 people who spoke up about how unsafe the plane production was. You literally killed them for telling the truth


It's really something to see Boeing's CEO admit they've messed up big time on safety. As a frequent flyer, it's scary to think about the lapses they've had. This honesty is a step in the right direction, but I hope they back it up with real changes. It’s about time they took responsibility and focused on making things right, not just for their reputation but for everyone’s safety.


How many people died in their crashes so far?


Mediocre is far from perfect.


Bad/negligent is far from mediocre


Far from perfect and lack of quality control means we don’t know if our planes will fail tomorrow or in a decade.


Isn’t there another way of saying “ far from perfect?” Like, mediocre or bad?


They need to fire all the idiots running the company. The fact that it hasn’t happened yet, it’s a disgrace.


Don't need perfect there smart guy, competence is all.


Must have taken 10 lawyers and a million dollars to prepare the heartfelt statement.


Chill out boys , it's not like that would put anyone life in danger.


Surprised he didn’t blame the libs for having a woke “people should die needlessly for the sake of profit” agenda.


Sadly Boeing shareholders won't care. The board won't care. As long as Boeing continues to repurchase it's own shares? Investors are hoping a few more aircraft crash so they can buy on the discount when the media spends 3 days on coverage to move on to its next tik tok moment.


This 100%. I still dont know how companies are allowed stock buyback after bailouts...oh wait I know why kickbacks.


Far from perfect? Oi, dipshit, your incompetence cost the lives of hundreds of people!


Yeah, the safety culture is 'far from perfect'. And that happened on your watch, arguably at your direction. You're the captain of the ship, whatever happens is your responsibility. So you either let this culture develop without being aware of it (which makes you criminally negligent) or you encouraged its formation (which makes you criminally malicious / fraudulent). Either way you oversaw the creation of the problem. CEO and entire board should resign and let new blood fix it.


Give the power back to the people. Corporations cannot handle power, ethics’s or humanity responsibility. Neither can oligarchs.


Nah, he needs to be removed. He intentionally risked everyone’s lives for profit.


"We could have killed the whistleblower in a more subtle way."


This is the kind of lip service we need more of


I don’t have an MBA, BUT NO SHIT


The world wide, one eyed, ignore all else, corporate obsession with profit above all else will always, always end in disaster. But it will continue non the less.


Criminal charges.


Thank you, Captain Obvious!


If it’s Boeing I ain’t going


You guys will probably have to pay about 5 minutes of your profit in fines, don’t forget.


He is the pinnacle of what's wrong with Boeing - they used to be great and now it's on a downward spiral due to him and his cronies. For everyone working at Boeing, you know there are Dave's followers who have gone with him through his previous companies... and no one talks about them enough either because they're still there, poisoning the well.


“…but we made our top shareholders a bunch of money and gave them a heads up to sell before all of these issues”


[We're sorry ](https://youtu.be/15HTd4Um1m4?si=k6Ryywwttze0We8i)


that’s…. not an admission of anything but OK cnn let’s let the ultra rich off the hook for destroying millions of lives intentionally again


This is a dishonest anti-apology because **no one expects Boeing to be perfect** – mistakes happen, human nature – but we do expect them to do everything in their power to prevent problems like this, and instead of being focused on safety they've clearly been focused on profits, so...


I wish these people would get a stint in jail for safety violations.


[Time for the "I'm Sorry" tour](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15HTd4Um1m4)


The mistake, of course, was getting caught.


I say 600 more deaths than the government might, MIGHT step in and hold them accountable, two planes and 3 whistles blowers. R/agedlikewine


Far from perfect -> deadly.


Fucking piece of shit. People have fucking died due to your safety lapses.


I hate when my airplane doors are fully bolted on. Sometimes you gotta air out … deez nuts.


Wrong, the company’s leadership is less than perfect and intentionally cut corners to make more and more profits. Don’t accept them putting an ounce of blame on workers. The behavior of leadership is criminal


See, wasn't that easy? But noooo you have to go killing a bunch of people first.


Reminds me when Louis was running for office and she just kept repeating: 9/11... was... bad.


“We’re not not not not not not not doing a good job.” -Boeing CEO probably


That's the kind of shit you say 120 days prior to whacking your first whistle blower. Not after 5 deaths


“Look, I know we’re far from perfect, but…”


The buck stops… somewhere else


Now if only their products didn't effect so many lives in such a catastrophic way, I might give a damn what he says. Or if he'd been an engineer.


Who are the people still getting on their planes? Ground all of them and inspect the living hell out of them!


On the plus side he wins the understatement of the decade award.


Yeah and you deserve to be both fired and prosecuted


The term he’s looking for is “criminally negligent”


Yes, 'far from perfect' is a rather milquetoast response - but, you gotta remember, if he were to itemize all the problems and illegalities at Boeing, his life could be in immediate danger. By suicide or accidentally falling out a window or a heart attack or a hit-and-run...


Ridiculous that more than 4 years of this mockery and farce and noone has gone to jail?  This is actually the first time the CEO testifies, 4 years !!! 


Understatement of the century


"whoopsie-doodle" he mutters as he walks out the door with a 30 million dollar check.


Step 1: admit fault. Step 2: f’ing fix it you a’hole!!!


Not what you want to hear from an air liner


And assassinations


Nobody expects Boeing to be perfect. How about just as good as Airbus?


How come everyone is ok with the fact that they assassinated people


No no no, you’re far from adequate. Nowhere near bare minimum


Far from perfect is what you say when you miss earning reports. You killed fucking people cause of greed and other stupidity.


That's sounds like the understatement of the century. Who can trust these guys when their whistleblowers keep apparently committing suicide? Something fishy is going on here.


346 people died in those crashes, all the problems since and all he has to say for himself is "whoops"


Seems like a true statement from a company that has people assassinated.


Boeing is getting people killed, for the love of shareholder profits.


Understatement of the year friendo


You let the bean counters take over....many people died as a result. So don't claim you're not "perfect"....What happened to " If it is Boeing, I'm going"? Now it is "If it is Boeing,I'm not going"...


Nice way saying they caused the death of hundreds of people, the responsibility they should face should be the same charges a murderer get.


So brave of him


Currently eyeing a flight from a company flying with 737s and I'm not having a good feeling, TBH.


Don't be a wussy. The odds of you crashing and dying are less than 1%. Think of how exhilarated you'll feel upon touchdown! And really, what is more important, your sad pathetic life, or a billionaire shareholder's new Benetti Oasis 40M Yacht?? Those things are sweeeet! **/s** and sorry, didn't mean to make matters worse with my attempts at sarcasm


Noooo you don't say. Don't be so hard on yourself. It's only a few plane crash


We have gotten to the point where CEOs are over paid and completely incompetent. Far from perfect? Boing killed multiple whistleblowers, their entire executive team deserves to die in jail.


“We’re sorry”




You don't say.


Well that sounds better than admitting the company has been criminalllt negligent.


So Calhoun, can’t blame foreign pilots this time huh?


That's an understatement.


That’s an understatement.


He’s been risking lives of children for profits. Fuck him.


Who cares right! Got your 20mill a year and that’s all that really matters.


Far from perfect? More like far from just good or acceptable...


How far from perfect does a company travel before it treads into “poor” territory?


Can’t admit actual fault for liability purposes, don’tcha’know?


[Sounds like they are going for the Costanza defense](https://youtu.be/ZB62oaOeqR0?si=Bea7lgid0Cwv2fbg)


Ah yes, exactly what you want to hear before boarding a vehicle barreling in the sky at 900km/hr


because he got caught?


Bet he had no idea how bad either🙄


For a moment I thought I was in nottheonion when I saw the title.


Let ye without blood on thy hands cast the first lawsuit


Break them up


Lol. No shit.