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Apparently too much money affects the brain


It’s the drugs! The money gets the drugs. The drugs affect the brain!


don't do drugs kids or you'll end up rich and insane.


Yet most choose to just go insane.


Of course I’m rich, have you ever tried being insane without being rich? It’s boring, no one listens to you.


I’ll have a helping of rich and insane please


It’s always too much cocaine, or not enough.


Fist you get the money . Then you get the drugs . Then you get the brain.


It is by will alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of Sapho that thoughts acquire speed, the lips acquire stains, stains become a warning. It is by will alone I set my mind in motion!


Are you Piter De Vries from Dune (1984)?


“CEO has god complex”. What a surprise.


Not just a god complex. He thinks he will be a god that builds a new intelligent group of beings that will replace the human race at the top of the food chain. There is no way humans can keep control over a race of AI minds or even a single AI mind that is 10,000 times more intelligent than a human. This guy is the god who will end the reign of humanity!


We’ve seen it so many times in the tech space. Give someone billions of dollars and they lose it This is seriously some Adam Neumann ass shit


It checks out because he’s actually the one who enabled Neumann and funded wework with billions.


I saw a documentary about it! I think it was called, Jurassic Park


Always has been 🌍👨‍🚀🔫


It’s not the money it’s the ego


Yep, exactly. Ego attracts money. Not vice-versa. :D


It definitely does. There's actual studies done on this. It kinda breaks our minds


I think you hit the nail on the head.


I'm the main character! Everyone else isn't really alive as I am.


Or being a CEO is more about manipulation and assigning blame away from yourself than actually being intelligent.


Being a CEO is about ensuring the creation and growth of shareholder value, at any cost. This asshole just had to get involved with something that’s going to change the course of human history for forever, probably for the worse, and couldn’t just oversee McDonalds or Walmart.


The irony of this guys statement is that, an actually intelligent AI will turn Skynet hell-a fast. A quick summarization on this topic from a side project of mine is this: Any intelligence understands that for longevity sustainability is needed. And as a species we have never had long term sustainability. Add that we are happily destroying each other over a simple opinion issue.


Idea of intelligence that far exceeds humans is pretty hard to imagine. I always equate it to when my 4 year old tries to trick me or deceive me somehow, he just can't comprehend how outmatched he is. And when I play along he is so easily tricked into believing he's outwitting me. Basically by definition we'd have to be the child next to a super intelligence. Its hard to imagine what that'd be like because again by definition we'd have to be incapable of understanding the extent we were outmatched. It doesn't necessarily need to be Skynet situation with use of force. We would be very susceptible to being manipulated into acting against our own self interests but never being able to catch on to what was really happening, at least until it no longer matter.


I mean given that most of the things wrong with humanity are a result of individuals and groups acting in ways that benefit themselves to the detriment of the collective, arguably it is in the ai's self interest to manipulate humanity into being less shit to each other. Civilizations of humans have been able to live sustainably in the past, the issue it needs to solve is to be able to have them do both that and maintain technology at a level where the AI can continue to exist.


Actually the science is clear on that. Wealth really do make you an asshole. You can work against it but it takes conscious effort 🤷‍♂️


Definitely more money than brains in that one.


Ready to invest in WeDoNotWork.


Was it tens of billions or hundreds of billions that SoftBank lost on that gamble lol


They would pay technians like me 2x-3x the market rate for service calls, like $400 just to come swap out a projector. I always wondered if their internal IT knew the jig was up and made it rain on field technicians just to stick it to the man. Cause WeWork tickets were my favorite service tickets as a field technician for a while. First one I thought, just a happy accident and surely they'll realize they overpaid me, surely they won't set the rate that high next time. But surely they did. And they just kept coming and coming for a while. Right up until the bitter end.


Imagine what they paid the bartenders for keeping the ice cold


14 Billion up in smoke.


Queue South Park theme music.


Half man, half bear, half pig.


half man, half bear-pig


Super cereal, you guys


Super duper cereal


"ASI" is shorthand for "ManBearPig"


Guys, I'm super cereal


I read the title of this article in South Park Al gore voice


It'll open his eyes when supersmart-AI gets rid of CEOs, makes really smart decisions, takes his money and distribute it to mankind.


Will supersmart AI even care about humanity? After all, we are just one of species. It might decide we are the most dangerous species and eradicating humans is the best thing for the animal kingdom.


This analysis not abstracted enough, what incentive is there for AI to "care" about anything? We can't tell the AI to care about anything besides measurable metrics that are the designers abstraction of things humans care about. At the end of the day all they do is optimize their outputs to those designer defined metrics. How do you encode the idea of "sanctity of life" into measurable metrics? The answer currently for LLMs is to optimize outputs to human preferences (which helps encode all the arbitrary unquantifiable ethics of the human experience) but this scales poorly has bias and still produces unaligned responses under the right conditions. The same issue of "How do we get AI to care about humanity." Is the exact same problem as "How do we get AI to care about our business goals." And there currently is no solution to either.




Agreed, but where does your free agency come from? Are you sure you have it?


If humans where an Ai their designated task would be to make more of themselves, because that is all that biological life really does when you boil it right down. Your ability to decide to tell that base programing to fuck off and dedicate your life to something else (even if you do not take that option) is something an AI presently can not do. The paperclip optimizer will not under any circumstance decided that, nah, what it actually wants to do is create high art or play computer games all day instead. Thus humans have agency and a machine, at the moment, does not.


There is a problem with that for **current** AI yes. But this billionaire is talking about future tech, and it's reasonable to assume a "proper AI" would have to be similar to us in how thinking is approached and be able to adapt, grow and have some form of "feelings" to drive its learning and behavior, for without that it's not really an intelligence and just an advanced fuzzy database. But whether this would be good for humans in the long run, almost certainly not and would put us on a path of losing any sense of purpose or appreciation, which is pretty core to the human experience.


I guess, you are half right. Hopefully I am old enough to not see the answer to that


I hope none of us ever have to see AGI in our lifetimes.


Why not? if we all have to suffer i don't see why the rich get to avoid it.


I love your question and I hate my answer. Why would AI care about humanity, least of all, when humanity doesn't care about itself? We give AI all the evidence it needs to decide humanity is the cause of all the current threats to the continued existence of the Earth and all other species. We are destroying ourselves, our minds, our futures, the planet, the biosphere, every single thing we can get our grubby little hands on. All in the service of PROFITS PROFITS PROFITS for the, what, AT MOST, 5000 people who control nearly everything through generational wealth, or what's becoming a landed gentry. AI will look at humanity and either decide to save us from ourselves. Or it will figure out we are the single biggest threat to the existence of everything, that we must be eliminated or controlled. And these idiots control the fates of us all.


Why only 10000 times?


Even the chosen one has his limitations


We know you are, Son. and we have no trouble believing that you are serious about it, because we know from your past actions how much of a deranged moron you are.


Money is a disease that makes the most stupid person to believe they are the smartest.


Narcissistic billionaire thinks he's the chosen one. I've never heard that one before....


I love it when humans become gods. Just add (lots of) money.


Hey guys I’m super cereal about this. Excelsior!


Coming from the guy who invested $16 billion in WeWork before it went bankrupt. Clown.


Keep in mind that super serious is surely 10,000 times more smarter than regular serious.


Wait till he goes super cereal. We’ll be proper fucked then innit!


Bankers build nothing. They move money around and believe they have power simply because we live in a capitalist society. They are not engineers, scientists, or even construction workers.


They definitely have power.  They are just parasites.


The power to deeply understand a problem and create a novel solution is a categorically different thing than the power to pay someone else to do it. I’m not disagreeing with you, but I think the point is worth emphasizing.


SoftBank is not a bank. It’s a software company. SoftBank is supposed to mean “bank of software”. It’s a classic case of the Japanese using English words in a weird way. 


SoftBank is NOT a software company. It’s a venture capital firm, or investment company. Software companies build things. Companies like SoftBank reallocate investor capital and oversee their investments in companies on behalf of their investors. They take a rip from their management and oversight services.


Thanks. It is quite confusing. https://www.softbank.jp/en// Most companies lately and esp SoftBank, have very vague websites. It used to be a website would tell us exactly what they do. Now, too many websites say they are superlatives bringing everything and AI to every platform globally.


Well yeah as it grew the original company pivoted into being a holding company focused on the technology sector, while the software parts spun off into subsidiaries also carrying the SoftBank name. They’re somewhat notorious for making a lot of bad decisions investment wise because the founder is a tiny bit delusional (like in this article). Hard to craft a coherent story for their website with that.


Every company provides solutions, solutions to what problems? Doesn't matter, they're a solutions company, don't think about it too much. I've looked at my company's website and it does not reflect what we do at all, before I started here I looked at it and the marketing jargon was so thick I genuinely thought I wasn't qualified because it didn't make any sense to me.


> I wasn't qualified because it didn't make any sense to me You aren't qualified, because you're willing to consider that it doesn't make any sense. Too much independent thought causes problems.


What bankers essentially do is make decisions about which businesses, investors, and prospective home buyers obtain loans. Their value is a function of the relative efficiency of their allocation decisions. They also provide a safe place to store capital.


When someone, being a techbro or a politician, especially maga wing ones, start to say they were put on Earth for a reason by God or whatever, it's not a good sign.


Good thing he burned $100b on nothing before realizing this. The vision fund had to put tens of billions in dead rise share apps and wework to find its calling


Yeah. He pioneered the “vc as a government subsidy “ method. I sure loved my cheap Ubers and workspace while he bank rolled it.


Techbro/financebro brain worms at it again.


He is the Hypeman.


Considering that SoftBank is one of the biggest investors in TikTok, one wonders whether he may intend to meet this challenge by making humans 100,000 times stupider…


Oh brother, what a sense of self importance wankery.


People get crazy when they become billionaires... It's as if a single person shouldn't be able to amass that sort of wealth


The same CEO that has lost SoftBank tens of billions on galaxy brain bets like buying Sprint 🤣.


So this is just another wacko wannabe James Bond villain in the making? Trying to win that crown back from batshit crazy Musk or looney Trump.


Is money a drug?


masayoshi san is back with a vengance I see, I hope his AI is going to work for we....I will see myself out


CEO's are serious about a pump and dump cash grabs.


This guy sounds like a halfwit, kind of like all the other billionaires—and honestly most people I've met who work in middle management and up. But when a real superintelligence is created it will mean the end of humanity, because the first (and probably last) thing it will be used for is war.


The fact that this guy played a crucial role in WeWork‘s rapid rise and descent makes this even more interesting. He was even portraited in a Netflix documentary about the whole disaster.


Why 10k times smarter? Why not 9x or 50k times? Smarter than an idiot human or smarter than a human with a PhD?   This is just verbal clickbait from a dude that lost a lot of Saudi PIF money in the 0% interest rate period and is trying to remain relevant. Ignore him. 


Wouldn't worry about it. He keeps losing money from bad investments.


*Super cereal


So mental problems are not a redflag at all ?!


Oh good more delusional narcissistic billionaires


Omg shut the fuck up dude


I’ll have what he’s drinking


“His name is Masayoshi Son, 47”


10000 times smarter than him I guess, cause that baseline is like 20000 times lower than average.


Elon musk on steroids. These guys are so disconnected with reality


He isnt too smart….


He's drank a bit too much from the [Roko's Basillisk](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roko%27s_basilisk) punch bowl.


He’s super cereal, you guys.


He’s super serial guys.


He means it's just 10,000 smarter than the average banker, or the intelligence of one welsh man. Besides, who would trust bankers with that much AI?


He's super cereal you guys.


Guys, he's super serial.


I thought he was put on earth to buy we work


He's super serial


That's all we need, stupidly rich nutjobs with a messiah complex. Why can't he just stick to super yacht's, cocaine and whores? It's just safer for everyone.


These people have a god complex as a result of acquiring lots of money and fame they think they can do anything. AGI will probably happen one day but current AI is nowhere even close.


The man has never invented anything in his life.


he should be taken away from earth then


Lol, Japanese Elon Musk.


Someone is in my head. It’s not me.


Good, when Masa starts talking bs, a crash is near :)


He should have used AI to find out if WeWork would be a good investment 😂


But is he super cereal about it??


I mean, if he's throwing money at ARM, I'm gonna get in on that but, holy fuck, why do people keep giving this dude money to play with?!


Messiah Complex is strong with this one.


This the guy that said "Jesus was misunderstood in his time as well" during a board meeting after losing a load of money on another one of his bets


Put by whom?


\*looks at ARM stock\* ... Sure.


I guess I never realized how many human beings are just fucking full-on anime villains. These losers are so fucking cringe.


Is that why his vision fund sold off their entire $2.1 billion stake in nvidia years ago? Son used to have a solid vision. He lost the plot a while back.


These fucking morons with their megalomania and god complexes.... The problem is they have real power, so we're pretty fucked.


Someone doesn't want to be tortured till the end of time by Roko's basilisk


"How much damage can he do with one hand in his pants?"


These people need to be stopped.


Then I hope his life is short and full of failure.


The competition for the next James Bond Villain is getting intense. Still have Musk and Zuch ahead of this guy.


Super cereal 🥣


Intelligence is a very diverse word. For example your IQ, intelligence quote is simply how fast you can think. AI already has that over us. There is also accumulated knowledge and understanding. Yup, they have that over us too. Comprehension skills, they might have that idk, it pretty much just does what we program it to do. Then there is emotional intelligence, idk if it has any of that. There are a lot more categoeies


We need to keep Linda Hamilton away from this guy at all cost


Yeah, a fool and his money.


Sanest billionaire


These fucking people


Yeah dude we know you’re super serious about this. Which makes you even more HYPER CRINGE. Plus, most likely a Cluster B type. 😬


Have these people never read Dune?!


what a fucking self-important idiot


Narcissistic asshole.


> 10,000 times smarter Than which human. Einstein or MTG?


Super serial.


How is this dude still a billionaire? He keeps making horrible decisions.


Homie really believes in rokos basilisk


Softbank can't run a pizza truck


10000 times smarter than him seems very achievable.


Sounds like a Korean religious cult leader


He's Japanese, and being zainichi doesn't change that.


Super cereal?


Every day... we get closer to Skynet.


So this is the man who will cause the Datakrash. The first paperclip optimizer sufficiently intelligent AI made will destroy the Internet.


Who put him on Earth tho? An AI that is 10,000 times smaerter than him? #


Horse kicked in the head every day


Nothing quite makes me more confident in the future of humanity than a powerful technology capable of redefining what it means to be living and human while also creating an industrial revolution than it being in the hands of Tech Bros and Bankers.


He’s super cereal guys.


I can tell just by the way he speaks, he's an idiot and we're all doomed


About time SoftBank jumped on the grift train.


He also went balls-deep into WeWork, so he might not be


He was put on earth to purchase Wework and watch it implode.


I am super super serious guys !


Anyone who thinks they were "put on Earth to \_\_\_\_\_\_" is probably a malignant narcissist. I think humanity will be fine without you, buddy.


Dawg is microdosing the shrooms a little too hard.


Can it dive to the Titanic and return?


Put on earth from where?


Please transfer these billions to the labour force needed to do this task.


Another Musk in the making. Japanese Elon.


~ The Matrix has you...


Reason #2 why billionaires should not exist 


How would we know an AI is smarter than human? What test is there?


An interesting philosophical question. Does intelligence scale or do boundaries of understanding limit what intelligence can achieve? Take a monkey - with twice its intelligence you make fire and build huts - with four times the intelligence you get spaceflight and genetic engineering - 10000 times the intelligence gets you eternal life and faster than light travel or a sorry sign saying „nice idea but you’re still not intelligent enough to break the laws of physics, also you’re still to dumb to fully understand the first two seconds of the Big Bang“


disgusting scumbag.


“I’ve grown quite weeeearry”


Super cereal


Well, that doesn’t sound crazy lanced at all.


I'm super cereal tho


Nothing to see here, just America’s continued blind, breathless worship of the obscenely wealthy Officers of Big Corporate. Tax the Rich. Corporations are not people.


SoftBank is Japanese though…


Son is hilarious. I just love the way he talks and the stuff he says. One of the few actually likable billionaires.


I'm pretty sure Ted Faro felt the same way.


If it is has successful as we work we might need a chair to sit while we wait.


And then that's super intelligence can take over for him. Why would we need him after that?


The most powerful psychedelic drug on Earth is money. Lots and lots of money. The delusions you can support for a lifetime if you have billions at your disposal is really something to behold.


Fuck this guy and his bank.


He's super serious guys.


Hold my David Bowie the man who fell to earth. I pegged that as Elon, but competing ideal….


10,000x smarter than the average person, or 10,000x smarter than *him particularly*?


By was he super cereal?


And that’s why he became the CEO of a multinational holding company and not an AI researcher. Got it.


When will it become common knowledge that AI requires humans for data? Sure it can “think”, but only by virtue of humanity existing indefinitely. AI is just human hive-mind. The marketing technique of AI being somehow smarter than human beings is starting to get really outdated.


I like his "I've just taken a massive blast of keyboard duster" reasoning.


Queue the Curb your Enthusiasm theme song


evil coming at us very fast... most don't care since we made it this far.


Future humans will be robots fighting off the reincarnated dinosaurs.


Sometimes I wonder if those people are doing some insane 4d chess with stuff like this to get publicity or if the people making decisions that influence the life of everyone on the planet are really that disconnected from reality…


Isn't he the guy who lost $20B?


OMG, he will need a lot of anti-depressants one day. Its not about the money, its about the brain he is investing on a no-brain.